
Progesterone FAQ

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The following FAQs (frequently asked questions) are presented in order of frequency, '1' being the most frequent.

Each link will open a new window and take you to a page answering the relative question.

The answers provide detailed information which I have compiled from thousands of questions coming either through the website or by email over the past several years (the 'Index of Symptoms' link in the left navbar is also a good information 'finder').

  1. Can progesterone help with Conception and Fertility problems?

  2. Can progesterone help recovery from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

  3. Does progesterone therapy get rid of Endometriosis?

  4. Does progesterone cause Cancer?

  5. Can progesterone help reduce or get rid of Fibroids?

  6. What side effects or adverse symptoms are caused by progesterone and experienced as symptoms of Estrogen Dominance?

  7. What effect does progesterone have on candida?

  8. When and how should progesterone cream be used?

  9. Can progesterone help with anxiety attack symptoms?

  10. What is the best way to come off HRT?

  11. How can I come off antidepressants?

  12. Are there any misconceptions or false beliefs about progesterone?

  13. Can progesterone provide the base for an effective pimple and acne cream?

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Almost 40 on 200mg progesterone for close to a year with magnesium, d3 and k. Had abnormal pap recently and they want colposcopy—- now suddenly bleeding …

Treatment for Postpartum Anxiety/Depression/OCD 
I have found this website after a deep dive into progesterone as treatment for postpartum mental health disorders and an so grateful for all the information …

Perimenopause and Insomnia 
Hello, I'm 51 and have had very irregular cycles for last 2 years and during this time some very heavy/long bleeds. Also many cycles way too short. Started …

Why would progesterone shrink small but not large fibroids? 
Hello, I am 56 year old and have a large 13 cm uterine fibroid. Reading about progesterone therapy, I would really like to try it..Many comments state …

Castor Oil 
I've been using 200mg progesterone cream for probably almost a year now. I still seem to have some estrogen dominance....I also supplement with vitamin …

ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA. Has anyone successfully treated this condition with progesterone cream with lasting effects? I am booked for a hysterectomy so …

how to know when to increase or decrease 
Good day. I have been using Natpro for a couple of years. I am post menopausal. I was on HRT for 7 years. 2 years ago I started by replacing the progesterone …

Period every 5-7 days 
Hello —almost 39 …been using progesterone cream for 5-6months 200mg or more daily but the last two months I started getting a period every 5-7 days that …

Progesterone cream through menopause 
I’m in perimenopause …38 using 200-300mg of cream a day for about 5 months but have hit a point where I have extreme fatigue and breast pain and swelling …

Hello around 39….using 200mg progesterone cream for about 4-5 months but noticed extreme anxiety, sleep issues and almost like a panic attack feeling when …

Progesterone Increase Side Effects  
Hi there, I’ve been slowly increasing my progesterone cream from 100mg, taking day 14-28, now to daily for 6 weeks and have increased to 400mg. The thought …

Endometrial Hyperplasia 
My doctor wants to put me on Prometrium to treat endometrial hyperplasia due to estrogen dominance to shrink the thickness. I am uncertain about taking …

Hi I’ve not been on this site for few years but have been using progesterone cream for 16 years 300 to 500 mg a day with very few breaks along with 5000 …

Progesterone Cream Pecentage 
Hi, Just had a question regarding progesterone cream percentages. As mentioned on the site, Natpro is A 3.33% progesterone cream. As I await an order …

Natpro dosage for a 42-year-old with a light menstrual cycle monthly 
Hello Wray, I recently purchased Natpro, as I have been trying to come off of oral progesterone because of the sedative effects. I'm not sure if I'm …

Trying to contact you and no replies regarding RETURNS. 
Hi, I used the 'contact us' button and submitted a question several days ago and I've yet to hear back from anyone so I'll ask here - I need to submit …

How long can you use progesterone cream for? 
Hello, I believe I am currently in the peri men0pausal phase in my life. Is it safe to use bio identical progesterone cream indefinitely? I was reading …

A hopeless mother 
I am o- and my husband is 0+ we didn't not that lam rehesus negative until l lost two babies when I decided to look for gynaecologist for help at that …

Elevated anger and sleep issues after beginning-is dosing the issue? 
Hi. I am reaching out on behalf of my daughter. She is 26 and has very high levels of Anxiety as well as depression at times which is partly due to toxic …

Hi. I am reaching out on behalf of my daughter. She is 26 and has very high levels of Anxiety as well as depression at times which is partly due to toxic …

can progesterone cause constipation?  
either too little or too much? ive been on DIM for about a year and off an on the progesterone cream for a couple months. i read that too much can cause …

Progesterone and postpartum anxiety/depression and insomnia  
Hi, I’m 10 weeks postpartum with my second child. Suffering from anxiety and insomnia, same happened with my first. My Dr has given me progesterone …

NatPro and hot flashes, period post menopause 
I am 53 and in menopause (over a year since my last period, perimenopause my periods were very long and heavy after having very regular and normal periods). …

Progesterone use and urine/body smell 
Hello I am an active 59yo male weighing 87kgs and have been using progesterone since mid December, 2022. The product I am using is a topical solution …

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Is midcycle bleeding caused by progesterone cream? 
Hi. I have been trying to fall pregnant through home-insemination. We have been to fertility clinics and had tests done on everything so we know that everything …

Nausea and diarrhoea after using Natpro 
Hi, I am 44, had saliva tests done a while back which showed low progesterone and high testosterone (have thinning hair/facial hair/acne) and have been …

Early pregnancy, estrogen dominance symptoms  
Hello. I have been using progesterone cream for the last two luteal phase cycles (very irregular 50ml doses a day/every second or third days). The third …

Thyroidectomy & Progesterone effects on TSH, T4 and T3  
I've had a Thyroidectomy 7 years ago. Have been stable on Synthroid until Menopause. I am now Post-Menopausal (58) and am now, after higher doses, also …

I’m a 62 year old woman who had a hysterectomy29 years ago with one ovary left. Lately I was having anxiety & depression and Effexor was prescribed. Was …

Hi I’m 58 yo in menopause. I take estrogen Everyday & prometrium two weeks of the month. I’m curious if I can take prometrium everyday as it helps …

Swelling, sugar cravings, joint ache, fatigue  
Hello, I am looking for some help understanding how to manage symptoms using NatPro cream. I have been using for 3 months to help with peri menopause …

Hi there, I’m hoping you can be of assistance. I am 6 weeks pregnant and was prescribed oral prometrium 200mg a few days ago, when my progesterone …

Uterine polyps  
Hi, I'm 43 and I have been diagnosed with a 2cm uterine polyp (benign) after years of extremely heavy bleeding, clots etc. They tried to remove it at hysteroscopy, …

Ms. Ann 
My 16 y/o daughter has experienced horrible menstrual cramps for approximately 2 years with heavy bleeding, going through super plus tampons every 1-2 …

Miss MacFadden 
I have been on evorel50/100 utrogestan for 3 months &started to feel really nauseous. The dose was upped which I took for 9 days . Then I felt really awful …

Too much progesterone…how long until symptoms subside? 
I started taking Progesterone oil (Progest E) 3 weeks ago. I felt amazing with skin application and then about a week in decided to try internal. I felt …

Progesterone for PMDD and coming off contraception 
I came by the idea of bioidentical progesterone therapy while I was researching PMDD. I currently have a hormonal IUD (Kyleena). I plan to take it out …

75 years old and trying NATPRO 
I'm 75 and just started using Natpro about 1 month ago. I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 42. I have developed a lot of facial hair on chin and …

Trying to tolerate progesterone cream 
Hello I am keen to try your NATPRO. Iam currently on Estriogel and Bio identical progesterone both low doses. I have struggled to increase progesterone …

Weight Gain and sluggish at 60  
Hi there, I just turned 60yo and have a really hard time losing the weight. My energy is not great either. I tend to crave fattening things and am …

chemical pregnancies 
I was told I had hyperplasia ,I did some research and started taking natpro cream After about 3 months my lining was much better so i stopped taking it …

I had a surgical hysterectomy and ooverectomy due to really bad Endometriosis and tumors on ovaries at age 34. I thought I would commit suicide due to …

Extreme high estradiol 
I’m 52 and started peri-menopause symptoms last year. I had missed period and then 1 month+ of very heavy period. I was recommended 200 mg progesterone …

Have a period every 10 days  
I’m 42 years old and I think I’m in peri menopause because when I turned 40 I started having a few irregular periods which one was 18 days long! I was …

Hi, I have visited your website. Very informative and clear. However, I still have one question that concerns me. I am 62 years old and recently I was …

Fibroids and fertility  
Hi, I’ve bought your cream but I’m unsure of how to use for uterine fibroids. I think these are stopping me from getting pregnant. King regards, …

Biote Pellets  
Hello! 5 years ago I began Biote pellets, over 2 years took 4 then stopped due to excessive hair loss. Hot flashes and insomnia came back about 6 mo ago. …

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I had mastectomy for estrogen and progesterone positive breast cancer 
Can I take progesterone? I read that it can prevent cancer in your "Does progesterone cause cancer?" question but I HAD it and it was both est and prog …

Endometrial cancer, megace or prometrium to thin lining and kill cancer cells 
Hi Folks, I really need some help. I have been diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer, early stage thankfully. My doctor has prescribed Megace, a synthetic …

Ratio question 
I recently had bloodwork done, not checking for hormones in particular, just my regular bloodwork from my doctor who is an MD but qualified as a holistic …

My dear angel , I am a 64 year old female . I have been suffering from sleeplessness for close to 15 years. I am hypothyroid . I have tried so …

I scored 52 on the progesterone deficiency quiz 
Hello! I will be 50 this year and stumbled across your website doing a Google search for progesterone and pelvic organ prolapse. I recently discovered …

My daughter had her baby 14 weeks ago and has had a terrible time with anxiety, insommnia and distress, which were caused in part by withdrawal from an …

I'm so confused. I've been reading a book called "The Natural Hormone Makeover" by Phuli Cohan and I'm learning a lot but I'm still confused. Is Prometrium …

I have a 8mm uterine polyp, started at 1cm and I did some holistic things to help reduce the size. Will progesterone help, how long does it take to shrink …

Continuous Use of Progesterone for Pain Relief 
Hi there - I am 43 and started using progesterone cream for back pain relief which I believe is caused from a cyst on the spine which in turn causes nerve …

Insomnia -- cream entire cycle? 
Hello, My insomnia (which is present all the time) worsens both before my period and right at ovulation. Also, I sometimes (though not always) have a …

Man struggling with irritability  
Hi, I am on TRT and started progesterone cream as a adjunct to try and improve remaining symptoms. I have tried doses of 5mg-20mg per day and each …

Is Progesterone a life sentence for people with estrogen dominance? 
Hello, A week ago, I have begun using Natpro with 100 mg daily. Almost immediately, the side effects became very pronounced: acne outbreaks, insomnia …

Years of suffering; Hysterectomy  
Hi, I had a total hysterectomy (no ovaries, no uterus) back in late 2007 from a doctor’s recommendation. This was based off of my past of ovarian cysts. …

Health Coach checking for a client 
Hi - I have a client that has just had a mastectomy and has been put onto Anastrozole aromatase inhibitor by her doctor. What are your thoughts on this …

Hormone testing / ratio progesteron estrogen 
Hi , iI am looking for explanation because i do not feel good , i have difuclt time : the symptoms look like estrogen dominance: short sleep around …

Newly Opened Pump Dispenser Doesn't Work, Need to Use NatPro Everday 
Hello, I am 51 and this site is wonderful, thanks so very much to the Wray and the supporters. I've found answers to several of my questions since I found …

Never ending Peri 
I have been in Perimenopause for at least 7 years, I am now 57 years old. When the peri started like so many others all was very wishy washy and nothing …

EU distributors? 
Hello! I'm in Sweden and would like to order NatPro as soon as possible. Do you have any distributors in the EU? (Parcels delivered from outside the EU …

Menopause with high testosterone 
Hi, I was lead here because I am in menopause and started bio-identical hrt, and within a week I started a period (it's been 2 years). I am looking for …

Tenderness in breast 
Age 51 So I was using progesterone cream two times a day. When I got my saliva test done for hormones, my estradiol was 1.1 and progesterone was 1062. …

Lindsay Ambridge  
Hi I was sent this from Mike Nash from Aggressive health, after I was enquiring about supplements for anxiety and depression.. I see from the FAQ …

buying progesterone 
I am trying to buy your product, but it does not give a option to use my credit card. It only says Amazon or Pay pal. My daughter does have Amazon Prime, …

Don’t know what to do 
Hi there I’ve been on progesterone for about 13 years. I started on the recommended dose of 20mg a day, I was fine then after about 6 months I started …

Five years ago at age 45 I started waking 1am, 3am and 5am. No hot flashes and no other symptoms. Then last Feb I lost ability to fall asleep at all. Was …

Feel worse of progesterone 
Hey! I have 50 mcg Estradot and take Progesterone 200 mg 12 days every other month to bleed. I feel terrible these days I take progesterone and …

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Linda H. 
Hello, I have been using progesterone cream (compounded) for 20 years. Lately, I have been having heart palpitations and also gained some weight that …

Hi there, I will be using progesterone cream (2%)for the first time this month. I have endometriosis and have been struggling to fall pregnant for the …

quercetin for brain cell regeneration. 
PLEASE follow Joy's recommendations in her answer regarding dose, delivery, and frequency. With progesterone you must use the bioidentical cream rubbed …

10th concussion 
My daughter played volleyball at the highest collegiate level. She suffered her first set of concussions at 15. Back then there was very little information …

Mirena IUD and hair loss 
I started down this path back in Feb 2020 at the age of 38. After 1.5 years of really bad PMS symptoms, and breast tenderness that would start a week before …

Jitteriness after using progesterone 
After rubbing the first dose of progesterone cream on my body, I felt a sense of unease and anxiousness and a raw irritation where I had applied it (labia). …

Progesterone lozenge and anxiety 
So I have been recommended progesterone lozenges by a hormone specialist. I didn’t have blood tests as I was on the contraceptive pill but all my symptoms …

When to up my dose 
Would anyone please be able to help! I have been on bioidentical progesteone cream for almost 2 months, initially because I gained 25 pounds after having …

Bio Identity Creams 
I have taken Bio Identity creams for 10 yrs now and they have certainly been a huge support. My Doc. has since change pharmacy and as a result, the creams …

mtf transgender 
I have been using progesterone cream for about six months.I have noticed some changes to my breast should I continue? If I want significant change?

Ic and pcos 
I am 44 years old, I have Interstitial Cystitis and pcos. I just came off of birth control after 30 years of it, off and on but steady after the birth …

Progesterone pills increased my fibroid 
I was diagnosed with intramural fibroid 3cm in sept 2019. I was having heavy bleeding and it was in April 2020 I decided to have norethisterone tablets …

I'm 61 years. I was on Protesterone for many years as I mentioned in a previous article. I have read all the information but am still messing around with …

Yams or Soy 
The ingredients list for Natpro doesn't say what type of progesterone USP you use. Can you please clarify and also change it in your website so that it's …

How long does the estrogen dominance symptoms last when commencing progesterone cream. Eg.. instant weight gain. I will be using 200mg. I've been on it …

Saliva test results  
Hi. Really enjoy this forum. I’ve been on bio identical hormones for about a year and a half due to severe hot flashes. My hormone saliva test recently …

Confused about dosages 
I cannot thank all of you who run this site enough. I have learned so much and feel I'm finally understanding and starting to get the benefit of progesterone. …

Perimenopause or Uterine Cancer? 
Hi, I am 48 years old. Normal weight (130 lbs, 5'4), non-smoker, non-drinker and in good health. I eat all organic food, etc. and do a lot of preventative …

Prometrium 100 mg capsules 
Hello, I was recently started on Prometrium 100 mg at night. I have noticed that these are upsetting my stomach and I feel drugged into the next day even. …

Wray, After the insertion of an IUD at age 31, I developed PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) leading to 10 months of antibiotics and other pharma that …

How much is 0.1 mg of progesterone is it 100mg 
I want to know if 0.1mg of progesterone is the same as 100mg

Prog cream and 10 days of Provera 
Hello to all. I am so happy that I googled Progesterone cream and mouth sores. I have been applying progesterone cream going on 2 years now, so I started …

Ovarian cyst post menopause and now bleeding 
Please help! I have visited this site numerous times over the years once starting with the change of life. The progesterone cream has helped me tremendously …

Sinus issues from estrogen dominance 
I am a 53 year old woman with normal periods and I have been using over the counter progesterone creams (plant based) I have found they work when I first …

Hello everyone Can you pls tell me if Evening primrose oil can be taken oraly before ovulation or after ovulation for acne. Is it estrogenic?I am taking …

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Question about mg of Progesterone in pump 
Hello, I've used Natpro for 6 years. It's my favorite cream. When the pump dispenser came out, it contained 3333mg of progesterone-- 50mg per pump. …

Cholesterol problem 
I am 51. Since the age of 47 in menopause. I’m on 400mg Natpro per day. Since December 2019. I have had bloodwork done and it shows I am prediabetic …

Pregnant because of progestrone 
I started to try 6 months after my marriage, since the place where I stay has no sunlight, my cycle changed from 30 to 60 days, every month I used to think …

Menopaus Estrogen dominance 
Hey! I am 59 years old and have taken estrogen 50 mcg and gestagen for 7 years. Even before menopause had a lot of PMS trouble. My body is not feeling …

My life has been changed 
My whole life I have had a variety of issues that I could just not figure out and had accepted as just part of who I am, everything from anger, anxiety, …

Menopause no relief on 600 Per day 
Can someone please help? I’m not sure if I’m on the right path. Read your whole page several times. I’m 51 in full menopause for 4 years. Used pellets, …

Progesterone and Breast Cancer 
I was treated for Breast cancer last year with a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. I have declined the the hormone therapy because I'm already having a dire …

Trying to conceive 
Hi,i wrote to you earlier about having a miscarriage after a fibroid surgery done 6 months prior to me conceiving. Following your advice from the links …

Migraines and heavy periods 
Hello, I just turned 52 years old and still have a menstrual cycle every 26-28 days. I am using Emerita Phytoestrogen Cream (20mg) and Emerita Progesterone …

Hi I am taking Natpro 200mg/ a day during luteal phase for my peri-menopause (heavy periods & acne) I was taking 1200mg NAC before & increased to 2000mg …

Can you use Progesterone symptomatically? 
Hello! Something I have not come across on the website yet.. can you use Progesterone systematically... for example, just when pain hits? I have a pre-ovulation …

postmenapausal nightmare 
I am 67 yrs and started Bio-T pellet therapy about a year ago. Hair loss has been getting worse and hair growth on face and chest has increased. I shave …

progesterone cream 
Hello, I would like some advice on that if I should quit using the progesterone cream I'm using currently. It's a brand which you can buy here in Hungary. …

Can you take plant based phytoestrogens after the expiration date?

Fibroid and miscarriages 
Trying to conceive, had 21 fibroids removed 6 months ago, just conceived and miscarried after 2 weeks. Haven't checked for low progesterone but from …

When do I take a break in the therapy 
I am trying to conceive, and using your advice for the first time during this cycle. I noticed that my leutal phase was consistently 10-11 days, and so …

Hello, I am currently using Hewis & Selby's Progesterone cream which lasts about a month using twice a day. How long would a 3.5 ounce dispenser of your …

Not ovulating every month with high testsoterone 
Due to not ovulating my progesterone levels are very low and found out with a saliva hormone test. My cycles are 38-40 plus days. Very sore swollen breasts. …

Why not Pregnenolone 
If Pregnenolone is the precursor to testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, estrogen, etc.... why not take that instead of Progesterone? Thx

Inital Amount and DMSO 
I have "Moobs", 58 years old, lower libido, but in good shape otherwise as I workout 2x/week. I suffered a couple auto accidents within the past years …

Can Progesterone Cause DVTs? 
My ob/gyn is suggesting progesterone as a treatment for me, but also mentioned that since I have a history of two DVTs, That I should consider it carefully. …

Feeling exhausted in the follicular phase 
Hi My monthly cycle is a tale of two halves. After my period has ended I have a week of feeling exhausted, sluggish and I get very constipated. Then, …

I started on 100mg a day of the Natpro for PMS issues. I spot for 3-4 days before my period and have a very short luteal phase (6-9 days). I have really …

Natpro while still having a cycle and very overweight 
Hello Wray I have just bought 3 of the Natpro and would like advice on how to use it. I am 47 and a half. I have regular cycles but they have shortened …

What is the best way to test progesterone and estrogen levels while on Natpro? 
I have been taking Natpro for about 3 months. I would like to see where my levels are now. My naturopath doctor says that I wouldn't get accurate results …

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Hello I have had severe, life-altering PMS all my adult life. I am now peri-menopause (48) and have been using NatPro for 9 months and am getting nowhere …

Post prostoctomy rt and ADT hormone therapy 
I just started progesterone after completing the hormone therapy, can any one help?

Hello, Do you still sell the 60-gram tube of progesterone? If so, how much is it? I am interested in buying your brand of progesterone and would like …

Advice on prescription Bioidentical HRT  
I’m so happy to have found this site, thank you!. I’ve been suffering with hot flashes and bad sleeps for 11 years. Conventional hrt which was Bi EST 1 …

higher doses of Progesterone increasing my energy and insomnia  
Hello, I suffer from insomnia, estrogen dominance (heavy painful periods, fibrocystic breasts, breast tenderness, PMS, pms induced insomnia. I also have …

I had a radical hysterectomy last month (12/18) as a result of uterine cancer cells. I am 70 years old, and obviously, post menopausal. However, since …

I need relief 
Entered menopause late in life (two months short of 55), 7½ years ago. Over that time period I have continually declined with my focus and concentration, …

Total Hysterectomy 30 Years Ago - Recently Started On Bio-Identical Oestrogen and Progesterone Therapy 
Hello, When I had a hysterectomy with removal of ovaries in 1989 at the age of 32 due to endometriosis and cystic ovaries I was told by the gynaecologist …

Right dosage 
Hello, I followed your directions and took 200mg/day of progesterone. After almost 2 months on this dose I’m still in the stimulation mode. Going up …

Kay Vermeulen 
My sister has been diagnosed with Acromegaly. She had a pituitary tumour removed because of excessive HGH. Can a person with this condition use progesterone …

What hormones do I need? 
I always had PMT when I was younger & then after my second child had PND. I started Perimenopause in February 2010 with irregular periods but no other …

How can I be sure my symptoms are due to low progesterone and not low estrogen too 
I am so confused about which road to take. I've been focusing on my obvious symptoms of estrogen dominance by using progesterone cream for more than 15 …

Hair loss trying to dose properly  
Hi, it's been a while since I last used Natpro. I started 150 mg twice a day from cd15-27 and I'm now late getting my period which usually shows up on …

determining dosage 
Thanks for all the great information on your site, and a great product. I have started with 100mg 2x a day and it has been very effective to relieve all …

Postpartum vertigo/MAV 
I got pregnant last summer with my first baby and immediately, even before a test, could pick it up. I felt like I was foggy, walking on a boat, along …

Sam Senitz 
I can't find a way to return a defective natpro cream. Can anyone help?? Hello Sam Please send your query to us via this form so that it can …

Too much Progesterone? 
I am taking 300mg of progesterone capsule in the evening to help with sleep and 100mg of your cream in the am. How do I know when I need to start cuting …

Can progesterone still help after a hysterectomy ? 
I'm 60 and had a hysterectomy several years ago. Can my body still absorb progesterone without my uterus ? And I recently had a spot found on my breast …

Natpro 400 mg 
Hi! I am Lu, 42 years old. I have been in Natpro for 40 days today. I first started with 100 mg/day and slowly I went up to 400mg. I started Natpro …

Progesterone plus testosterone 
Wray. After I got rid of candida, things still didn't feel quite right. After more reading and research, I tried your progesterone for a few months …

Airless dispenser not working! 
I have been ordering Natro progesterone cream for several years and love this product but am frustrated with the pump. I have been unable to purchase the …

Progesterone cream use during period 
Hello, I am 51 years old and have my cycle every 27 - 28 days for the last four years of tracking. Recently, I've had more symptoms of estrogen dominance: …

Progesterone patch?  
I just started the Estradiol Patch the brand of Climara and BTW the generic is responsible for more side effects. Anyway I don't want to take a combi …

Debilitating Insomnia at 39...Perimenopause? 
Hi, I have suffered from extreme migraines since I was 10, 12 hours+ of excruciating pain in one eye, the aura beforehand, numbness down one side of my …

Bleeding after Menopause 
Hi - Last February I stopped my period for what I thought would be that last and final time. Prior to that I had periods that would last over a week …

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Ms Lorraine cox 
I'm 50yrs l had an hysterectomy 10yrs ago after much suffering with painful heavy periods,fibroids and much more..they left my ovaries in. I have sore …

Dr Lam article  
Hi there I found this article written by Dr.Lam on progesterone cream and am wondering what do you think of this... I’d really appreciate your thoughts …

My question is, are you able to dispense progesterone without a prescription?

Ligamentous laxity 
I’ve always heard that progesterone is the factor responsible for allowing the ligaments involved in the process of vaginal delivery to relax. I suffer …

magnesium / progesterone cream 
Hi, does magnesium increase oestrogen or cause flooding? I had a very heavy period last month, also I want to try progesterone cream as I am getting period …

Mrs Parrish 
38 years old. Had copper coil for two years. Suffering heavy prolonged periods. Want to take progesterone but scared it will interfere with coil and I …

Uterine Ablation cause menopause?  
I had a uterine ablation 2 yrs ago because I would bleed very heavy for 20 days. I had to have a series of 4 iron infusions because of it. Since the …

Diarrhea from too much progesterone? 
Hello, I'm not sure how to ask a question, so I"m using this form. Sorry if I missed the correct place! I've been using Natpro for a few months - now …

hormone tests? 
HI, when I go to the doctor to start BHRT, what test should I ask to be done for post menopause? Is there a specific name for testing all male and female …

Is supplementing with Estrogen ever a good idea? 
My doctor is very open to prescribing Bio-identical Progesterone to his patients but on a recent visit he suggested that I use a little Bio-identical Estrogen …

Correct Dosage Help Please! 
I need some help on dosage! I took a hormone test through ZRT and my progesterone levels are at 26 pg/mL. The recommendation is 75-270 pg/mL according …

Progesterone Side Effects 
Hi! I am 40 years old and I am trying to conceive. I have high androgens, mainly of androstenedione, besides acne, mood swings, skin oil.... I have …

Progesterone for kid with allergy? 
Hi, First of all thank you for this website and your awesome work in bringing us vast knowledge regarding this topic. I read through all that I could …

Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome? 
I had a tubal ligation following the birth of my daughter in 2016. This was actually a fimbriectomy, removal of the fimbrea. Because no doctors will acknowledge …

SAME (Methionione) 
Can SAME supplement decrease progesterone after some time or does it work to break down excess oestrogen only?

Progesterone production 
Can the body stop making its own progesterone if you take the cream for too long??

I accidentally gave my dog my 100 mg capsule of Progesterone.  
Worried about side affects and vet is closed. Any advise?

Massive plummet 
Hi, I was drinking some nettle tea, using natural progesterone cream (stopped abrubtly after a couple of weeks..I think because I was getting my period), …

Premature ovarian failure 
At 22, I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. I am now 46, and have taken birth control since 22 to help. I believe I've been estrogen dominant …

Is it ok to use an SSRI and Progesterone cream? 
Unfortunately I had a miscarriage with my twin boys at 14.5 weeks. It was the most physically and emotionally traumatic thing I have ever experienced. …

Problems with nausea and month long period 
Hello, I started using NatPro after reading Dr. Lee's book "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Pre-Menopause." For many years, I've had severe …

Hi ,I went into menopause 8 years ago. It has been hell ever since. I was told I was Bi Polar, I had seasonal depression in which they put me on anti-depressants …

PCOS/Hair Loss/ Question? 
I'm a 39 year old with PCOS, although my cycles have been normal I started using progesterone cream at 40mg then 20. My hair loss increased and my periods …

I'm a healthcare provider. I'm interested to learn why your recommended Progesterone cream, NatPro, contains XANTHAN GUM, which is a source of PROCESSED …

Really need some guidance 
Hello all. I am 36 and had a total abdominal hysterectomy 5 years ago. For the past three years, I have been taking a compounded cream of 30 mg Progesterone, …

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Hi, I am from South Africa, 56yrs old and went into surgical menopause a year ago after a total hysterectomy, (I hadn't gone through menopause yet prior …

Progesterone cream for estrogen dominance-related hair loss 
Hello, I'm 46 and underwent a supracervical hysterectomy (kept cervix and ovaries) for several large uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, two months ago. …

Need advice on using progesterone cream after 7 c sections and hernia repair  
Hi I'm a 35 year old mom of 7. I have had heavy periods for a long time up until 4 years ago. After my last child was born via another c-section, my hormones …

What will the symptoms be if I am using too much progesterone? 
Hello! I am happy to report that I very recently made the switch from Progesto-Life by Smoky Mountain Naturals to your product, NatPro. I can already …

500mg of progesterone, feeling awful 
Hi, I started progesterone cream over a week ago. I quickly realized I needed more and more since my symptoms were getting worse (I was swollen on the …

34, no period, estrogen dominate with little to no progesterone 
HI! So thankful for this site. I'm 34- No period, with vaginal atrophy. Its AWFUL!!!! This led me to have my labs done and I'm producing little to no …

chronic insomnia 
Hi there I have had a terrible 3 years and desperately seeking some answers as to what happened to me and wondered if you could help. 3 years ago …

ok, taking the plunge 
After spending 2 days on this website reading everything I could about Hashimoto's and progesterone, I ordered my 3 pumps to get started. I've been on …

Painful periods, ovarian cyst ruptures, painful bowel movements  
2 years ago I had my first ovarian cyst rupture. It was so painful. After that my periods became painful. I would get stabbing rectal pain that would have …

Hashimoto's, insomnia and hormones 
At age 31, during my first pregnancy, I suddenly began waking up at 3am, unable to go back to sleep. This began for me a lifelong imbalance that has plagued …

Male age 63 
I took your Progesterone quiz and scored a #1, but was borderline #2. I am a very healthy male, age 63, 6'1", 185lbs, non-smoker and I eat very healthy …

Vitamin B6 
Hi, I have been using B6 for a around a year to increase progesterone with success for the first few months but now I am oestrogen dominant again?? …

Can progesterone help prevent miscarriages? I have had 10 and I’m on number 11 now and so far so good but, I feel progesterone would protect my baby …

Hysterectomy 3 months ago 
Total hysterectomy in January, I have my ovaries still. I'm 45, 116lb. In February I did a mammogram plus ultrasound and I have very dense breast 75% cyst …

I had a Hysterectomy, I was wondering if I needed to use estrogen along with Progesterone? I am 62.

cyclical or not? 
I am 57, I use BHRT (not stabilized yet). Dr. Jonathan Wright in his book suggest to use ALL hormones via vagina (creme). Also he stresses to use hormons …

question Donald Stein 
I just wanted to here your quick thoughts on Donald Stein and him/team not finding any benefits to progesterone/TBI - after all that promise and hope. …

Painful sex post menopause 
I have been post menopausal for 8 to 9 years (turning 60 this year) and first noticed that sex was very painful about 3 years ago. As I hadn't been in …

Hormone Test Question 
I recently took a saliva hormone test from ZRT Labs and my DO said I had high testosterone and gave me little advice or help as to what to do about it. …

Menopause is the worst thing ever! 
Worst thing that ever happened to me! I loved not having periods but my skin has always been so sensitive and menopause threw me into hyper sensitivity …

Bio-Idenitcal creams 
Hello, I’ve been taking 100mg of progesterone and 1mg of estrogen for 1 year and I feel no different except that my hair won’t stop falling out and …

Biodentical Progesterone 
Not sure if you know about it but there is Biodentical Progesterone which is also called Micronized Prometrium and it does have some side effects but not …

Biote pellet HRT 
I'm 49 and peri-menopausal. I've been feeling so tired and having all the common symptoms mentioned here with peri-menopause. I had my first insertion …

I would just like some info as I have always used wellness springs which is a bio-identical cream but it only has 2.1oz(60)g, yours has more and I am looking …

Ce produit est-il bon pour le développement du buste pour un transexuelle. Translated: Is this product good for helping the development of the bust …

Click here to write your own.

Progesterone questions 
Hello I have a few questions about progesterone 1. What's the progesterone half life? people say it's 12 hours so would I need to dose it twice a day …

Life after Mirena IUD 
Hi, I have a story to tell with few questions. I am 36 years old and in 2014 i had a Mirena IUD put in. For the next two and a half years i had small …

Weight gain after induced abortion 
Hi I have been on progesterone suppositories since mid 2016 and have greatly benefited by it. I am from India and choose suppositories as creams prove …

Very stressed, anxiety and confussed about what else to do. 
10 months ago in March, I had my yearly Mammo and a cyst was discovered that needed to be removed. It was done by a needle aspiration. Before this it seemed …

Hair loss, anxiety and depression 
I have been dealing with hair loss for two years now. It started after a short course of Testosterone for chronic fatigue and pain. My testosterone stayed …

Pelvic Floor Myalgia 
Hi Wray: I have been healthy all of my life.....never went to a doctor....was a nationally ranked athlete, worked out all of the time, long time vegan, …

Estrogen dominance - confused 
Hi I've been told by my naturopath that I'm estrogen dominant. Problems started 2 years ago when my periods first stopped. I started with a frozen shoulder …

Looking for natural progesterone cream that won't cause heart palpitations 
I am 50 years old have been using progesterone cream for many years from a compound pharmacy for PCOS. But lately I saliva tested very low for progesterone …

Progesterone During Luteal Phase Only 
I am 44 and trying to conceive. My cycles are like clock work. I chart with temping, so I know I'm ovulating each month. I began using 100mg/day of natural …

spotting enture luteal phase 
I am 34 years old. I have had two healthy, successful pregnancies. In January of 2016 when my cycles returned after breastfeeding my now almost 3 year …

Excess Progesterone vs Estrogen dominance 
I have an observation more than a question. I notice the responses here always insist that the individual writing is experiencing estrogen dominance. …

Progesterone and THC. 
My doctor wants me to try medical marijuana for severe insomnia. I have been on a high dose of sublingual bio-identical Progesterone for sleep for a couple …

Weight gain/bloating since starting bio identical progesterone cream  
Hi, I'm a 47 year old mother of three kids and I have just started taking progesterone cream for the luteal face to overcome my PMS (that I have battled …

Hysterectomy kept ovaries.  
I had a hysterectomy I kept my ovaries, had my cervix, tubes and uterus removed about 7 months ago. I've recently had some blood work done and found …

Mrs Lennartsson 
I have a history of what I discovered was oestrogen dominance, for most of my menstruating life: terribly heavy, long, debilitating periods, anaemia on …

Having trouble on trying to get pregnat. 
My husband and I have been trying for 5 years to get pregnant. My Progesterone level is around 10 ng/ml. Read that it is supposed to be between 5-20 ng/ml. …

Sandra mann 
I'm 70 and feel like crap all the time, can't do anything, my back hurts so bad I feel weak. I keep feeling faint, doctor doesn't know why could I take …

Hello I've been using the Natpro for about a year now around 200 MG a day. I'm postmenopausal things have been great then all of a sudden I noticed night …

Perimenopause symptoms 
I'm 44 and my cycles have gone down to every 26 days. In the past I've been able to get them back to normal by regular exercise. That isn't helping anymore. …

Hello I have been using a 10% cream and altogether 425 mg of progesterone for estrogen dominance and low cortiosl and am wondering now if I want to switch …

I am 73 and have low sex drive will this help?

How to measure progesterone cream in a tube! 
I have a compounded progesterone cream in a tube. I have a measuring tool looks like a blunt syringe which is very flimsy and not easy to use. Lets …

Postmenopauza i progesteron 
Hello. I have 56 years, I have had a very strong PMS and abundant menstrual bleeding all my life. Problems I started getting from 45 years. Then I had …

TTC and Just Want to Be Sure 
I am 44 years old. We are trying to conceive, and I just want to make sure I am not messing things up. My cycles are usually 26-27 days. I ovulate on day …

Side effect after using progestrone cream 
Hi I am 36 years old and have debilitating pain due to adenomyosis. I do not want to take progestrone pill. So i have started using natural progestrone …

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Tubal Ligation put me into Hormonal Shock and Premature Menopause 
I had my tubal ligation done in 2011 at age 37. The same day I had the operation was the same day I started my last period. I did have one or two over …

Progesterone Cream  
I have a compounded progesterone cream in a tube that says: "use only vaginally". The pharmacist is not available right now. Could progesterone cream that …

Progesterone is not the same for every woman 
On I read about withdrawal symptoms of progesterone. I have a rare condition, that isn't actually so rare. Just unnoticed. Progesterone …

Adenomyosis with no pain or heavy bleeding, and SIBO connection 
Hi there, I am 51 and was just diagnosed with adenomyosis using MRI. They want to remove my uterus. The interventional radiologist who ordered the MRI …

Estrogen dominance  
Hello, I am wondering does progesterone therapy help?

New male member 
This site seems to be predominantly women. Is there a way to access ONLY male posts & info? Thanks!

I have taken natural progesterone, I've been off of it for 5 or 6 years. I have had no hot flashes. Do I still need to take it and what about vaginal …

Hello Im a bit confused on the dosage, I know to start could be between 100/200ml however how do I know it will be 100ml when I plump the tube, how …

Can't take it anymore 
Hello! So glad to find this group, please excuse my English as I'm not native, I'm from Spain. I started Natpro two days ago. At 29 I had a severe …

Could you please say, can I use cream in the vagina all the time or just now and again? I am post menopause, stopped hrt a year ago, have only been …

Can the Progesterone/Vitamin D3 combo help strengthen cartilage & bone health/osteoporosis. 
14 August 2017 England Hi there, I'm a 67 year old woman, still working as a teacher, very healthy, currently not and never been on medication, don't …

Stopping Progesterone cream  
Hi. I've been using high dose progesterone cream for around 10 months now and unfortunately it never worked for me. I also have several other health issues …

Should I stop applying Progesteron Cream If spotting start in the middle of cycle? 
Hello, I have just started using progesterone cream (ProgesterAll, Dr.John Lee). After using 14 days , I had normal menstruation which I never had before …

I'd like some advice about estrogen symptoms during progesterone usage.  
Hello, I'm 31 and know I am progesterone deficient. I have hypo thyroid (hasimotos too) and defective luteal. I don't experince so much cramps during …

Biote pellets & Is it safe to take progesterone everyday? 
I am 44yrs old, have been dealing with symptoms of hormone imbalance for about 7yrs (so I was told by many Dr's). I have really bad mood swings, irregular …

Can progesterone open fallopian tubes? 
Hello, I am wondering, can progesterone therapy open fallopian tubes? If so, how much should I take? My doctor suggested gettting surgery for the …

I've been gaining weight rapidly lately, feeling fuzzy and confused, bruising easily, constantly being tired and I knew something was not right. I …

(nervous) wreck after 2 months progesterone 
Maybe I'm crazy but I actually started using natural progesterone cream without doing a saliva test first....I just read about all the symptoms of having …

Constant Bleeding for over 5 Years 
Hi, just found your site and reading with interest. Am 63, had one ovary removed years ago due to cyst. Have endometriosis. Had heavy periods all my …

Thyroidectomy, Menopause and Progesterone 
I am a 49 year old women and found out I had issues with progesterone for a very long time. In the mean time I had a thyroidectomy due to cancer, and …

Hello, Can you comment on a good program for OCD? I had endometriosis but am in menopause at age 53 and I have adrenal burnout with high glutamate …

Interstitial cystitis and progesterone therapy.  
About two years ago I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. It took around seven years and six different urologists to finally be diagnosed with IC. …

Aldosterone resistance and progesterone 
Hello, I just started using progesterone and I've read that using amounts such as 100-2000 mg actually inhibits aldosterone and I'm really scared because …

Progesterone making me dizzy  
Hello, I've recently started applying progesterone cream for estrogen dominance & I'm taking 140 mg per day in divided doses, in the am and pm, and I've …

Doesn't Progesterone make fibroids grow? 
I have read that both oestrogen and progesterone make fibroids grow, so I am a little concerned that I'm actually making things worse by using progesterone …

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How long can progesterone be used 
Hello, Hope all is well. I am a 22 year old and have sleep apnea, hashimotos, and I think estrogen dominance as well... I recently had some blood …

Scared of Pogesterone 
Hello, I nursed my daughter for 12 months and I actually gained more weight in those 12 months than during my pregnancy. My doctor mentioned it could …

I am 55. I've had heavy periods for many years and in the last 6 months I started having them closer together and much heavier. Looking at my symptoms …

Desperate for Help, Feel Awful During Follicular Phase 
I have had a very long and debilitating illness diagnosed as CFS, Fibro and MCS. I react to everything, even foods. Here is the interesting part, …

Hair loss - Dim causing hair to shed 
After a long time on progesterone with not much luck and only hair loss (receding front and back) I decided to try dim alongside calcium d glucarate as …

Hair loss limp 
Hi there ok where to start ... 6 years ago I lost my mother, then became sick. I was told I had Hashimotos. My hair lost its curl and colour and went …

Progesterone and weight gain 
In my late 40's, I was prescribed progesterone replacement for a month. I saw the difference in the way it made me feel, so, I began to notice when I was …

Natpro dosing during perimenopause 
Hello I received treatment for 3 fibroids in 2013. I was lucky and got on with a (free) study updating the current technology using MRI Guided HIgh …

menopause and neuropathy 
Hello, I am 58 have been postmenopausal for a few years. Had a partial hysterectomy 16 years ago, kept my ovaries. Hot flashes started 4 years ago, …

Working very hard to feel better 
Hello, thanks so much for this site. It has helped me to understand so much. In 2011 I was found to have early breast cancer or as they call it now …

Hormones WAY OFF 
I have been following instructions for trying to conceive, 1/2 tsp twice daily during luteal phase from ovulation until menstrual cycle. I can't carry …

Progesterone and Thyroid 
Hello, My question is: Does progesterone increase thyroid hormones over a period of time? The more progesterone I take the more my insomnia worsens. …

Racing heart that keeps me up all night long 
It seems that my heart starts racing at night the night before my cycle begins and for the next couple nights gets worse. I'm already taking 50mg of …

Manic episodes are more severe than ever 
I have ordered the progesterone cream and am trying to remain hopeful. I feel I am out of options. I have been diagnosed with bi-polar and believe it is …

Hormone Crazy 
Morning Wray Whyte I have always been hormone crazy (everything you can think of aches, pains, imbalanced hormones, weight gain, insomnia, depression, …

Birth Control Patch, Estrogen Dominance & Progesterone  
I am a 28 year old female who has been on the birth control patch (ortho Evra/Zulane) for 10 years. It did not occur to me or my Doctor until very recently …

New at this and a little scared. Need reassurance & advice on use 
I just purchased this Natpro progesterone cream and therefore, I don't have it yet, but after reading some of these stories I have become a bit apprehensive …

I am 47 years old and have adenomyosis and I am in peri-menopause. I have suffered with frequent heavy bleeding and painful cramps, irritable bowel syndrome …

PSA Growth and the Battle to prevent injury 
I'm a 63 year old male that has been fighting prostate issues since 2010. I've met multiple urologists who insist on a biopsy as soon as my PSA was over …

5 weeks pregnant with low progesterone levels 
I have had IVF using donor eggs. I previously had a fallopian ligation procedure done. I am around 5 weeks pregnant and the gestational sack has been seen. …

Testosterone cream and SHEA vitamin? 
I am currently on Testosterone cream due to low libido and pre menopause. I haven't seen to much results in increased libido. I wanted to add some DHEA …

Very confused, a few answers please! 
To whom it may concern, I was so sorry to hear of Wray's passing but it really opened a whole barrel of questions for me and I am sure others. I know …

Progesterone For Fertility 
Hi Wray, I apologize if you have received a similar message. I couldn't tell if my last email went through as my computer shut down. Anyway, I have …

Jamie McNerney  
Hello, I'm a 41 year old woman and I have struggled with painful heavy periods from the start. I was put on birth control pills fairly young 14 to 28. …

Hi I have been using cream this is the second month but I'm getting severe under arm pain and back ache and my breasts get big. Will they come back …

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Similar Symptoms to Pregnancy! 
Hello ladies. I wrote a few weeks ago asking about VitD and I described an Anxiety episode I had while driving. I have continued to take the Vit D and …

Huge cream dose 
I've been struggling with many menopause symptoms for the past year. I am thankful to have found this website and have a few concerns. Since I found this …

Auto immune disease (myasthenia gravis ) 
Hello, my name is Lisa and I have had mysthenia gravis for about 13 years. My mother recently turned me on to using natural progesterone mostly because …

Progesterone in second trimester 
I am having 13 weeks of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks I continued progesterone 300 mg / day from the first week of hcg confirmation,since I am traveling 100 …

Does progesterone cream make you sleepy  
Hi. I recently started using progesterone cream 20mg (1/4 tsp) morning and night. I am 44 years old with 3 children and was diagnosed last year with …

Last try after 10 miscarriages in 4 years 
Aloha, I am a 44 yr old athletic, organic farmer with a 15 year old. After 4 years of ttc my partner and i are going to try to one last time. I have increasingly …

Hello, First, English is not my native language so if I make a lot of mistakes I apologize in advance. I would really like some advice because I'm getting …

Progesterone levels  
I conducted hormonal test progestrone level which the result was out and read as 96.6. Please, I want to know if it is normal or abnormal, and what …

Can I take Natpro with large fibroids?  
Hello I have just spent hours reading your forum, so very interesting thank you. I am almost 58 yrs, mild peri menopause symptoms for years, have …

PCOS, Hypothyroidism and susten. 
Hi Wray, At the outset, I apologise for the long writeup- could not exclude much, tried to though :-) I am ardent reader of your blog and have followed …

Dosage information 
I am confused by the information on your site regarding dosage for progesterone cream. On your "progesterone therapy" page you mention how tests on the …

Non GMO? 
Just wondering if the soya bean used to produce Natpro is non GMO?

Raised blood pressure cause by Progesterone or Oestrogen dominance?? 
Dear Wray, Please could you help me out with the use of progesterone cream as im a bit confused and not very confident about using it. Basically, i purchased …

Side effects to Vitamin D 
Hello! I am so glad to have found this site with so much information. Thank you for all your work. In the last three years I have been tested twice …

I am healthy and active 79 male and I have been struggeling with a weak erection. I don't like medication and prefer the natural way of living. I take …

Progesterone ruined my life-am I facing hysterectomy now? 
Hello Wray (I don't know if you still check this forum at all or not). My name is Maria and I talked to you a few times on this forum. I was the person …

Should I quit the progesterone pills the doc has me on? 
Hi there, I'm a 62 yr old female with Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue & systemic candida and possibly lyme or some …

Hair loss with biote pellets 
I have been holding out all hope that this product would work for me because of the added energy, increased muscle mass, extra energy and increased libido. …

My 4 year old kid is suffering from hypoglycemia, then I made checkup the doctor prescribed a test (E-Progesterone) what dose exectly the relationship …

losing weight 
I stopped taking progesterone almost a year ago. I had very bad side effects due to rising oestrogen and just couldn't deal with what was happening to …

Waiting for my next period to start so I can take my pills 
Hi I have visited your site quite a bit because I was on progesterone for a hormone imbalance after a miscarriage. My doctor who tested my hormones is …

progesteron vs oestrogen 
Hello my name is Marleen (55) just started with hot flashes a week ago, and skipped menstruation. But the worse thing is : terrible headaches which last …

Mentrual Delay 
Hello. I am looking to use progesterone cream to delay my period. I am due to start on my wedding day and I really don't want that. How would I use the …

Progesterone to help hair loss in men 
Wray, please help. I desperately want to avoid using finasteride or dutasteride for hairloss. I am a male, 29years old. I am using 20mg of the …

Confused about progesterone?? 
I am taking progesterone cream to help my heavy periods, 400 mg per day from day 14 on. I recently upped my dose to 400 since after searching on here I …

Click here to write your own.

Just wanting to know since the P:E ratio matters more than the individual levels in females which should be 600:1, is this ratio also correct for males. …

Feeling ill from meat and progesterone 
Hello! I had a blood test done of my progesterone and estradiol and I was deficient in progesterone, I also had a very obvious imbalance between the two …


I am at 7 months postpartum. I have been having long and heavy periods for about 3 months now. One lasted 21 days with heavy bleeding and clots. My most …

I am a 52 year old male that has been on BHRT for about four years. I am on Testosterone cream, DHEA (25mg/dy) and Arimidex (1/4 pill twice a week) because …

Link between bio-identical pellet implants and high blood sugar? 
Hello, I am 47 years old, and very frustrated! At the age of 40, I was in full-blown menopause and miserable. If there was a symptom, I had it! My doctor …

Breast cysts and hypothyroid since adolescence. Estrogen dominance? Is it too late to improve things? 
Goodness, this got long. My apologies. I am 38 years old, no children. This journey began with what seems to be an impossible attempt to lose weight, …

Error! I messed up my dose 
I accidentally took diouble my dose last night! And this morning! Does that mean I have tart all over on decreasing slowly or can I go back to my orignal …

Cycling hormones 
i've been using bio-identical hormones for about seven years. I tried static dosing but switched over to cyclical dosing (TS Wiley Protocol) I'm 56 years …

Period after two weeks- do I start progesterone again? 
Hello I am on my second month of progesterone therapy and both months my period came early but the second time only after two weeks. My doctor considered …

Am spotting - need some guidance 
Hi Joy, I'm hoping you can help me out here. I've been using natpro and serenity cream when natpro is not available, since last November. I'm currently …

HI JOY, I'm hoping you can help me out here. I'm 37 yrs old and have been using natpro , (and when natpro is not available, serenity cream), since last …

Hormone Balance Please 
2 years on HRT Femoston 1/5 3e year HRT and progesteron cream femostron 1/5 and dr lee progesteron cream 20 40mg this Helped for joint pain Now i …

My Journey with Aunt Flo 
Hi Wray! Your page has been so helpful to me! So thank you for all you are doing for women everywhere :) I want to make sure I am handling my situation …

morning sickness and progesterone? 
Dear Wray, I am hoping you can help me understand things a bit better. I'm 41 years old, birthed 8 healthy children. My youngest just turned 2 in August. …

Am I on the right track? 
Hello, I am in desperate need of some guidance. I have been using compounded Progesterone cream and have been applying 65mg twice a day right now during …

Unbearable Vulval/Vaginal Pain - Desperate 
Have had problems with severe itch/pain in vulva/vagina/anus since September 2015. I am 39. My periods are every two weeks, sometimes every three weeks. …

questions relating to the GABA inducing qualities of progesterone and gene expression 
Hi, I am pleased to discover this website.. I will give a brief outline of what I feel the problems are then get to progesterone... I am 35 yo male …

Learning while getting sicker!! 
So my story is a long one. I have had heavy periods since I was in college, I'm 48 now. So heavy that I'd pad up with two ultra OBs and still have to …

Estrogen Dominance? 
Hi Everyone, First off, I just wanted to mention that this website has helped me through some tough times these past couple of months. When I do not …

Miss Soma 
I am single and now 37 years old still single. when i reach age 33 i had menopause symptoms as my period is not coming and i have these high temperatures …

I have weaned myself off of Wellsprings" Twenty to one" progesterone because I was growing to much facial hair on my chin. And loosing hair on my head. …

Progesterone OD 
I'm 60 and feel achy, stiff, sore. I used yam-based progesterone cream for 13 years. Then about a month ago, sent saliva sample to ZRT labs. My hormones …

Surgical Menopause Help 
I am 40 years old and had a bilateral Oophorectomy 2 months ago. I still have a uterus. I Have the BRCA - faulty cancergene. I am trying to find out what …

Can I take progesterone 
I am 73 yrs of age and had my uterus removed 29 yrs ago and a lumpectomy 14 yrs ago. Recently had a blood test that showed my hormones to be within normal …

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Mirena IUD plus bio identical cream? 
I have large and small fibroids and use a mirena IUD, which definitely helps. I was wondering if I would also benefit from adding a bioidentical progesterone …

Had a hysterectomy 5 years ago for fibroids left one ovary in .. used progesterone cream .. 2 years ago felt strange and panicky added red clover via tablet …

Progesterone cream ruined my life and I can't find any answers 
I am a 34 year old female, who used natural Progesterone cream as a means to ease horrible endometriosis symptoms/estrogen dominance. I began the cream …

Amenorrhoea in Young Adult?  
Hi there, My name is Esme and I am 18 years old. Almost three years ago, I stopped menstruating. It started when I went on a diet and lost weight, …

Too much cream? Or not enough? 
Hi Wray, I have been using 200mg for a few weeks now , through my cycle as well without a break as you suggested and it is helping with my anxiety and …

So, my cardiologist got mad that I am on natural progesterone.... 
Okay...what the? I had to see a cardiologist today because of premature ventricular contractions. I have thyroid problems, adrenal exhaustion and am estrogen …

Celina - confused 
Hi Wray I wish I had come across your website earlier... I am 52 years old and eventually gave into a full hysterectomy. I had battled for so many …

Estrogen to progesterone ratio help ? 
I just figured my estrogen to progesterone ratio and it is 140 to 1. I am confused as to what this means . Which hormone do I need more of? I currently …

Advice on high prolactin levels  
Hi Wray. I got referred here by David mills cos of amazing result I got after trying out his regime,now my female friends are asking questions how the …

susten 200mg advised twice a day 
my friend 7weeks pregnant with scan showing chances of misscarriage so doctor advised her susten 200mg twice daily .how much time she has to give gap …

Prolong cycle 
I started using progesterone cream about a Lil over a week to regulate my cycle. It started in Dec cycle came down on Dec 17th and went on til …

Preteen daughter 
My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD and at 10.5 is having signs of early puberty, body changes, emotional mood swings. Is it safe to put her on progesterone …

To start from the beginning, I began menstruation at age 12 with EXTREMELY HEAVY BLEEDING AND HUGE CLOTS. My mom took me to gyno Doctor to get checked …

is all anxiety caused from low progesterone? 
I have been suffering since 2004 with episodic anxiety and since then have been to numerous drs. and spent tons of money on supplements, progesterone, …

24 and diagnosed with pcos 
I'm hoping someone can give me some clarity. I was diagnosed with pcos in April, and immediately my doctor put me on metformin. I've been taking 1500 mg …

Anxiety and plugged ears 
Hi Wray, I was put on 100 mg of oral progesterone about 6 weeks ago. About 4 weeks in I developed terrible anxiety accompanied by shortness of breath. …

ExcessiveShipping Cost 
Wray, Thank you for the dedication in sharing about the many advantages of Progesterone Cream. Recently I purchased 3 units of Natpro to be shipped …

Best way to come off Nuvaring? 
I am 37 years old and have been on birth control for 20 years. The last 10 years I have been on Nuvaring. I do not have any kids and do not plan on getting …

Will estrogen dominance caused by low dose progesterone show up on serum/saliva test? 
Hello, I am 46 and have been dealing with fatigue/hair loss/low libido, etc. Recently, I was prescribed progesterone, 10mg/day in first half of cycle, …

How much progesterone per NatPro pump action? 
So the paperwork that comes with the NatPro pump dispenser is not very clear. I *think* it is saying that two pumps equal 100mg of progesterone. a So …

mid cylce brown discharge after weaning? 
I have three daughters ages 6, 4 and 2. I breastfed all until 2.5 and recently weaned. In all, I breast-fed for 6 years straight. I am three months removed …

mid cycle brown discharge post weaning 
I have three daughters ages 6, 4 and 2. I breastfed all until 2.5 and recently weaned. In all, I breast-fed for 6 years straight. I am three months removed …

I have been taking progesterone cream,taking breaks during my period since Dec of 2015 due to estrogen dominance. I started with 40mg/day half in the …

Should overweight women use ESTRADIOL? 
my gynie took one look at me during our first visit, and said 'clearly you're estrogen dominant. you've gained 60 pounds with menopause (true, i have) …

HORMONE CRISIS at age 29! 
Hello, Everyone! Back story: I have had years of severe periods since I started my menstrual cycle and symptoms of PCOS without an actual diagnosis …

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Progesterone cream 
I started bio progesterone cream 10percent 2 pumps at night 200 mg felt great first 3 weeks felt wonderful ,but now I am having headaches ,anxeity and …

Low level Vitamin D3 and Progesterone 
Aloha Wray, I stumbled upon your website in my research of vitamin D deficiency and low levels of progesterone. I'm 56 years old and haven't gone through …

Major Hair shedding 
During routine bloodwork at age 45 I was diagnosed hypothyroid and low Vit D. Taking T3 for last two years. I noticed hair thinning the last few years, …

early onset of menstruation 
Background: Very early onset of menstruation, oily skin. I've always had straight thick hair. At age 35 I suddenly got curls in the crown area. Fast …

sick of being tired  
it happened day I feel great , the next I can barely get out of bed. I had a tortioned ovary about 7 yrs ago due to a large cyst. At the …

Post Depo provera 
I am 35 years old,full of life and energy,I took only one shot of depo probers last December and I regretted I ever did.The nurses at the planned parenthood …

out of the pot into the fire with Soto Pellet "Therapy" 
I was menopausal at 57 and suffered with 24/7 hot flashes and fatigue. I was disappointed to find little help from the patch my GYNO prescribed. After …

Is It Low Estrogen or Estrogen Dominance? 
Hello, I've been using Natpro for several years now. I recently came across an article which gave the list of symptoms of low estrogen levels. They …

Where can I order progersterone? I want to induce lactation.

Somewhere on this site I see that Wray suggests that using cream is preferable to oil. Is it that oil is absorbed too fast, thus spiking the progesterone …

Constant migraine headaces 
Hi I am 51 years old and have been suffering with migraine headaces amongst other symptoms for over 6 years. It started with PMS around the age of …

Glad I found this site 
Hi Wray, I just came across this site and am very encouraged by what I read, may be answer to my issue, I just recently had a complete and embarrassing …

Implanon nightmare 
AFTER 12 years on implanon I had it removed to have hormonal blood work done.within 2 weeks of removal i was in hell ,nausea,headaches, exhaustion ,poundi …

Can help ?Healed without recurrence? 
I'm 33years old , B-ultrasound check out a 2-3cm of fibroids,an intermediate position in the womb,Fibroids let me a lot of secretions,and repeated bacterial …

Peri- Nightmare  
Hi guys, I have been taking my progesterone cream since October of 2015. My periods use to be every two weeks and very strong with lots of clothing. Good …

Do I have a hypothyroid or a progesterone deficiency? 
Hello everyone! I'm so grateful to have found this site today because I am desperately in need of some answers or even just some suggestions on how to …

Need help with labs and symptoms.... 
Hi, I've been on progesterone cream (good quality over the counter) for some time (20 mg/day) with some positive affects. I started getting hot flashes …

progesterone cream 
been using progesterone cream for a month, and I've been stomach bloating every morning, is the cream causes this problem?

Mirena and Synthetic Natural Progestorone 
I have had endometriosis and Adenomyosis for 8 years now. I have a Mirena fitted which appears to have reduced Adenomyosis slightly. It looks like the …

Any advice would be very much appreciated  
I am 37 years old. For the last 6/7 years I have been convinced that ive had some kind of horminal issues. Then I had an ultrasound which showed that …

New to troches 
I am 52 and have slowly progressed to menapause over the past two years. My Dr put me on troches. The hot flashes and night sweats have gone away but I …

Natpro taken vaginally 
Hi Wray, Last month (I think) you mentioned in a response that you take a daily dose of Natpro vaginally. I have been looking into this for a while …

Endometriosis and Progesterone treatment - please help! 
Hi there, I'm 18 years old, 5.2ft and 100lbs. I have stage IV endometriosis (and pcos with insulin resistance in spite of being underweight and not …

Ovarian Cysts Heavy Periods every month 
My Dr. is sending me to a gynecologist because I have been getting a small cyst on whatever ovary is ovulating, every month. This was confirmed by ultrasound. …

I cannot raise a decent hon It's like trying to play billiards with a piece of rope. My wife is horny and I would like to be. Will progesterone help that …

Click here to write your own.

Abnormal cells? 
I have started using higher levels of my compounded progesterone cream (not Natpro, though I'd like to try it when its back in stock) due to what I've …

Progesterone is the best thing to happen to me in a long time!!! 
I am a 73 year old woman, who has steadily been gaining weight for years. I could diet faithfully, and not lose a pound. I began taking 200 mg. Progesterone, …

Peri-Menopause Nightmare  
Hi, my name is Petra. I have been taking progesterone cream since October of 2015. I had a fibroid cyst removed in July of 2015, and that is when I started …

Can too low of a dose of progesterone actually make PMS worse? 
Hello, Two months ago, my doctor put me on oral progesterone 100 mg. I have estrogen dominance, am perimenopausal and have hypothyroidism. She prescribed …

A True Miracle  
I am a 26 year old woman. I have been married for 3 years. Until right before my wedding I was on birth control. I started bc pills at age 16 and took …

Hi Wray, Thank you for great informative site. I am experienced mastopathia for 5-7 years and now I am 53, had regular periods with some of the little …

renn at diemaker 
I have been suffering with ed for two years on and off. Iam a 75 year old male and my wife and I always enjoyed a great love experience and still do. …

59 Years Old, Insomina, Depression, Brain Fog, Fatigue, Hashimoto Thyroid...  
I am 59 years old. I had an Endometrial Ablation in 2007 due to very heavy periods. In addition to the symptoms above, I also always wake with a dull …

the source of this theory 
Hello i'm korean of south korea I came here to study about progesterone I am wonder that is this informations are reliable?

Progesterone to shrink prostate 
I am 75y old with a 'grossly enlarged' prostate (BHP). My enlargement started over 10y ago. I took Duodart for 2+ years, it killed my sex life but no …

Simple hyperplasia without atypia 
I am 55 years old and developed prolonged menstrual bleeding. My Dr. did a uterine biopsy which came back as simple hyperplasia. She started me on progesterone …

On a healing path... 
Hi friends! I am 37 years old, married with three children. The dramatic part of my story starts about two and a half years ago when I stopped eating sugar …

Hi! I'm currently nursing my 18 month old. My naturopath has recommended a low dose of progesterone cream since my estrogen is slowly coming back, …

25 years.. men need help 
I am 25 years old. I am very lean, my weight is 49 kg. I have very thin bones like children. I have found symptoms of low testosterone level like Fatigue. …

Trying to get pregnant 
I have done series of scan and tests on which proved ok but on getting to hormonal profile my progesterone reads 0.85 very alarming as my prolactin reads …

How do I use with oral contraceptives 
I am a little confused on how to use the cream while on oral contraceptives. Some say the last two weeks of pack, but this is when menstruation occurs, …

Progesterone for insomnia due to menopause? 
I tried oral progesterone at 100mg and it did nothing (tried 2 days) asked dr to up dose and at 200 mg I was sleeping. About one month into it u started …

Menopause - Hair on face 
Can anyone tell me why I am getting hair on my face. I never had this before. I am finished with menopause and need to know what to do - can progesterone …

disturbed menstural cycle  
Hi I m 25 years old I am not marrid actually m mch worry in these days Becoz my periods date extend for last 15 days It was never ever happened before …

Anyone recommend their practitioner in the greater Seattle area that supports this journey? 
Does anyone have a Doctor they recommend in the Seattle area that supports what we are trying to do here? I am just beginning the cream and would love …

Desperate with fibroids 
Hello, I have a large grapefruit size fibroid. I have been using the progesterone cream for 3 months now- 300-400 mg. my fibroid has grown much larger!! …

I am 52. I had in IUD inserted in 2007 due to very heavy periods and horrible cramping. Two years ago my FSH was checked by Primary care doctor and I was …

7 miscarriages all at 5 weeks! 
Hi, My daughter who is now 5 was born prematurely at 25 weeks gestation. I started to get a very bad lower back pain and then started spotting, my membranes …

Awful time, can anyone relate? 
I've had an awful time coming off the depo injection which I was on for 8-9 years. I'm only 27 and since coming off a year ago I still haven't had a period. …

excess testosterone 
After using injectable bio-identical testosterone under doctor supervision for several months, I suddenly became agitated and depressed...the consequent …

Click here to write your own.

Jane tweats 
Hi I started on the change last july since then I have been having some sort of fits ever 4 week I have hot flushes and night sweats mood change and lack …

long blood loss 
Hello Wray, Thank you for your very interesting progesteronnews! I have a question: does the cream help in stopping long blood loss? My menstrual …

Did I take too much? 
Hi Wray, I am 48 years old and peri-menopausal. I have been using NATPRO for almost 2 years now. After 9 months of no period, I had a show one month …

Starting Progesterone Therapy 
I am a firefighter and ex-powerlifter. About 10-15 years ago, I began to get very tired and achy, with problems digesting and getting lots of abdominal …

irregular periods 
I have very irregular periods and my husband and I are also currently trying for our first baby. we are both taking fertilaid and about 2 weeks ago I started …

Elevated prolactin.....again 
Before I was married I went on the contraceptive pill. 2 years later I came off it due to break through bleeding. My periods never returned to normal …

Unsure if I am using the correct dose in troche form  
Hi All, I am 29 and have suffered from painful periods, awful pms, along with cystic hormonal acne for as long as I can remember. I got my hormonal …

Hysterectomy and unbalanced hormones 
I had a Total Hysterectomy (everything removed, I mean everything) in 2010. I was 40 years old. My doctor found a 10cm mass on my left ovary and he told …

Was it the incorrect dosage for me?  
I am 40 years old and started natural progesterone cream 50mg per day in April 2014 for estrogen dominant issues like breast tenderness and pms. My Dr. …

Post Menopause, Have all female parts and want to know if I should include Estrogen 
I have been on a roller coaster ride with Drs and Hormones. I have been on Bio T Estrogen and Testosterone, and Bio Identical Progesterone, for about …

Can progesterone reduce man boobs?

I am 41 and have 1 ovary. I have periods day 28-31. I have problems with insomnia, tender and enlarged breasts before a period. I am moody, anxious, cold …

Hi, I have two teen daughters who have always struggled with their weight ever since puberty. They both have periods but suffer with low mood, irritability, …

Can progesterone cream help me ? 
Hello, I was wondering if you can help me ? I've been trying for a baby for many years now , with 2 failed iui ,s , I have an underactive thyroid and high …

early pregnancy 
Hi my wife is pregnant which we got to know from hcg tests Its early pregnancy as hcg is 129. The gynae has advised susten sr400 to be inserted. We …

Changing brands 
I am estrogen dominant and started using Naturone progesterone 2000mg in a 50ml jar about a month ago. I used 3ml per day and my pre menopausal symptoms …

Vitamin D dosage  
I am currently using Natpro cream and I am estrogen dominant. Orderd the Vitamin D cream and wanted to know how much I should use Thank you Barbara

when to stop 
I have PCOS and endometriosis. I did a hair analysis with Dr. Wilson who agreed for me to use progesterone cream but He advised to use this temporarily …

Traci - frustrated to tears 
I am not sure if anyone will see this, but I am writing because I am frustrated to tears! I suffer from anxiety which started after the birth of my 4th …

Hi Wray. I recently discovered a quarter sized lipoma on my shoulder. I've scoured these pages and googled to see if lipomas might be caused my estrogen …

Stopping Progesterone During Period 
Dear Wray I am 44 and started peri-menopause. I did some research and found your questionnaire on Progesterone Therapy and after scoring a 68 I wanted …

Lots of symptoms upon starting periods after childbirth 
I am 27 years old. I have only recently begun to think I may have hormone imbalance, but I'm beginning to suspect I've had some symptoms on and off for …

Hi. I am currently using 25 mg a day of Progesterone cream (Sigform Bio identical) and even at this low dose, I am tired and want to sleep most of the …

Thickened Endometrium 
I'm 37 and recently remarried. My husband wants more children. I've always had problems getting pregnant and recently I was told by my doctor that I had …

progesterone converting to cortisol 
Hi! I am using progesterone cream and reaping the benefits. When I apply too much mistakenly, I feel the opposite (jitteriness, agitation, insomnia, and …

Click here to write your own.

Can progesterone help with bladder issues? 
Hi all, I would love some thoughts on my situation as I am clueless as to what is going on with me! My symptoms started about a year ago, 4 ish weeks …

I am now 62 years old and have severe hot flashes (actually sweat flashes), night sweats, mood swings, dizzy spells, panic attacks, heart palpitations …

Hi, I live in Australia. I am 48 and I have a regular 26 day cycle. No painful periods that are always four days. No mood swings,pimples or headaches etc. …

Pre-menopause but want to get pregnant 
Hello, Wray I am 40 years old, getting a sign of pre-menopause. I don't really have regular cycles, but this past year, it has been very erratic. …

Low Estrogen and Progesterone help 
Hi Wray, I'm hoping you can help. I went on birth control pills a couple of years ago because I had low estrogen and progesterone. I have lots of …

Diabetes, Heart attack, Stents, sciatica 
My father recently had a heart attack and had stents put in him. He also has type 2 diabetes and has been recently been dealing with sciatica. He's 67 …

Should we avoid soy,I see it in do many foods and wanted to know your opinion on it? Thank you.Barbara

Progesterone and potassium levels 
Hello Wray. I am taking a couple of potassium-sparing medications and wonder whether Natpro has any effect on the levels of potassium?

I was prescribed 0.5 ml 6% of bio identical progesterone cream once a day. Is this enough?

Can take no more 
Hello Wray, I love your site and all you are about. I have scoured your site as much as best I can, yet find that maybe emailing my query to you is …

Herb Weil 
My wife had a partial hysterectomy in 2013 and since then has had body aches and headaches,some insomnia some fatigue and only little weight gain..She …

Text Books Cycles and Then Nothing! 
My cycles have been the classic 28 days since shortly after the birth of my daughter 13 years ago. Suddenly, this month I have had the usual symptoms …

Crazy perimenopause 
I am 47 and one year ago I started having daily panic attacks and obsessive thinking, which was causing suicidal thoughtsmy hair and nails were thinning, …

What is the proper dosage after a complete hysterectomy/oophorhectomy 
HI There, I am 52 years old and had a complete hysterectomy 8 years ago (removal of both ovaries and uterus) due to severe endomitriosis. My doctor …

Pituitary tumor 
Hi:) I am 28 years old and had a milky discharge after lots of headaches and blood work I found out my prolactin level was up to 72. I went for a mri and …

Nightmare with Progesterone Cream... Please Advise if you can 
Hi there Wray. I have read some things on your site, but not all. I have had a nightmare of an experience with previous progesterone cream supplementation, …

PCOS and Spironolactone 
Hello Wray, I hope my message finds you well. I am 24 years old and have been diagnosed with PCOS. I have elevated testosterone levels, irregular cycles …

can progesterone cream give results in reducing hirsutism? 
Hello all. I have been using natpro for 3 cycles now.I am a bit concerened as I seem more emotionally down,anxious and distressed.It is not like me to …

Can progesterone cream help me after hysterectomy 17 years ago? 
I had a hysterectomy 17 years ago, was on HRT for about 11 years then suffered a stroke so was taken off of the HRT. Since having the stroke I have experienced …

I am 63. Had a hysterectomy in 1989 (still have ovaries). For the past 5 years, I have consistently gained weight. I am at my wits end! Nothing I do seems …

Significant Hair Loss 
Hello! I am 25 years old. Two years ago I stopped taking my birth control. I had been on birth control since age 16 for ovarian cysts. Once I stopped taking …

Significant Hair Loss 
Hello! I am 25 years old. Two years ago I stopped taking my birth control. I had been on birth control since age 16 for ovarian cysts. Once I stopped taking …

Anxious Pregnancy 
I have had 2 children and two miscarriages and I am now 5 weeks pregnant & on a progesterone troche of 200 mg daily. I had gestational diabetes with my …

Please help: Very irregular period and temp not rising after expected ovulation 
Hi, I have had 2 miscarriages within the past year and have been unable to conceive since the last loss in May 2015. I recently found your site and …

Help! For the past 3 years I have tried every way of taking progesterone that there is... I am 45 and menopausal... Cream, gel, pills, and even inserted …

Click here to write your own.

Ablation-What now? 
Hi. I'm 37 and I just had an ablation two days ago. I've always had an issue with heavy bleeding but nothing helped. I've tried progesterone cream but …

Copper IUD for future contraceptive method? 
Hi I am 27 years old and have been on the pill since 14, Where I had my first bleeding. Today I am about to start on Bioidentical progesterone cream and …

Low progesterone in early pregnancy 
My doctor prescribed 200mg of progrsterone daily. She said that my levels were 1290 and they want them closer to 2000. Everything I read online says normal …

Extreme anxiety and Sleep issues 
I am 47, I have my periods every month although they are not as long (1-2 days) versus 3-5 days before. I have sleep disturbances most days of the month; …

I can't lose weight!  
Dear Wray, I really never had a problem until I went to my gyno a year ago. My gnyo said that I have to be on estrodial, that I needed to because it would …

Early Mensus 
I started my period when I was 7 years old. I am now 57 and just completed menopause. I've been wondering if I've had a hormone imbalance all of my life, …

insomnia during pregnancy 
hello Wray I'm 39 years old and in the last 4 years suffering from severe insomnia periods which includes consecutive sleepless nights. On other times …

what happens after taking natpro nonstop 3-6 months 
Could you help with an answer or direct me... I have been taking the natpro for almost 4 months with out stopping . The first month I bled for about two …

Switching from oral meds to cream 
My doctor has me on 200mg oral progesterone. I'd like to switch to the cream. How would I do that?

Prolonged Bleeding and Acne 
I have had acne since I was 13 years old and it only got progressively worse. I tried naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, megadosing on vitamins and doing …

Should I take Oral Bioidentical Progesterone every day?? 
I am 45. My periods start on day 21 now instead of usual 28 and became heavier. I have very low energy, no libido, and take bioidentical thyroid hormones …

Wray's Thoughts On "Skin Saturation" 
Hi, Wray! Many articles on the Internet warn that if women do not rotate the application of progesterone cream on different parts of their body, at …

Early Breast Cancer survivor of Radiation and Lumpectomy tX. just fired Oncologist 
I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Cancer in my Right Breast last November of 2014 at 52 years of age. It was Er/PR +. I also took Tamoxifen for 5 months, …

Trying to discern how long to stay on an elevated level of progesterone 
I am 62 years old and I have been on bioidentical hormone replacement for aprox. 10 years. The doses have varied over this time. During this time, hot …

Not sure of where to begin 
Hello Wray. I used ostederm which is a plant derived estrogen cream for about 3 years. I have since gained weight and my blood pressure is elevated. …

Estrogen dominance after depo provera? 
I have been on the depo provera contraceptive injection for over 8 years and my gp has refused to give it to me anymore due to the bone density loss issue …

trying to conceive 
please i am confuse, i had my first baby nov 2012 then since march 2015 i have been trying so hard to get pregnant but it seems as if is not working and …

Need Help with Balancing 
Hello, I finally have got my order for Natpro in. I don't know how long it will take to get here. My story: I am 61 and had a total hysterectomy …

Hello, I am a 48 year old woman, three adult children and typically had good health. For about a year now I have felt like I was in a constant state of …

41 trying for 3rd baby & cycles gone crazy, help  
Dear Wray, I hope u can help?? I've been back & forward to GP for a year now, initially with the concerns about fertility ( fell straight away with 1st …

Mrs D Vorster 
Hi - I am definitely low in progesterone and would like to take your product. Could you tell me what the Rand amount is for your product? Can I purchase …

Swollen Breasts....Symptom of Progesterone Excess? 
Hi, Wray! I'm in perimenopause (51 years old) and have been using Natpro for about 4 months now. I usually take 200 mg. a day. For the past two …

Natural Progesterone Rapid Dissolving Tablets 
Hello, I have been reading your forums and have actually requested an increase in my progesterone. I have gone from first using the progesterone creams …

Never been well for years now at 75 have been diagnosed hypothyroid 
I would like to know if I could use progesterone cream whilst taking levothyroxine. I have just started on Vitamin D3. I have trouble with balance and …

Acid reflux 
Hello, I have been on progesterone cream for 3 yrs now, and have found it most helpful for all my symptoms, but unfortunetly the last 4 months I have …

Click here to write your own.

Will hair thinning continue  
Hi Wray, I am 27 and started using Natpro 5 weeks ago to overcome terrible side effects of the mirena. I had the mirena in three months and had it removed …

Mrs Marisa  
I live in Sydney Australia. Was wandering if you ship the NATPRO cream to Australia. I have been trying to order bioidentical progesterone capsules, …

Hi Wray I wrote to you before caint seem to get my hormones balanced here is my saliva labs . Estridio 241.7 Progesterone 506 Ratio PgE2-2 Testosterone …

Hypothyroid or hormone imbalance/.low hormones? 
Female , 45, 5’2” 117 and gaining have been as high as 125 in recent years. Normal weight 102. I was a smoker up until pregnancy. I have had some issues …

Need your opinion 
Dear Wray wrote to you before but wanted to give you my results from my saliva test so maybe you would help Estridio 241.7 Progesterone 506.Ratio og/E2 …

I am 50 years old and I had an ablation about 6 years ago. I am now starting to go threw menopause and want to get on estrogen. If I decide to take Duavee, …

Adult Acne - Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream ... 
I am 38 and have struggled with acne since the age of 16. I had the Cystic type of acne, which was very unsightly and terribly painful. I have been going …

Hi Wray I have been taking oral compounded progesterone daily for 4 mths for PMDD increasing from 75mg to 150 & even as high as 300 mg. I have developed …

Progesterone at 30 weeks pregnant  
I am 30 weeks pregnant and have been on progesterone pessaries 200mg twice a day (1x morning and 1x night) since 6 weeks pregnant (IVF frozen embryo transfer). …

I was prescribed oral compounded bioidentical progesterone. The dosage is 75mg. From what I've read it is better to apply cream rather than take the …

Needing advices 
Hi Wray! I'm almost 39 years old and started using progesterone cream about 20 days ago due to a period that wasn't ending last month. (first time …

What about using a diuretic while on progesterone? 
Hi, I've been on Rx cream for 2.5 months now ( progesterone combined with testosterone) and have gained 8 lbs which is a lot considering I'm 5'2". It …

23 years ago I had a partial hyst, 8 years ago my ovaries were removed. I regret it but non the less here I am with trouble, I have never used HRT except …

how long does a tube last? 
hello. i had a sudden onset menopause after a fall in 1999 followed by ten years of hot flushes after the final period - sometimes up to 50 hot flushes …

Infertility and Ovarian Cysts 
I am a 21 year old female, generally really healthy, but not quite sure what's going on with my body right now. I have a 2 year old, but my husband and …

Post menopause (12years) feeling anxious  
Hi Wray, I am at least 12 years post menopause. For the last two years I have been feeling like my stomach is in knots and sometimes get a butterfly …

what should i do?? 
Hi! I am almost 39 years old and started using progesterone cream about 9 day ago. Within the 3rd day I started experiencing a boost of oestrogen (cravings, …

I have been under a lot of stress , don't sleep good , have melt downs but not want to take any depression medicine . Do you think , could the progesterone …

I was diagnosed with Lupus at age 40 (at the onsite of most of my symptoms). I went the conventional route with steroids for about 10 years but didn't …

Migraine Headaches 
Hi, Wray! I've been having major problems with migraine headaches during perimenopause. At your website, you instruct as follows: "As a prevention, …

At my wits end !!!! 
Hello Wray .... First I want to say that your website is truly incredible. You explain everythg so perfectly and thoroughly - and I can relate to your …

Disagree with Doctor's Progesterone dosage recommendation 
I'm 50 years old and still menstruating monthly, if not more so. My cycles had run about 26 days since I started using store bought progesterone cream …

Weight Gain and Progesterone 
I had a complete hysterectomy 8 1/2 yrs ago (age 46)and my doc put me on an estrogen patch. I did fine on the patch until last year(I was down to the lowest …

bio identical progesterone and pregnancy 
I've been on 200 mg of bio identical progesterone for three months now. I'm currently at day 25 and yesterday (day 24) I started to notice pink discharge …

question concerning what tests do I need before starting progesterone 
I am trying to improve my health and possibly progesterone is the missing link to my chronic health problems. Had a hysterectomy at 37 due to endometriosis …

Click here to write your own.

trying to get pregnant 
Well I had my tubes tied and burned 9 yrs ago and I had a partial hysterectomy 3 yrs and half ago and I want to be a mom again and breastfeeding it I want …

Estrogen and Progesterone combined in a cream to be used vaginally 
I'm 5 years post menopause. I was on bio identical progesterone and estrogen for about 3 years due to insomnia, weight gain, fatigue. (I had a blood test …

Searching for Sleep 
I am 55 yrs. old and have had weight problems since I began my period at 13. I had Gastric Bypass surgery 9 years ago and it's been great, but since age …

Water retention 
Hello I'm a nineteen year old female with thyroid and adrenal issues which are under successful treatment.water retention seems to be an overwhelming …

Progesterone cream and Painful bowel movement in Endometriosis 
Hi every body and thanks for your website. First of all I apologize for my bad English. I have been suffering from endometriosis for 15 years and now …

Largo Di 
Hi. I am post-menopausal (70 yrs. young)for 15 yrs. now. Under tons of stress for many years (and continue a stressed life even though I'm taking …

Progesterone use 
Hi, I am 47 and have a few non-symptomatic fibroids. My periods are increasingly irregular and usually last no more than a few days, perhaps a day or …

Why the docs right away test for cancer....all my friends are going through the same thing! 
It all started 3 years ago at the age of 43. Periods got weird. Spotting in between, when I did have them I couldn't leave the house the first 3 days …

Is there a hope? 
Hello every one, im glad to be with you here& truly i consider this my last hope to save my life! Im 35 years woman, who have never been married & dying …

My mother has discovered beeast cancer now and im taking visanne for 6 months , should i stop it ? Thank you

Lost in what to do 
I just found out that I have a microprolactinoma. I have had very tender breasts for a very long time. I get fibroadenomas and have fibrocystic breasts. …

Since I started puberty all my problems started 
Hello! I am 17 years old and I got my period at 14. Since then I started to suffer of severe allergies to pollen that even took me to the hospital for …

Bleeding after menopause 
Hi. I have been post-menopausal for 3 years and yesterday I started having some spotting. It goes from brown to light pink. I am concerned because I …

Swelling never ends 
I am 28 with thyroid issues and to boot had very low progesterone. My do doctor prescribed 100mg oral prometrium but the first few days of taking it were …

Swelling with progestone  
my doctor started me off in August 2014 on progesterone. We tried oral but it seemed to heavy so we used the prometrium as a typical. Things went great …

Post Hysterectomy  
Hello - I am 46 years old and a year ago had to have a hysterectomy where they left my ovaries but took my uterus and tubes. My stress level both leading …

cystic breasts 
Hi Wray, Update: Just went to the doctors to check my breasts. He said it's the worse case of fibro cystic breasts he's seen. Mammogram in August. I …

Thinning Hair and 71 
I used Progesterone for a while for hot flushes and migraine. It did help to diminish them and I found I was OK if I just stayed on Evening Primrose pills. …

breastfeeding, hormones, and post partum anxiety 
I really just have some questions.. I have never used natural progesterone and actually never knew it even existed until recently upon research. I have …

period has been gone for a long time 
I'm 18 years old & about to be 19 in july. I've only had my period about 3 to 4 Times total since I was in 7th grade ( I'm graduating from high school …

cystic breasts 
Hi Wray, It's been since January on not less than 200 mg of Natpro daily. I use lugols iodine daily, take 5000 iu of vit D. You say in other posts it …

Estrogen Dominance, Progesterone Cream dosage 
I am 41 and I have been struggling with hormone issues for most of my adult life. Every time I was on birth control, I felt awful. It seemed as though …

Spotting / Heavy but regular menstruation 
I am 46 and have begun using natural progesterone cream (NatPro and ProGest primarily) to reduce very heavy periods. My periods throughout my life have …

Progesterone Overdose? 
Dear Wray, Despite my attempts to keep my Natpro out of reach from our 3 year old daughter.. She somehow found it and emptied the full tube on her skin. …

I'm surgically menopausal for 17 yrs. How might Natpro help me? 
When at age 46, I developed huge clotting and a friend told me "this is normal going into menopause", I just bought more pads! I did more natural & herbal …

Click here to write your own.

Progesterone during Perimenopause 
Hi I have been taking a 200mg tablet of Estima, natural progesterone for about 3 years. I am 47 and have been suffering from monthly migraines, joint …

Struggling with hormone imbalance 
I am 28 years old and I've been struggling with what I suspect is a hormone imbalance for about three years now. It started out with basically month long …

How much Progesterone should I use? 
Hi Wray, I have been on BHRT since 2009 using both estrogen and progesterone. I was on a high dose of estrogen over the course of the years and 2 months …

I have a small cyst near my left breast under my armpit. The specialist said it is not cancer, but often times I feel concerned about this. I noticed that …

I have a question about weight. I am perimenopausal and have probably not been ovulating for the last couple of years, though I do have regular cycles, …

Estrogen dominance 
Hallo i have estrogen dominance and have used progesterone cream for almost 2years. After 4-5month my periods was regular and i was Feeling fine. But the …

I am 60 years old and I suffer with leachen serious on the vulva I have steroid cream when it flares up I ache all over and I am always tired my skin is …

13 day long periods for 6 years. So tired and need help.  
6 years of near constant spotting/bleeding. I am clueless and so desperate to regulate my period without Birth Control pills. I'm NOT trying to get pregnant; …

terrorized by asthma since perimenopause 
At the age of 47 I developed asthma out of the 'blue.' I simply had difficulty getting my breath and after numerous trips to see the head of pulmonary …

terrorized by asthma since perimenopause 
At the age of 47 I developed asthma out of the 'blue.' I simply had difficulty getting my breath and after numerous trips to see the head of pulmonary …

Colleen Clark 
It says i should be getting 100-200 mg /day but I am unsure how to measure this . Can someone tell me what that amount looks like ? Thank You! Colleen …

Help! I feel depressed, unhappy and want my life back! 
I am 45 years old and been experiencing symptoms for the last 5 years and I am at my wits end! I have experienced a lot of stress with the death of both …

I am 44 years old with mild symptoms  
Hi there, I am 44 and have not had my period in 4 months. In addition my skin had a major breakout of cystic acne on my cheeks. I also have some foggy …

after hysterectomy low progesterone levels 
Vitamin D levels okay. Feeling anxious and have panic attacks on motorway. Told my progesterone levels are low. Could the progesterone cream help bearing …

progesterone helping si ligaments and hips after baby 
Hi wray! my name is melinda I had a baby girl 5 months ago and it has been a challenge. The last trimester was horrible my left hip caved in I had sciatica …

Irregular Cycles 
Hi- I am 34 years old, and have been using Nat Pro for about 2 years since I believed I was experiencing Estrogen Dominance symptoms. The Nat Pro cream …

i have some questions! 
hi wray. i'm a 25years old woman who is come from korea. (so my english is not good. sorry.) i had have many symptoms such as dry eyes, hair loss, …

Weaning off progesterone cream 
Hi, I have been using DR John lees progesterone cream for about a year now as the drs said I had polycystic ovaries and was spotting throughout my cycle. …

A am I supposed to be bleeding again!? 
I bled for a month and was put on 12 days of progesterone. The bleeding stopped for 3 days not I have one dose left and I'm bleeding again!!! Is that normal!?!? …

Quitting progesterone cream 
I started myself on Emerita progesterone cream 40mg daily to reduce my pms and anxiety. I've been on it for 4 cycles and feel great except for the 10 pound …

I feel like I'm going crazy... or everyone else thinks I am. 
I am a 45 year old wife, mother of two teenage girls, part-time CPA. I have been a regular, consistent exerciser since I began running with my parents …

Lichen Sclerosis 
I arrived here because I suffer from the auto immune problem Lichen Sclerosis (LS). I have recently read that creams like Progesterone, Testosterone & …

Still struggling to find the right dose to stop fluid and weight gain 
Hi Wray, I recently started using NatPro after using Emerita for months and I must say that I absolutely LOVE your formulation. I wanted to thank you first …

10 years of suffering 
Hi, I am 37 and for about 10 years I had burning and extreme discomfort with caused many issues in my sex life with my husband. I saw tons of specialist. …

i want to concive 
i have irregula cycle and i was conccive but i loss the pregnancy at the stage of 28weeks. but trying to concive agin. but nothing has happened, and …

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afraid to move forward one way or another 
Hi Wray.. I just began progesterone therapy for estrogen dominance. My symptoms were fatigue, sluggish weight (I'm low carb and always had no problem staying …

Am I using too little?  
Hi, I am feeling pretty hopeless at this point. I am 21 and over a year ago I lost my period and gained 20 pounds within 4 four weeks despite extremely …

Hi Wray. I am 48 and have been post-menopausal for 2.5 years. I sent you an email a few months ago, but I realize you have a lot of other people …

Question about cramping... 
Hi! I'm 30 years old and have been using progesterone cream which was prescribed by my natural hormone physician. I went through a period of about 6 months …

Dear Wray, I just received the 12 tubes of Natpro I ordered yesterday. This morning Inooened the first tube and discovered it was very grainy during …

Fibrocystic breasts and progesterone link? 
I have had severe fibrocystic breasts (soreness, lumps, swelling, etc.) for approx 6 years. I was recently told by a health professional this can be caused …

HRT over 70 years of age 
I have recently begun using NatPro with great results. I was very surprised that I would benefit at my advanced age. I informed my physician of the addition …

Hi I have written before, still unsure of what to do for answers. I have gain 15 lbs in the last 2 months despite walking at least 5 miles every day. …

Hi I am a 49 yr old from Australia and have recently been told that I am perimenopausal. I am currently taking 150mg of DiM twice a day which I have started …

can cyclogest contaminated if it accidently fell down on flour 
i am 18 weeks pregnant and tonight when i using cyclogest it fell down on flour i keep it in fridge and then use at night can it be cintaminated while …

severe asthmatic 
I am a severe asthmatic taking 20-30mg prednisolone daily for over 7 years. I started progesterone cream about a month ago and have had to increase my …

Curious-- could natural progesterone cream be used in place of the "morning after" pill? 
From what I understand, the morning after pill gives you a massive dose of progestin. I am assuming it is then the lack of continued progesterone that …

seizure caused by a hot flash 
it started in June 2014 I was having a severe hot flash and I woke up in the paramedics they told me that I had a seizure I have had three more since then …

Severe Anxiety 
I have been suffering from panic attacks since my very early twenties. I've been on anti depressants and benzodiazepines for almost twenty years. I've …

No one understands!! Help me 
Where to begin? Well I've been on birth control for over 10 years now but I've finally discontinued for good. I've had irregular periods forever. I have …

Bio-identical hormone replacement pellet therapy 
At 60, I recently discontinued a customized BHRT pellet implanted under my skin for estrogen and testosterone plus a nightly 200 mg sublingual progesterone …

Pre-diabetes, endometriosis 
Hi Wray. I was on Natpro for a while and went off of it because my blood sugar levels were high and I had no other explanation as to why that would …

Yam extract 
My wife is estrogen positive, progesterone positive, had lumpectomy, clear margins, no lymph node involvement, oncotype DX 13. no radiation, no chemo, …

I am 45 years old, been on the pill for the last 13 years. Over the winter I noticed a HUGE changes with my body. I gained 15 pound (mostly around abdomen)- …

please help 
I m 6 weeks pregnanat, i bleeded today and doctor has given me susten 200 and duphastone.... both one in morning and one in evening.... is it safe for …

Do I need progesterone? 
I'm 44, the last month I had two periods in one month. I had a blood test my estrogen was 299 and progesterone 1.9 this was four days after starting my …

Severe dry eyes and extreme fatigue 
Hello. i am 39 years old. I have been suffering with extreme fatigue and painful dry eyes and difficuld sleeping, i always wake up after about 4 hours …

Severe dry eyes and extreme fatigue 
Hello. i am 39 years old. I have been suffering with extreme fatigue and painful dry eyes and difficuld sleeping, i always wake up after about 4 hours …

symptoms have improved out of sight :) 
I found this product years ago now when I was watching someone on Oprah - yep that long ago. I went to my Dr because I had numb tingling skin on my legs …

Why Did Progesterone Level Drop 
Hi Wray, your advice/input would be much appreciated. My first progesterone saliva test back in Oct 2014 was 0.7. The aim is to be somewhere between …

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Postpartum preeclampsia and PPD 
Hi Wray, I came across your site today by accident( but after reading, I see not by accident at all). I am 1 year postpartum and in the process of weaning …

I increased progesterone creram 
Hi, I'm waiting to purchase Natpro, as soon as I finish the bottles I have left of Uber Balance. About 2 months ago or so I realized I had been taking …

prolactin levels 
Hi Wray, I have a small prolactinoma, and have been using the progesterone cream to compensate for the low female hormones I have due to the prolactinoma. …

Hi, I've been, on progesterone cream for 5 months now, it has been great, I'm on it because of hormone imbalance, heavy periods, pain, but mainly anxiety, …

43 woman irregular periods and cramps  
Hi there, I am writing to you because I have been having either my period or spotting for about three weeks now. I'm 43, will be 44 in a few months.This …

Progesterone, Estradiol and Hashimoto's 
I am 55 years old and I believe in the last phase of menopause. In 2010, I was given 20 mg Progesterone, .5 Bi-est and 2 mg Testosterone. I was also …

starting progesterone 
I'm so very confused! I think I misunderstood the nurse I spoke with when starting my bio identical progesterone pills. I have had three miscarriages …

Hi Wray, was just wondering about my 9 year old son who exhibits oestrogen dominance such as fat distribution around the tummy, bum and nipples. He can …

Kathryn - 53 year old active Mom and athlete 
Hello all, Thank you for reading and perhaps giving some feedback. Im 53 years old and I'm on 100mg of natural progesterone once per day at night in …

Where Is The "Almond Scent?" 
Hello! I have just started using Natpro Progesterone Cream for the first time now. In reading other reviews over the Internet, I read that Natpro …

Thick Endometrium and Ovarian Cyst 
Hi Wray, Having problems commenting on my old post heavy heavy periods. Update. My 1cm ovarian cyst grew to 6cm and my endometrium lining thickened …

pregnancy and progesterone 
I had an ectopic pregnancy in January 2014. I took a break from ttc for months, trying to heal tube (no rupture, received a injection) and GI (diagnosed …

I am 36 years old and no children. A year ago I use progesterone cream, the 15th-26th days. My menstruation cycle is 26-day. Is spotting before menstruation, …

When do I stop progesterone? 
Hello Wray, I get my period on day 27. When should I start progesterone and when should I stop it so my period comes? I was taking progesterone …

Male trying to see if Progesterone will help 
Hello I am a thyroid patient and am on about 125 T4. I have recently had my adrenal hormones tested and cholesterol. Here are the results: cholesterol …

Recent lab results (blood test) 
Hello! I am 51 y/o with somewhat irregular periods. I just got these lab results. I am currently using progesterone cream, but know I need to up my …

Increased to 120mg 
Hi - This site is very educational, thank you! My hormones were tested on day 10 of a 24 day cycle, which I now know is not reliable info. However, …

Taking prednisone & progesterone cream? 
Hi. I have been using Emerita progesterone cream for the last couple years with great results for peri-menopause symptoms. I have just been prescribed …

Soy milk 
I am 56 and just entered menopause. I have started using progesterone cream. I drink soy milk. Will the phytoestrogens in soy products affect the progesterone? …

Please advise if possible 
Dear Wray; I have a couple of questions; I understand that you are very busy, I'm terribly sorry to bother you again but I don't know anyone else to …

natpro amounts 
Hello, I need to know how many milligrams are in each teaspoon of Natpro. I don't know how much to use. I'm sure its on your website but I can't find …

need to feel better for my baby! 
Hi Wray, Thank goodness for all of the wisdom here. I hardly know anything about progesterone, but as I go to doctor after doctor, they seem to know …

Waiting for a Doctor 
I am 8 months postpartum, taking a progesterone supplement intralingually. The supplement is called Progest-E and it is bio identical progesterone carried …

how long? 
Dear Wray, I know I'm bombarding you with questions lately, but here's another one. I would like to know at what dosage and for how long will it take …

Progesterone dosing 
This is a follow up on a previous message sent. I've met with my doctor to see if should prescribe progesterone at a higher dose. Informing her that my …

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Dry Mouth 
Because of estrogen dominant symptoms , I have upped my use of progesterone to around 400mg a day which I spread out many times over the course of the …

I have a question 
I am 44 pregnant for 12 weeks and will stop cyclogest after this week. Will my foetus be at any risk?

Progesterone troche increasing PMS symptoms 
I was recently diagnosed with PCOS with low progesterone and insulin resistance. My doctor prescribed natural progesterone troche by my hormone specialist. …

Doesn't High Progesterone Cause Fatigue Because Of Sedating Effect? 
Hello! Progesterone has a very sedating and calming effect. I'm taking 400 mg. a day (for heavy bleeding and perimenopause). I've noticed that …

Hello! Progesterone has a very sedating and calming effect. I'm taking 400 mg. a day (for heavy bleeding and perimenopause). I've noticed that …

I am taking 300mg cream daily of progesterone. Playing with dose still. With this dose I started having hair loss and acne. I understand this is from testosterone. …

Need of low dose estrogen? 
Hi Wray, I read something in one of your articles or email responses that sometimes if symptoms don't improve after using progesterone, that you said …

Insomnia for over a year.... 
I started off using bioidentical progesterone as advised through Dr. John Lee's book and even through articles on Ray Peat's website. This worked well …

Relief at last! 
I have been suffering from hot flashes since I had my right ovary removed due to endometriosis. I had the surgery in 2009. I tried HRT but developed terrible …

I'm not sure which way to turn. I really hit my stride in life (48 now) about five years ago, fell in love a few years ago, then started falling asleep …

I Can't Stop Bleeding! 
I am a 51 y/o female still having periods every month--starting to become somewhat irregular in length. For example...I started seeing a tinge of blood …

Pregnancy, Small Bleading and Breastfeeding 
First of all, english is not my native language, so please excuse my further mistakes. I am Mimi, I have 33 years old, mother of 2 daughters: the first …

Low Progesterone and slightly elevated cortisol 
Hi there - I'm 35 and will be 36 in August of this year. Back in March 2014, I began suffering from insomnia and this went on for about 3 weeks. After …

concerns with natural progesterone  
Hi Wray, I have written a few times with concerns with natural progesterone. I have been taking 150mg daily. No break. of natural progesterone cream since …

Can I take too much natpro cream? 
Hi, I recently wrote the story 'worst PMS ever!' And got helpful replies. My symptoms were very severe so I started on a high dose. Half a teaspoon in …

Arctium lappa L (burdock root extract) affect on women? (ingredient in progesteron cream) 
I use Natpro (about 400mg per day). I am in menopause and that dose helps minimize my hot flushes. I ran out of Natpro (and Natpro was out of stock) so …

Does progesterone convert into cortisol? 
Hello Wray and everybody on this website; me and my husband have a question about progesterone and cortisol interaction/conversion. I have a rare …

Dosage NatPro 
Hi, I've been using NatPro on and off for the last year or so. Not using it consistently is a big reminder of how much it helps me when I am using it. …

Does taking progesterone days before ovulation stop it? 
Hello. A holistic pharmacist gave me .5 ml of progesterone cream to use days 14-28 of cycle. I am trying to get pregnant. I did ovulation predictors …

hemorrhage and emergency surgery 
Hi Wray, I love your hard work and passion to help others. Your site is incredibly informative. I have a question. I am 43 and miscarried at 10 weeks …

Is it Hypothalamus/Pituitary/Adrenal Axis that confuses the estrogen metabolism 
My high estrogen was addressed with small homeopathic dose of progesterone which immediately converted to estrogen and caused severe arthritic joint …

Heavy heavy periods 
I am 33 years old and I have been under a lot of stress the past few years with a very messy divorce. I believe the chronic stress lowered my progesterone …

Heavy heavy periods 
I am 33 years old and I have been under a lot of stress the past few years with a very messy divorce. I believe the chronic stress lowered my progesterone …

Please Help! I can't take it anymore 
Hi I have been using natpro for the last six years and a few years prior stopped taking birth control after 11 years. I have been using a dose of …

pcos and weight gain 
Hello- I am hoping you can help my daughter who was diagnosed with pcos at the age of 15. In a nutshell: Age 13 : 117 pounds, 5'7", lean and the picture …

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Confusing Results 
Hi there, Without going into too much detail... I am 25 years old. I have struggled with anxiety for the last 7 years or so. I had many other symptoms, …

Reading Test Results 
Dear Wray I am hoping that you can help me understand my blood spot test results. I did this new blood spot test with ZRT labs (it is different than …

How much cm of Natpro is equal to 400 mg of Natpro 
Sorry, I do not understand your explanations regarding the measures to be used. I need to use 400 mg of Natpro daily, but I do not know how much centimeters …

No package 
Hi wray sorry to bother you again I still have not received my package I wrote to you before and was informed by mal that my order was returned to warehouse …

Can Progesterone 200mg capsule help to regulate periods and help to concive? 
Hi, I'm 26 years and my weight is 47kgs. I started taking progesterone 200mg capsules since January 2015. I had my periods regularly but from past 2yrs …

When will the Progesterone Restock 
Hi! I am just about out of my cream! I have been trying for almost a week to order three tubes (so that I don't run out this time!). But everyday it says …

Holistic doctor 
Hi wray I live in Florida both myself and my husband use natpro and I just if you or anybody at organic products know of any holistic practices use your …

Progesterone out of stock 
I've been trying to order some more progesterone cream for a while now but it's always out of stock. Can you tell me when will it be in stock because I …

lumpy breasts 
Hi, I have been using 340mg/ day of Natpro. No breaks for 3 weeks. Had a hysterectomy and have kept ovaries with anterior / posterior prolapses. Surgery …

Progesterone and male pattern baldness? 
Hey, I'm 17 years old and as far as I know healthy. I show some early signs of male pattern baldness. I read a lot on the internet about progesterone …

I have just started the Progesterone cream after hearing from a friend that it will help with many of the symptoms that I have. I have just one concern …

Ears ringing since starting progesterone in luteal phase. 
Hi All. After having a miscarriage and being diagnosed with low prigesterone (level on day 21 was a 5), I have been on 200mg suppositories in my luteal …

Insomnia and weight gain 
Hi Wray! I suffer from pretty chronic insomnia and over the course of the past year or so I have gained about 10 lbs that I cannot seem to take off. After …

bladder prolapse 
Hi Wray, I just started to get some symptom relief since starting down side is my bladder prolapse is worse on this high dose.That's when often …

The worst pms ever! 
I have the WORST pms. A week before my cycle and then the week of my cycle. So I am only capable of being a nice person 2 weeks of the month. My husband …

saliva test quandry 
I am 54 years old and started having hot flashes in the spring of 2014. My DR started me on compounded progesterone cream and a tri-hest estrogen cream. …

Hi, I've been taking 300mg of natural progesterone for less than a week. I terrible nausea at night. Is this part of estrogen dominance. Will it settle …

measurement of natpro 
Just received my natpro. Can someone tell me how to measure natpro for proper dosage. The progesterone I was using had a metered pump. Need to know how …

Liquid in my natpro 
Hi Wray, I went to use my natpro this morning and clear liquid about 1/4 tsp came out. So I shook it up and it seemed to be fine. Is that normal? Is …

Progesterone made me crazy 
I had a full hysterectomy in May 2011 and before that was in Perimenopause. I was given HRT and when I started the progesterone side of it within a day …

I have been on 200 mg daily of natural progesterone cream for two weeks.One breast is very sore and lumpy the other one is settling down. I also just got …

cystic breasts 
My breath have never been cystic. Since using high doses of natural progesterone they are a mess. It's only been two weeks on the dose. My question is …

Question about starting progesterone and irregular bleeding 
I have a question. I am 46 years old. I missed two periods and then when it did come I got it slightly heavier and it lasted about 14 days. My doctor …

Could too much bioidenticle oral progesterone cause night sweats and irrtability 
Hi, I am 47 years old and had a hysterectomy but still have my ovaries when i was 35. Doctor had me on 50mg oral progesterone and everything seem to be …

Dosage for PPD 
I've had 4 kids, and my 4th was born 4 months ago. I had Postpartum panic disorder and OCD (depression, the whole hot mess!) with my 1st 9 years ago, …

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Prolactinoma and progesterone - does it supress the already low estrogen levels? or help? 
I am a 39 year old woman. I have a small prolactinoma causing my estrogen levels to be very low (high prolactin levels suppresses the estrogen levels). …

first time with progesterone cream 
im 34 years old, Had a cyst removed from my right ovary in Sept, the doctor also found a Little endometriosis, less than a cm. i was surprise because im …

Progesterone immediate affereffects 
Hi I am 39 - my third pregnancy. First two smooth! This time, my u/s shows the development two weeks behind the week based on LMP. So, week 7 showed …

Hi, I have used natural progesterone for 10 years on low doses. I recently had my uterus removed keeping my ovaries.Right after surgery I started having …

Progesterone order 
Hi I wonder if any one can help I ordered 2 parcels of natpro in dec 2014 the second order was received but not the 2nd I ordered by express mail the beginning …

I had a surgical hystertomy when I was 29 I am now 57. my major areas of concern are my anxiety, weight gain, fatigue. no libido and dry vaginally

Hello, How much progesterone should I take if I want to lose the weight from my estrogen dominance. How long will I need to take the high levels of …

How to use NOP with short cycles? 
Hi! 3 years ago I took the plan b pill and started having issues with hormonal imbance. I developed severe acne on my face, chest and back. I went on bc …

im 36 weeks pregnant having insomia 
I can't sleep at night im 36weeks prgnant I'm bored at night could u help

Progesterone support IVF 
Hi, I am due to start a minimal stimulation cycle of IVF next week (reduced medication). I have managed to find a compounding pharmacy that will put …

Started progesterone cream and have never felt better but..... 
I've been gaining weight. It sounds like, based on your information, I need to be taking more. However, I feel really good on a lower dosage. What do …

Houston...We Have A Problem... 
Hello, I am 51 years old and going through the turmoil of perimenopause. My doctor had lab work done on me, and we discovered that my Estradiol level …

Carpal Tunnel symptoms worsening... 
Hi, Wray I stumbled onto your Web site yesterday in my search for answers as to why my carpal tunnel is progressively getting worse--to the point that …

7 weeks on bioidentical progesterone and feel worse 
Hello Wray, I have just found your website, and feel better for all the reading I have been doing. I live in Australia, and have been on bioidentical …

Dosage question 
Thank you so much for all the info here. This is so helpful. I'm 38 and had my hormones tested at a clinic a few months ago. They had a compounding pharmacy …

Painful bladder  
Hello I was dx with IC/BPS last year. I keep telling the doctors that my symptoms flared up with my cycle but was told there was nothing that could be …

How can I make the transition? 
I had 10 years ago a myomectomy. Since that day I took cyproterone acetate during ten years for acne and for fibrom. And at the age of 40 I 've decided …

I had 10 years ago a myomectomy. Since that day I took cyproterone acetate during ten years for acne and for fibrom. And at the age of 40 I 've decided …

How long should I keep taking progesterone ?  
I am a 54kg, 60 year old, male who has been taking about 10 mg of progesterone twice a day for the past 3 months. My diet is very good, I eat home grown …

natpro question - is it micronized? 
is the progesterone in natpro micronized? I've heard that unless it's micronized it just sits on top of the skin and doesn't fully absorb. already ordered, …

atrophic vaginitiis 
I had the worst case of this despite using vaginal estrogen for years. I was put on systemic HRT for two years which helped, but I still had ring of fire …

Does low progesterone cause dizziness? I am 45 years old and have irregular periods along with dizziness. What is the cause of this?

Help after partial hysterectomy 
Hi i am 12 days post op from a partial hysterectomy which i had because of issues I've had with endometriosis since i was a teenager, i am now 39 and have …

I am using natural progesterone with Angelique. It has given me far more energy. Is it advisable though to use progesterone cream with Angelique?

Carolyn M 
I have had two miscarriages. I am 38 years old now, was 37 when the miscarriages happened. Now it has been three months since I last miscarried a baby …

Click here to write your own.

Hi Wray I am 52 years old and was diagnosed with Hashimotos about 10 years ago. Prior to that I just had an underactive thyroid and was taking thyroxin. …

Could Progesterone Cream help stop facial hair? 
I have have had menstrual issues my entire life and I am nearing 30 now with little understanding as to what is wrong. I would go times in the past where …

I am lost and don't want to mess up my chances  
Please advise. I have not had a cycle since in OCT 13TH. Prior to that I used to have a cycle on the 15th for 8 days. But I had a surgery on Augs15 to …

So Confused 
So I have been reading the stories and I really cannot come up with a solution. I had a hysterectomy Oct 2nd 2013 I was only 23 getting ready to …

I am so grateful to find this site. I have seen similar stories to mine & am hoping to find relief. I am a 50 yr old (young) woman. I started bc pills …

Please help me  
I'm 58 years old. I was very excited about sotto pellets. I was told it would enhance my life. I was 240 pounds 10 years ago. I excerized and followed …

brandybna...please help 
i! I have some questions.I had a hysterectomy in December 2012 and kept one ovary. earlier this year I begin to experience the same symptoms every month …

How do I calculate my Estrogen Progesterone ratio  
Hi, My Dr ran some test because I have not been feel great latly... low energy, axiety, heart palps. I was diagnosed with hashimotos a year and a half …

Hello My daughter is 15 and she still didnt get her menarche. I checked her hormones and her FSH is 8 and Estradiol around 60. LH seemed to be fine too. …

I feel like falling isn't even teh beginning... 
I am 34 years old, no children, but happily married. Right after getting married I started to physically not feel well. Sleepless nights, with leg cramps, …

Friend gave me a sample and said this would help me at an advanced age

Should I wait to get pregnant after starting progesterone for luteal phase defect? 
I suffered a miscarriage at 7 weeks five months ago. Since then, my midwife and I worked together to discover that I have low progesterone. My level last …

About Dr. Katharina Dalton 
Hi Wray, I've seen you mention Dr. Dalton's studies and practices before and as I had never heard of her, I googled her name. Amongst the results I cam …

Help! When lowering or stopping progesterone I feel awful!  
First off,I have secondary adrenal insufficiency and am dependent on replacement cortisol or I would die. This is not adrenal fatigue. Also have Hashimotos …

Confused about cycling or not cycling dose 
Hi Wray, I have regular, normal, menstrual cycles, and I am a bit unsure on if I should cycle using the cream or use it every day. I've been using 200mg. …

Anxiety problems 
Hello, I'm a 41 year old female that has been experiencing anxiety off and on for a year now. My symptoms range from racing heart beat to feeling as though …

After visiting and reading lots of posts and info I started projesterone. I am absolutely convinced it has been a great move for me. However as a male …

Progesterone and androgenic alopecia (hair loss) 
Dear Wray, First of all, I wanted you to know that I have been following your advice for years, but I have never written to you before. I recognise …

Sam Jones 
Hi, If can please trouble you for some advice as I don't seem to be getting very far with my problems. I have jotted down what has been going on over …

Never was regular, worse after childbirth... 
Hello, I am a 32 year old female. I have had two successful pregnancies and no known miscarriages. I have never had a regular cycle but it has gotten …

Stopped working for insomnia after 6 days. 
I am 60 years old and have had insomnia for 15 years. I have always suspected it to be hormone related. Recently I decided I wanted to try bio identical …

I Feel Worse 
I am 33 Years old and have suffered with anxiety and very long periods (13 days) since weaning my son back in July. I went and had a blood test to check …

Hi Wray I was just reading some old posts of yours and I noticed you say that you recommend 100-200mg of progesterone as a minimum per day unlike most …

Hi Wray I recently found your website - thanks for the great information there. I'm from Australia and was taking 100 milligrams of progesterone for …

Trying to get pregnant 
I am using progesterone cream everyday of the month as per my naturopath, which I realize is not the norm. I will be trying to conceive shortly and I …

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Perimenopausal at 35?? 
Help!! I am 35 years old and my hormones are feeling out of whack lately. I have had 2 normal pregnancies/natural births. My youngest is 3.5 years old. …

Weight Gain on a High Dose of Progesterone 
I'm currently on thyroid medication and progesterone cream in hopes of getting my period back after getting off the pill in 0ct 2013. Nothing yet. I have …

combating hormones 
well my story all started when my period acted different in October 1, 2014., I started having dark spotting. 4days after that I got my period it was still …

Nita from Norway does not reply`?? 
Hi Wray! you recommend that I would contact to Nitan in Norway. I have now sent to her a 3 meilpost, but he did not answer me. I understand that you …

100 mg synthetic progesterone& 0.05 estadoill 24/7 patch  
Do I need to wheen myself off the patch or just remove it altogether? Will the progesterone alone have the same great effects as the two together? A strong …

100 mg synthetic progesterone along with 0.05 estadoil 24/7 patch 
I had a hysterectomy 25 yrs. Ago can I stop the patch or do I need to wheen myself off it . Will the hot sweats & depression come back. Will the progesterone …

What if you're an athlete, how could it affect performance? 
I tend to eventually (as in for a long while I'll be fine, like a year or two, and then it comes back again) get hair loss especially during my period. …

Im not sure did you get my asnwer:D-vitamin is not my problem 
Hi Wray! Thank you for your extra answers Wray!! I'm trying to find out whether my lifestyle too much estrogen or testosterone-enhancing substances …

fetal movement 
So ive been taking progesterone orally since six weeks. This is my second pregnancy however with my first ive suffered a miscarriage. I thought I was feeling …

please advice on overtaking morning after pill 
Hello Wray, I really need your advice. I've been taking morning after pill as a contraception as it was convenient at the time, for a year every …

since going through menopause I haven't had a period in a year I have gained at least ten pounds in the belly and hips it seems to be getting worse no …

Anxiety and panic 
I am 51 years old and had a partial hysterectomy at age 40. I have been having anxiety and panic for many years and have been taking anxiety meds for …

Hello there! I am a 49 years old woman and now menopause. I have used progesterone cream for many years, a total of 4 years. Now I have been out of …

RA in Men  
Hi Wray My boyfriend has been diagnosed with RA at the age of 28. When i first came across Natural Progesteone and the wonders of it i had read the …

First before I ask my question I cannot believe I found this site again. A few years ago it was like it fell off the face of the Earth. My sister or I …

adrenal problems lead to hormone problems 
I am 43, fit (but with 10 lbs of weight gain over the last two years), type-A (recovering), mother of two with my own part-time business. I went for my …

What can contaminate progesterone saliva test results? 
Hi, I'm 60 years old. I've been trying to feel good for 4 years. It all started with adrenal fatigue and because of the A.F. all of a sudden I couldn't …

I have told my story at an earlier time. I have a very specific question this time and I don't know where else to post it. I realize NatPro is out of stock …

I have a pituitary microadenoma. The neurologist is sure it is caused by my progesterone. I have gone off HRT for six months and have been miserable. …

Dear Wray, I'm 48 years old. I know today that I always had PMMD. It got definitely worse when I started Peri-Menopause around age 42. I'm currently on …

Wray, First and foremost THANK YOU! for the past year I have been reading all of your literature and posts from over the years. It became very clear …

Hi Wray just to say I am feeling so much better the migraines have gone,the fuzzy head and confusion has gone,still don't have much energy and get up …

please help me!!!! 
I take vitamins daily. I take 2000 mg taurine I also take tart cherry and black cohosh I started my period and this time it has lasted longer but I noticed …

Early period on third day of progesterone 
Hi, I have pcos and have been using between day 14-28 progesterone cream with great results. I am 23 years old and now for the first time I had my periods …

Multiple miscarriage after 35 
Hi I am 39 years old, my husband and I are pregnant now and 5 1/2 months along. We suffered 1 first tri miscarriage after two healthy pregnancies followed …

Click here to write your own.

Wray, I have been reading through pages of info here. It's a lot of info. I came across something that got my attention because I have a testosterone …

Hi Wray - I am 52 y.o. and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 37 and have been taking Thyroxine (T4) medication since then. I have always battled …

Progesterone Cream dosage 
I am not clear on progesterone cream dosage as compared to oral progesterone like prometrium. On another progesterone cream website I read that for example …

Wray please help, Maybe I've read to much, but I'm confused with using progesterone cream only, at 20mg per pump with the brand Life-Flo Progesta-care. …

Hi, Every time I use progesterone cream I get so thirsty. This also happens to me the first 3 months of being pregnant. Is the thirst the result of estrogen …

Severe neck and head pain 
Hi I have been using natpro for 6 months,have had some success .was wondering if natpro can cause the glands to get inflammed when you stop using.

Almost 30 days of mild bleeding.... 
I am a 41 woman in excellent health and I have never had any health scares or major illnesses. My period has always been predictable although after having …

Gradual Natural Feminization in a Guy, without any medicine or hormones 
Hi I thought of sharing my story. I am a guy, look younger than my age. I find changes in my body, without my taking any hormones or medicines.(during …

Dear Wray Can you comment on the effects of stress when using progesterone cream. Is it true that stress causes a drop in progesterone when you are …

500- 600 mg progesterone dayli 
Hi I have use progesterone cream daily ( from NOW) every day for 3-4 months now. I dont have my period, but today I have some spotting. It this normal? …

Got third pellet injection two weeks ago. Suddenly I am overwhelmed with anxiety, depression,etc. I am an emotional wreck. Crying at the drop of a hat. …

Allopregnanelone and Cancer protection 
Hi Wray~ In regards to allopregnanelone, one of my concerns with being on subl or orals and why I switched to creams is because orals and subl don't offer …

Strange symptoms after starting Progesterone Cream 
I am almost 40 and have experienced increased mood swings and extreme agitation. I decided to start progesterone cream. It has helped me relax but it caused …

Mrs. Gillis 
Why isn't there a contact us provision? I had a question that has not been answered by your FAQ and no one has answered me back, it's very frustrating. …

Womb (uterine) cancer survivor 
I was diagnosed with womb cancer at the end of 2009. My treatment involved a radical hysterectomy followed by chemo and then external radiotherapy. As …

I have been to 5 endocrinologists, doctors, & natural doctors. The only one that has seemed to help me has been the natural doctor in my area. I have fainted, …

Getting ready for a move and change in health care re. low progesterone hair loss high blood pressure hypoglycemie insulin resistance depression pigment …

re: Severe Adverse Reactions to Progesterone 
Appendum to earlier entry about 6 hours ago: Objectively, friends comment around episodes that I appear glassy eyed, unfocused, out of it, and drawn. …

Severe Adverse Reactions to Progesterone. 
Hi Wray; When I took progesterone cream (Progest and At Last Naturals) I get receding and bleeding gums and sinus infections. Even from one application. …

Hair growth 
Ive been taking progesterone after ovulation until period starts for about six months In an effort to sustain a possible pregnancy as I've had three miscarriages …

Hi, please help me. I m from Finland and i have terrible menopaus. I use Tibolon = Livial 1/4 tabl 10 weeks and then comes anxiety and bad feelings, panic …

60 and Fabulous 
I have been using natural creams off and on. Started with the Estrogen and Progestin when the flashes hit me at 45 really hard but stopped after about …

Ok - I've read through everything I could find and still haven't discovered how to measure NatPro cream. I need to know how many mg. 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon …

I started using progesterone cream a couple of months ago when my period finally became so erratic that it lasted over a month, if only spotting, then …

Menopausal bleeding on bioidentical HRT 
I have a question for Wray...I am 65 and started spotting while on bioidentical hormones, using the Vivelle Dot also..and progesterone doctor …

Click here to write your own.

3 months and no improvements yet 
Hello, I've been taking Natpro for 3 months now, without stopping(I'm 25 year's) I had a saliva test done in December 2013: my ratio was Est/Prog …

regarding Hopeful for Help 
Hi Wray, A pleasure to meet you. I was reading about Hopeful for Help she has extreme endometriosis and then became pregnant, I was wondering how she …

I was placed on 150 mg trochee of progesterone in June 2014. I felt ok on it but had breast tenderness. All of a sudden in September I had terrible breast …

hi, i'd like to have some advice to how use progesteron cream. Im from Finland. I use now Livial = Tiboloni, only 1/4 tabl per day. Ihad use it ten weeks …

When will i feel normal again? 
Hi Wray / Joy I am 49 yrs old and had a full hysterectomy at the age of 33. I had my first child at 20 - no problems except that it was a emergency Caesarean …

One more urgent info please  
Hello, Please, I had checked my hormonlevels after using 200mg Natpro/day for about 3.5month. For about 2.5 month I have had only brown spotting, not …

Skin pigmentation 
Hi I've recently come off the contraceptive pill, due to awful skin pigmentation, so I've been recommended to use the serenity cream, will this cream, …

Dear Wray, please help!!! 
Dear Wray, I am 34 years old, living in Vienna, and have been suffering from the age of 17 on occasionally from panic attacks and mild depression, mood …

Side effects 
Hello, I am using progesterone, but it is causing extreme thirst. I have had my AC1 checked and it is normal, but when I put my progesterone on, I get …

Hi guys..second day using cream feeling a bit low in mood. Is this common. I havenet had my hormones levels checked, but having horrendous pms so going …

Dear Wray, Could you please guide me on specifics and dosage for purchasing/using bioidentical progesterone cream? My specifics: • I am 59 years …

Hello, I´ve used NATPRO for about 4month/200mg a day/, and now I couldn´t get a new tube /I´ve ordered it before a month from UK and it haven´t arrived …

Tammy Swayze 
I am 41 years old and have complained to Dr. For years about being tired and in general pain (joint and muscle) all the time. Someone recommend your articles …

Dear Wray, Is there any value in using progesterone cream at 78, just to see what small things change? Thank you.

Michele Watson 
Hi I am 53 and have low bone density. I decided against conventional hrt but at only 5 ft nothing was very concerned re losing height. I recently saw a …

will primolut n cause bloating? 
hello ... i am very concerned if taking preogestrone make me bloat or increase my weight? im getting married on 3rd dec and i normally get my periods …

I dont understand My hormonal result 
Have been trying to conceive for 3 years now so I went to take hormones test and I don't understand the result Progesterone 28:32 FSH. 4.7000(mlU/ml) …

Hi, I am a 61 year old feamle with hyperplasia. My uterine linning measures 9 millimeters. I am told it should be 4 millimeters. I have been on bio-identical …

Lupus sufferer 
I'm a 40 year old woman who was diagnosed with lupus sle 3 years ago. Once the medication I was put on had started to work, I was relatively symptom free …

Adult breakout/acne worse now 
Hello, Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to ask a question. I'm 46, have lived with awful PMS for countless years and did HRT prior. I have …

I feel like since starting progesterone cream it has caused reflux. Is it possible it relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter? I am taking 160 mg per day …

Amanda Kleynhans 
I am 59 years of age and had a hysterectomy about 4 years ago. As I am a migraine sufferer and my migraines increased my doctor placed me on a mild HRT …

Still riding this nightmare 
I am 60 years old. I had my HPA axis shut down at 57. My HPA axis is recovering. I do have the saliva tests and blood serum levels on both. I have had …

Hi, I have had insomnia for last 9 months and have been on diazapam to help me sleep. I have tried unsucesfully to taper off the low dose many times. I …

<.5 progesterone (follicular phase of menstruation) 
Hmm. Where do I begin. I thought something was wrong when I noticed all these surface veins all over my complete legs. I was at the shower in the gym. …

Click here to write your own.

30 years old and had my whole life turned upside down after a partial oophorectomy 
It all started one fateful day after suffering for 3 days in excruciating pain which presented itself as symptoms of a bladder infection. So I go to the …

On and off the progesterone 
I do have a question. I have been trying progesterone and would love to try the NATPRO. I have been doing some research and I can tell you my research …

When I use a progesterone cream I become too awake... awake for days a bit hyper and restless. This I understand is not typical. Your thoughts? Thank …

Nursing, cycle trouble, and wanting to conceive again 
Hello I have am nursing my 18 month old son. Six months ago I started menstruating again since his birth, and am having increasing trouble, with mid …

Please help 
I am 60 years old. I have been on estrogen since I was 27. I had to have a total hysterectomy. Placed on estrogen only, but shots due to intolerance to …

To Hell and Still there. 
I am 60 years old. I had a hysterectomy at age 27. I as placed on HRT. (Estrogen only) Had trouble from the beginning. I could not take the oral hormones. …

when to start using progesterone cream after a miscarriage? 
I started using a progesterone cream about 3 months ago to balance out my hormones and to help with irregular periods occuring about every 15 days and …

Hello, I am 22 years old. I took a drug called Spironolactone when I was 15. One month later, I developed seborrhea in my eyebrows and lost all of …

I am 19 years old law student, I suffer from continuos bleeding during men's trial periods , for over a month of bleeding. I have bad acne on my face chest …

Dear Wray, I'm actually Sarah, but am contacting you on behalf of Jenny, a friend's daughter, who is the one who has vomited through 16-1 weeks. I was …

I am an independent neuroscience post grad educator. I teach health care professionals on topics related to brain health, and natural treatments. Recently …

Confused About My Current Levels 
I'm a 51-year-old female, ad my doctor told me a few months ago that my FSH was 120, and therefore that I was "way into menopause." I last had a period …

Does High Doses of Progesterone Bind Up Testosterone in Men? 
Hello Wray I am a 41 yr old male with low testosterone and high estrogen. I am sure my progesterone is low as well. My question is in regards to …

Hormone Hell 
Hi,I am 55 years old. I had a total hysterectomy in 2003. I've had hot flashes for 11 years. I was on Premarin for many years. About a year ago I went …

Hi Wray I have been peri- menopause for a year now. Have been taking a low progesterone cream for most of that time in which it helped for a while. …

How do I know if my levels are high or low? 
My latest blood serum test revealed Progesterone 13.0 Estridial 13.6 and what my Dr. calls total estrogen 145. If I am using the calculations correctly …

Continuous progesterone 
I have only been on the cream for about week.My doctor feels I am in perimenopause. I have had some crazy periods the last three months. One was late by …

Whenever i get pregnant, my hcg always goes low. can i by it myself and use before i conceive again.

progesterone 3 trimester. Please help! 
Hi I am 26 weeks pregnant. Whilst my first pregnancy was a dream this time has been awful with awful morning sickness and bleeding. The baby is fine thank …

Gaining weight 
I have been using a compounding pharmacy bio identical progesterone cream for over a year without issues with my weight until 2 months ago. I was using …

Hi, Wray, I'm in my early 70's and have had trouble sleeping for a few years. I keep waking up and then not able to go back to sleep. I started progesterone …

please help, can't sleep because of jolt on chest, panic and fainting 
Hello, I am 48 years old and am in perimenopause now for about 3 or 4 years. Since two years I have occasional dizzy spells when trying to sleep. Always …

Saliva test or blood test results? 
Hi..I am 51 years old and have been going through perimenopause for awhile. I get tests done for my hormones and my regular doctor does saliva testing …

My Story with PCOS 
Hi, I have a few questions to ask about taking steps to getting pregnant. But, before I do I would like to share a little about me and my medical history. …

I have a 8 year old girl who has daily seizures. There is no treatment left to try for her except brain surgery the Nero dr tells us. We have tried all …

Click here to write your own.

51 year old female and trying to balance hormones after a year of a total nightmare 
Well, here is my situation. I was on lo estrin for 3 or 4 years. A birth control pill. Last July I went on a once in a lifetime trip to Europe and instead …

Thyroid problems 
Hi wray, was given your site by my craniosacral therapist, was just wondering if I would benefit from this cream, had a total thyroidectomy 4 yrs ago on …

2 1/2 years and still having problems 
I have been using 300 mg of progesterone cream (progesterall brand) every day for two-and-a-half years. Some of my original symptoms have gone, some continue …

A million questions 
Hi, I had 2 miscarriages in 6 months last year, one at the end of June 2013, and one at the beginning of December 2013, during this …

SHBG & Progesterone with Neuro Issues 
Can you tell me what causes SHBG to be high? Mine is always high when tested and yet I still have very oily, acne prone skin. Also, 10 years ago, I …

Follow-Up to "Progesterone helping...still need guidance." 
Greetings, The below was originally submitted two weeks ago but never rec'd a response so I'm posting again/hoping I'll hear back. So I am into my …

Need help with dosing 
I had all my hormones tested. I am low in progesterone, dhea, and estrogen. I was put on progesterone cream. At first I used a small amount 50 mg split …

My veins have become excessive, my arms hands and legs. When it's very hot, they're all over the place. I never had this vein situation. It happened suddenly. …

Not sure how much progesterone to use? 
I am 51 years old and I had a partial hysterectomy 10 years ago (still have ovaries), I am currently I. Peri menopause i had blood tests and my estrogen …

Complete hysterectomy 
25 years ago at the age of 40 I had a complete hysterectomy. I haven't slept properly since. I still sweat profusely thought the day and some nights I …

Help me! 
Hi I began using a progesterone creme about 2 and a half weeks ago. The past couple of months I had been having terrible episode of severe fatigue, nausea, …

Follow-Up to "Progesterone helping...still need guidance." 
Hello again, So I am into my nearing what will be my 2nd cycle of using progesterone twice daily. (Ref. my previous post. I am peri-menopausal). …

confused about labs and symptoms 
I had my only my uterus removed 2 yrs. ago and am on BHRT. I was originally put on 2.5 mg of Bi-estro;100 mg of progesterone;1 mg of testosterone. I felt …

Is this shoulder pain temporary? 
HI Wray, I had a blood test around a month ago and was finally told that I am "post menopausal" . I am 47 years old and haven't had a period for 3 years …

post menopausal use 
I decided to try some progesterone drops recently. I am a 54 year old postmenopausal woman, whose last period was in Dec. 2012. I try to eat healthy …

Will I Ever Sleep Through the Night Again? 
I am 64 & for the last 20 some years I have not slept through the night having to use the bathroom several times. Telling medical doctors about the …

just a question or two 
Hi I got pregnant in September 2013 went to a Dr. and had my progesterone checked, at 6.5 weeks my level was a 4.6, well, finally I got my first appointment …

increase the daily amount of Natpro? + the place of rub the cream 
Hello, I have two more question please - I use 200mg of Natpro daily, my cycle is not O.K., but I know, it keeps time. Maybe my hairfalling is better …

Should I start using progesterone throughout the period and this for 3 months? 
Hi, I am 24 years old and I’m having trouble with acne, facial hair, thin hair etc….. since puberty started. I did the questionnaire and my total value …

Can my hormones be off after a hysterectomy when I still have one ovary? 
I am 35yrs old and recently had a hysterectomy and cysts drained off my left ovary. Last year I had to have my right ovary and Fallopian tube removed due …

Please help me figure out my ratio 
My estradiol was 57pg and progesterone 5.2 ng What ratio is that? Also my Vit D was 66 ng - should I continue taking my Vit D supplement?

Hv hyperpigmentatiom on my cheek bones since 4 years. Started with single spot n now r prominent 2 inch circles. Hv been going to a dermat tried all possible …

How do I find/track responses to my posting? 
Hi Wray, I submitted a story and inquiry a couple of days ago asking for help. I received a response from you (Thanks!) that my page had been posted …

Can you take progesterone only after a hysterectomy? 
Hi! I am 35 years old and had a complete hysterectomy 6 months ago. Prior to the hysterectomy I was estrogen dominant. After the hysterectomy I had …

Please help - urgent 
Hello, maybe it was here already, but I can´t find the answer. I´ve used Natpro for about 3weeks, 200mg/day. After one week, I´ve got my cycle /I had …

Click here to write your own.

Progesterone helping but I need some guidance 
45 years old and have been struggling with estrogen dominance, and related issues, for the past 6-8 years. Progesterone has helped immensely, as has Wray's …

I am 30 and was diagnosed with PCOS at 24. I've got 2 kids (9 and 6) and I had a miscarriage in 2011. I've got all of the 'typical' pcos symptoms. Would …

Hi I had a missed miscarriage about a year ago. In december 2013 again I got pregnant and dr. gave me duphaston 10mg twice a day orally. After three days …

I had a hysterectomy in 2012 May, but kept my ovaries. I started noticing a lot of swelling in my lower extremities, i.e. legs, calves and feet. Despite …

I stopped menstruating at age 51. Symptoms were not bad at all. Just some heat generating from the top of my head. The many years proceeding menopause …

Bad side effects....Progeterone cream? 
Hi, Five years ago I was put on Natural Progesterone for bad PMS. I started out just using the cream. My doctor at the time, kept upping the dose eventually …

heavy bleeding 
I am 43 didnt get my periods for 4 months.then suddenly i started having heavy to very heavy doctor suggested few tests which were all normal …

Hormone Nightmare 
I am 52 years old and have dealt with hormonal imbalances for most my adult life. I had a partial hysterectomy (ovaries remain) 4 years ago due to severe …

HELP PLEASE... i had recently a baby ...3 months ago and I'm not the same person. I'm having strong anxiety attack s and im affraid to stay some. …

Estrogen dominance cancer 
I have enjoyed reading your emails from others as well as your website. My mother, 86 years old, just recently got diagnosed with an estrogen fed breast …

help please! 
hello, I need help. I will start with my past and what is going on now. 15 years ago I ended up hospitalized with postpartum depression. i have been on …

Insomnia for 8 years. 
HI, I am new to this site and have struggled with insomnia for 8 years when a doctor read my saliva test and said that my progesterone was too high. …

Joyce Tarajos 
I am a 73-year-old female and have had severe vaginal pain at penetration for intercourse since 2002. I have seen GYN's, tried various lubricants, …

Started progestrone at 56 
I'm 56 years old my Dr did a saliva test on my estrogen level. My progesterone level was 32. I've been on a natural progestrone for one month and now I'm …

Ovulating at Perimenopause 
I'm 52 years old and on perimenopause stage. The last month of my regular period was May last year (10 months ago). I thought that was the onset of my …

Adrenal fatigue and progesterone cream application during follicular phase 
Dear Wray, Congratulations for you have put out a WONDERFUL website full of information. I love reading your replies to other's questions. I am 34 …

Elderly mother with Alzheimers, prolapsed small intestine, full hysterectomy 
Hi Wray, I am writing to you to seek some advice about my mum. She is 84, with Alzheimers, and she is in an Assisted Living facility. She has had …

Irritated mucous membrane/rectum, blood, itching/lack of hormones-/oestrogen??  
Hello,I had questions a couple of days before. Now, I´m waiting for delivering the Natpro,but I´ve got a new-old problem. I have ulcerative colitis and …

How do I know progesterone shots won't have longterm effects like DES did? 
My dr has recommended weekly progesterone shots to prevent preterm labor. The drug is called Makena. I've read about women that took DES and the effects …

Please tell me in what hormone I am deficient 
I live in Belgium and I wonder if I have a hormone deficient and which one and if I should use Natpro and how much must I use this cream daily and if I …

Will prosterone help uterine polyps?? 
Hello, I am a 32 year old female. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15. I've always struggled with weight, facial hair, hair loss, etc. All the …

Pregnancy Problems 
I am currently 32 years old. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 2 years now. I have a child who is 7 with another man and he has a …

Estrogen Dominance 
Hi. I had my hormones checked and my progesterone level is at 2.5 and my estradiol level is 6.5. I am 32 years old and I am wondering if this means that …

Natpro/osteoporosis,etc/ bodylotion 
Hello, my health problems - I have in my 39y. heavy osteoporosis -with an hip fracture, ulcerative colitis, allergies and intolerances, hairloss, easily …

PROGESTERONE and water retention 
Hello THIS IS MY SECOND POST OF THIS SAME MATTER. PLEASE HELP. I am age 53 and very youthful and energetic. I use to be on Bio Identical progesterone …

Click here to write your own.

what to do 
Hi wray So I have fewmore questions One of your responses in another question stated that so me people cant tolerate Yam based progesterone isnt …

Progesterone capsules causing nausea? 
Hello, I am 59 and very post menopause. I have a long history of estrogen dominance, which started, I believe, from using BC pills at age 18 thru 20...resulting …

I have not had a period since December. It is now April 18. I just turned 49 years old. I started progesterone cream Saturday the 12th (1/8 tsp a day)and …

What is the cause of low prolactin? 
Hello, I have been told to seek out endocrinology experts to figure out why I have extremely low prolactin levels, with the fear there may be a tumor. …

progesterone cream and body lotion fake tanning 
does applying lotion daily or using fake tanning lotion daily reduce absorption of progesterone cream ?

Ingredients of Natpro vs Serenity and Source Naturals 
Hello, I originally used Serenity prog cream. It really suited me but I ran out and needed some in a hurry so the next month I got Source Natural cream. …

what to do 
I have had bllod and salvia testing done. Blood test were estradiol 229 pmol/l progesterone .89nmol/l dheas 7.6 umol/l testerone .87 nmil/l salvia …

Should I follow Natpro instructions to the letter? 
Please bare with me through this rather long story - I have a question at the end, I swear! For years I was lucky enough to have regular periods, but …

The never ending period 
I'm in my early 40s and have always had irregular periods, growing increasingly heavy as I got older. I was also diagnosed with PCOS in the early 90s …

Why does Progesterone cause water retention in my body 
Hello I use to be on progesterone and my body loved it. After about four or five years, the death of my husband and life circumstances resulting from …

want to conceive...anovulatory! 
I have irregular cycles. I have 3 live children and one loss at 27 weeks. No explanation so they tell me. Maybe a cord accident. I am 41. I have had normal …

Catamenial Progesterone Therapy Trials and Errors 
Hello My now 18 year old daughter has had catamenial seizures since she hit puberty. We have traveled many roads and gone every route you can think …

Late response to: Progesterone is poison to my body? 
My original post seemed to have been deleted or disappeared. I want to write in response and be heard: …

Bleeding with HRT after menopause 
I am 2 years post menopause (46 years old) trying to deal with it naturally. This year hot flashes and night sweats so bad had to go to the Dr to ask …

Mrs Gill Brown 
Please help,I am 53 ,still have heavy bleeding every month.I can cope with this ! But I can't cope with the terrible mood swings,depression and lack of …

For the past six years my body has been telling me I have a female problem. My doctors have suggested the pill and I have declined due to smoking. Two …

Post Weaning Hormonal Changes -Please help! 
Hi I nursed two babies back to back for two years each. The first one continued to nurse six months into my 2nd pregnancy. I had a 3 month break before …

Have not seen my period since january and I went to do pregnancy test which was negative and also went for scan and the doc said there is some things inside …

Benzos and Progesterone 
Am trying to taper off of Klonopin 1mg. Pharmacist and doctor want me to take Progesterone to help with taper. Seen tons of conflicting information from …

weight gain and progesterone cream update 
My body didn't need progestrone yet, but I tried cream as my periods are heavy. It made me feel worse, weird periods, and my hands hurt. I like some gained …

Estradiol levels too high 
Hi, I am a 48 year old female and I just checked my hormones levels on day 5 and everything was normal except for the Estradiol which was 573 pg/ml. My …

Adrenal Exhaustion, insomnia and stress since baby 
Hello, my baby is 2 years now and after our very long delivery and a year of breast feeding and sleep deprivation I finally hit rock bottom. I had rage, …

Can I take progesterone suppositories my entire pregnancy? 
I am wondering about continuing progesterone throughout my entire pregnancy. Right now I am 16.5 weeks pregnant and have been taking 200mg per day of …

Progesterone for pms and for pregnancy 
I am so glad I found this site. Very grateful for Wray and all of her research and help. I am 34 years old and have had horrible PMS issues for years. …

hello, my wife tracey who was born in 1964, according to her medical records ,had her last menstrual period in 1997 at the age of 33.she has been plagued …

Click here to write your own.

Hi, I was diagnosed with a prolactinoma/empty sella syndrome about 30 years ago. Some MRI reports said it was a micro prolactinoma and others said it …

Re starting progestrone again at 16 weeks pregnant  
I had A salvia test done and results showed very low progestrone so the doctor gave me 200 mg trouche and said to play with the dose as you may feel very …

I need some Estriol!! 
I have been suffering from hot flashes for 4 years. Although they are not severe (more like warm flashes) they keep me waking up at night every 2 hrs. …

Freezing cold 
Can anybody tell me why is it that after an hour of using natpro I feel freezing cold I mean to the bone I been using it for about 3 years at400mg a day …

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was in my 20's and started taking glucophage. I was told I had it since puberty. At age 12 I started gaining weight and …

Cysts and fibroids 
My sister was just told by her doctor that only Oral progesterone can reduce ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids and that creams are ineffective in reducing …

Miserable at Menopause 
I am 51 year old who just reached menopause. I started using bio-identical in 2010: progesterone cream 10% and Estradiol cream 1mg. Since my first …

Megestrol therapy in a woman over 60 
I have had extensive vaaginal bleeding over the past year. I have had numerous vaginal ultrsounds, biopsies and two D & C's. The final outcome was thankfully …

I am 54 and have suffered chronic fatigue on and off and to various degrees over the last few years. I was a flight attendant for many years and had to …

Starting Progesterone Cream, Massive Water Retention 
Hello Wray My blood tests showed that my progesterone level is 0.4 compared to an estrogen level of 115. It does not say the unit of measure, BUT I have …

Bad hormone past, trying to figure out what is going on! 
Quick back ground: 44, just started having hot flashes for almost a month, one every hour including nights, severe water retention in my abdomen,(gained …

Bleeding/spotting for over a year 
I have never had a normal cycle since first starting my period when I was 13. I would go months and sometimes a year without a cycle. When I was 29, I …

Hysterectomy n PMS 
Hi,I am 47yrs old n had Hysterectomy done 6yrs ago with ovaries intact,of late suffering from severe it normal ..hw long does it …

Does testosterone convert to estrogen 
New to this sight ; I was put on testosterone cream since my test. Free level was .8 will the testosterone convert to estrogen ? I'm 49 perimenopause …

I am 53 and have had Hot Flushes off and on for a few years ( sometimes up to 12 a day) I have not had a period now for 2 years. I was put on BIHRT but …

Help please 
Hi Wray I hope you can help me. to make a long story short..I went for electrolysis for the upper lip (only one time) and she cleared what was there but …

Extended breastfeeding and oestrogen dominance  
this website is amazing and so is your work. i have been on the paleo diet for 4 years but recently after i got my menstruation back after 15 months because …

I have been using progesterone cream, Unique, natural and organic and from America for almost 4 weeks now. I had a radical hysterectomy 6 years ago because …

Hi I have had the most severe cyclic mastalgia for 15 years. I mean really, really bad. Huge swollen breasts that make me shy away from the kids when …

low to no progesterne 
i have a 14 year old girl. started her cycle at 12 years old. by hher third cycle she did not stop bleeding till she was at hostpital for 7 days and on …

Freaked out 
I'm 38 years old and just started progesterone cream for hormone balance. I have been having bad PMS, clotty periods, mood swings and lots of anxiety. …

60 and fat 
I have been using Pro-help and not really satisfied with it but have been reading your page several months. I am 60 years old, overweight, take levothyroxine …

I accidentally mixed my mgs up! 
I was taking the 200 mg suppositories and accidentally told my Dr's it was 100 mg is it ok to go ahead and start the 100 mg tonight??

Help and Thank you! 
Hello Wray, Sorry for posting this message here. Joy has tried very hard to help me(many thanks to Joy) but, I have still not received my refund. …

Progesterone cream only suppresses symptoms 
After trying high dose progesterone therapy, as indicated on this site, I am not convinced.  To me it seems more like a way to suppress symptoms.  …

Click here to write your own.

Want to talk to others on this journey..... 
I wish there a way to chat with others that are trying high dose progesterone therapy. I can't find any support anywhere, in fact, I'm finding lots of …

Uterine polyps removed 2 months ago, age 53, went 2 months no period and then the bleeding returned, at first I though it was a period and now I am on …

Annovulation, Low Progesterone, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Infertility 
I have never had a regular period. I would go long periods of time without a period until I finally went an entire year without one when I was 17. At the …

Fighting fire with fire! 
It's become apparent that the Oestrogen is not going down without a fight. Rather than start out at a minimal dose of progesterone cream such as 20-30 …

need a good vitamin D 
Hello! I was wondering what a good brand of vitamin D is without any fillers or bad stuff in it. I am currently on Natpro but need to get my D levels …

Paracetamol and NatPro Cream 
Hi, Today is the first day that I'm using NatPro Cream prescribed by my Naturopath after he tested me for allergies and menopause using the Vega machine. …

Follicular cysts 
Hi Wray, I have been suffering from heavy periods all my life(39 now),endometriosis and follicular cysts pretty large,migraine and abdominal cramps. …

Feel bad on progesterone 
I'm on day four and I don't feel well at all. Am up to 650. Part of the problem is trying to do this protocol without any support. Feel like I am out in …

I think I prefer the cream after all! 
Hello! I'm so happy to have found this site! I've been searching for help and info about Progesterone (something I have been a fan of for some years)... …

peri-menopause and insomnia 
I'm 46 year old female, and I started having severe peri-menopause symptoms since August of 2013. It was so bad the first 3 months I made to ER 3 times. …

Weaning from progesterone cream... 
I sent a message almost three weeks ago about when the best time to wean from progesterone creams was. I have not heard back. Please advise. I have …

Feeling bad again 
Hi to wray hope you are getting rest I know you are not replying so I pray someone else can help I have been on natpro for 4 years previously on other …

Pituitary gland and thyroid 
Hey Wray ~ I want to order the Natpro Cream because I believe it may be what I’ve been looking for, for a long time. I have some questions I would appreciate …

Stopping progesterone cream and hair loss 
Hi. I stopped taking natural progesterone cream and within a couple of months, my hair started to fall out. Can stopping the cream cause hair to fall …

Irregular periods- anovulatory cycle: need help with application instructions 
Hello. I am searching for instructions of use and possible dosage range for me. I suffered a miscarriage 3 months ago. The reason was unknown, but I believe …

Hi wray. Im new to your site and hope you can help me. I was on hrt and was taken off as it caused high blood pressure. I then went on progest progesterone …

Hello everyone! Very happy to have found this site. Have been lurking for a week or two and am very blessed to have found this place. A little background: …

John Chapman 
I am a 63 year old male who has a pretty stressful life managing one business as well as running my own. I usually work 7 days a week with very long days. …

Mine is not a story it is mostly a question. I am 52 , a year ago I was always full of energy and as a teacher giving lots of energy to others. I used …

Weight Problems 
Should I increase my progesterone if I still cannot loose any weight despite exercise and watching food intake. Hot flashes are much better, just a few …

taking prog. for infertility and gaining weight 
Hello. I'm 24 years old and have been struggling with infertility for 4 years. My husband and i stopped using condoms when we got married (I was 20 at …

My subscription 
I have BPH and I want to protect my self from cancer

Hi..I'm 51 and I started using Progesterone cream earlier this year when I started bleeding nonstop for 2 months. I started at 100mg daily and went to …

post partum depression? 
Hi, I've been using progesterone cream off and on for the past 5 years. I came across Katharina Dalton's book that said that using progesterone can head …

Progesterone HELPS YOUR BRAIN!!! 
Hi. My name is Patty from the USA. I first posted my story under the topic of Men and Progesterone because I first asked a question about whether natural …

Click here to write your own.

Palpitations resolved from Progesterone cream 
I am 38 years old and as far as I can remember have had palpitations. I had three successful pregnancies in my early twenties and had a tubal ligation …

Hi Wray, I am 53. Had a hysterectomy about 6 or 7 years ago because of heavy periods. Began Bioidentical hormones about a year later. Never felt that …

Does natural progesterone stop ovulation? 
I'm taking 400mg of oral compounded progesterone DAILY WITH NO BREAK for severe perimenopausal symptoms (anxiety, panic, foggy thinking, memory loss, etc). …

I am 45 years old and have a 7 month old daughter who I am still breastfeeding. I started using natural progesterone cream 2 months ago to alleviate symptoms …

Trying Progesterone Cream for Tapering Ativan 
Hi Wray, My name is Joy and I'm about 1/2 way through a 10 month taper getting off of the benzo ativan. My doctor wrote out a script to put me on progesterone …

Progesterone, irregular periods and water retention 
I'm 47 years old and have been using Natpro for 6 months now. I initially started using Natpro to try and regulate my periods as they had started becoming …

Endometriosis and Perimenopause 
Hi. I am 46 years old. I have been suffering with endometriosis since I was 16 years old. It has been awful. Heavy bleeding and extremely painful periods …

How much Natpro - plain english Teaspoons 
Hello all, Ok, - Sounds simple but you want to get it right - the amount of Natpro to use. Here is my conclusion, please let me know if I am incorrect. …

Hypoglycaemia Query 
Hi. I am a progesterone user and wonder if all is connected. I have just found out that I have true hypoglycaemia without hyperinsulinemia. I can see now …

No period 
Im fairly certain I have never ovulated. I had 3 periods prior to starting birth control at age 19, and I don't believe ovulation occurred with any of …

PCOS Hair loss 
Hello! I am so glad to come across your site which gave me hope! I am a 30 yo female who was on ortho-Tri-cylen Low (BCP) for 8 years, last year while …

Progesterone for recurrent miscarriage 
Hi Wray - You were kind enough to provide answers to me in another thread, and now that I have more details, I wanted to ask a few more questions. I miscarried …

I am a 66 year old female, had my thyroid killed in 2005, 4 weeks ago I had a very heavy period, next week I started using the cream daily, today I …

Want to begin.... 
After doing much research on progesterone therapy I still have questions, I swear the internet is a blessing and a curse! I'm so thankful to have come …

Feeling the shift 
Hello. I am 41 and have been feeling the shift of hormones for about 2 years. For my entire life I had a very regular cycle. 28 days 6-7 days of bleeding. …

Holy Healing Crisis!!! 
So, I began 200 mg progesterone daily, a few days ago. The first night, I had night sweats and chills, severe headache, back pain, cramps, heart palapations, …

worried with 2 miscarriages in the past and preg now.. 
Well... i had my first child at 17.. last year (21) i had gotten pregnant but lost it at 8 weeks and they couldnt tell me why... had to get a dnc and they …

Can progesterone therapy impact a woman's milk supply? 
My ND has me on 1 tsp (80 mg) natural progesterone cream during the second half of my cycle due to estrogen dominance and adrenal insufficiency. She has …

Natpro and showering 
Hi Wray! Just a small question: I apply Natpro twice daily, 9am and 9pm. If I have a shower between that time, do I have to apply cream again after …

Spotting after period, long cycles, low cortisol 
I'm trying to conceive my second child, but my hormones just haven't been right since having my first (3 years ago). My ND did a 1 day saliva test and …

Confused too much information 
I would really value your input. I'm 51 and do not take any medications, only vitamins and herbs. My health has always been good, but the last several …

seizures during PMS 
my adult daughter has grandmal seiures during her periods. I discovered about 1997 that dilantin made her very sick. I told the hospital. This was put …

seizures during PMS 
my adult daughter has grandmal seiures during her periods. I discovered about 1997 that dilantin made her very sick. I told the hospital. This was put …

Second month on cream. Anxiety/foggy thinking and hives 
This is my second month. The first month I was only doing 20mg a day once a day. I started to feel great, minus the hives! Well now after doing much research …

An Australian Experience - postscript 
I meant to say in my previous post that I am not sure if I am 'Estrogen Dominant'. Blood tests did not reveal any discernible Estrogen in my body. I would …

Click here to write your own.

An Australian Experience 
Unlike the USA, bio-identical hormones are only available through a doctor's prescription. It is also difficult to find a medical practitioner who works …

Progesterone level of 0 
Hi...I have been having a lot of signs of estrogen dominance. I am currently 46 years old and two years ago I actually ended up having a hysterectomy due …

Abdominal bloating 
Hi Wray, I'm looking for some help. I'm 45 and have been dealing with Abdominal bloating for over two years! It drives me absolutely crazy! I do not …

perimenopause driving me crazy! 
I have been in symtomatic perimenopause for 5 years. It started with spotting between cycles and then a diagnosis of simple endo hyperplasia w/o atipia. …

Monthly Anger and Mood swings 
Hi All, I am a 32 year old who lives in Surrey UK, and since being a teenager I have suffered with my Hormones. It started when I was 15, migraine headaches …

Progesterone and Dizziness 
Hi Wray! I am 46 and just started Bio Identical Progesterone Therapy two months ago. My doc started me on 12.5mg in the am and 25mg before bed. The …

75 yo post MP 
I use estrogen patches along with oral Progesterone 100 mg/day to oppose the effects of estrogen on the endometrium. I have been on this regimen for …

NatPro vaginally? 
Can I use NatPro vaginally?

What is the desired Progesterone level for a 69 years old MALE? 
Hello, I can see that the desired range for male is <1 ng/ml or <3.18 nmol/L Is there a minimum or the lower the better? Specifically mine is: …

Can too much progesterone cream convert to estrogen? 
Hi Wray, thanks so much for your fabulous site, it's really helped me through a horrendous time with my health. I have been suffering with functional hypothyroidism …

Help! Won't stop bleeding.....up to750 mgs a day!! 
Hello! I am a 39 yrs young cycling female. Been on pro cream for almost a year now. During this time trying to find right dosage for myself. About …

Brain Fog 
I am 31 and I've been suffering from intense brain fog that started two weeks after I stopped taking the Birth Control Pill eight months ago. My vision …

Origin and Hair Loss 
Hi I was diagonosed with pcos about a year ago by my GP who carried out a scan. I am on BC pills and experience quite intense pain during and after …

high androgens 
wray, my androsedine number is way above average at 28, with testosterone of 2, I have already tried progesterone and it made syptoms worse (hair growth …

Lee Anne 
Hi Wray, for the benefit of others I’d like to report some of the amazing results I’ve experienced after only 2 months of using Natpro. I started out …

Estrogen/Progesterone Ratio & Elevated Testosterone 
I have a question about my estrogen progesterone and testosterone ratio. I am a 33-year old cycling female (have not been on birth control pills in over …

Progesterone Excess 
I've been taking Progest E Complex which is made up of a natural vitamin E oil, vegetable triglycerides, and natural progesterone. I recently did salivary …

Hi, I have a question in reference to birth control pills and progesterone cream. My daughter is about to turn 21yrs old and is on birth control pills, …

Once you start on NatPro, can you stop taking testosterone cypionate injections to improve your testosterone levels?

Hello, I am 54 years old and have been experiencing episodes (60 continuous days) of heavy to moderate to mild uterine bleeding for three years. At times …

Amounts of ProgeserALL and Serenity Progesterone Cream + Natpro out of stock, what now? 
Dear Wray, First I would like you to thank you for the treasure of information I could find on your site in regards to progesterone and hormone treatments …

Menopause and Porphyria 
I am 53 and according to Doctor have low hormone levels. Due to the porphyria I am not able to take any hormone therapy. I am gaining lots of weight …

Dear wray, I am 50years old and had my last period last June, night sweats and fatigue started this May. I had a FSH blood test done which was 173 and …

Progesterone and Graves Disease/Hyperthyroid 
Hello-I was wondering if you could give me some information about how progesterone would affect my condition of Graves Disease, which is hyperthyroid. …

Help with using progesterone continually 
Hello. I have been using 800mg of progesterone during the luteal phase of my cycle for about 2 years. I love, love, love it. However, I become miserable …

Click here to write your own.

What would you suggest for a child who is rebounding from anorexia? My sweet girl has not had her period as of yet ( she is 14 ), but my concern is should …

I am 47. I have missed a period before but generally they are right on time. However, in the last 6 months I have started bleeding during ovulation. And …

Confused about how much cream is in one tube ? 
In simple terms please tell me how many pumps I will get out of one tube ? I am trying to figure out if I can afford this. If I need to take more than …

Hi I am new to Progesterone therapy. After reading an article on your website on burning tongue caused by oestrogen dominance I decided to give it …

How much cream 
Hi, Just wondering how much cream. If I want 5g of cream, what does that look like? Eg. Half a teaspoon! Just wondering how to work out the dosage. …

help plsssss 
Hi, i am in need of some help. A little history : i am 26 year old female, that has had mild to moderate acne on and off for about 6 years. I have never …

3 Weeks on Prog..Placing order for NatPro but Please ASSIST ME!!!!! 
HELLO :) I am a month away from turning 36...I Have always been healthy and fit (with an insatiable sweet tooth, however)..weighing between 105-108 ideally.. …

Natpro cost 
Why has the price of 20 tubes of natpro gone up

glutamate toxicity 
Hi Wray, I'm still reading your site daily. I'm a little confused though about something. I've read where you suggest extremely high doses of L-Glutamine, …

Hi, I have three beautiful girls. 6,3 and 2. I have suffered two misscarriages in the last 9 months. I know after my third that my hormones were …

Mrs K 
Dear Wrey I am 47 years of age with 3 Children. I am a teacher and had to deal with a lot of stress and deadlines the last few years. I have read a …

dose and duration of progesterone tablet during the first trimester of pregnancy …

Post tubal ligation and hormonal imbalance 
Hi Wray, my name is Tina and I've been suffering from a hormonal imbalance for two years. I had my tubes cauterized three years ago after the birth of …

side effects 
It seems contradictory that you say there are no side effects to progesterone, yet there are. How can it not be a major and possibly dangerous side …

Added progesterone causing bleeding? 
I've been on oral progesterone 100mg/day for about a year and between that and taking deer antler velvet to boost testosterone, my periods have been pretty …

Need Help 
My gynecologist has told me to stop using Natpro because it's suppressing my FSH. I had only been on it a week when I had the labs done. I didn't get …

Progesterone Too High?? 
Hi. I've been trying to find a hormonal balance for my menopause symptoms this past year. Recently have been working with a new doctor. Initial labs …

Hi Wray, I have heard & read recently that Progesterone cream is always better absorbed through the vagina.I have been using the cream for 4 years topically …

question about medoxyprogesterone/ovulation-or pregnancy. 
Ok to start off I had my little girl 5 months ago 6 weeks later I was put on b/c and a month later I started bleeding for almost 3 months so my doctors …

can progesterone cause dangerously low blood pressure 
My gynecologist said she rarely gives progesterone over 200mg. due to it sometimes causing a dangerous drop in blood pressure in her patients. She told …

Dear wray I have used NATPRO cream almoust 2 years , and I am feeling better and better, but now when I put my breakfest maca-powder, bee pollen and …

I feel terrible! 
I'm not sure who to address this to. I am curious who is writing all this information. I feel like I have some solid answers to problems that have plagued …

I have had a hysterectomy but kept my ovaries could progesterone help me? 
I am desperate to understand how I am feeling, I had a hysterectomy 6 years ago and put on 3 stone in that time the last stone in the last 12 months. I …

I have had a hysterectomy but kept my ovaries will progesterone help me? 
I am desperately trying to understand how I am feeling I had a hysterectomy 6 years ago and put on nearly 3 stone on in that time the last stone in a much …

Estrogen Dominance, Hypothyroidism & Adrenal Fatigue 
Hi Wray, I just recently found your site, but I've been reading it almost non-stop. I love that you're a patient yourself and have done so much to help …

Click here to write your own.

Starting low and slow on progesterone? 
Most of my symptoms are mental... brain fog (EXTREME), anxiety, severe depression, unreal feelings, etc. I also cannot tolerate refined sugars or caffeine …

Vitamin D and NATPRO 
Hi Wray, Thank you so much for the wealth of information you provide on this website. Here is my question - Can the oil/vitamin content inside …

Six months of insanity and still going... 
I began using Natural Progesterone Cream back in November of 2012 for some mild pms symptoms. Within a week I felt better than I had ever in my life. I …

Prpgesterone accumulation in the fat 
Every article I have read about progesterone cream, states that it should be used in different spots, and only on the thin skin areas, because it will …

Attempting to put breast cancer back in its box 
My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer 12 years ago at age 43, and in our initial ignorance we allowed the guys in white coats first to perform a hideous …

Estrogen dominance and pcos 
Hi I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS. I also suspect I'm estrogen dominant . The following is a list of my symptoms Moodiness and irritability …

progestorone for irregular bleeding 
hi ,im a 58 years old been going through menopause since I was 46 not over it yet I don't take hrt,iv been having problems with bleeding while going through …

Post Surgical Menopausal Mess! 
Hello! My name is A. Wilson and I am a 53 year old, 11 year post surgical menapausal mess!!! I underwent a total hysterectomy, with uterus, cervix and …

Acne - please help! 
Hi Wray I have written to you before and my mum also writes to you quite a lot as we both use the cream. I am suffering with Acne and have done for …

Hi I am 48 and have had a period now for roughly 6 weeks and with an extremmly heavy flow. I am suffering from severe exhaustion all the time. The doc …

Sister Heather Chorn 
I have been using Progesterone Cream for about 10 years. I would like to know more about Natpro, as well as the price and membership

Progesterone is not always the answer. Causes weight gain, depression. 
Progesterone is not always the answer. Causes weight gain, depression. Get yourself tested, saliva tests are low in cost and will tell you if your progesterone …

hormones after total hysterectomy 
I had a total hysterectomy in Jan. 2011. I had severe endometriosis and couldn't stand the pain. I am 40 yrs. old and have been trying to get my hormones …

I was given Premarin unapossed by my doctor an I still have my uterus . This has resulted in suspected Hyperplasia which I had never heard of .ii have …

Progesterone relieved excruciating pain of Adenomyosis!!! 
Progesterone therapy miraculously stopped the horrific pain that I was in for approximately 3 weeks out of every month. I was told that I had adenomyosis, …

Progesterone Questions 
I am 41 years old women who has suffered from a hormonal imbalance since the birh of my 2 year old son. I have been through so many doctors to get it under …

I have tendonitis, and my right hand goes numb at night. I read that progesterone cream can help. Question is, can I rub it in each night when my arm …

Help needed, pretty please! 
Hello, I am sorry this is so long but I want to make sure I don't leave anything out. On my 49th birthday in January of this year all heck broke loose …

very frustrated.. 
I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago and was treated with Metformin and b/c. I lost alot of weight, cycle became regular again.Things were good for …

Mystery and mysery 
Hello ladies I would like to input, to see if anyone can relate or explain. This is very complex- not even my consultant could help me. For years I've …

Slight Incontinence 
Hello, I hope some can help me with my question. I had a full hysterectomy (removal of ovaries, uterus & cervix) 7 wks ago. My doc prescribed Vivelle …

Candida and Hormones. 
I am a 43 year old woman. When I was 29 I suddenly woke up with extremely puffy eyes heavy breast & stomach cramps.I also discovered I had an allergic …

premature ovarian insufficiency (failure) 
hi there, i have p.o.i. premature ovarian insufficiency. i have been diagnosed and suggested to maintain a dose of 200mg progesterone and .5 of estradiol …

Progesterone but Confused 
Hello All, Thank you ahead of time for reading my story. I have had severe PMS or PMDD since puberty. My weight fluctuated a lot as a kid and cramps …

Clinical Coordinator - Vintage Medical Group 
I am a 63 y/o cardiopulmonary physical therapist who has been on testosterone replacement therapy since 1995. I opened up a bioidentical hormone replacement …

Click here to write your own.

I will be 55 in a few days. My story is similar to many, hot flashes, irritable, mood swings, and cry easily. I consider myself to me in menopause. I …

Many health problems and endometriosis - continuation 
Hi Wray, again - I´m sorry for my English... I have a terrible time with Natpro. I´m using about 1500 Natpro/day for 3 weeks and my endo-pain is absolutely …

Just curious and a bit confused 
Hi, I had a tubal ligation some 11 years ago,(worst mistake I have ever made, and the worst thing I have EVER put my body through). My husband 33, …

Early good results 
Firstly, thank you for the work you have put into your website. I always appreciate the sharing of valuable information even if it doesn't result in financial …

Help me please! I'm a 34 year old woman suffering from severe migraines. When I go to the doctor they usually just prescribe the normal 'migraine cocktails' …

help feel like i am literally going crazy low progesterone 
Help me please I am a 36 year old woman who has been fighting this for three years I have had many tests done buy many specialist..... thyroid came back …

Adrenal Fatigue Progeterone Cream 
Hi Wray, I was using progesterone for a few months and my symptoms seemed to get worse. (oestrogen symptoms, increase in hair,acne fatigued ect) I found …

Fibroids, Mirena and Zoladex 
Hi Wray, My friend has been admitted to hospital due to complications with large fibroids and the Mirena coil, which has been pushed out by the fibroid …

soy concern 
Hello Wray, I believe the Natpro formula was changed from mainly yam to mainly soy, I was ok with this as I have relied on Natpro for many years to keep …

Progesterone Deficiency during pregnancy, What to do after?? 
After 6 early miscarriages, I finally managed to convince my doctors to prescribe me progesterone suppositories. They told me they didn't believe it would …

Stopping birth control  
My 23 year old daughter recently stopped BC pills......she is now experiencing headaches during her period. Can progesterone help with that? Betsy

Help with progesterone cream after several months of therapy 
After a few years of suffering from a myriad of health problems, I found I was estrogen dominant. Six months ago, my Pg/E2 ratio was 1:23 (this test was …

39 year old woman, with a Hysterectomy about 8 years ago. I have Cystic Acne and have had it for 7 years! I am at my wits end. I ask my doctor to check …

Dosing question 
Hello, I cant seem to find dosing directions on the site or with the NATPRO bottle. How does 200 mg equate to a teaspoon? I thought I had figured it out, …

Early Spotting aftet ET although being on Progesterone 
Hi, I am 39, mother of a 4year-old child, with IVF(Fet), and now an IVF patient(5th cycle for 2nd baby) on my 8days after ET. I started immediately after …

Complex ovarian cyst 
Hi Wray. My doc found what they are calling a complex (or complicated?) ovarian cyst. I didn't see that type of cyst on your cyst page. They want to …

Wray - What comes first the chicken or the egg? 
Dear Wray, As you know I have faithfully and diligently followed your advice and have, thus far, seen dramatic improvement. But I'm still struggling …

Progesterone and Preterm Labor 
I am 31 and I have 3 beautiful children. My oldest was born at 33 1/2 weeks, it was a scary time but Addie is a fighter and she pulled through. She is …

I have been put on vaginal Estradiol to help with I think severe dryness as I keep getting thrush like symptoms I am taking 20 micrograms at night started …

Hi Wray, A couple of questions. I am currently taking 100mgs of Prometrium. I have tried cream before and my blood tests revealed that I was not …

Mrs Murray 
Hello I am 42 and believe I may have oestrogen dominance. Easily stressed, poor sleep, PMT, menstruation pain etc. I took Progest E for a month rubbing …

Hi. A 19 year old girl who has suffered for years with server migraines has been prescribed Atenolol a blockers) and a 3 monthly hormonal injection of …

Progesterone and steroids 
I am dating someone who body builds and see anabolic steroids. He bEgan using progesterone cream to help balance out his levels. I have looked on your …

Dear Wray! Now I have used Natropro about year and half, but now I take ALWAYS YOUNG -product ( Renewal HGH Advanced ), what is your opinion this compination? …

How to come of the pill gradually.... 
I have started on the cream at 100mg per day and I assume I will need to build up my progesterone before I can stop the pill. I was wondering if you had …

Click here to write your own.

Wray - About Glycine and Taurine: Do they compete for the same receptors? 
Hi Wray, I read somewhere that Taurine and Glycine compete for the same receptors in the brain and should not be taken or combined together, is this …

Have just received ClearPatch Natural Progesterone USP 5% Lotion in the mail from Gentle Pharmacy. Have been using Emerita Progesterone cream around 100mg/day. …

PCOS and issue with Inositol 
Hi Wray, Many thanks for all of your helpful information and guidance. I think I have had PCOS since age 19/20, currently 37. Symptoms include irregular …

Natural hormone Balance for Women - Uzzi Reiss 
Hello Wray, A book " Natural hormoe balance for Woman" from Uzzi Reiss states as below, "However, if you take progesterone alone, be aware that estrogen …

I am 59 and have gone through the menopause. I began to use natural progesterone cream but after the second cycle started to get dizzy spells. I stopped …

Progesterone triggering herpes attacks 
Hello, Thanks for this amazing site. I read on one of the front pages that you said that progesterone boosts the immne system . I was told by another …

A couple of months ago hormone tests revealed I was post menopause. I am 47 and was quite shocked. I had a hysterectomy at 35 with ovaries left intact. …

Hi everyone, I have had every hormonal symptom ever known to any woman and you are about to read a very different story, which I believe may have started …

Hoping i have finally found the answer 
Hi, My story is a little long, but will try and keep it brief..... After having my first daughter i then had to have my right ovary removed due to a …

Am I taking too much progesterone? 
I have written before and I am very thankful for your website. During a five year terrible funk of not seeing the point in life I tried every alternative …

I am 51 yrs old and I have been using a progesterone cream for a few weeks now (Bezwecken Progonol cream); was using Bezwecken Ostaderm but quit after …

Many health problems and endometriosis 
Dear Wray, please, excuse my English, I´m from the Czech Republic :) I´m 30 years old. I´d like to ask you for an advise. 2 years ago I found …

Progesterone shortened the period cycle 
Hello Wray, It is Jennifer again. My mother is still very happy with progesterone. Progesterone seems to have stoped her pain from Rheumatoid arthritis. …

strong side effects taking progesterone during first pregnancy trimester 
I am 34 years old. This is my second pregnancy, my first one ended in MC as it was a blighted ovum. I changed to a different Gyn after that and when I …

Worse before better? 
Dear Wray, I am 35 years old from Norway. My doctor has given me progesterone cream for estrogen dominans. I have been taking Novothyral for 8 years …

Anxiety and Progesterone 
After reading all these questions and answers I feel that women need to be educated on HRT. Find a good doctor that talks and explains everything to you. …

Heavy bleeding 
Hi Wray. I am 49 years old who has been dealing with fibroids for over 15 years. In my early 30's I went through a bad spell of bad periods and pain …

Hair everywhere 
I really need some advice. I have endometriosis I had it undercontrol for a few years. But my serious problems started when I went on birth control pills …

Progesterone Abdominal Subcutaneous Fat Women (Love Handles) 
Is lypolytic natural micronized progesterone on abdominal subcutaneous fat of women (SAT)? Kind Regards.

Heavy bleeding during intercourse  
Dear Wray, I've been in a long distance relationship for 4 months now, and we meet with my partner at the weekends. The first two months were great, …

crazy cycle 
Hello, I'm 47 years old. for the last 4 years I had my period coming evry 3 weeks. I hate it. & months ago, i went to a doctor who prescribes natural …

Hi. I am just beginning to digest all this information. My health has been declining for the past 4 years. Not that it was great before that. I underwent …

Mid-Cycle pain lasts 2 weeks.  
Dear Wray, I am hoping you may have some insight! I feel at a loss. It started about 2 years ago. Summer '11, thought I was pregnant, had the classic …

Progesterone Drunk? 
Hi, I was just tested (saliva) for hormone levels, after feeling crazy for months, ocular and plain ol migraines,2 periods a month, weight gain,aches, …

DIM combined with Progesterone Cream? 
I've been taking DIM for about 8 days. So far I'm not noticing any huge difference other than my hair and scalp are suddenly dryer (which is a good thing …

Click here to write your own.

Hi, I was just tested (saliva) for hormones, after feeling crazy for a few months, getting migraines, having 2 periods a month, weight gain, aches, insomnia, …

Wray, I've been using 200 mg. Of Natpro per day for a few weeks now. Been reading lots from this site.. I take taurine, magnesium glycinate, tyrosine, …

Wrong usage of progesterone cream 
Hi, I am 33 years old and I have always had terrible PMS my whole life but after stopping the birth control pill about a year ago, the pms symptoms got …

flooding periods 
I wrote to you a couple of months ago about flooding periods .I hsve been to have my homones checked today after two years of pushing for these test. Whilst …

Five months with no period then a cycle? What gives? 
I have had lots of problems in the past eight years including fibroids, excessive bleeding, etc., but have kept them under control through the use of …

high estrogen 
Hi, I have had cancer and they say that they got it all but the bad news is that my estrogen level is a 3 and that is as high as it goes, they want me …

Enormous Ratio Change-Why Is This Safe? 
Good morning Wray, I am a new user of Natpro. I am 48 female with a large fibroid and endometrial hyperplasia. My Estrogen Dominance was diagnosed …

I'm here because after years of feeling awful and not myself, I'm trying to do the research for my OWN health that doctors are missing. I know it's not …

Sudden high bp and hot flashes! 
I'm 51 and am peri-menopausal. I haven't had a period since last October. About 3 months ago, I started with really bad hot flashes (several per hour …

Progesterone Cream Causing Skin Burning?  
Hi there. I have been battling with adrenal issues since being involved in a serious car accident 6 years ago, and it has wreaked absolute havoc with …

Headache and Migraine 
Hi,I am 48 years old woman and have been suffering from headaches and migraine attacks for about 8 years. My periods stopped 6 months ago, although three …

Hello Wray I wonder if you could help me to work out how much and how often I should use the Progesterone cream? I am 49 yrs old and have had irregular …

weight gain 
I have been on progestrone cream for about 2yrs 1mg a day before bed and I take DHEA 2 tablets 1 a day before bed I take adrenal stress hormones 2 tab …

Hello! I just read one of your emails titled Progesterone and Hypothyroidism. In the email you stated that the source of your progesterone is the soya …

Endometrial cyst, treatment plan outline - need your advice, please 
Dear Wray, I'm going to use NatPro for the first time, and I'd really like to know your opinion on whether my treatment plan is ok. A short background: …

HI, I posted somewhere on this site but chose to post here to write my story to see if I could get some help.. I am 35 yrs old and have been suffering …

Dose confusion! 
I just started with the progesterone cream. I was tested in November of 2010 and was super low in progesterone! They put me on something for a couple month, …

The correct amount of progesterone to use. 
I spend a lot of time on Wray Whyte's website mainly because I have benefited from the use of natural progesterone. Had I not discovered this website …

a harper 
I am 50 and had a hysterectomy and bladder sling.I still have my ovaries.Do I need progesterone? I have no muscle tone and thinning hair and pretty depressed. …

I was wondering if you could help me with my ratio. I had labs this week and am wondering how I am doing taking 100-200mg of progesterone cream daily. …

julie from ky one more thing, sorry 
My vit d blood test back in December was wonder they put me on what they call "the hulk" of vitamin D. But its still only 50,000IU's …

starting with other cream until natpro is in stock 
Hello, How to make the switch to Natpro above is my info from last post, I am 43 and have 25 day cycles lasting about 4 days each. I just stopped …

Auras and mirena coil 
I am 42, I have had a mirena coil for over 4 years now for contraceptive purposes, but feel I would not want to go back to a life dominated by periods. …

Mirena coil and Norethisterone 
I had a mirena coil fitted in October of 2012 as a method of contraception. This is not the first time I've had the Mirena, I had one after I had my first …

Endometriosis and trying to conceive 
Hi Wray my name is Kirsty, I have just started applying progesterone cream this cycle. I have endo in the bowel and the pouch of douglas, possibly elsewhere …

Click here to write your own.

When to start taking progesterone supplements for keeping possible pregnancy? 
I have been having quite a bit of difficulty maintaining a pregnancy for the last 4+ years. I have 2 children, both who were conceived seemingly without …

PCOS and not sure if I'm using Natpro right ... 
Hi Wray - My name is Kari. First, thank you so much for providing this site and using your valuable time to provide all of this information to people …

what do you make of this 
Hello friend, IM 43 and need help I will keep this short estradiol (saliva) 1.6 progesterone (saliva) 89 ratio pg/e2 (saliva) 56 testosterone …

Cancer concerns 
Having suffered with symptoms of pms for over twenty years and experiencing great improvement using natural progesterone cream over the last few months …

For the last four years I have had burning urine and urgency. Also sometimes the area around my vagina burns although I can sooth this with lubrication …

cant find it to purchase anywhere 
Now that I have finally decided to give natpro a try I cant find it anywhere?

how to make the switch to natpro 
Hello, Could this really be it ?? Have I finally found a small flickering light at the end of the tunnel ? I am 43 and have all symptoms of estrogen dominance. …

Please help- I have a lot of nausea 
Dear Wray I have written to you a few months ago, during Menopause is a hard time. Please see what I have written about my situation there. I have now …

Hormone help! 
Dear Wray, I am 20 years old and have been dealing with a loss of period and weight gain for almost two years now. I was put on birth control and diagnosed …

Can Progesterone Cream Help with Hair Loss 
I have been looking for a solution for hair loss for over 10 years. I have an iron problem (which contributes to hair loss and lack of regrowth) also. …

Miscarriage, trying to conceive 
Hi Wray, I am 28 years old, and a year ago my husband and I decided to try for a baby. I got pregnant on month three, but lost the baby at 5 weeks. …

hair loss 
Dear Wray, Has anyone treated their hair loss with using progesterone? If so how much do they use? I have been using 20mg twice a day now for four months. …

WHY AM I FAT AND MOODY???????????????????????????????? 
I'm so fat. SOOOOO FAT! I weight 260lbs and I'm a crazy psycho person 3 weeks of the month. I used to only be a crazy psycho person 1 week of the month. …

Crinone question? 
Hi Wray, Does Crinone 8% vaginal gel cause birth defects? It says on their website that it can, which confuses me as its progesterone? Thanks for …

Hormone imbalance 
About 3 years ago I started having migraines, digestion problems diarrhoea or constipation around the time of my period along with bad moods , periods …

My progesterone levels were depleted. 
I am 50 years old and was having symptoms of being tired more often, emotional, anxious, trouble losing weight, or rather stored fat, trouble sleeping …

Am I doing this right? 
I'm 26 years old. I have a 5 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. I suffered horribly with Postpartum depression after the birth of my son. I had frequent …

Hi, I have a 18 year old daughter that has been irregular with her periods ever since she started. She has had some a couple of times a year and has gone …

Test results 
Hi I just received some test results. I got tested 7 days after ovulation. My progesterone was 43.1 Nmol/L Estradiol was 824 Pmol/L These were blood …

Where is my period? 
I am 46 years old, perimenopausal and symptoms have been getting me down recently so I began natural progesterone application at the commencement of my …

Progesterone Dosage and Saliva Test vs. Blood Test 
Greetings, and thanks for all the work you do. I have a question regarding dosage and it's relationship to blood plasma levels of progesterone. On …

Greetings, and thanks for all the work you do. I have a question regarding dosage and it's relationship to blood plasma levels of progesterone. On …

bioavailable diindolymethane 
Hi Wray, I forgot to ask you if you have any experience or knowledge of DIM? I have also started to use that as well to assist with control of the excess …

Progesterone Cream Advice 
Dear Wray, I am 20 years old and since I've been 14 my periods have always been irregular. From 14 to 18 they would come with a 33 to 38 day cycle. …

At the end of my rope . . . please help! 
Hi, I'm 37 years old and moved from the UK to the USA 9 years ago. When I arrived in the USA I weighed 120 lbs. Three pregnancies later I weigh 250 lbs. …

Click here to write your own.

chronic insomnia 
hi, i have been suffering from chronic insomnia now for over 8 1/2 years, and suffer from adrenal fatigue, i am now 50 years old. i have started to use …

Progesterone is good for everything 
Hi Wray I'm 50 years old. Have been using progesterone cream for about 25 years 2percent. I have many health issues thyroid low, candida allergies, skin …

need clarification on amount of progesterone per teaspoon 
Hello, The chart I received with the cream says that 3 ml = 100 mg = .6 tsp. So this means that 1/2 tsp is a little over 100 mg, and 1 tsp is a little …

Dear Wray: I have just found out that my cortisol is out of control which is contributing to my estrogen dominance symtoms as well as contribution to …

Order has not arrived 
Hi Wray, I ordered 6 tubes of Natpro about 11 days ago and they have not arrived. I tried to email Organic Products but their email is not working. …

Low Libido 
Hi Wray You have helped me soooo much with your advice in the last 5 years, I am hoping you can come to my rescue once again. I am 56, post menopause,using …

Do I need to take a break? 
Hi Wray I have been using progesterone cream now for nearly 4 years with great results. I am 56 years & am post menopausal after years of estrogen dominance …

Endless crying 
Hi wray love your info and website but I'm confused now I did everything possible to get rid of hot flashes ie vit d 10,000 ui 500mg prog magnesium and …

End of the Rope 
llo Wray..wont know if im at the right site untill test results are in ( just ordered the saliva kit all 8 tests today) Three years ago I had to leave …

What do I do? 
Hello- Just a few questions about what to do. I know in my heart that I am suffering from estrogen dominance but I can't convince my health practitioner …

Question concerning various forms of Vit D 
I had a vitamin d test back in 2007 which I thought the results were a bit odd and internet research didn't help with clarification. My vit d3 was 20, …

Anxiety from progesterone? 
I started using 5mg twice a day of prog. Cream today. I felt good for the first few hours. I increasingly felt hyper. 4 hours after rubbing on cream I …

Anovulation and one ovary 
Dear Wray, I had an twisted cystic ovary removed 3 years ago. Since then, my cycles are still every 25 days on the dot; but I am only ovulating every third …

Muscle weakness 
Hi Wray, I am 2 months postpartum. One week after I gave birth, it felt like the blood was being sucked out of me and I immediately felt weak in my …

Pre-Menstral Hives 
Hi Wray Do you have any links to share regarding pre-menstral hives? I’ve seen on several forums that getting hives before your period may be helped …

Progesterone and preventing postpartum depression 
I struggled with severe postpartum depression 4 months after my son was born. Severer insomnia and anxiety plagued me until I went on prescription anxiety …

saliva test results 
Hi Wray, I got my saliva test results from ZRT labs and was hoping to get your opinion/recommendations. Estradiol 1.2pg/ml …

I feel like I'm losing my mind and my health is deteriorating. 
I am 45 yrs old. Have been through the doctor turn stile. Nephorologists, Reumatologists, OB/gyn, Internists, you name it. I have been to naturopathic …

progesterone cream watery 
Hi there, just wondering if the cream is still effective if its more watery, and less creamy? I like hot steamy baths especially when I get a cold and …

question about luteal phase defect 
I am 43 yrs, female, trying to conceive but have luteal phase defect. About 10 or 11 days from ovulation to menses. I have been taking 100 mgs of oral …

Angela Harrington 
How long will a tube of your progesterone cream last and how much vitamin D should I be taking each day?

Excessive Hair Growth and Pigmentation 
Hi Wray, Please can you advise me if Natpro will help reduce excessive facial hair? Also, if used on the face can it prevent/reduce pigmentation on …

concentration of progesterone in cream from a compound pharmacy... 
Hi Wray ..I called the compound pharmacy where I got my progesterone from .. they couldn't tell me the concentration of progersterone per gram or milligram. …

Menopause is a hard time 
Hey Wray I am 47 years old. In 2008, removed my uterus and one ovary due to severe bleeding and fibroids. If before this time had PMS with extra anxiety, …

can't hardly move my legs... 
Hi, i am 34 years old and a week to two week before my period I can't hardly move my legs they are so weak and I feel like all the life in my is just drained. …

Click here to write your own.

Just thinking of starting progesterone cream 
Hi, I am just thinking of starting the use of progesterone cream and have read through all of the pages but to be honest, i am petrified to use the …

Hello! I have been on compounded progesterone for one year now. I started taking it because I was developing severe Perimenopause symptoms, Insomnia, night …

Progesterone and Insomnia 
Hello! I haven't written in a while but the last time your response back was quite helpful. I started taking compound progesterone about 11 months ago …

Having Problems with the site 
Hi Wray, I have been trying to respond to your comment for Early Period but it will not post to the site. I am trying it in this section. Here is …

search engine does not function on this website anymore 
Hello Wray, The search engine on this website was so helpful for me to search all kind of stories and answers, so that I do not ask you the same question …

PMS Symptoms/Dosage 
Hi there...I have been taking 5ml of the cream, split into two dosages, each day for about three weeks. For the past several days, I have been experience …

Low in estrogen and progesterone 
Hi Wray, I recently had a hormone test done and I am very deficient in progesterone and on the low end of normal for my estrogen level (tested on day …

New doctor prescribes estrogen patch, progesterone pills for already estrogen dominant? 
I have been using the Natpro for over three months with a relief finally of ALL my estrogen dominance symptoms. However, I have many other issues that …

Please help my poor mother! 
Hello wray, It is Jennifer. Today, I talked to my mother on the phone, and she told me that her pain on lower back came back. She had a spine …

Should I use progesterone cream? 
I am a 26 year old female. I took depo provera injections for 3 years(aged 17-20). So, being that I've been off for 6 years you would think that it would …

Hi, I am a 35 year old female who was on the pill since about the age of 18. If only I had known then what I know now! I started getting migranes, so I …

Saliva test report 
Hello Wray, It is Jennifer again, I and my husband have just received our saliva tests. I am 43 years old, my saliva test: Progesterone 15920 pg/ml …

Liz From UK 
When I was younger, up to the age of around 38, I never had PMT AT ALL...people would ask me when my period was due, such as doctors and I would give them …

Weird Batch 
Hi Wray, It's been a while now since I've written to you last...and things have been really good. Thank you again. Just recently I ran out of the Natpro …

Severe rectal pain with endometriosis 
Hi Wray, I have read so many stories on your site, and I am still struggling so thought I would post mine and see if you can offer any advice please? …

Suggestions Please!!! 
About 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3 endometriosis. I stumbled accross a natural hormone dr. who put me on 800mg of prometrium (progestrone) …

Horomone levels are in range? 
According to my latest blood work my hormone levels are in range, but why do I have so many symptoms as mentioned on these pages? From Depression, anxiety …

Perimenopuase - Estrogen Dominance - Need to stop continual bleeding 
Hello all. I have had great success using Progesterone Cream in the past but ran into a recent problem and am looking for suggestions to resolve it. …

Can I use progesterone cream on a child with cerebral palsy? 
Hello Wray, It is Jennifer again. My mother in Taiwan is still happy with Natpro. For myself, I increased the dosage to 200mg per day, I do not have …

Help stop my bleeding 
I have endo and have never had a problem, but recently my cycles have been off for the last 5 to 6 months. This month my period started for 3 days, stoped, …

Am I a candidate for use of progesterone? 
I am 46, currently in perimenopause. For the past 6-7 years, been experiencing frequent spotting between periods, sometimes 2 menses in a month. Recent …

Am I using the correct amount? 
I have been using natural progesterone cream since 1999, after having a unilateral oophorectomy (left ovary removed because of an endometrioma)and after …

Felling better already! 
I have just recently started using Natpro (couple weeks). I had not had my period in 2 1/2 months, and assumed it is due to my age, 48; and, I had a bunch …

Hormone Levels 
I'm a 38 male and have been having some issues with energy and low libido, I'm not over weight and exercise 3 to 5 days a week, after a few month of dealing …

Hello there, I have been recommended by a friend to try Natpro for my PMS symptoms. Two weeks of every month I become quite depressed and extremely tired …

Click here to write your own.

Dosage 20mg or above 100mg? 
Hello Wray, I just read the following from your website here. "Progesterone (saliva) Female (follicular) 12-100 pg/ml or 38.16 - 318.00 pmol/L …

I was not sure where or how to contact you. Several months ago I ordered 20 tubes of Natpro. I used it constantly for 2 months with no breaks at 400 milligrams. …

Melasma / Estrogen dominance 
Hi, I am a 40 year old female who has been suffering from melasma for the past 4 years. Prior to this I had perfect milky white blemish free skin. Knowing …

Large Doses Help 
Hi - I tried your progesterone cream and when i began to experience symptoms of too much estrogen I increased the dosage of your progesterone cream as …

Dosage for Diabetes erderly women 
Hello, I would like to order 10 tubes of Natpro for my mother who lives in Taiwan. She is 64 years old, at age of 30 her weight was already 70 kilograms, …

Hi! What some advice! Have been using natpro for helping to get a menstrion sicle and to get pregnant to for the last 4 months, with 3 months of getting …

Progesterone Cream - Losing Hair!!! HELP!!! 
Can someone please comment on how much hair loss can be expected while undergoing progestrone cream therapy? I feel great, and am quickly losing weight …

So confused about the hormones 
I have asked a previous question about progesterone and acid reflux before. But I would like to start at the beginning of my story and maybe you can get …

PCOS, Progesterone is my LAST HOPE 
Where to start, I have suffered from it all. Skin tags, darkness around my neck, tired/fatigue, migraines, thinning of my hair and flakey nails being the …

Can Sage drops be taken additional to the Natpro Cream 
Hello Wray I have just spoken to a lady who has gotten her hot flushes under control with Sage drops.She tested her hormones on the Scio Scan and then …

Lifetime immune suppressants really confusing my perimenopause! 
Hi. I find your emails with others' questions so helpful, thank you. As I discover more about pre-menopause, I realize how long I've been struggling …

Severe Panic after miscarriage 
I am 46 years old and became pregnant not too long ago. I miscarried about 8 weeks ago and have been suffering since. My panic is so severe I had trouble …

Sue - "Power of Positive Thinking" 
Hallo Wray, I would like to start by thaking you for your detailed information on your website. I live in Australia, Adelaie SA , AGE 53 years young, …

15 year old grand daughter 
Hi Wray, I have written prior regarding my own post menopausal problems with a thickened uterine lining and polyps but this one is for my grand daughter. …

Best Way to Stop Birth Control Pills 
Hi Wray- my friend was just told by her acupucturist that she is severely estrogen dominant and she needs to stop taking her birth control pill, but she …

I am 51 years old and about 7 months ago had a problem with an extremely dry mouth, 2 months later it felt like my mouth had been scalded, the condition …

dad with prostate cancer 
Hi Wray You have been so helpful with my own plight I thought I might tell you about my father. My 76 year old Dad has been on prostate cancer …

My Hormone Rollercoaster 
I have asked questions on and off for years and am back again. I am 33 years old and had a hysterectomy in July 2008 because of heavy bleeding and clotting, …

I'm 45 and a Royal Progesterone Deprived Mess ! 
Hi there, I sure hope I'm asking this question in the right place. I am 45 ( will be 46 in 4 more months ). For at least 7 years I have had periods …

Hi,please excuse my bad english. I suffer post partial psychosis 2 months after childbirth, taking psycholeptic Zyprexa 10mg for about 1month. Found out …

Hej Wray I came across your site and I really need help: My story is very long but I will shorten it by telling how situation is now. depression …

Progesterone and acid reflux taken at bedtime 
I was prescribed 100mg of progesterone and 0.25 vivelle patch that I actually cut in half. I have been taking the progesterone and now it is giving me …

Can't decide when to use it! 
I have experienced migraines, anxiety, very low libido, fibroids, general PMS symptoms, and irritability for years(about 10) connected to my cycle. I …

Natural Antidepressants 
Thank you very much for posting your articel: Natural Antidepressants Could you please tell where I can buy these articles? Tryptophan, Tyrosine, …

I am 46, and off from work with a doctors note for 'stress/depression' which i thought came on quite suddenly but on reflection, after reading some of …

Click here to write your own.

Your Product Changed My Life 
Hi Wray! I've been meaning to send an e-mail. Natpro has changed my life. I am only 25 and have suffered from hormonal imbalance since I was 16. I had …

Three miscarriages after problem free birth and IUD 
In March 2011, I went to my OBGYN to have my IUD removed after about four years of use. TTC'd and fell pregnant about two months later. I had a missed …

Fibroids? PCOS? No one ever told me what the cysts are so I don't know how to treat them. 
I never dilated even when induced on the 3rd day of regular contractions. This has always concerned me. This then resulted in a c-section, 14 ago, and …

Effect of Three Decades of Screening Mammography on Breast-Cancer Incidence 
The introduction of screening mammography in the United States has been associated with a doubling in the number of cases of early-stage breast cancer …

Hi, I am a 34 mom and I have had some anxiety problems starting in July(2012). I am pretty sure I've been estrogen dominant for many many years, but this …

Estrogen Allergy?  
Hi Wray I am glad we found your website - it is just great! I have a long story – will try to make it short. I am now 50 years old. I had very sudden …

Hi Wray, Am hoping you can help me. I am 52, no other perimenopausal symptoms but have been bleeding for 3 months, mostly very heavy (ie one super tampon …

Cystitis type symptoms 
I am 49 next month and have multiple fibroids, the largest about 5cm. I had a transvaginal scan last year and another one a week ago, ovarys are clear …

After extended breastfeeding experiencing estrogen dominance symptoms 
Hi, I found your page while doing a n extensive search on the net, desperately trying to find out whats wrong with me. I am a young mother (29) of three …

PND and Anxiety and severe PMS 
Hi Wray, I suffered severe postpartum anxiety with the birth of my daughter 3 years ago (onset was about 5 hours after delivery). Very bad PMS followed. …

Waiting for the Miracle 
Hello Wray, I have come across your website in past when searching for 'how to get hormones balanced'. I had pretty much written off Progesterone because …

Progesterone, BCP, and hair loss.  
Dear Wray. I have been searching all over the web in order to find some answers to my problem. Your site gave me lots of information and some hope, although …

Dizziness/low blood pressure & hypoglycemia after childbirth 
Hi Wray, I'm 31 years old and have a 4 year old daughter. After reading your site, I've realized that I've probably always suffered from progesterone …

Needing advice 
Hi, I'm 46 years old. I discovered the miracle of progesterone cream last year after suffering from numerous symptoms of estrogen dominance. At that …

Progesterone oil to raise DHEA? 
Hi I have very low DHEAS (1.7 umol/L) and read that using progesterone oil would help raise it. To my knowledge my progesterone levels are within …

Nervous Breakdown 
Wray, I just wanted to fill you in on my story. I did not have my hysterectomy. Two weeks before I was due to have it, my husband moved out unexpectedly …

37 y.o mom of five 
Hello Wray, I would love to tell you my story and get your input on my situation. As I said I am 37 years old and a mother of five children ages 15,13,9,4 …

i've been using the cream for 3 weeks and the other night a wart i had on my shoulder fell off - roots and all. is that possibly a response to the cream? …

Hormonal Mommy 
40 yr old WF with severe insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes, heavy periods, weight gain and anxiety immediately following the cessation of breastfeeding. …

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance after cycling for 2+ mos. straight 
Hello Wray, I decided to take 125mg. of progesterone straight with no breaks for 2-3 months to achieve well being after my 3rd miscarriage at the end …

Low Estrogen, Progesterone AND Testosterone 
I just got a saliva hormone test and it seems all three hormones are low. I take a Progesterone only birth control pill and I think that is what is causing …

Hi, i dont know if this is the right place to ask... but i have just started my period and have a camping trip to go on so i really dont want my period. …

Spotting and irregular periods 
Hi Wray, First off, thank you so much for your website and all of the research and advice you have given! This site has seriously helped me so much …

Stomach Cramping on Nat Pro and so confused about the amount 
I just purchased Nat Pro on October 19, 2012 and started using it on October 22nd, so 10 days. I am using 1 teaspoon in the morning and 1 teaspoon in the …

Low Oestrogen?  
My son was born 2.5 years ago. When i stopped breast feeding him a year ago my period returned. With it in a matter of days i had extreme anxiety, phobias, …

Click here to write your own.

Swollen ankles 
Hi wray blessings to you and natpro i love this creme. I have been using progesterone for 7 years now I am 50 years old I use to use life flo then 3 years …

just started 
I just started taking the cream a few days ago. I have been spotting a little and have very low motivation/ energy. Not sure if I am taking enough. I put …

Migraines and insomnia issues 
For Wray- I am hoping you can provide some insight for me. I'm 36 years old and ever since the birth of my son almost 2 years ago I've had chronic migraines. …

Does my 14 y.o. son need Progesterone? 
Hi Wray, I am on your progesterone at a high level (800-1000 mg/day)and I am finally starting to feel better. I am accustomed to a daily migraine and …

Dear Wray, My name is Dewi, I’m 38 years old from Indonesia and have been diagnosed with adenomyosis, width 6.3 cm and suspected endometriosis hyperplastic, …

Progesterone and Arthritis 
Hi Wray I suffer from RA and I am in the middle of a flare up this year, I have recently had a vitamin D test done which shows me as deficient (a level …

Understanding hormones 
Hi wray great website There is two things I don't understand why is it that when I am feeling estrogen dominant ie Sore breasts I sleep better. When …

unable to get progesterone cream 
Hi Wray, I have run out of cream and it is not available on your website. Is there another progesterone cream I can buy at the health food store until …

Advise on cream dosage  
Hi, Wonder if I could have some advice please. I have been and am currently taking oral progesterone capsules, however I've received some Natpro and …

Horrormone Crazy 
Age: 63. Hot Flashes day and night and fragmented sleep (Avg 5 hrs) for going on 7 years. Third doc now. Have tried Progone,herbs,iodine,vitamins, minrals, …

Progesterone level is 0.20 
I just need to know if I need progesterone therapy with a 0.20 blood level?

I just ordered 3 tubes of your creme based on my assistant's reccommendation. I am 67 and use anti-ageing facial products. I used and liked Elemis and …

Progesterone defficient little help from doctors 
45 years old, sporadic cycles, miserable PMS symptoms. Have no idea when menopause will happen because mom and grandma had hysterectomy's in their 30's. …

kathy/katseyes (All new to this!!!) 
i just received my Natpro and am totally confused and frustrated around dosage and the whole cycle stuff..not sure how much to apply - i am in perimenopasue …

Feel Wonderful after 5 weeks of using Progesterone Cream 
I have PCOS and have been taking Yasmin for the last 12 years. I decided after having a panic attack on the way home from work at age 39 that ended with …

mens symptoms of low progesterone 
What are mens symptoms of low progesterone?

Expiry Date of Cream 
My wife bought a large amount of the cream, conceived, carried a healthy pregnancy. She now wants to resume using the cream (baby is 1 yr now) but the …

Dear Wray I received tha natpro tuesday afternoon.I used the cream on my face before bedtime.And took the sepia homopathic tablets 4 of them.I was awake …

Young 68 
Just a simple question......why have I completely lost my libido. I've had the Saliva test done several times and my Dr. said I was a little low in progesterone, …

Messed up cycle? 
Hi! I started using progesterall cream three cycles ago and I think it has messed up my cycle completely. I have benefitted from the cream ( less pms) …

surviving estrogen dominance 
Hi, your website has been so helpful to me. Thank you. I recently started progesterone cream and have been experiencing pretty extreme "estrogen dominance …

I am confused here with the progesterone vs estrogen debate..okay i realize we need progesterone for overall health ..anti-aging etc..what about estrogen …

Hormonal imbalance 
Thank you again for all of your help. I have increased my Natpro dose to around 240 mg broken into 3 applications a day. I have been doing this for about … I still not using enough?? 
Hi Wray, Cecilia from new Zealand here. I have been on progesterone now for 3 weeks, and this week, I can't stop crying and my anxiety attacks/etc …

Balance using Progesterone 
Hi Wray, Where do I begin? I have had horrible periods my entire life. I am 44 now and have had a hysterectomy about 1 1/2 years ago. I am still struggling …

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New to using progesterone 
Hello, I am very thankful to have found this site. I just ordered 3 tubes of Natpro and based on what I've read on this site, I'll start applying 400 …

How much progesterone during pregnancy? 
Hi Wray- I'm 36 and I've had two early miscarriages in the last couple years (after one live birth) and due to saliva hormone tests, reading, etc. (also …

Follow Up question about heavy bleeding 
Hello Again, I recently wrote to you about my very heavy, prolonged peri-menopausal bleeding continuing to be problematic while on 200 mg oral progesterone. …

Vit d problems 
Hi wray thank you for all your time and dedication helping us females I seem to have problem taking vit d it does make me feel better emotionally but …

Hi Wray, I am very pleased to have come upon your site as it is full of very interesting and logical sounding info. I am 55 years old and have been …

I am 52 years old and am in perimenopause. My periods are unpredictable and sometimes so heavy I think I am going to bleed to death. My doctor put me …

PMDD and Divorce 
hi, i was diagnosed with PMDD this February 2012. I have had issues with step children and my husband for 9 years. there are only maybe 5 issues a year, …

Hormonal Imbalance??? 
Hi my name is Amy and I have been dealing with this problem for a year now. I am 28 years old and I was on birth control for 12 years when I went off last …

I've been using Natpro cream for a couple of years now and it has helped a lot. Though, I'm still confused as to how much to use. How am I supposed to …

I am 32 and have had irregular minstrel cycles since starting to take BCP at age 18. At age 22 I began having heavy bleeding for 10 days at a time every …

Hi Wray, I've been reading your site for over a week now, many hours each day. I'm so confused my head is spinning. I know that I am estrogen dominant …

HRT after a hysterectomy - what about progesterone? 
I had a history of polycystic ovaries which was managed with the Pill. In my late forties my periods became excessive and fibroids were diagnosed. Symptoms …

Heavy bleeding perimenopause 
I have been struggling and truly suffering with very heavy prolonged bleeding on and off for the past 4 years. Last year, it got so bad that my ferritIn …

hello, i have written already asking you to inform me about the amount of progesterone in one teaspoon of the 2000 mg natpro tube. i am trying to be as …

Palpitations , ectopic beats , weepy , cold. , fatigue and fed up ! 
Dear wray After reading your site I have for the very first time felt there may be a ray of hope ! Many of the symptoms of low progesterone / oestrogen's …

Estrogen Dominance? 
Hello, I have a lot of symptoms indicating an estrogen dominance. When I went to my doctor and got a blood test to find out she did not really look at …

Beth G. 
I have a tube of Emerita Progesterone cream that I never finished using, it expired a year ago, could I still use it?

No period. Not pregnant. Want to be pregnant. What shall I do? 
Hi there. Sorry, but I am spending most of my life reading this site and getting more confused by the day. I started taking Pro-gest about three weeks …

Hi wray always blessings to you and all you do. I wrote to you a while ago about my dog licking Progesterone off me when I put it on and you said to put …

i want to know how many teaspoons are in the 2oz natpro bottle. that way, i can calculate how much progesterone i am using daily. you do not provide details …

Endo & Infertility 
Hello! I was diagnosed with Stage IV endo in August 2009 following a laparotomy. I have been trying to get pregnant since April 2010 and have not been …

PCOS Symptoms 
I have only just discovered Progesterone cream, unfortunately I have not purchased Natpro because I only found this website after making my purchase. …

starting natpro 
hi, i am a 45 yr old woman who has never procreated. i have 3 tubes of natpro waiting in the wings, and i have read all the relevant info on your site, …

At my wits end..... 
10yrs ago I had radioactive iodine to kill off my thyroid. Unfortunetly I was given too much. To cut a long story short, I have been left with the severest …

Within the last few months I have had my hormones tested. Although Estrogen and Progesterone were in normal ranges, the ratio was low. The report stated …

Click here to write your own.

I was stupid enough to take vitex without a proper measure of hormone levels but thought I had a slight deficiency after a miscarriage. After three weeks, …

Hair Loss and Progestreone 
When I started Menopause, my hair (that was course and thick) slowly began to come out.. Last month, I received an article concerning this..and the answer …

Robyn H 
Hello there. I have been taking Progesterone for 1 year - compound pharmacy prescription. 50MG cream "topi-click" days 12-24. It is a miracle cream …

Is there a difference in pharmaceutical quality NAC and other NCA supplements? 
Hi Wray, I have asked other questions on this site but still have one more before I want to start on progesterone therapy with Natpro. This question …

Is there a discount price in purchasing Natpro in larger quantities of 20 tubes at a time? 
I have been reading all the information on your Progesterone Therapy site, all day long, for several days. There is so much information. It is wonderful. …

Going backwards 
Hi wray first of all I would like to thank you for all the work you do to help women what doctors don't do. Well I am into my 6th year of progesterone …

Constant Use of Cream Even Though Cyclying? 
Hello Wray, First, thank you for your passion and dedication to this site. It literally has saved my life. I have spent years and lots of money trying …

Can low pergesterone cause long heavy periods or a constant period (sometimes very light and then sometimes very heavy but constant) ? 
First of all I want to say that my doctor told me I do not have fibroids. She feels my problem is hormonal because of my age and other peri-menopause …

Milk thistle 
Hi wray, thank you for all your information here on this site. I've read alot on your site about milk thistle but became concerned today at an article …

please help...... 
Hi Wray, I have been using Natpro for approx. 5 months, I use about 400 per day (a tube will last me a little over 4 days. I apply it 4x per day. I …

Confused about hot flashes 
Hi wray I've been using progesterone for about 5 years the last year being natpro about 200mg a day. On a number of occasions I increased to 500mg for …

Psoriasis etc 
Hi there I have long suspected from various things I have read that I have had estrogen dominance, but have never done anything about it. Also, I have …

A man should NEVER tell a menopausal women what to do or take. The hardest part of menopause is that my husband doesn't understand what I am going through. …

Question about application of progesterone cream 
I've been checking out Dr. Mercola's website. He is a doctor who runs a more holistic practice. He has an article that made me question the application …

Where am I 
I dont feel as lost as I did last year, but I still cant find half myself. The anxiety has replace that part of me but Im fighting back. My question to …

Kate Smith 
Dear Wray I found this article and another by Dr.Mercola could you please explain to me what you think about its useage as vaginally as opposed to dermal? …

New user, can I combine Natpro with pharmaceutical progesteron pills? 
Hello Dear Wray, I’ve ordered Natpro cream on your website and I have a question. Can I combine it with progesterone in pharmaceutical form (Provera …

Advice for Fibroids 
I am 42 years old and was diagnosed with fibroids about 4 years ago and until about a year ago everything was normal. August of last year, my periods …

Prempro prescribed/have questions 
I have recently been prescribed Prempro 0.625MG/2.5MG. My symptoms are the typical listed for progesterone deficiency. I had a complete hysterectomy at …

Charlotte Gardner, 19 years of age 
I have been having problems since I was 16 when I decided to go on the pill due to, not only having a boyfriend at the time but, suffering with very painful, …

Gynecomastia Hairy Virilism Visceral Fat Low Libido 
I'm a 42 years old man. I suffer from mild gynecomastia, hairy virilism, visceral fat and low libido. My doctor prescribed me Prometrium 100 mg on …

Feel agitated, new user 
I started the cream today...1/4tsp I felt agitated and heart pounding shortly after using it. It's been 3hrs and I still feel a bit agitated or hyperlike. …

Kate Smith 
I was diagnosed with endometriosis 8 years ago, had a laparoscopy on both ovaries to remove it, now 3 years and not pregnant. I still have a small endometrioma …

Coming off a high dose 
Hi Wray, I have been following you for two years and I think you are wonderful. I am currently on 600 mg. of prometrium vaginally and it has worked …

how can i stopp the dripping and becoming soaked  
im go years old and for the last ten years or more have they say hot flushes i never feel a flush but every time i think or do a simple job im running …

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Dl-Alpha Tocopherol 
Hello, I have a question. Natpro claim it is a "natural organic cream." Dl-alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) is listed as an ingredient in Natpro. From …

Does or Can Progesterone Metabolize Into Estrogen? 
Hi Wray, I've been told by a few medical practitioners that progesterone can be metabolized into estrogen, and therefore they recommend keeping progesterone …

Hi Wray, You suggested to take progesterone without a break. Would i have monthly cycles being on it continuously, and would I need to only take in the …

New user 
I just received some cream and I am wondering how much i should use. I am a 44yr old female. I have had hot flashes etc. for the last couple years. I …

Hi have just started useing the cream,and was reducing my H.R.t..That I had been on for many years,I started the cream on the 24 june 12.and went on hoilday …

Can Progesterone help with subcutaneous (gynoid) and android fat (visceral)???

Body Progesterone Production 
Hi Wray, I still haven't found the optimal dosage of Progesterone for me. After being euphoric the first two/three months when I started natpro and …

Confused about Saliva Results 
I just received my test results for estrodial, Progesterone and Testosterone and I am a little puzzled by them. I am 53, have not had menses for 60 days …

progesterone cream 
Hi Wray: I started on the progesterone cream tonight. I took 20 mg. I am in Peri-menopause close to menopause you said. Should I take more? Also how …

Need help with balancing my hormones 
Hi Wray, I first started with Bio-Idenitcal Hormones when I had my hysterectomy in 1999 they left my ovaries in but the right one has dissapated since. …

scared to mess with my hormones any more 
HI. I was wondering if you could give me your opinion on lowering estrogen levels by taking supplements like magnesium, b6, b complex DIM and calcium-d-glucarate …

Hello, I just received my cream today. I am not sure when to start using it. I had a period this month (June 3rd), after having one on May 17th. I think …

Can you please tell me how much progesterone to use? 
I recently did a female saliva hormone profile and found my Pg/E2 ratio is horribly off, it is at 40 when the reference range is 100-500 ..... Also my …

Using progesterone - but cycles seem messed up after pregnancy, what do I do? 
Hi Wray. Wonder if you can help me. I had a baby 2mths ago...he's gorgeous and healthy. I used progesterone all the way through my pregnancy at …

Distrubed Sleep because of My Cycle 
Hi, my names Jessica and I've been on natural progresterone cream for about two months. I am suffering from Chronic Fatigue and also Estrogen Dominance …

Worsening problems after success 
Hello Wray. I am so grateful for your continued help for those of us who are struggling so much. I have had great help from you in the past. I am having …

Success With Natpro! But Had a Sudden Wave of Severe Bloating 
Hi Wray, Sorry to bother you. You're so wonderful to devote as much time to sufferers like me. God bless you. I've written once previously, but as a …

Pregnant after using Natpro, but headaches and nausea. 
Hi Wray. I´ve been struggeling with getting pregnant for 1,5 year. I got pregnant after a year. I suffer from chronic migraine. Shortly after discovering …

Hi Wray-question please 
I really want to start Natpro. Although the doctors have not yet diagnosed what my problem is,all my symptoms point to endometriosis. I read extensively …

Restore Progesterone Cream 
Hi again: I forgot to mention that the Restore cream delivers the suggested 480mg of authentic natural progesterone per ounce according to the website. …

Post tubal ligation syndrome, please read this!!!! 
My name is Tiffany, I am 35 years old and have always had very painful heavy periods. After having 3 children I was told they should get better,but needless …

vitamin D for bowel cramps? 
Hi Wray I just ordered Natpro from you and keep reading all that I can from your site while waiting for my order. My problem for 19 years has been …

Hi: I wanted to know if you can ship to Canada without a problem. I've heard customs can confiscate some products. I live in British Columbia, Canada. …

Post hyst lab tests 
Dear Wrey, I am 41 years old. I had a total hyst (including ovaries) almost 8 weeks ago due to suspected ovarian cancer. Surgery found no cancer, but …

What is the shelf life of Natpro? 
I plan to order some as soon as you have some available, but I am thinking I may order several since it has been temporarily out of stock for several days …

Click here to write your own.

Hi Wray! I have been reading everything and every link from your website, and I am So grateful to you. I am confused tho about the massive amount of conflicting …

Need to know 
Hello Wray, I am trying to find out exactly what my dosage means - can you convert this and let me know if I'm taking too little or too much? I really …

Lost in a (menopausal) sea of sirens 
On my 50th birthday I was slim, happy and totally in control of my body. 5 years on, quite simply , I am lost. On tuesday, after being diagnosed with …

Raising my progesterone usage? 
Hi Wray, how long do I persevere after raising my dosage by 1/4t. before I can raise it again? 1 week ? 2 weeks? a few days? I think I've possibly been …

Weight gain and anxiety after tubal ligation and endometriolablation 
I am a 35 year old mother of 3 who was having a horrible time with my monthly cycle. They were very heavy and painful,the last one I had before my surgery …

Questions about soy  
Hello, I just bought a vitamin d3 (5000 IU) product, when I got home I realized that it contains soybean oil and soy lecithin. Will this mess up my …

extreme migraines, fatigue depression anxiety weight gain 
After the birth of my two children I developed such extreme symtoms 5 years ago. It started a week before my period extreme exhaustion fatigue depression …

Progesterone cream 
Wray, Correct me if I'm wrong but did I read that you said that NATPRO could be frozen? I purchase it in bulk and have frozen it. Taking a tube out …

Having trouble regulating cycle with cream 
I started progesterone cream after saliva rests confirmed low levels. I was having horrible PMS, breast swelling, acne, irritability etc. Prior to starting …

3 day depression 
I take progesterone 25 mg orally days 15-28 but day three of my mensus get very down and depressed. What can I do about this?

unhappy in Sterling 
I have catamenial seizures as you call them and I've been on Lamictal for 3yrs and Topamax my medication works other than the day after or a day or two …

Confusion regarding ovulation and progesterone use 
Hi Wray, Thank you for the wealth of information you have put together on this site. I have a somewhat long question about using natural progesterone …

I placed an order for one tube of Natpro on May 5th. I did not receive a confirmation email. I would like to know that status of my order. Thank you. …

I am 36 year old, never been pregnant and suffered with PMT all my life since onset of menarche. I take vit d 10,000iu/day, l-tyrosine 1500mg/day, vit …

Menopause Mayhem!! 
I am 54 years old (55 in August) recently moved to Spain and have been taking Meriestra (estradiol valearate) 1mg (oral) and Darstin gel which I am to …

Progesterone as a birth control 
Hi there. Since my husband and I have decided that our family is complete, I have been searching far and wide for a natural solution to my birth control …

Delayed Period After Upping my Progesterone Cream 
I am a 48 year old in perimenopause along with suffering from uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and heavy long periods. I learned that I have been suffering …

Therapy Advice 
I have been on projestrone for about a year. It is a natural form and I used it with 1.25mg of premarin. I backed off the premarin 7 months ago and only …

Can low progesterone cause coliltis? 
I began having hot flashes and shortly after that was diagnosed with colitis. Is colitis a symptom of estrogen dominance? Can colitis be corrected with …

Feeling better on progesterone but now I have a period that won't stop 
Hi... I have been doing some reading on your site and I so appreciate it, there is a lot of fantastic info on here! I have a couple questions I would …

Going round in circles 
Hello I really dont know where to start, but I have spent hours here pouring over all the information on this site! I am at a stage now where my drs want …

Hi, I am a 44 year old. I have always had regular 28-30 day cycles without fail, even though I stupidly had a tubal ligation in 1995. I believe alot …

Chiro uk 
I have read lots about vitamin k 2 supplementation & absorption of Vit d3. I was wondering if this would be another vitamin to consider taking combined …

pcos formula and pregnancy 
I have been taking the PCOS formula for several months and have just found out that I am pregnant. Is everything in the formula safe to take while pregnant? …

Hi again Wray Another question for you...this time thyroid. I went to my naturopath to have vitamins and minerals test plus thyroid. All good except thyroid …

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PCOS and Trying to Conceive 
Dear Wray, I am 24 years old. In May 2011, my husband and I started trying for a baby. We didn't even try on our own, as I had gone almost two years …

Registered Nurse 
Dear Wray I have had two ultrasounds since. one last July, and one in March, 2012. Each one showed a hyperplasia of the endometrium. I am 62 and post …

hair loss 
Hi there, I have been having profuse hair loss and thinning since the birth of my second child at 38 years of age. btw my child is now 5.5yr of age …

I hail from Montreal, QC, Canada where it is very difficult to even find a family doctor never mind a gyn. I have read alot ot information online and …

uk chiro 
Dear Wray, firstly i apologise for this very lengthy clinical history, but i get the feeling you would rather more information than less? And secondly, …

Is runny cream still effective? 
Is just wanted to see if the cream was still effective. Somehow I opened a tube of it and forgot about it for over a month. Well I am 3 days past ovulation …

32 weeks pregnant, using Natpro 
After two previous losses, I began using Natpro and have enjoyed a healthy pregnancy. I am now less than 2 months away from my due date. I have used Natpro …

Antideprssant with progesterone 
Is it safe to take progesterone while taking antidepressants. I am taking Prozac.remeron, and Xanax. I would love to feel better without these medications. …

Is Natpro oderless? 
I just started using progesterone cream again. The one I'm using has a terrible musty/oil smell. It's so bad that I can't wait to wash it off. I am wondering …

Hi Wray, I have just come across this blog a couple of days ago and am very impressed by the information it provides! I have bought one portion to give …

varicose veins/ BCP 
Hi wray my daughter has been on the bcp for eleven years and i was wondering if she could start taking progesterone also(and how much)She has developed …

Panick Attack? 
I am 26 years old for years there has been something wrong with me hormonally- irregular periods, hirsutism, possible thyroid problems etc. Of course …

Just started taking progesterone to help with Perimenopause, night sweats and Insomnia 
Hi, my name is Angela. Two months ago I could sleep soundly through the night and within a half an hour be asleep till the next morning getting no less …

How Many Tsp. of Emerita do I use? 
Hi Wray... you have told me that I need to be taking 400mg of progesterone cream. I just want to be sure I'm calculating this right. The box of Emerita …

panic attacks, cysts 
Hi Wray! I am a newbie. I am enjoying your site very much but I am confused!!! I have been having anxiety attacks and migrains before I ovulate and …

ok i got operated on the year 2009 on april 3rd,,,got my tubes cut in half and burned them...since then my period was alwayz coming on itz time like it …

hei.jeg heter lisa og er fra norge.vil gjerne fortelle min historie....for 25 år siden fødte jeg en sønn.bare noen dager etterpå ble plutselig nervøs,urolig …

Spotting on twice a day 200mg susten, please help. 
Good day, Thank you a lot for the amazing work you are doing here, it has helped many of us. From charting the last 3 months, i realized that my luteal …

Please help me.Im miserable 
Im so sick. Nauseous, sore arms and legs,mild asthma, itching and general malaise. Started taking 50mg of progesterinr twice a day. Dr made me troches …

Dear Wray, Thank you for your informative answer to my last question about one week ago. I have a few more questions: Will I experience bleeding …

Progesterone question 
Dear Wray, I have one more question for you regarding ProgestaCare. I started using it about one month ago and then after 3 weeks I took a break …

Cont. Birth Control Pill and Progesterone Cream 
Wray, sorry I didn't want to leave any information out. I'm on the ortho cyclen continuously...with no breaks cause of the endo. So I figure i would continuously …

Birth Control Pills and Progesterone Cream 
Wray, I am a 42 yr. old woman that has been on BCP for most of my life. I had my last child in 1999 by c-section which caused me to get abdominal wall …

Female Panel Testing 
Dear Wray, just received test results for: Testosterone T. 1,9nmol/L FSH 3,3 UI/L LH 5,6 UI/L Progesterone …

Pelvic pain/pressure, burning esp. after urination  
I have spent alot of time on the website and read about progesterone and cystitis. I pray this is my answer!! For years I had urinary frequency but no …

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Question about NatPro 
I am just curious why NatPro doesn't say "USP Progesterone" on the tube. I've read other websites that say it is critical that the progesterone used is …

Pain in Sides, Lower Back, and Lower Abdominal Areas 
This is my 2nd month on NatPro. During both of the months I have used it, I have pain in my sides, lower back, and lower ab areas. The cramps/pains in …

PCOS sisters with symptoms of anxiety and pain disorders,. 
Mrs. Wray, First I want to say thank you for putting this on the internet. It has opened my eyes and validated my first intuition that what the Doctors …

Progest. dosage/test. cream 
My Dr. did a Saliva test and decided I needed Prog?test....15MG/0.15MG/0.1ML........6ML I have been using this for about 6 months and really can't tell …

really very exstreamly serverly progesterone intollerant, please help how do i block progesterone natrually? thank you

Comparing Progesterone ? 
Hi Wray I currently use Profeme10 from an Australian Pharmaceutical company and have done so for several years. Here's their site …

cycle has changed 
Hello, I am on my 2nd month of taking progesterone cream..I normally started my period the same day every month so I estimated a 32 day cycle. The …

been on serenity for 8 months 
I am 47 in april and have been on serenity for about 8 months the first month i got the dosage mixed up and used 1/4 of a teaspoon twice a day from the …

Estradiol and Progesterone cream 
Hello, I would like to know if the estradiol pill and progesterone cream can be use together. Thank you, Deborah Brown

Primolut N and my negative reaction to change in hormones. Please help! 
I'm 18 years old practically 19 now. I started getting my period when I was 14 and always was very irregular. I would only get my period once or twice …

3 Miscarraiges 
I am really confused and totally confused, I dont have a solution. I got married in sep 2010. Nov 2010 I conceived, after 5 - 6 weeks get to know that …

How much taurine 
Hi again Wray I've just done a google search on your website on taurine but can't seem to find proper dosages. I've just bought some taurine from health …

Does taking progesterone cream put a stress on your liver. Everytime i try to increase or take new supplements for my adrenal exhaustion and under active …

hot flushes have returned, borderline hypertension and slow thyroid - help! 
Hello Wray, I can only join with the numerous others who have found your web site and the contents of your pages to be of great benefits to our lives. …

I am 45 and have been suffering from adrenal exhaustion, hypothyroidism, candida for years and have tried everything to help with the fatigue, aches and …

Progesterone and Depression and Anxiety 
I'm a 37 year female with a long history of depression and anxiety issues...for about the last 12 years I've been on a variety of antidepressants. None …

Tiger Lily 
Hi, I am 62 now. I had taken HRT since I was 48 in 1997. The medicine needs doctor prescription to buy. In 2003, doctor advised me to take another one …

Michelle J, 
Hi Wray, firstly i want to say thank you! I discovered your website while going through my 3rd (possibly 4th miscarriage) several weeks ago. I have 2 …

I am on hrt to help me with my menopause symptoms. I take 0.9mg cenestin and 100mg prometrium the first ten days of every month. Lately my periods have …

Dear Wray, Thank you for your wonderful website! I'm learning a lot and I really appreciate your knowledge. I recently found out that I suffer from …

unexpected bleeding... 
I learned that I have endometriosis and discovered that natural progesterone therapy can help with symptoms etc. I had a lot of trouble acquiring the …

I had a total abdominal hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries and Fallopian tubes 4 weeks ago due to a very large fibroid size of a full term pregnancy. …

My Dr. has just put me on Progesterone 25mg, to take at bedtime for sleep and anxiety. I am currently in or at the end of my menstrating cycle for March. …

I am 49 year old and have been suffering with adrenal fatigue and autoimmune thyroid problems for 10 years, I have got a lot of health issues, my main …

Massive energy rush + insomnia 
I'm 35 and had surgery for endometriosis (as well as three hellish months of Lupron) two years ago. I can't tolerate the Pill (I bloat horribly, break …

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Will the Progesterone help my Endometriosis -  
Hi there, I was recommended to this website by a good friend who is having good results after starting to use the progesterone cream. I have endometreosis, …

adrenal fatigue and low progestrone and hypothyroid. 
Hello, I am 30 years old and recently dx with hypothyroud, adrenal fatigue smd low progestrone. I'm lost, scared and don't know where to start. I ordered …

Abnormal bleeding 
Thank you so much for the site. The unfortunate thing is I sit here most of the days reading to try and figure out my problem and I get nothing done. …

Thyroid disease or high estrone? 
Hi- I am a 36 year old female and have been suffering with what were thought to be hypothyroid symptoms. I have suffered with horrible heavy periods …

hi wray, thank you again for everything you do. i have some questions. is taking soylecitin going to make oestrogen going up? it is because i have no gallbladder …

Progesterone helps with metallic taste in mouth 
I developed a metallic taste in my mouth - really really horrible. Got checked and tested for all sorts of things but nothing showed up. I had been …

Almost done with my 2nd tube! 
Hi Wray, I recieved my Natpro and I have been using it every morning and night. I lost my initial post to you, so I will tell a little more about me, …

Natpro Question 20 tubes? 
I have a question about purchasing Natpro. I want to purchase 20 tubes but I am wondering if they will last if I use one tube per month. What is the shelf …

Dosing - Measurement Problem 
Today is my 9th day on NatPro. I am using 1/4 tsp (1.25ml) 3X per day or 3/4 tsp (3.75ml) per day. I have completely used up one tube already even though …

Wray, I have had several big stress events in my life in the past couple of years. I am curently on a bio-identical progesterone cream but still find myself …

How to use Gestofit 300?  
My wife was suggested to take Gestofit 300 SR from day 21, I could only find Gestofit 300 from the medical shops, Is there a difference between them? And …

Can I have a Progesterone deficiency even if I've had a previously healthy pregnancy? 
I have recently suffered 2 miscarriages in a row - one at 5 weeks and the next at 4 weeks. I have a 21 month old son and had a very healthy uncomplicated …

How long will it take to make Progesterone dominate? 
First off I want to say thank you for this website! What a blessing to know I'm not alone! I started taking P cream 4 months ago. I've always had terrible …

Can NatPro help me? 
Hi.....I'm 51. Recently diagnosed with RA, Fibromyalgia. I also have hypothyroidism. Plus I suffer from extreme low libido. And I can't remember the …

Denise from texas 
Hi wray thank you for your helpful website and natpro. I have been using natpro for about 6 months and today received my most recent order of 5 tubes. …

Peri menopausal and anaemic 
I have just been diagnosed as critically anaemic. I have heavy periods during this peri-menopausal stage of life and this is exacerbating the anaemia. …

What's normal? 
I am 51 with almost normal periods of 24-27 days and have been on 20 mg of progesterone cream from a compound pharmacy for 2 years due to premenopausal …

My doctor give me menogest cream to rub on my abdomen I am already going through menopause what will the cream do to my abdomen? Could you please reply …

First off, I apologize if this has been explained already but I searched the site and could not find the answer. I have been taking about 166-200mg of …

Trialing another progesterone cream 
Hi again Wray....I have been having trouble having my natpro delivered to my place due to being a new estate and we're not on the google maps yet although …

Anxiety question 
Hi Wray! I have so appreciated your site and all the help it's been to me as I'm trying to navigate this hormone issue. My issues with anxiety began about …

Maximum dose of miligrams (mg) per day of progesterone 
>> To make sure I do not get a miscarriage, what is the maximum miligrams (mg)of progesterone a pregnant woman can take per day to make sure no miscarriage …

Where to apply progesterone cream 
I recently started experimenting with progesterone cream to lengthen my luteal phase which was variable and on the short side. I've recently been diagnosed …

Can I use this on my 14 year old son for acne? 
I read on your page about progesterone helping with acne. My 14 year old son is getting acne pretty bad could my progesterone work for him? If it will …

In need of help 
I am 39yrs old. I had my second child 22mths ago. I breast fed so i did not get my first period till 5mths ago. 2 weeks after my period i suddenly became …

Click here to write your own.

Measurement of Cream Applied? 
I have a blood test reading of 0.3 of progesterone. What kind of measurement do I use of the cream to make sure I am getting enough? 1/4 tsp a day? …

thank you 
i want to thank you wray, for all the information you share with us all. I spend hours everyday reading, finding comfort, learning. i have felt bad for …

I don't have a story, just a question. If I no longer have ovaries, because I have had a complete hysterectomy, why would I need progesterone cream? I …

Thank you thank Wray and all of you on this forum, such a relief to know I am not alone and have guidance and that progesterone works, thank you so much …

I've struggled with regulating a normal cycle ever since quitting birth control almost SIX years ago (I'm now 32). I've been diagnosed with vitamin D defiency, …

PCOS and joint problems 
I was wondering if someone could tell me if its possible to have ivf treatments before the age of 23 if you have a hip problem and dont think you would …

NatPro Arrived - A Few Questions Before I Begin Using It 
I received my 1st shipment of NatPro (it arrived VERY quickly) and have a few questions before I start using it. I am 44 years old and still have a …

Anxious and Confused  
Dear Wray, I have been reading your site for about 2 months now. I think I am double posting my message - my apologies! I am so impressed with your …

I am taking compounded progestrone and feeling much better 
I started taking compounded progestrone about a month and a half ago feeling much better, but after my doctor increased the dosage I had a terrible migrane. …

Period is late 
Hello Wray, I started the progesterone cream on the 18th day of my cycle..which was the 10th of February this month. I usually have a 32 day cycle. …

Estrogen Receptors 
Hi, I have a condition where the estrogen receptors in my skin have been switched on...... would taking progesterone cream desensitise them and eventually …

Thank you so much for explaining it so clearly and for the useful link, and thank you for answering my question, Wray Ok so if I understand precisely …

Wray, I have a quick question for you. I am currently on bio-identical progesterone therapy, borderline Insulin Resistance, had total hysterectomy …

Recent lab results: Saliva and serum 
I will list my saliva, as I understand Wray, this is more accurate? Estradiol: 5.5 Progesterone: 51 Pg/E2: 9 Testosterone: 47 DHEA: 5 Cortisol …

Thank you so much Wray, your reply really helped me a lot, it makes things much clearer for me, I really appreciate , i do have some more questions, …

When and how should progesterone cream be used? 
I've been using progesterone cream for about 10 years now, and it has helped me alot as far as me being happier and having a good attitude and my PMS symptoms. …

Karen from texas 
Hi wray love your site your creme you truly are a blessing. I just have a few questions. I am bit concerned about the fact that every time I use this creme …

Progesterone overdose??? 
I am 12 weeks pregnant using both Intramuscular progesterone injections daily at 2ml and crinon 8% 2x day. My RE tried to wean me off the injections to …

Stopping Progesterone and Bi-est don't seem to work the same. Why???? 
Hi, Wray, Basically, I'm a wreck. I was prescribed a low dose of Lorazepam for anxiety for a horrible round of Labyrinthitis. What I now think is …

progesterone and weight gain 
I have wondered how many women out there have actually lost the weight of the hormonal imbalance after taking progesterone ..all I seem to do is gain weight …

Came across this site and could relate to so many of what other people are saying. I have suffered 15 years of Endometriosis and although I have had surgery …

Vegetarian diet help 
Let me start by saying thank you so much for all your help over the last few months. Now, I have a question about diet. I'm a vegetarian and am finding …

Progesterone Excess and how to bring it down 
Hello! I am so very frustrated. I am 29 year old woman who was put on bio-identical progesterone 100 mg 6 months ago due to extremely low levels, as well …

Hi Wray and team I am new to this site and new to the knowledge of Natural Progesterone, I am so glad I found you I am very confused about Progesterone …

Natpro and Pregnancy - a place to share my notes 
Hi Wray, I thought I'd start this page as a dedicated place to share my notes and symptoms. I can also plot my results here too. I'm around 5 1/2 …

Click here to write your own.

desperate for an answer 
Im 21 years old and have been struggling for 3 years with low progesterone. I have been plagued by extreme mental and physical fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, …

5 Miscarriages...HELP!?! 
I have 2 children. Both were conceived with no problem and no problems during pregnancy whatsoever! When my second child was 15 months (me - 31yrs. old) …

Hormonal Acne 
Hi Wray: I am having some pesky hormonal breakouts along the jawline, neck and chin...I take it this is a sign of estrogen dominance??? Doctor is suggesting …

SAM-e and progesterone 
Wray: Do you know if taking SAM-e with progesterone is okay? Is this combination likely to be helpful for mood enhancement and relief of anxiety or …

Gall Bladder problems 
Had my gall bladder removed and am still having problems. Don't know where to go for info. Web search and Dr. say different things. Can you direct me? …

still confused 
Hi wray.. I recently started a progesterone cream 4 days ago. I have a 30-31 day cycle and was told to use it on my 12th day... I didn't go by that because …

Help! Can Progesterone help my 8 year old daughter? 
I have been on Natpro for six months now, and have finally tweaked out the timing and dosage perfectly, and really feel great. So, that's probably why …

Worsening asthma and a huge weight gain 
Hi! First - sorry for my English (I am from Slovenia). I am using Natpro almost two months (1 teaspoon/day) and the problems get worse. I gain almost …

high progesterone levels in pregnancy 
Was told by an MD that high progesterone levels in pregnancy cause the bowel to be paralyzed and that is the reason more women than men have problems with …

Hi, I found your website as I was searching for a gentle way to stop using birth control. I've been on the pill for 10 years now, and although I'm …

Hi Wray, I have found this site after looking for products to help with Migraines. I suffer frequent Migraines that seem to be related to menstrual …

thyroid autoimmune disease 
Hello, I am struggling with thyroid autoimmune disease (high T4) and menopause at the same time - so my hormone levels are going up and down and I have …

I just found an unused tube of Natpro that I must have bought 2 years ago. Is it still good to use or will it be inefficent.

Questions about DIM 
Hi, Wray. I started taking DIM about a week ago to help with my estrogen dominance because progesterone wasn't quite enough even though I use about 800mg …

Just Starting Cream 
I am 28 years old and after much internet research, I think I have finally found the culprit to my problems! I was diagnosed in 2010 with Hashimoto’s, …

Itchy eyes 
Hi wray love your website great info. I am 49 and been using pro cream for about 5 years. I recently upped the dose to 400mg a day about month ago for …

Aspen bark extract and pregnancy? 
Dear Wray, Pardon me for the second question within one day! I had ordered Serenity cream before I came across your site and I would like to order Natpro …

What if my period is not a true period and stopping progesterone causes a miscarrage? 
Hi Wray, I have a pressing question for which I would very much appreciate any insight. I previously suffered from stage 7 adrenal fatigue, which didn't …

30 Years Old, missing one ovary, endometriosis and severe menopausal symptoms. 
Hi. I am 30 years old, I have suffered with severe endometriosis for over 14 years, I have had 3 surgeries and as of last year had an ovary and tube removed …

I accidentally swallowed my vaginal progesterone suppository -- I was taking a handful of other pills and had gotten the vaginal pill out to take after …

i need help 
I am 37 just had my second miscarriage, i have been having these wierd sympton, after stopping depot shot, headache, breast pain, muscle and joint problem, …

I am DESPERATE for help 
I am a 50 year old female that has not had a period for about 5 years {I had an oblasion) I have loved having no periods. I have had extremely bad INSOMNIA …

Help interpreting reuslts 
I am a 44 year old female. I have been missing periods for the last year and a half, mostly a month... once 2 months. I have gained 15 pounds. I have …

Is it counterproductive to use maca (I use Royal Maca) along with natural progesterone? Thanks!

Susten 200 with Glyciphage 
Hi! I am a 27 yr old woman. I always had irregular cyles. I was daigoned with PCOS problem from the age of 23. and i took Metformin for treatment. I am …

Click here to write your own.

Partial Hysterectomy and Progesterone Supplementation 
Hi...I'm 45 y.o. and recently had a hysterectomy, but still have my ovaries. My periods were very regular (although heavy), and I have no symptoms of …

Overly sensitive to progesterone cream? 
I am a 40 yo mum of 4 who had always suffered from shocking pmt from ovulation through to period start. Symptoms included anxiety, anger, hyper, cravings …

Mr Rashidpour 
Hello I will really appreciate if you could help me about the below question. What would happen if a pregnant woman took 200 mg proestrone at the …

Lab result ranges 
Dear Wray, I stumbled upon your site when I was looking for a link between my symptoms and hormone imbalance. Thank you so much for all of this invaluable …

underdeveloped breast 
Hello! I started to look for different options to solve my underdeveloped breasts problem and came across your web-site. I always thought that I have a …

Progesterone cream when ovulating? 
Hi I'm 39 and am still menstruating but in the past year have started having sporadic anovulatory cycles. I've learned about natural progesterone supplementation …

Coming off HRT 
I had a my uterus removed in my early 2o's. I never had any hormone replacement for 20 plus years. I started the natural pellet implant HRT last march …

Progesterone for Men? 
Hi Wray I am a women who has been taking progesterone for many years with success. However, My question is for my husband. He suffers from alot of …

Where can I buy, or what should I look for? 
Hi, I'm in Canada and natural progesterone creams are banned here for some reason. I have an American address during the summer months and I usually order …

Is progesterone safe to use for the whole duration of a pregnancy? 
My first pregnancy was perfect. Our son was born in June of 2009. However, since then I have had three miscarriages. The first two were both at five …

progesterone cream with androcur and alesse? 
Hi, i have been using progesterone cream for 6 months to treat symptoms of peri-menopause. Immediately after I began using it my depressed mood disappeared …

Progesterone cream 
I am currently using prog./test./0.15 mg/0.1 ml cream twice daily prescribed by my Dr. and comes from a compounding pharm. I read your articles which …

Bleeding Battle 
In 2007 I started to bleed very heavy with lots of clots. I eventually had to go to the hospital and get a blood transfusion because my Hemoglobin level …

Difference between Natpro and Prescription Progesterone? 
After trying to conceive for 2 years, we've finally gotten pregnant and already have a couple tubes of the Natpro but the doctor wants me to use a more …

low estrogen levels at 34 yr of age with uterine fibroid. 
I have told my story and now the results are showing low estrogen which is good for the fibroid and possible endometriosis. Does progesterone help balance …

sooooo Confused! - By Sandy 
Hello Wray, I am so confused. I am 45yo, and last August, 2011 began the hallmark symptoms of PM with whacky cycles, shorter, lighter, then Heavy. I …

Increased Appetite & cravings 
I'm currently using 20mg of progesterone cream for 14 days and then I stop again for 14 days. I've started using the progesterone cream about 2 months …

Months of flooding 
I am 48 and have been having almost constant heavy bleeding for months now. Sometimes it slows down and almost stops for a day or two, but then starts …

Going off the Pill 
Wray: I am 30 years old and have been taking Lo-Ovral birth control pill since I was 16 years old, initially to shorten my 9-10 day periods. I am married …

hello wray. i will try to make this short. i am 54, had the uterus taken out because of big fibroids, they left the ovaries. this was 1,5 year ago. i …

Uterine fibroid now possibly endometriosis? 
I have a uterine fibroid diagnosed in oct 2010. Fell and broke pelvis 2 weeks after a D&C that after the Dr. told me she could not get to my fibroid because …

I clicked on free questionaire, it sent me an email to confirm address then said thank you for answering questions. What questions? Is this some scam …

progesterone after the pill part 2  
I emailed you before about using progesterone after the daughter has not started progesterone yet she was waiting for her next cycle Usually …

Hi Wray I am 64 years of age and was considering testosterone therepy but before I take any steps in this direction, could you please tell me what progesterone …

Concerned that your progesterone comes from Soya 
Dear Wray, I suddenly panicked when I read your last email, as I hadn't actually realized that your progesterone came from Soya, as one of my big problems …

Click here to write your own.

Can't wait to start! 
I just received my order and I'm eager and delighted to start using Nat Pro! I'm 58 years old. I had a total hysterectomy when I was 31 because of …

Dr. Dalton vs Dr. Lee's dosing recs 
Hi Wray.....I'm curious...Dr. Dalton's books started in the 60's....Dr. Lee didn't start getting info out until the 90's. Yet his dosing amounts are so …

Confusion with cycle? 
I am a bit confused when it comes to counting the days of your cycle? If i have read it right this is my understanding of when to start with the cream. …

No one can tell me what is wrong 
I am a 27 year old female and my body is acting like its 50. I was on the DepoProvera shot from Fall 2007 until my last shot April of 2010. I started gaining …

Will chlorine reduce progesterone levels 
Hi Wray Could you please tell me if the chlorine in public swimming pool will reduce the progesterone levels in my body? Although I lead an active life …

i have very low breast milk production, and i read that progesterone can help if taken during pregnancy. can it help after pregnancy when im breastfeeding? …

Estriadol use 
AM 64 years old. Took Questionnaire results were 26. Recently had rectocele surgery and got put on estriadol cream for a few months prior to surgery and …

I have recently been put on pellet therapy, and progestene suppose to be all natural. When they checked my levels they said I was rock bottom I am 50 …

trying to figure out progesterone/estradiol ratios??? 
Hi, I'm a 26 year old mother of 2, and have had hair loss and PMS problems for a while now. I was on birth control pills for a total of about 4-5 years …

Totally confused about progesterone now and my cycle 
Hi Wray, not my first time here, but I have to say you've helped me so much I can't even express it in words. I found this website about a year ago in …

Can progesterone help with the puffiness in my face, particularly my cheeks? 
I am 53 years old and have had puffiness in my cheeks since I was 16. I also had a tubul ligation from an IUD at this time. I also started getting a lot …

Extreme Fatigue 
Hi Wray, I have just oreder several tubes of your progesterone cream, and as I have severe hot flushes and chronic fatigue for over 20 years, I have very …

Painful burning skin especially when sitting and temperature drops 
Hello, I am a 59 year old lady who had a hysterectomy 28 years ago so I dont know if I am in peri-menopause/menopausal or post menopause. However …

Hi Wray, I have ordered your cream after taking the progesterone deficiency test on the website . It confirmed it. I have fibroids in my uterus and fibrocystic …

progesterone for heavy period bleeding? 
I am a 41 yo female living in northern US. I have always had heavy bleeding but since my first child via c-section at age 33, and then second c-section …

Soya bean vs wild yam as source for progesterone 
Hi Wray, I'm wondering why you chose the soya bean as a source for your progesterone rather then the yam root (converting the diosgenin into the bioidentical …

Soya bean vs wild yam as source for progesterone 
Hi Wray, I'm wondering why you chose the soya bean as a source for your progesterone rather then the yam root (converting the diosgenin into the bioidentical …

Calcium d-glucarate 
Wray I was wondering your thoughts on calcium d-glucarate removing progesterone as well. I'm having a hard time finding anything specific on this matter. …

where I can ask a question and get the answer 
hi, I already have my own page on progesterone, and I didn't want to. I will have another one (!!!), because I just DON'T SEE where I can ask the question. …

Heart Pounding??? 
After reading everyone's experience, I think I too am taking too little Progesterone cream and triggering an increase level in estrogen dominance side …

Is this normal? 
Since starting the progesterone Natpro treatment (~ 300 mg/ day), I've felt better. My breast tenderness, cramps, and acne are not as harsh as they were …

Hello Wray I have been waiting to see whether your e-mails would cover hot flashes, as this is my most severe symptom. I have been on Serenity Cream …

Scared to continue Progesterone cream 
Hi Wray, Thank you for this website and all the info on it! I was diagnosed with endometriosis about 1/5 ago. After a lap (diagnose) my doc suggested …

I just have a question, because I am confused about something. I started using NatPro because I feel that I have been estrogen dominant for years. I have …

mexican yams 
Until two months ago I was taking a pill that dissolves under my tongue for about six month to help with my progesterone "deficiency". I would take the …

Click here to write your own.

I had labs done over 6 months ago. I am 53. My blood levels of Estrogens, Progesterone DHEA and Testosterone were way below normal for a women of 53. I …

Usage Question - 7 days vs. 14 days 
Hi Wray: LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR SITE! Just had a quick question. Is it okay for a woman to use the cream for just 7 days before her cycle? Will that screw …

PhD in Holistic Nutrition 
I am an 81 year old male. I am taking progesterone once a day from Metabolic Maintenance. It comes in a 3.5 fl oz pump which dispenses 1 gram at a time. …

How much can I take? 
Dear Wray, (Please feel free to correct my phrasing, as English is not my first language) First of all I want to thank you for your generous sharing …

I am scared, estrogen is up again 
Hi Wray, I am scared.....I had another hormone blood test. The results: The Estrogen level has gone up from 1247 to 1680pmol/L in six weeks! …

Shelf life & expiration date... 
Hi, I inadvertently ended up buying 2 tubes of Natpro instead of 1 & am using this cream for premenopausal estrogen dominance (39-yr-old female, regular …

Breathing difficulties 
I hope you can help. I started using progesterone cream yesterday and applied in in the morning and last night before bed. My heart was beating rapidly …

No pattern to my periods, when do I start the progest cream? 
Hi Wray I received the cream yesterday and have been trying to figure out when to start it. I am 28 years old. I have no idea when I would be ovulating …

Hello I have read that progesterone cream should be put on different parts of the body every day because it has glycerin and glycerin doesn't penetrate …

Polycystic ovaries 
Hi Wray, I have been dealing with cysts since my early teens! When they first discovered a cyst I was 15 and they put me on birth control Lo- Oval 35 I …

Estrogen effects? 
I am 37 years old and had been experiencing worsening estrogen dominance symptoms each month, especially fatigue and migraines. I decided to try progesterone …

I have had a high psa for the past 8 years ranging from 8 to 12 .After reading some of John Lees take on progestrone cream in reducing the psa level ,I …

7 years after breast cancer dx 
In 2004, when I was 48 and /maybe/ perimenopausal I was diagnosed with stage III bc. Long hard chemo threw me abruptly into menopause. Other than lack …

I want to stop the menses bleeding which is first day . help me that how to stop Primolut N 10 mg will stop it and how many tablets will take to stop …

flax oil 
Hi, Two days ago I've made the order for Progesta cream. I don't want to be boring telling my story. The main problem of mine is depression. Somehow …

Hello Wray from Finland Iam 47years old woman,since from fifteen years my menstrual started and after that to our days cycle is quite normal (28 days) …

Hello, I am a 22 year old Caucasian female living in Canada.I had perfect, glowing skin and amazing thick hair, all throughout puberty, until the summer …

Way out of balance? 
Hi there, I've struggled the last 5 months with generalized edema. I was put on diuretics by my doctor and have lost 20 lbs of fluid. She did a blood …

Low Progesterone and 6wks 4days Pregnant 
Here is my history: (Oct.22/11) CD15 I did the IUI. (Oct.23/11) CD16 (I temped, used opk’s and logged every morning). (Oct.25/11) CD18 started 200mg …

need a little guidance 
i had developed prostate cancer in 2005. now at age 56 my psa is at .01 as of july 2011 from 14.0 in 2005. i read that it is safe to use a certain amount …

Spotting after starting progesterone 
I started using progesterone cream about 4 months ago. I am 32 years old, and have had extreme PMS for years. I'm quite positive that I am estrogen dominant. …

What should I do? 
Hello. I am so confused and don't know what to do. I am using your cream. I also chart my waking temperature because I am trying to conceive my first …

Source Naturals Progesterone not working . . . 
I've been on Source Naturals Progesterone for about 2 cycles. I'm 63 years old and in post menopause. I had a laproscopic hysterectomy in 2002; I have …

I am 39 and have been diagnosed with estrogen dominance. My doctor prescribed 25mg oral progesterone on days 5-12 and 50mg oral progesterone on days 13-26. …

Vaginal progesterone 
My Dr. prescribed 37.5 mg progesterone to be inserted vaginally twice a day for heavy bleeding. I'm 51 years old. I've been on this a week and still …

Click here to write your own.

Still messed up 5 years after contraceptives 
Hi Wray, so my progesterone cream arrived today. I'm not sure how much to use or when to use it as I've heard numerous different suggestions. I'm 28 and …

Cortisol and DHEA 
My ND has put me on cortisol and DHEA ater my saliva test and blood test came back. My estrogen in a little below normal and my progesterone is way below …

Search Box 
Hi Wray, Today I am looking for questions you have answered related to progesterone and pregnancy. I have a daughter that is going to give birth in January. …

Lower progesterone tabs 
Dear Wray, Went thru lap, hysterscopy, ova drilling and endo removal five months back. Conceived with fertility medications after two months and unfortunately …

Low progesterone levels 
I went thru laproscopy, hysteroscopy, ova drilling and endo removal five months. Am trying to conceive. Got pregant 2 months back and ended up with chemical …

Is my progesterone cream O.K? 
I am using "Stay In Balance" progesterone cream and was wondering if it is O.K I have included the ingredients; Purifier DI water Aloe vera gel (hydroponic …

I have written before concerning my trouble with PCOS and infertility. I have been on the Progesterone cream for several months now and have begun having …

Sunspot cured 
I began using Progesterone cream on my wrist because I had a rough sunspot which I kept picking. It always returned until I used Progesterone cream on …

Lichen Sclerosis and peri-menopause 
Hi Wray, I contacted you a few days ago. I have Lichen Sclerosis. I am also going through peri-menopause. I am sure I have estrogen dominance. One of the …

Lichen Sclerosis 
I have Lichen Sclerosis. After doing some research I am convinced that is it from a hormonal imbalance. There is not a lot known about LS. I ordered …

Hello Wray, At the moment I am on NPC (Nature's Precise Cream). According to you it should not work because it is a 'yam'cream. But the label says it …

I was on and off the depo shot for 8 years total. I am 46 years old now and went off of it January of 2011. Since i have been off i have lost 30 pounds,dont …

Why does the cream not come with a measuring device?

Birth control pills 
If you most use birth control pills, which one is the best alternative to keep a good hormone balance?

I have not had a period for about a year and half and am almost 57 years of age. Last year at about this time I was in terrible shape, my body ached, …

What should I do? 
I am a 45 year old woman. I have estrogen dominance. I have been on progesterone cream for a while now but I still had anxiety and other problems. Then …

is progesterone 100mg safe ? 
Is it safe during 20 to 25 week of pregnancy by placing it in vagina?

I have a question about menopause 
Wray, I was doing great. I went through menopause 3 years ago and have been on 100 - 200 mg of progesterone for 2 years and then only needed 40 mg …

43 & TTC 
Hello...I really hope that I am not alone in my age and trying to get pregnant. I am 43 and finding it harder to get pregnant to which I know is normal. …

Too Much Stress...and panic... 
Hi Wray-I need help here. I started peri-menopause badly about two years ago(I'm 46) I've had estrogen dominance for much longer than that-since I was …

Anxiety, hormones, or both? 
hi~ I am 51 and have had wacky cycles for awhile and a lot of stress over the last 2 years. Something snapped this past April and I started having panic …

The Rollercoaster ride called Menopause! 
My name is Maureen and I just turned 50 in August. In 1997, I have a hysterectomy that removed all but my left ovary. I sailed along until 2003 when peri-menopause …

Hi Wray, I'm sorry to litter your site with my problems and I realise you have yet to answer my previous posts but I am in need of your help, desperately. …

periods and ovulation 
Hi again Wray, just a quick one this time!I should have asked on my previous posts but as Im using so much natpro (17.5mg daily) I assume I wont be ovulating. …

Too much Vit D 
Hi again Wray, I've been telling loads of friends about your website and the Natpro cream when 'the conversation comes up'. Quite a few people I've spoken …

Click here to write your own.

How much progesterone can I use daily, can I really just keep increasing it with no side effects down the road? 
Hi It appears a great deal of us are suffering from estrogen dominance and have questions and concerns about dosage. I am in perimenopause and it is …

I am curious if progesterone can help pmdd. I have been using natpro as you suggest in dose of 3ml each morning and each evening for over a year now. …

My tour with progesterone! (A good story) 
When I was 51 I went through menopause and had hot flashes every hour; at least 3 night sweats per night, my ears rang constantly and I was gaining weight …

Dosage of progesterone for menopausal women 
I am 56, almost post menopausal (just the occasional hot flush) but have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. My GP has recommended natural progesterone. …

confused with where to go from here 
Hi Wray, I have started another topic to yet again bend your ear. Im so grateful I have someone to help me here as Im sure I would give up without you! …

High dose D3 and estrogen dominance 
Hello Wray, I've been reading your site and have gotten so much sensible information from the posts. Now, I have a question I can't seem to find an …

Infertility treatment 
My dr, Dr Gouws referred me to this website as he previously worked with you. I am going for IVF treatment soon because I am 40 years old. I have …

Just a couple of questions 
Hi Wray, I just have a couple of questions... First, I was wondering if I could store NatPro in the freezer without affecting the progesterone? I have …

How do I know which day to start cream?? 
I have had a hysto but still have both ovaries. My last saliva test showed prog. 120(pg/ml) doc prescribed cream but it made me feel worse. After reading …

Polyps gone, lining normal and now back again! 
Hi Wray, I wrote first about polyps in my uterus and the lining being 11.5 I believe. Then I wrote last March that my ultrasound showed polyps gone and …

Help for my son's acne 
My son is 19 years old and has terrible acne. He has had it since he was 13 years old. He has tried everything possible and nothing has helped. …

Postpartum antepartum issues  
Hi Wray, I would like some insight on my situation. I became pregnant after a miscarriage the year before and many years of infertility. I was 38 when …

Can I safely go from 10% compounded cream to Natpro? 
I'm 29 years old, and ever since having my Son 3 years ago have been a mess. I have a mild case of PCOS, had a miscarriage last year, and have countless …

How do I know when I've reached my level of Natpro? 
Hi Wray, I've been on progesterone for short spurts in the past. I'm 24 yo and after a very stressful time in my life, I missed a period and then developed …

Started bleeding 
i have not used the progesterone, but i want to use it if i can understand how it can help me. Because three ago i just started bleeding when i think am …

High progesterone in saliva test 
Hi everybody, I had a saliva test done by ZRT Lab for progesterone and it’s 11980H...the range they give is 12 - 100. Should I be concerned? I had …

In despair - again! 
Hi Wray, again. I thought my previous post (periods) was getting a bit long so have started with a fresh comment. (though if you have time to answer my …

Thyroid, adrenal fatigue, epilepsy.. 
I’ve always had irregular periods, since the day one. I was 15 and my periods were extended for up to two months, sometimes. I started having epileptic …

What if I took the cream too soon 
I have really long cycles but I usually do ovulate. I am trying to conceive, however, this month I think that I may have started the cream too soon; like …

Vitamin E 
I am using Natpro currently and I was reading about Vitamin E and it looks as though sometimes Vit E is made from Wheat Germ Oil. I am allergic to gluten …

How to ensure correct dosage 
I am having challenges with ensuring I use the same dosage every day. I would like to take 133 mg and found that it takes a long time to absorb if I …

Weight gain on progesterone 
Hi Wray, I have most of the symptoms of estrogen dominance and started taking Natpro last month. I'm still cycling so I'm using 3 ml. a day for two weeks, …

Excessive Bleeding with Copper IUD 
Hello Wray, I took your advice on switching from the Nuvaring (5-year stint) to the copper iud. Since I've had the copper iud, I have experienced excessive …

Weight gain on Vit D and Insomnia with progesterone 
Wray, I had my vit d tested last year and it was 16 ng/ml. I had the saliva test done for progesterone and estradiol and they were both low, but progesterone …

Safe to give blood? 
I was wondering if it is safe to give blood while using progesterone cream? I use Emerita which has 20mg per 1/4 tsp, but I use about THREE teaspoons …

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Progesterone question  
I have done pregnancy test (2 days after i missed my periods) at home and it came positive. So i went in for a check up , there the doctor couldn't see …

Progesterone and seizures 
Wray, I have had trouble since I was 38 years old. First I started aching all over, anxious, erratic painful periods with extremely heavy bleeding with …

Battling hormones 
I have been battling hormones my whole life but have always fallen within the "normal" ranges in blood tests. My periods have always been extremely irregular …

(Using) Natural Progesterone cream & Fibroids 
Hi Wray, I just discovered your site this week, so I am new to your forum. I live in Ireland and the only help on offer for peri-menopause/menopause are …

How do I figure out how much is 100 mg? 
Urgent... I need to use the progesterone cream today (Oct 14/11), however, I cannot find a conversion for 100mg in teaspoons. Could you please help? …

Can I still have my own biological baby? 
I am 33 three years ago I had a fibroid operation. After my operation I did not see my period for three months, I told my doctor & he told me to use glucophage …

Large amount of watery discharge 
I am 42 years old. I am definately having the perimenapause symptoms. I started using progesterone cream several years ago. This week I have noticed …

Premature menopause, genetic, progesteron 
I am 32 years old, diagnosed with premature menopause. The cause is suppossed to be genetic: missing part of one X chromosome. Till I started using …

Battling hair loss 
Hi Wray, your site is great! I am 48 years old and I have been battling hair loss for the last 13 years. It all started when I was getting treatments …

Progesterone cream questions, 21 day cycle 
Hello Wray and thank you in advance. I will be 42 at the end of this month. I have suffered with insomnia for about 18 years I've always attributed …

Off the Birth Control Pill 
I just went off the Birth Control Pill (Yas). A month before I quit Yas I was on Progestin only which caused terrible side effects. Hair Loss on my …

Adrenal Fatigue and Progesterone 
About 2 years ago (at age 38) I started to have many symptoms that something was going wrong. I suspected that from my research that I was having a thyroid …

Progesterone a day before ovulation 
Hi Wray, so my story goes a little something like this... in June 2011 I missed a cycle had a urine test to see if I was indeed pregnant. I was but my …

Preterm Labor and Progesterone 
I have a daughter, 28 years old, pregnant in her 24th week. This week she was admitted to the hospital with preterm labor. She was prescribed nifedipine …

peripheral neuopathy 
I have been using the cream for about 5 years and it has helped greatly. What I would like to ask is i am 51yrs and still not through this menopaual rubbish. …

Fibroids for 15 years 
I am 54 and although I do not appear to have any pre-menapausal symptoms according to my doctor ! I have had fibroids for at least 15 years and very heavy …

Periods coming oftener 
I have bought progesterone creme, and have used it for about three months... I am anxious because i think my periods are coming oftener now. Maybe after …

PCOS, high prolactin ,no periods, TOTALLY CONFUSED! 
After 6 yrs I'm totally confused. I will give a shorten version of my history. I had a miscarriage in 05. We could not tell how far along I was due …

None that I know of 
Contrary to your statement, in my opinion there are no studies showing 100 to 200 mgs, as the correct progesterone dosage. That is about what a pregnant …

SO frustrated!!!! 
I'm 33 years old. The mother of 2, and never had acne until getting pregnant. I have always had very heavy periods however. Now I have both. Acne through …

Progesterone, Hypertension, Fasting Blood Glucose 
Hi Wray: I just wanted to let you know my success with health problems I always had but have changed a lot since on progesterone cream. Hypertension …

Wray I'm too tired too emotional too sick to write a story. So long one short. I have hypothyroidism which has been undertreated for 20 years. I've educatded …

Migraines Help!! 
I suffer from migraines and my doctor put me on low dose progesteone drops called progest e. They are put under the toungue and are left to absorb. I started …

Do you know how long it will be until you have the cream in stock? I have been using Dr. Eckhart's oil for two months with no sign of change and he has …

Progestakey - natural progesterone cream 
Hi Wray, could you please tell me if these ingredients are okay for a progesterone cream and are they natural? A friend has given me a link to the following …

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Non stop bleeding after 1st baby 
After having my first baby my period never returned till she was about 15 months (we breastfeed) and now that it has it has been very irregular. In …

low progesterone 
I was 26, I now wanted to have ready the children ... but have trouble progesterone level 0-5 at the first examination, the doctor prescribe progesterone …

Vaginal burning 
I am using Natural Progesterone Cream for vaginal burning/itching/prickly sensation. I am only on day 5 of using it. Can I apply it right to the area …

29 years old, and a mess after birth of my Son 
I'm 29 years old and was diagnosed with a mild case of PCOS several years back. I got pregnant and gave birth to my Son in August of 2008 (c section). …

Hot flashes because of progesterone cream? 
I had many of the symptoms of progesterone deficiency and my doctor did a blood test that said my levels were low. He has prescribed me progesterone …

I m a 68 year old women, I started the progestrone cream 2 weeks ago, I don 't feel any better. I have arthritis and hot flashes real bad, I'm using …

No period after coming off the pill 
I'm 36. In December 2010 I stopped taking the pill. My first two periods were ok (27 and 29 day cycles), the third cycle was 79 days long and I'm currently …

Progesterone, perimenopause, and pregnancy 
Hi Wray, I have been told that I am in perimenopause and my progesterone is low. I was put on progesterone taken under the tongue once a day for the last …

My joint pains have gone 
I have now finished three tubes of NatPro - I used one tube each month, about 200 mg a day, starting on day 7, because of my joint pains and endometriosis …

Getting the gameplan from the expert. 
Hi Wray, I have a few questions after digesting your whole site. Thank you for all of the information. First my story. I am a 34 year old male that …

How long does it take to affect the midcycle bleeding? 
I'm on month 3 using the cream days 14-28. My biggest issue has been the midcycle bleeding with increased blood clots. I'm 39. I'd welcome another …

Hi Wray, Im following your advice and using the cream continuously (see earlier post 'areas to apply'). I struggled with estrogen dominance and thought …

Progestrone and natural mehod for consumption 
We had completed our first marriage anniversary recently and trying for first baby. My wife doc started the treatment past two months after her scan results …

Can Progesterone cause pelvic organ prolapse? 
I am 35 and have never had children but experienced pelvic organ prolapse last month. It happened about 6 weeks after I began using progesterone cream. …

Struggling to order through your website 
Hi Wray, I'm struggling to order 6 tubes via paypal on your website. When I hit the confirm this order button it keeps giving me an error message. Can …

Any way to block Progesterone receptors? 
Dear Wray, I lose a large amount of hair through shedding which increases the week before and during my menstrual cycle, then slows back down only to repeat …

Ovarian Failure 
Hi Wray, It has been a long time and I hope all is well with you. You've helped me several times approximately a year or two ago when I was having issues …

Got red ears and stomach ached from Pro-gest 
I am 50 years old. My family traditionally goes through menopause close to 60. This year (because of stress I thought), I began to experience signs of …

Prometrium use topically 
I am new to the topical progesterone world. Am weaning myself off of HRT. I currently have over 100 (100mg) prometrium pills and am wondering how to …

Hello Wray, I'm 43 and began having perimenopause symptoms in February of this year. The symptoms were subtle at first then exploded in June. Some of my …

Breast pain 
Can progesterone help breast pain? For over 6 weeks I have had a very painful and heavy breast pain. I have seen three Drs, and had a Mammogram all …

Adrenal fatigue 
Is it safe to use progesterone cream with adrenal fatigue? I've read conflicting info. Some say it's good others say not a good idea.

Cream Dosage & areas to use 
Hi Wray, I have added comments on this site before and always received good advice. I have used natpro before and was struggling with estrogen dominance …

Dear Wray, I recently purchased NatPro but was only able to use it for a few days due to my cycle. I suspected a progesterone deficiency after my first …

Trying to find answers for pcos and infertility 
I have always had irregular cycles and have had an ultrasound that showed cysts on my ovaries. I was placed on oral contraceptives by doctors, but would …

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Weight gain and delayed period 
Hello Wray. I have read your FAQs extensively and I understand about Estrogen dominance, and the estrogen receptors being activated once starting on progesterone. …

Worried my Progesterone Level is so High 
Hi Wray, I went to a health food store and got a kit by Neuroscience to have my saliva progesterone, estrone and testosterone tested. The test was …

I first had acne when I was 15 years old. My family doctor prescribed something for me and it worked. After having my first child, six months later I was …

Short Cycle 
Hi Wray, whenever I use progesterone cream my cycle shortens and I don't know when to apply it again. I have always had a short cycle of like 20 to 22 …

Three questions 
Hi Wray, I was wondering if progesterone cream is helpful for a 50-year-old male who had a brain trauma five years ago or is it only helpful right after …

My doctor prescribed prometrium 100mg. along with vivelle .75mg. I had a total hysterectomy in Jan. and my former doc. said I didn't need progesterone …

Post pill amenorrhea, acne, stomach problems... 
I am a 20 year old female, and I had taken the pill for 3 years to control my acne. I decided to stop because it had started to become ineffective for …

Cell salts 
Read some things on the web site about cell salts. I would like to know where i could order them. Could someone help me?

Symptoms come and go 
I'm 63, never used HRT and had no problems with menopause. My biggest issues have always been abdominal bloating and fluid retention. While looking …

Nightmare with pellets 
I am 58 years old. I had a hysterectomy at 48, due to fibroids and ademomysis, kept an ovary. I began having menopausal symptoms at about 52. Have a …

My Cervix Hurts! 
Aside from all the other aches and pains mentioned by others going through andro-/menopause. No one has mentioned the issue of when the cervix is tender …

Love the Progesterone--Hair Loss , not so much! 
Dear Wray, first off, thank you so much for what you are doing with progesteone therapy information for thousands of women everywhere! Background: I am …

Hi Wray, to make a long story short my body was shutting down a year ago. Body temp of 96 degrees, depression, insomnia, panic attacks, anxiety, trouble …

Perimenopause and Progesterone  
I am 42 and have been miserable for several months. At first, I thought I was having adrenal or thyroid issues: hair loss, feeling hypoglycemic, severe …

On new HRT....A little confused  
I went and saw a new doctor who is a super guy. He listened to me and put me on two patches one is called climara Pro and the other a Testosterone patch …

Early periods 
Hi Wray, you have a great website! Thank you for sharing such needed information. I'm 34, and I know I have excess estrogen due to getting two breast …

Tied of waiting for balance 
I started using Natpro in March for a number of bad symptoms, fluid retention, acne, headaches, sinus problems, depression and anxiety. I used 100ml twice …

So Sleepy 
Wray, I started using 1/2 tsp of your cream in the morning and at night disregarding my cycle. I have my period right now and am using the cream. I feel …

Both ovaries removed 
I am a 52 year old female and have had a hysterectomy and both ovaries removed. I have been on an estrogen patch 0.1 ml for about 2 years. Lately, …

Progesterone after a Total abdominal hysterectomy 
I had a TAH both ovaries removed in Jan. of this year. My doc. put me on Vivelle dot and left it at that. I keep asking her to check my hormone levels …

Trying to Conceive My First Child 
I have a question, but first I'll give you my basics. I'm almost 36 years old. My husband and I have been trying to conceive our first child since May …

I'm 26 years old and I've had the Mirena implant for about a year and a half now. Went off the pill after 6 years of using it when I developed the most …

I have been using a compounded progesterone cream of 100 mg/gm and applying a quarter tsp twice a day. Can you tell me how to convert to your cream …

Missed miscarriage 
Pls I need ur advice. I have PCOs and after four yrs of marriage i conceived. Using provera to induce period and clomid. Before the conception i was diagonised …

Large ovarian cyst 
I am 31 years old with a 15cm normal ovarian cyst. Doctor wants to cut it out with my ovary which I don't want to happen. I am looking for the cause which …

Click here to write your own.

Help, I am a menstruating woman who has been reading your site and started using your progesterone cream. Then I found this link that says progesterone …

Cons of progesterone  
I found these statements on a wesite can you please offer a rebuttle ? they are talking about natural progesterone not the fake man made one... The …

Woke up with swollen upper eyelids 
Hello Wray, I hope you can give me some input. I've been using your progesterone for two days now, a scant teaspoon divided into two doses (morning and …

Heart palpitations and insomnia 
Please help. My doctor Rx compounded P troche to be taken everyday at the age of 35. Both estrogen and progesterone were very low! After 4 years, I …

Want to get off the pill due to chronic migraine headaches 
I get between 5-12 migrianes a month and feel alot of this is due to being on the continuous pill with no periods. (I am 48 and still have periods. …

Twelve y.o. son - hormones 
Hi Wray, my son will be 12 in October this year and has developed some tiny pimples on the hairline of his forehead. I wrote once before about this thinking …

Bioidentical HRT since 2004 
I have no reproductive organs and have been on Bioidentical HRT since 2004. In 2009 I began taking Armour Thyroid as well. Armour Thyroid gave me …

Progesterone cream and heart palpitations 
Several months ago I began having heart palpitations (heart skips) mainly after eating which were quite frequent and caused a lot of anxiety. I noticed …

Progesterone is Affecting My Sleep 
Wray, I am using 1 tsp a day of your progesterone cream and I am waking up in the middle of the night with a tightness in my stomach/pounding. I am …

Two periods in one month after stopping progesterone 
Hi Wray, I decided to stop the progesterone after using it for over a month continuously because my anxiety was so bad I couldn't handle it anymore. I …

Estradiol Pessaries 
I had a smear recently and the G.P. that did the smear advised me about Estradiol Pessaries, 25mg, and how they may help with vaginal dryness and bladder …

I had a smear recently and the G.P. that did the smear advised me about Estradiol Pessaries, 25mg, and how they may help with vaginal dryness and bladder …

Estrogen, DHEA, and Testosterone 
Hi Wray, I know your position on not using supplemental estrogen, DHEA, and testosterone. But here's a question: if I get a saliva test and my levels of …

Trying to figure this all out 
I have been taking 600mg of Micronized SR capsule Progesterone. When my levels were first tested in June of 2010 (blood test) my levels were 8.4. In February …

Estrogen and Thyroid meds 
I'm 63 and in good health, have never had HRT or needed it. However, I was diagnosed with thyroid "on the low side" from a routine blood test. My …

Hi Wray, after receiving advice from you recently I went to see a Dr who agreed to a blood test to check my progesterone levels. I took the test 3 days …

Ready to lose it at 43! 
I have had an ongoing battle with erratic periods for the last 3-4 years. My mother went through menopause at 36 and now the doctors will not believe that …

Endometial Hyperplasia  
I was recently diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia and possible PCOS even though my bloodwork was fairly normal and an ultrasound showed no cysts. I …

Early pregnancy and Natpro 
Hi Wray, I want to start by saying how thankful I am to have found this cream. I have been using it for many months cyclically, and after a miscarriage …

Female, 52, feel like my hormones and brain decided to run off together and I want them back. Tired of not being able to remember things I've done for …

Estrogen and thyroid med 
My doctor started me on Levothyroxine 25mg when a blood test revealed thryoid "on the low side". After a couple months on Levothyroxine I started retaining …

Ms R Sharma 
Hi Wray, I am turning 40 in just under a month and have under gone a total histatectomy at the age of 36. I am on HRT and thyroxin. I was diagnosed with …

Newbie to Progesterone Use 
How much is 200mg and/or 400 mg - when squeezed out of the tube. My best guess - 1/4 teas = 200 mg? Can anyone tell me?

Question...regulating cycle 
Wray, I started using Natpro in 2007. Long story, but I quit and now I am ready to start again. Back then, you sent me two scenarios to regulated my …

Progesterone Deficiency? 
I think my problems started 21 years ago when I had acupuncture to increase my breast size, which involved stimulating oestrogen production. After about …

Click here to write your own.

Hi, I wanted to find out how many mg/gm are in your cream. I just read on that for premenopausal …

The tests show: "NORMAL" 
I am 22 years old, and i finally decided to seek a professional opinion and undertake testing, because of increased bodily hair growth (hirsutism- lower …

I have become a mess 
I work in a place where I am exposed to exhaust fumes daily, perfumes, body products, and chemicals from a company that makes pressed board products behind …

Hi Wray. I want to pick your brain to see if you can suggest how to prevent or reverse bone loss. I was first diagnosed with osteopenia 10 years ago …

3 years ago I was diagnosed with simple and complex hyperplasia without atypia. Dr. put me on Provera which I suffered through for 18 months until I quit …

On a positive note... 
I forgot to add something to my last inquiry. Since using Natpro for 1.5 months, despite the anxiety getting worse, I have noticed some positive changes …

Supplements for Anxiety 
Hi Wray, I'm planning to take tryptophan, GABA, B6 and Taurine for anxiety while I'm using progesterone and as the anxiety symptoms have worsened. The …


M Turner. 
Hello Wray, I am 49 and started Menopause according to my Doctor when I was 43, I might add he was reluctant to test my hormone level to see what was happening. …

40 and Feeling Terrible 
I am 40 years old and suspect I could be lacking progestrone due to several symptoms such as anxiety, depression, fatique and 2 day mense. However, I …

My mood is horrible! 
Hi, Wray. I can't seem to improve my mood no matter what I do. I have been using progesterone (at a good amount) for almost a year. In my previous posts, …

Length of Period 
I have been using half a tsp twice a day for about a year and have my period for about 7 days..5 of which are pretty heavy. This has always been the case …

Progesterone and normal pregnancy 
In July 2008 I had breast cancer, did chemo and radio therapy, during which I had temporary menopause, but period returned after 6 months. Got the green …

I'm 39 years old, am highly irritable, subject to severe mood swings, fly off the handle at trivial things, have exessive facial hair, and adult acne on …

Young female with low progesterone and estrogen! 
I also wanted to add that my temperature is up (a very good thing b/c its typically low) at about 98.6-98.7 which is a side effect of progesterone so I'm …

Young female with low progesterone and estrogen! 
I'm a 32 year old female who has low estogen and low progesterone (as shown on saliva tests). I also have cfs, mcs and fibromyalgia. I was told to take …

Brokenhearted TTC miscarriages 
I am 34 years old, and have PCOS. I am using Metformin for insulin resistance, and this has brought my period back. I discovered awhile back that I have …

Problems on the Pill 
9 Years ago (I'm 29 now) I wanted to go on the pill, (microgynon 30) which I've now discovered is very androgenic. I had all sorts of problems on it. Before …

Using Natpro for hot flashes, etc 
Hi Wray, I am trying to figure out how to use the Natpro for hot flashes. It seems the dose you recommend is pretty large (400 mg), which equals about …

Not sure what to do now 
I'm a mess. I'm 50 years old and I hate living in this body I now possess. I have high cholesterol (treated with statins) that is genetic and a hypothyroid …

Twice a day or spread out the dose? 
If I decide to increase my dose from 1 tsp to 1.5 tsp, should I spread it out during the day (3 x day) or should I use it twice a day & increase the amount …

Should I increase amount or stay on current amount & endure symptoms? 
It's been over a month of Natpro and the estrogen dominance symptoms are getting worse, particularly the anxiety. I know you recommended that I increase …

Hi Wray, I've been using a compounded progesterone cream. They said the progesterone is made from yams and that the base is vanicream which they said includes: …

Serious Hormone Imbalance - At Wits End! 
I have had some severe symptoms since teen years and the only time I felt really good was during pregnancy and while nursing. I nursed full-time for one …

Should I adjust the amount I'm using during the month? 
Hi Wray, I've been on Natpro for about a month and the estrogen dominance symptoms are pretty strong but I'm going to hang in there and hope it subsides. …

Click here to write your own.

Is the source of the soy you use to manufacture the progesterone from organic, non gmo soy? Also, you state non synthetic antioxidants. dl-alpha tocopherol …

No periods after natural progesterone cream 
I am 40 years old female. I am applying 350mg progesterone cream everyday from last 3 months. I have 26 days regular cycle but with very less flow. …

Is susten vt advisable in pregenacy  
My doctor has advised me to take susten vt for 20 days first. After seeing my 1st sonography report she told me to continue the same for another 10 days. …

Progesterone Levels 
I am 28 years old and have endometriosis and PCOS. I have been on Clomid for 3 months - the first month my progesterone level was 1.73 nmol/L, the second …

Serious axiety and nervousness 
Hi, I am 46 and due to some digestion issues I began to feel symptoms of anxiety that turned into panic attacks and mild depression. Desperately looking …

Hi Wray, I haven't written in a while because I have been very happy with my progesterone cream but I do still suffer with insomnia even when using the …

Allergy Question 
Hello, I have a question regarding Natpro. On your website it says that it is allergy free, but then in the list of ingredients it says that Cetearyl alcohol …

HRT, Menopause 
Hi Wray, I am 53 and up to visiting my gynae in Jan. of this year had stopped menstruating for about 6 months. I was advised and prescribed HRT, which …

Need Help with Anxiety!! 
Hi Wray. I am 54 years old and have been on bioidentical hormones for 10 years along with armour thyroid. I work with a great doc who specializes in BHRT. …

42--Hair thinning, some estrogen dominance symptoms 
I'm a single (no children) 42-year-old female. I started birth control pills when I was 19 and took them continuously until I was about 37 or 38--when …

Hello Wray, I have just recently subscribed to your emails and today I received one by 'KA' that is similar to my situation regarding miscarriages. …

Have Fibroids, Where & How much Natpro Should I Use? 
Hi Wray, I had the Fibroid Embolization procedure done in 6/05 to reduce 2 fibroids. They were skrinking according to two ultrasounds done in late 2005 …

Progesterone cream brought on my period 
I am using progesterone for PMS and started it on day 21 because I have a 35 day cycle. It brought on my period 1 week early. For the next time do …

Depo Provera 
I am an otherwise healthy 40 year old female. After using Depro-provera the birth control shot for 7 or so years I have come off it. Whilst on the shot …

Does using Natpro stop ovulation? 
Hi Wray, what amount of progesterone would prevent ovulation? I'm using about a teaspoon a day and want to use it through my period and am wondering if …

Severe homone imbalance 
I am 36 and a mother of 3. I have had severe ppmd ever since I had my tubes tied 12 years ago. I have been diagnosed with fibromayalgia. I think it is …

Use of Natpro 
Please let me know if I can use Natpro even if I have been taking Premarin for the last 20 years. Thank you.

Aisha......with the M.I.A. period! 
(M.I.A. - Missing In Action!) My name is Aisha, and I'll post my question first, and give a background on my ailment, and then more about my story for …

Problems adjusting to progesterone therapy...Help!! 
Dear Wray, I am having some problems adjusting to the progesterone cream getting in my system. This is my 2nd atempt at it. The first time I stopped …

Can I start using 100ml a day right away? 
I am going through a very stressful time right now. I am 51 and have started using Biest estrogen cream and progesterone cream, about 9 months ago. …

Hair thinning 
I am a 48 year old healthy female. My hair thinning started when a new GYN doctor changed my BC. I didn't know at the time that the new BC had a high androgen …

Diagnosed with low progesterone 
I have been dealing with common side effects of low progesterone for a while now and after a bout of major anxiety, I had my hormones tested with a saliva …

Unhappy and worried 
Hi Wray. I've been waiting for my cream for a while now and my husband has been trying to trace the shipment without much success. I really need to get …

Heart palpitations and tachycardia 
Hi Wray, Thank you for doing this website! I was reading your personal story and I have had so many of the same problems for years. I am a 32 year old …

Just before I turned 40 and up to now I have been having quite painful migraines which can last for 3 days on the left side of my head and 3 days on my …

Click here to write your own.

Would there be any benefit from progesterone? 
I am 77 years old in very good health, exercise frequently and am active. I take synthroid and some supplements no other meds. After an ultra-sound …

My hormones are balanced but need to delay cycle for trip HELP! 
I have been very fortunate and have found a doctor locally that has helped me get my hormonal levels balanced. I am taking 75mg (orally) of natural progesterone …

Hi Wray, I had posted a question in the weight gain section of your blog about what my dr. prescribed for my endometriosis. When you replied it was an …

Can progestrone cream help me get my sexual feelings back? 
I am 55 years old and have been having feeling for sex off and on. Sometimes it takes months before I really feel like I want to be intimate with my …

So confused, please help  
I am a 49 year old woman (soon to be 50) I have always had menstruation problems my whole life. From having uteruran Cancer 15 yrs ago, diagnosed with …

Timing of Progesterone 
I just started taking Happy PMS this month as I am peri-menopausal and I stopped a day before my scheduled period. But it did not come. Now I read …

Can progesterone help with a prolasped uterus? 
I wondered if you had any information about the role progresterone may play in recovery from a prolapsed uterus? I am 45 and have recently been experiencing …

Continuous use  
I have decided I may benefit from using Natpro continuously for a couple of months, from the advice of Wray and others on this site. I have a few questions …

Slight steady weight gain 
I am 42 years old, and I do feel I fit the description of having low progesterone levels, but my symptoms are rather minor. PMS exhibiting moodiness, …

Can I use Progesterone if I do not have a uterus? I have my ovaries, but do not have periods, when do I start it? For how long should I used it and …

How do I use the cream as birth control? 
I've been using the cream for my last 14 days of my cycle, but I'm in need of birth control and think I would also benefit from taking the progesterone …

Question for Wray about how much does your daughter use? 
Hi Wray. I'm just wondering does your daughter use the progesterone cream every day and how much does she use? I'm around her age and I'm just curious. …

Can I use Progesterone if I do not have a uterus? I have my ovaries, but do not have periods, when do I start it? For how long should I use it and …

Some questions 
Dear Wray, Thanks for posting my story!! I wish it was a success story but as I wrote ...I have high hopes to be doing that soon...I HOPE!! I am getting …

Confused and desperate 
Hi Wray, I have contacted you on a few occasions and sure you can track my history. I recently added a post with my recent troubles entitled 'period delay …

Progesterone and Psoriasis 
I have psoriasis and just read on a web site that progesterone can cause the psoriasis to get worse. I am a bit confused because I read on your web …

I have for about 6 years suffered from severe pms which starts when im ovulating and finishes at the end of menstruation. I get very irritable, exhausted …

Using progesterone cream while pregnant? 
I have been using progesterone cream for 6 months. I have PCOS and was having difficulty getting pregnant. My husband and I found your website and decided …

Does Progesterone help with Parasthesia? 
I am 50 years old and a CFS sufferer. Over the past 3 weeks I have developed skin problems, after having an upper respiratory infection for about 3 months …

Increased my progesterone to 120MG yesterday and almost INSTANT positive results 
I found your website after suffering for a week at only 20 mg per day. I increased to 120mg pr day per your instructions and WOW what a difference. …

My Hormonal Rollercoaster Ride. . .  
Hi... This is not a success of yet...but have high hopes of being able to write "my success story" soon!! I am 54 yrs old and I am post-menapausal. …

Getting off an antidepressant 
I'm 38 yrs old. I used the cream for a couple of months and now I feel much better. Now I want to taper off an Antidepressant I'm taking since 3 years. …

Missed post? 
Hi Wray, I added a post a while ago entitled 'period delay & swelling' and as I am still struggling have been waiting on your reply. I have noticed more …

Am 42 and have 1 ovary 
Am I most likely to need cream daily since even if I ovulate at best it would be only every other month, and from what I am learning, I most likely don't …

Just waiting for your reply 
Hi Wray, Just wondering if you missed answering some posts below. I posted "Using progesterone every day vs. only during luteal phase" and I'm also wondering …

Click here to write your own.

Bad symptoms lately 
Hi Wray, I have been using a 10% natural progesterone cream from the Menopause centre in Sydney and for the last 2 and a half months went over to using …

Hair loss and a ton of symptoms 
I am 57 and have hair loss, and a ton of the other symptoms. I had my tubes tied when I was 43 after my second son. I am assuming I went through menopause, …

Progesterone Supplementation & Prostate Cancer 
I am a healthy male, who has had prostate cancer! I am not on any medications and I have good family genetics (both parents living into their mid-nineties). …

Heavy painfull periods 
I'm 47, I started using the pill at 16 because my periods were so eratic, I then found out at the age of 26 that I had lots and lots of tiny cysts on my …

I just have a question, not really a story. My menstrual cycle is very erratic, lasting from 26 days to as many as 35 days. I'm supposed to start …

Low estrogen and normal progesterone 
I have been dealing with what I believe is hormone imbalance for quite awhile maybe even 10 years. In the past year and a half I have been on a roller …

Progesterone During The First Half? 
I've been researching the benefits of progesterone for a month now and your information always seems to jive with my experiences so I've become quite confident …

I have an underactive thyroid, I take 100 mg of levothyroxine a day. 14 days into my cycle I get tired aching muscles, I'm miserable and my heartbeat when …

Progesterone Injections 
I read that progesterone injections are the most effective delivery system. Would the dosage be the same (100-200mg) or would it be lower? It looks …

Query on Progesterone Dose following Saliva Test Results 
I was hoping to get a professional opinion about using progesterone cream. I'm 41 and have been using progesterone cream for a couple of years (currently …

Period delay & Swelling 
Hi Wray, thanks for your replies to my recent post, I have added a comment on one but think they have been missed so I have added this post to ask a couple …

Natpro and hcg 
I have started the hcg diet. On this diet there is no fat, sugar, or starch consumption. I'm concerned that the oils in the Natpro might affect my …

Compounded or Natpro? 
I am 57 years old and went through menopause somewhere around 51 years old. Still have my uterus and ovaries. I have been on bio-identical hormones since …

How much do I use? 
I am a 54 yr. old woman who had a partial hysterectomy about 3 yrs. ago. They took my uterus and my left ovary because of fibroids and cysts. I didn't …

Using Progesterone every day vs. during luteal phase 
Hi Wray, would it take longer to overcome the estrogen dominance if I start out with applying the progesterone during the luteal phase instead of every …

Progesterone and Estrogen very high levels (saliva) 
I was on the Wiley Protocol using very high doses of E/P using cylical dosing with their beliefs that using this method will bring a menopausal woman back …

Forget Prednisone, I am doing Progesterone! 
I was informed by my sister-in-law physician about the benefits of progesterone cream. Given her zealous attitude about all things great, I thought she …

Am I using too much or too little? 
I'm 32 years old and I'm convinced that I have suffered from a massive hormonal imbalance for the better part of my life. I have had hair loss since I …

Used the wrong needle for my first week & half!!! 
I just realized I have been using a 27 1/2 syringe with a 1/2 inch needle for my progesterone shots. I did IVF and my transfer was 9 days ago. Did …

Extremely high progesterone levels 
I just had a saliva test which resulted in my progesterone levels being 9,831 and normal for my age should be 2-3000. My Estrodiol is in range, but of …

Trouble sleeping 
I have been using the natural progesterone cream for the past 2 yrs. Because I was having trouble sleeping my daughter gave me a few of her 100mg progesterone …

Lowered progesterone and started bleeding 
I have been menopausal for 2 years (no period). I started using Natpro 200mg since December 2010 and have had success with getting rid of the estrogen …

What is the worst scenario? 
Having tried Natpro for just 4 days I experienced fantastic results on the first night in that i was no longer tired. Actually I couldn't sleep and still …

Birth control pills 
Do birth control pills decrease progesterone levels?

How to use the progesterone cream 
Hi Wray, I saw a question from one of your readers asking about the latest Dr Mercola information advising people to use progesterone cream in the vagina …

Click here to write your own.

Want to use just progesterone cream 
I posted before about using the Estring. I am 60 years old and had vaginal dryness, vaginal itching,night sweats, facial hair, thinning hair on head and …

Do I need progesterone? 
I am recovering from hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's) and my DO suggested I take 20mg topical progesterone a day. I am on Armour along with Vit. D, B, selenium, …

I have been using Prog for 3 weeks. I am late for my cycle. Took a test and do not register an HCG high enough to relate to pregnancy. How do I proceed …

At my wits end!! 
I am 26 I have been having very irregular periods. When I was 15 I was diagnosed with PCOS. I started my period when I was 11 and maybe had 1 once a year. …

Need some answers about how to use Natpro 
Thanks Wray for the information to my first post about anxiety, etc. It seems like my response posts are missed so I'll just make a new posting. I'm planning …

Estrogen Dominant 
I am 49. I don't have a complete story yet. I haven't tried the Progesterone Cream yet. I have ordered it. I just learned after an ultrasound that I have …

Hi Wray, a few months ago I started reading this site but I am still confused. You see I am 37 years old and I want to have a baby. I have never been …

Using cream for 4.5 years, but still confused... 
Wray, I had been using a prescription progesterone cream for about 4 and a half years. Because of finances, I'm looking at some creams I can get without …

Is there Soy as an ingredient? 
Dear Wray, I am allergic to any Soy Products. Is Soy used as a plant ingredient in Natpro? I am interested in knowing if I am figuring out the total …

Experiencing hair loss 
I just ordered your progesterone cream but I have a few questions. I have been using other brands of natural progesterone which alleviated my hot flashes …

Advice needed 
Dear Wray, I have been using NatPro for the last month or so. I had a total hysterectomy and oophrectomy in 1986. I have managed to get rid of most of …

I'm awaiting my order of Natpro. At the moment I am using Serenity. I'm finding that my anxiety has gotten slightly worse. I am recovering from Adrenal …

25 and suffering from estrogen dominance  
Hey Wray, I first want to thank you for your knowledge, integrity and more importantly for wanting to share those with others. I am a 25 year old female …

Doctor thinks I may be having side effects from too much progesterone 
I was given a prescription of Premarin to use on my daughter when she was 3 months old. I applied it twice a day, everyday for a month and began having …

Large fibroid 
I've been reading about the use of progesterone cream for the past several weeks now, however, I have read that there can be an exception when dealing …

Taking Progesterone SUPPOSITORIES 600 MG twice a day! 
Hi, I am a 31 year old woman & new to this site. I was looking up info about progesterone because I was recently started on it by a naturopath (who I am …

Trying to work out my problem? 
Hi Wray, I have been reading through your web site and found it most informative. I've had a terrible time over the last thirty odd years with all sorts …

Some more questions about using Natpro 
Thanks Wray for the information to my first post about anxiety, etc. It seems like my response posts are missed so I'll just make a new posting. I'm planning …

Bipolar II and Progesterone 
I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder. I have been using Natpro for a few months now and benefiting greatly. I was warned that progesterone …

Would the use of the cream affect a pregnancy test? 
I have been using progesterone cream for 3 weeks and am peri menopausal. I need to check if I am pregnant. Would the use of the cream affect a pregnancy …

I have asked my doctors for the past 2 years to check my hormone levels, because I have experienced vaginal dryness, night sweats, hot flashes, thinning …

No period 
This is a follow up to a comment I sent yesterday, which I may have mentioned before but don't seem to have had a reply, sorry if you are inundated. …

Am I using the cream correctly? 
I have used Natpro last year to eleviate anxiety and bad sleep, which I thought started to work ok though my memory is a little faded. I was having so …

Help Please. My last shot at trying for help. 
I am still in unrelenting agony and still can't find out if progesterone cream will work for joint pain caused by suddenly stopping birth control pills …

Spotting with cream 
I am Peri menopausal, 41 years old and have been using the cream for 3 months. It has definitely helped with my heavy periods and many other symptoms. …

Click here to write your own.

Want to try Natpro for anxiety, etc. but have many questions 
Hi Wray, My story starts with having a horrible reaction while being on birth control pill. I experienced major anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, etc. It took …

Angry I didn't know about Natural Progesterone 
My period stopped when I was 41 and I thought I could take the flashes until I couldnt. Went on Premarin/Provera for 10 years and heard about Dr. Helen …

I'm a 55 y.o. female. Had a partial hysterectomy 2000 or 2001, so I do not know where I am on the menopausal bus. I am also hypothyroid and hypoglycemic. …

Full Hysterectomy 
I am 53 years old and had a hysterectomy at age 32. I have been on Estrace until 4 years ago and my doctor changed it to Estracetest because he said I …

I have read ALL over your site and found it very informative! After reading about estrogen dominance I know I am battling that and other things. I take …

Surgical Menopause 
I had a hysterectomy when I was 42 and am now 45 and just started Premarin 2 weeks ago after failing to get results from any of the "natural" supplements …

Hormonal havoc cause of major depression? 
Hello all, I've only recently looked at my hormonal status as being the fundamental cause for my depression; toxicity and vitamin/mineral imbalances are …

First time birth control 
I have PCOS I recently got on the Mirena IUD. This is my first time at age 43 using any kind of birth control. I have noticed a weight gain. I have been …

Autoimmune disease and endometrial hyperplasia 
I was diagnosed with Takayasu arteritis 11 years ago. Was taking prednisone and methotrexate as well as heart medication because a renal artery was damaged, …

Progesterone and Breastfeeding 
I have been told that I have a low milk supply and am really keen to continue breastfeeding my 2 week old baby. I've heard conflicting things about …

Progesterone Cream usage when you do not have our period 
I have had a hysterectomy in 2006 but left the overies. Here it is 2011 and I am starting to get all the perimenopausal symptoms possible. You talk …

5 weeks pregnant  
I am 5 weeks pregnant and started spotting last week. My doctor has put me on progesterone (Cyclogest), 400mg per day. She prescibed it for 10 days which …

Having trouble again 
Hello Wray. I am so grateful for your words of encouragement. When I started using a good dose of progesterone back in September I felt amazing and all …

Help, severe hair loss after starting progesterone 
I am a 38 year old who began all natural progesterone cream approximately 6 weeks ago and almost immediately startded losing my hair. It has helped with …

Is HRT effective in treating hairloss in a woman who has experienced a total hysterectomy? 
I am totaly confused and do not know what to do. I experienced a complete hysterecomy at age 39 ( ovaries and uterous were removed). I am now 49 years …

Bio Die-hard 
I've been using the bioidentical progesterone for just under a year. I take 60mg 1 time/day. It has helped my perimenopause symptoms (night sweats, hot …


My History and Some Questions 
This will be long... I was diagnosed with adenomyosis, interstitial cystitis, and bowel adhesions in 2004. After many trials of drugs and treatments I …

Lots of syptoms, feeling bad and doctors dont see anything wrong 
Hi Wray, A friend followed your advice and is a totally different person so she suggested I see your opinion. For about a year I have started adding …

I have read a lot about progesterone cream for perimenopause, and therefore have starting using it, but it hasn't done a lot to help my mood swings, which …

How should I store this product? 
I just received 3 tubes of cream. I am on vacation in my motorhome and during the day it gets VERY hot inside. Should I referigerate it? The last tub …

How does Progesterone affect sleep? 
I have been taking Natpro for a while and have always stopped when I know my period is due, as it never seems to happen until I actually stop the cream. …

When progesterone fails to work 
I recently learned from a couple sources that at some point progesterone cream applied transdermally will begin building up in the fatty tissues instead …

Progesterone and pregnancy 
I'm taking progesterone cream and was wondering if it can make a pregnancy test positive when you're actually not pregnant?

American derived natural progesterone as opposed to the Japanese 
Dear Wray, Thank you for taking your time and trouble to reply to my question. I am going to try glutamine tonight! Reading one of the entries on your …

Click here to write your own.

Heart condition 
I have had a heart condition most of my life, where my heart skips and races. It can last for a few hours up to 2 weeks! I have been to many cardiologists …

High Estrogen Low Progesterone may=Insulin Resistance? 
I am interested in the relationship between insulin resistance and the hormonal levels of E & P. I tend to be more on the hypoglycemic side, low blood …

How to use gestofit 200? 
My wife's doctor has prescribed her to take gestofit 200 from 18th day (twice a day) but it had not mentioned whether it should be taken orally or vaginally? …

Facial hair 
I am well past menopause (66 years old). For the last 10 years my facial hair has become darker and more prominent especially around my chin and upper …

Should I use more progesterone? 
I am 8 weeks pregnant. I have 2 children who are 7 and 9. We decided to try for another baby 3 years ago and after many attempts we resorted to IVF last …

Right amount? 
Hi Wray I ordered some of your progesterone cream and am awaiting my order. I'm 46 and was using progesterone (natural) from the menopause clinic in Australia …

Hi, my question is; how does this progesterone compare to bio-identical progesterone?

Am I using the right progesterone cream? 
I have been using natural progesterone cream for years but just lately I have been having severe night sweats early mornings, I had 6 -7 of them today …

Question about Yam Cream 
Dear Wray, I was using your cream for about 3 or more months and really liked it. Then I went to a gynecologist who said he deals with women's health. …

I have been diagnosed with POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME about a month ago. I got a prescription from my doctor for a contraceptive pill. I am very sceptical …

Symptoms of menopause for 10 years 
I suffered from LOADS of symptoms of menopause for 10 years in my late 30's but my doctors (more than one male and female) were determined to tell me I …

Losing my hair for 10 years 
Dear Wray, I am 35 years old and I have been losing my hair for 10 years approx. in a male balding pattern. I have had my iron level checked and have been …

Natpro is really helping but need a little advice 
Hi Wray, I recently bought Natpro after trying another make and it is really helping. I don't have a break from it as I have had a hysterectomy so no cycle …

Terrible pms 
Dear Wray, I have a 19 year old daughter whom I am sure is suffering from hormone imbalance. She has terrible pms, mood swings, yeast infections, palpitations, …

Goin crazy with Progesterone 
Hi Wray, I started writing you and before I finished I pushed the button.. I will start again.. After doing a blood test to check my levels I had Prog …

Does Liver Cleansing Purge Progesterone? 
I know liver cleansing by means of using Milk Thistle and coffee enemas purges estrogen from the liver, which is our goal here. But does liver cleansing …

The doctor prescribed anastrozole 
I recently had a mastcetomy and my estrogen level is too high. The doctor prescribed anastrozole. I have to take this for 5 years. I ordered the progesterone …

Progesterone Cream Convert 
I began suffering from menometrogghia at 26 after the stillbirth of our daughter (not hormone related, caused by a rare chromosome defect my husband carries). …

Ectopic Pregnancy 
Hello Wray, Over the last 2 years I have had 2 ectopic pregnancies. After my last one (last March) I saw a naturopath and after testing, was diagnosed …

Depo Provera and low progesterone? 
Hi Wray, I'm 47 years old and my life has become a horrible nightmare 4 years ago. I've had depo shot from 2006 to 2008 and since September of 2007 I've …

I am just wanting to get started with progesterone for irregular periods in peri meno pause along with sore breasts horrid pms and loss of sex drive to …

Weight Gain 
I am still unsure if I should be on progesterone or estrogen. I am on a product called FEMIGEL which is a "Oestradiol Gel" and it contains 1,5mg ß-Oestradiol …

Progesterone Cream and High Cholesterol 
Hi Wray, Thank you for sending my order so promptly. I couldn't wait to start using it! I have osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, …

Irregular Period 
My daughter is 23. Three years ago, before her 1st pregnancy she was on birth control & after pregnancy she has aches & pains all over, migraine headaches …

Only 36 and going crazy! 
Hello Wray, I felt compelled to share my story with you. I am awaiting the arrival of Natpro and I cannot wait! My story goes like this: I am a single …

Click here to write your own.

Hi, Can I take Dim along with progesterone?


Bad insomnia at 36 weeks of pregnancy! 
Dear Wray, I am 36 weeks pregnant with my second child and have been suffering from insomnia for a few weeks. It does not seem to matter what I cut out …

"Hormonal Rush" 
5 years ago (I was 51 yrs old) I had episodes of what I would call "fight or flight" or "hormonal rush". My heart would race and my blood pressure would …

Dosage Question 
Wray, I thought I saw somewhere on your website that 1/2 a teaspoon is equal to 166mg. But then I saw this on the website too... 2,000mg of progesterone …

Is Cream form safe? 
I tried a sublingual form of progesterone (Progon B) that a naturopath recommended and it worsened my anxiety, which was the reason why I was taking it. …

Tired of the run around 
For the last 6 years I have been seeing one health professional after another and all tell me something different. I had salivary tests done and the …

Transfer to children? 
Are there any precautions I should take around my children? After I apply the cream is there a risk for my young children if they come in contact with …

How Does Progesterone Finally Overcome Estrogen Dominance? 
First I'd like to thank you for stepping outside the box to help yourself and others to find a better quality of life. I'm an RN and a natural health consultant. …

Using Progesterone Straight Through 
I took your advice and have been using the NatPro progesterone straight through for two months or so. It made my periods less severe. Now I wanted to …

Does progesterone cream help with Fibromyalgia? 
I'm 51 and still having regular periods as well as hot flushes. I have recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and read that it can be caused by progesterone …

42 and not sure how to use the cream 
I have always suffered with severe PMS. Doctors have always prescribed prozac and birth control, though now I am off of the birth control and am going …

Waking sweat 
Dear Wray, I wake up each morning soaking wet. Or rather if I wake up at the same time each day I do. If I wake earlier, I "miss" the sweat. Needless to …

Is it ever too late to start? 
Been in menopause for a few years and have not taken anything. Started to have a lot of stiffness and muscle weakness. Not sleeping too well and some …

Coming off the pill 
Hello, I stopped taking combined contraceptive pill about 9 weeks ago and have been having quite a rough time. I since did have two 'normal' periods (27 …

ovestin (oestriol) and progesterone 
My doctor prescribed Ovestin (oestriol) cream for vaginal atrophy. I have now ordered Natpro after consulting a naturopath. Do I use both?

Very dry skin and still getting painful breasts 
Hi Wray, How are you? I am still on 200mg of natural progesterone cream though I noticed I had a tube of runny cream two weeks ago and it didn't seem so …

Migraine, depression and pregnancy - HELP! 
I'm 37 years old and 38 weeks pregnant! I've suffered migraines since puberty - variable in frequency and severity but for the past few years around 10/month, …

What could be wrong with me ? 
I'm a 44 year old woman .. a bit of a long story , who for the past 5-6 years has changed so much as a person ...I have always had a little pms before …

Crappy peri-menopause 
I'm having a crappy peri-menopause. A few months back I bought a 4 pack of Serenity and started it but then within a day or two was having wicked panic …

Could progesterone help me? 

Dear Wray, My first order of Natpro has arrived and I'm very excited about my first treatment. I've read that men can benefit from Progesterone supplementation …

Progesterone therapy cured my uterine problems 
My GYN put me on 100mg of natural micronized progesterone cream daily for a thickened uterine lining and polyps. They found the condition by doing a vaginal …

How to measure Natpro 
Just received my Natpro today. Is the best way to measure it out by using a measuring spoon? Just curious cause it tells how much to use, but there is …

Progesterone Side Effects 
I was reading your link about what to do to help memory. Is it safe to take 100 to 300mg/day phosphatidyl serine a day to help with memory? Do you know …

Click here to write your own.

Panic attack 
I was in my early 20's when I expereinced my first panic attack. I was driving to work and came to a stop light - I remember it was a beautiful day with …

Oestradiol Gel 
I had a full hysterectomy 10 years ago, had implants for a few years, stopped but the symptoms were too severe to ignore. I then went onto "Femigel" which …

Progesterone & Hysterectomy 
I am a 58 year old woman who has had a hysterectomy 10 years ago, and who has one ovary left. At the time the gynecologist told me I do not have to …

Nicoderm CG patch and Progesterone cream 
My cream just arrived yesterday. I was about to start the patch to help me stop smoking cigarettes. Has any one out there used these products together …

Large cystadenoma 
Just had my last ovary removed due to large cystadenoma. I had my uterus and left ovary removed in 2002. I am now in "full" menopause again and really …

Can it help cervical erosion? 
I'm 29 and have been trying to concieve baby number 2 since January 2009, coming off the contraceptive pill to do so. I successfully conceived in July …

Can progesterone (or anything) help with Alopecia Totalis? 
About 5 years ago I lost all of my hair (head & body) to Alopecia. Before that, I had "spot baldness" and was treated with creams and cortizone shots …

Bio-identical Hormone Therapy 
I'm on bio-identical hormone therapy (compounded cream). The results of my recent blood test showed that my body was not absorbing progesterone via the …

Tired of it 
I hit menopause at 42, so I have been on bio-identical HRT for 15 years. My first doctor had me on the the lowest doses of Triest (daily) with a testosterone/B-12 …

Progesterone cream after endometrial ablation? 
I'm 43 years old and had an endometrial ablation 3 years ago. I have not had any vaginal bleeding since then, but I have PMS symptoms sporadically monthly. …

So you are saying that using progesterone cream may or could help me slowly cut back on benzos eventually?

Can I use Natpro?  
I had a tubiligation 27 years ago after a few more years I displayed symptoms of hypothyroidism but was not diagnosed until later. They now say I have …

Calcium D-Glucarate 
Is there any benefit in taking Calcium D-Glucarate while using Progesterone cream? Thank you and I look forward to your reply.

Fibrocycstic Breasts while on Compounded Progesterone Trouche 
I am feeling desperate! I have been on a compounded Progesterone (250)/DHEA (25)/BIEST (2)/PREGNENOLONE (75) trouche for a month now. During this time, …

Getting off of Wiley BHRT Protocol Part 2 
I forgot to mention that I take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid daily and also have been taking a small amount of bioidentical testosterone cream that I had …

Coming off Wiley Protocol BHRT to something more managable 
Hello Wray, what a thrill to find your site. Even though I am in California it seems very hard to get good advise on BHRT. I am at my wit's end with …

Aloe vera blocks progesterone? 
Wray, I was looking around online about progesterone and read that aloe vera blocks progesterone. I have used two brands of bioidentical progesterone …

About Susten 
I am using Susten tablet. I have pco. I am 25. When using Susten 200 nearly 3 days I am so tired and have knee pain. Some white discharge was coming at …

Can I change over cream? 
Please could you advise if there would be any adverse effects if I change the cream I am on (Serenity) to Natpro? Would it be ok for me to just start …

What have I done to myself? 
I am taking progesgtorone troche from day 14 to day 28. I was also taking 25mg of DHEA. I stopped this last month just after my last period. I felt …

Estrogen Dominance and Hypothyroid 
Ok, so I have been on bio-identical HRT since February 2008 and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism around 2005 and I am currently taking Armour Thyroid …

Lichens scleradosis 
I have been diagnosed with lichens scleradosis of the vulva. Will progesterone therapy help? I've been on Natpro for two weeks now.

Where Is It Safest to Apply Progesterone Cream? 
Hi Wray, I read on your site that it's ok to apply progesterone cream anywhere on the body. I noticed, however, that if I put it on my abdomen, I suffer …

Aching joints 
Happy New Year and greetings from France! I've just switched to it from HRT. I was given HRT as my menopause symptoms were causing terrible pains in …

PCOS and Insulin Resistence 
Hi there, I am interested in trying one of the supplement packs and am not sure if I should try the pco pack or the IR pack? I have PCOS and am insulin …

Click here to write your own.

Progesterone cream help with Depo Provera withdrawal symptoms? 
Please help as I cannot find ANY positive info anywhere. I'm on depo provera and must come off. I like it, it has completely alleviated periods, the pain …

Anxiety and Chasteberry 
Hi Wray, I have been using your cream and doing well with it. I started getting my period every two weeks and went to the gynecologist. He wants to do …

Progesterone Cream daily with no breaks 
My doctor advised I use natural progesterone cream daily with no breaks to see if it helps with horrible insomnia, low energy, and headaches. I am …

So Very Tired 
I have been using Progest 100 Capsules for a few years also use Estalis Parches. I still feel really tired most of the time and have lots of Migraines …

Saliva Results, Low Blood Sugar... Try Progesterone Cream? 
History: I am 37 Female non smoker, thin build and pretty good eating habits-low carbs and eating organic whenever possible. I have a unicornuate uterus …

Bio-idenical creams progesterone and testosterone 
I had a saliva test done about a month ago, Test showed adrenal fatigue and low testosterone at 92. My progesterone was also low and I have estrogen dominance. …

Dry vagina 
Could Natpro be used internally for dry vagina treatment or for lubrication during intercourse? Please advise.

Breast cancer 
Dear Wray, I have a friend who has breast cancer. She opted for the alternative treatment. She is on iodoral, protease enzyme and vit C therapy. I want …

When do I start? 
May I ask you a question? I got my period on... 15 Oct 2010 15 Nov 2010 12 Dec 2010 Generally I bleed for about 5 days, each cycle... Now I have …

Breakthrough bleeding and NATPRO 
Hello Wray, I have a question about the use of NATPRO & breakthrough bleeding/spotting. I am 45 years old and still have very regular periods in a 28 day …

Painful Urethra not sure what to call it.. 
I am 33 years old and my problem started out in 2006 when I got a UTI (my first ever) and then a couple of weeks later (after that had been treated and …

PCO/Heavy Bleeding/Anemia 
I am 43 always had PCO and heavy bleeding. I have taken Vitex (chaste berry) to regulate my periods, but did nothing for the heavy periods. From many …


Utrogestan and Duphostan 
I am 25 yrs old. I got married 10 months earlier. In July I faced problem of periods. From then I'm having treatment regarding my problem. I had a test …

Early Period and Progesterone 
I have been using Progesterone Cream for about 3 months or so now and see that it has a soothing effect for me. I am very happy with it. This month though …

Progesterone or Pregnancy 
My doctor is considering putting me on progesterone each cycle after I ovulate, since I had a previous miscarriage and am trying to get pregnant. My levels …

Horrible hair loss 
I am 34 and was on the pill previously for 11 years up until 5 years ago or so. I am aware of all the negative side effects of the pill and started taking …

Maca Root and natural progesterone cream? 
Hi Wray, I've been reading Dr. William Wong's site on breast health (Google 'Dr. Wong's Breasts' hee hee) and he recommends a regime of natural progesterone …

When do you suggest I start? 
May I ask you a question? I got my period on... 15 Oct 2010 15 Nov 2010 12 Dec 2010 Generally I bleed for about 5 days, each cycle... Now I have …

No progesterone! 
I'm a 33 year old woman, and am incredibly confused about what's going on with my body. Recently, I started seeing a holistic cardiologist for a fainting …

Burning scalp and hairloss 
Dear Wray, I am a healthy 46 year old and have been on Mircette, the low dose BCP, for many many years. All was well until June 2010 when A LOT of hair …

Increase in Mg Results in Decrease in Blood Level 
Hi Wray, I am a 59 year old whose regimen for many years consisted of 20 mg. of progesterone cream, Femring, and 10 mg. of testosterone cream. However, …

Not sure what is going on? 
I am 45 and have very bad cramps and PMS each month. A friend bought me a pump tube of restored Balance PMS Cream with Natural Progesterone. 2 1/8 pumps …

Progesterone cream 
Hi, here I am again, I'm taking a cream called prolief made from arbonne, my dr recommened it, I'm taking 2 pumps a day, I have been kind of bouncing between …

Hi Wray, I wrote last month about the doctor who was warning me about the long term effects of progesterone. I have since researched enough to be comfortable …

Click here to write your own.

PCOS and Natural Progesterone 
I was diagnozed with PCOS over 10 years ago and feel like I've done tons of research since. I was so glad when I stumbled across this web site! Five …

So Far 
Hi everyone, wishing you all an early christmas greeting. My name is Lynn and although I live in France I am English. When I was 30 I got myself …

I can't seem to reduce the amount of my progesterone cream 
Hi Wray, I have made a comment twice on my page and it is not showing when I get an email to say there is a new comment on my page. I am not sure what …

Young and no sex drive! Help! 
I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction here. I am a 26 year old male, about 5'8 175lbs and probably about 20 to 25% body fat but …

Use every day when starting natural progesterone? 
I am a 29 female, no pregnancies. I have started natural progesterone and have felt and see great results. I have a history of very fibrocystic breasts …

Am I taking enough Progesterone? 
My natural doctor started me on 50mg of oral progesterone from day 10-28 of my cycle. I'm on the 10th day of taking it, and still am not sleeping well. …

Is continuous use ok? 
Hi Wray, Is it ok to use the cream on a daily basis ? I'm at present using it only for the 14 day ovulation period, I slept better during that time and …

I've suffered from acne since I was a teenager. When I was younger doctors prescribed daily antibiotics, which in turn caused me all sorts of other problems. …

The last time I wrote to you I did not mention that I have hypoglycemia. The article I read from a doctor stated that it would really help my adrenal …

Estrogen patches  
Dear Wray, I am 39 years old and had a hysterectomy about 4 months ago due to medical reasons. For about the last 8 weeks I have been on estrogen patches …

Estrogen dominance or amalgam poisoning 
This isn't a short story but just the same I will try to shorten it. In 2002 I stopped taking the pill after 20 years of use (minus time out for one …

Adrenals & Natural Progesterone 
Can using too much Natpro affect adrenals or does it help? Is there anything more I should be doing along with the Natpro to ensure good adrenals?

Improved blood sugar levels 
I'm new to natural progesterone cream but, before arriving here, I tried many synthetic hormones with the guidance of various Drs who I believe felt they …

Progesterone and Simple Hyperplasia w/ no atypia 
Hi Wray, back in 2003 I had an endometrial polyp. It was removed. No big deal. In 2006, I knew from the symptoms of heavy clotting and bleeding that I …

I've been using progesteone for about two months now at the proper dose, and all my physical symptoms have dramatically improved. However, I have …

The Pill & Progesterone 
Hi Wray, Is it possible to take progesterone while on the pill? If the pill stops the body from producing progesterone that can't be good. Is there any …

Hi Wray, I recently received the Natpro cream and am waiting until my mid-month date to get started, which is several days away. My insomnia is so bad …

Diabetes 2, PCOS, and natural progesterone 
I have a question about PCOS, diabetes 2, and natural progesterone. My daughter is 37 years old. She has been suffering from PCOS for many years. She had …

Using the Wiley protocal and hair still coming out 
The wiley protocal consists of estrogen and progesterone. I have been using this for about six months and my hair is still coming out with no signs of …

Progesterone cream verses Promtrium 
Ok, I think its all hype every site I go to says they have the best progesterone cream. I have bought proLief from arbonne, ess pr lief recommened by …

Pregnancy, morning sickness and polyp on cervix 
Dear Wray, some time ago you already answered to my questions and you helped me very much. I thank you for that. Now I have another question. I am pregnant …

Limp, thin hair! 
Hi Wray, I am a 28 year old female. About a year ago I started noticing my hair was starting to thin mostly around my front hair line. Now a year later …

I have read in a doctor's NEWSLETTER that natural progesterone has helped with hair loss. But you must see your doctor, have correct prescription for …

Hope I ordered the right stuff? 
I just received my package being new to me I hope I order the right cream. I lost my job back in June of this year. I have worked all my life and having …

Progesterone cream verses Promtrium 
I would like to know the differnce its all so confusing... I started out on just estrogen after being off it for 8 years, my mind was getting clearer but …

Click here to write your own.

New User 
I am 43 and I just used your progesterone at about 180 mg per day for the whole time in between my cycle (instead of for the last 14 days). I could not …

Hit with depression 
I'm a carer for my 22 year old daughter who suffers depression since the age of 16 and I've a medical background in massage therapy, allied health work …

Continious use of Natpro 
Hello sweet Wray! You are doing an amazing job for all the frustrated people out there! I have been using Natpro for about 4 months now continously, …

Having a period every two weeks on natual progesterone! 
I miscarried at the end of Mar. 2010 and have felt awful since. In late Aug. got blood work done on day 14 of my cycle. According to results, progesterone …

Trying to Conceive 
I got pregnant during my first cycle off of the pill (July 27 was my first positive pregnancy test, and day 35 of my usual 28 day cycle). I miscarried …

Shedding hair dramatically 
I am 51 female. Absolutely no medical problems throughout life. Then about 3 years ago, out of the blue, I started shedding hair dramatically. After …

Elevated Blood Pressure, can Progesterone help? 
Two days ago I turned 51. I've been having hot flushes for about six months. The onset of menopause is an exciting time, having suffered for many many …

Help with conversion 
I just bought natural progesterone cream and the instructions say take 1/8th to 1/4th teaspoon morning and night beginning the 12th day after menstruation …

I need Help please using the cream 
I had 2 miscarriages earlier this year and on the last one I had the following test results progesterone 8.7 and HCG 4926. So this means I had low progesterone. …

Fibroid and heavy bleeding for 2-1/2 years 
I left this message on the "closed" live chat and posting here because maybe someone else can benefit from any solutions provided to me. I am 52 years …

Increased breast size 
I'm 60 yrs old, had a hysterectomy about 14 yrs ago (still have ovaries). Shortly after began experiencing menopause symptoms-hot flashes, insomnia, mood …

Progesterone cream and Gilberts Syndrome 
I have Gilbert's Syndrome and since using Natpro progesterone cream for the last 12 months the Gilbert's Syndrome has been so much worse and a recent blood …

Estrogen & Progesterone Balance 
Sorry for my English... After having recommended, as a Naturopathic Practitionner, ProGest Cream, then ProVive Cream, I use to prescribe Natpro for 5 or …

I'm so glad I've found your helpful and informative site. Problem is I'm now more confused than ever! I am 32 and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19 …

Pregnant and on Progesterone after Two Miscarriages 
My name is Crystal and I am 26. I have a beautiful healthy 3 year old daughter. Since then, I have had to miscarriages, one at 8 weeks and one at 10 weeks. …

Natural Progesterone in the UK? 
I suffered from terrible post natal depression and anxiety after my first child. I am trying to conceive my second but am seriously worried about the return …

Utrogestan prescribed for ovarian cyst 
Hi Wray, thank you for the very informative site. My gynaecologist has prescribed 200mg Utrogestan to assist in breaking up a cyst that has been discovered …

Terrible Side Affects from Promentrium, BioIdential Hormone Pellets MISTAKE 
PRAISES I FOUND THIS SITE. I've had a very BAD EXPERIENCE with Dr and Bio Idential Hormone Pellets. Gave me 3X the amount needed. Then I have Prometruim …

Progesterone and Breast Feeding 
I have a 6 week old baby that I am nursing and I've been taking the progesterone cream. I initially took it for 21 days then took a 7 day break before …

How do I know if I'm using enough progesterone? 
I've been using progesterone for several years, and it hasn't helped a bit. After reading your site, I read that if I don't use enough I will be in a …

Progesterone and Partial Hysterectomy 
I had a partial hysterectomy in 1998, they left my ovaries. However, I wasn't given any advice afterwards and wasn't offered any hormone therepy. …

Bleeding even heavier using Natpro 
I'm 57 and have not yet gone through menopause. My latest hormone test for estrogen and FSH have come back as normal (estrogen 157 and FSH 17). However, …

Confused about how to apply Progesterone Cream 
I am 30 yr old female of normal weight diagnosed with PCO's 3 years ago and given Metformin to help with Ovulation and regulate cycle which it did successfully …

Progesterone Cream is Packing on the Pounds Quickly! 
About 3 weeks ago, I went to the doctor and had my thyroid tested and everything checked out fine. I am awaiting an appointment with another doctor for …

When to shower? 
I just received my Natpro and was wondering how soon I could shower after putting the cream on. Normally I would shower then use the cream, but my …

Click here to write your own.

Stressful life 
I have had a very stressful life. The past year I've had chronic fatigue. The doctors can't find what is wrong. All tests show within range. I feel …

Breastfeeding with irregular cycles 
I'm still breastfeeding my 14month old baby. My cycle returned 3 months ago but is still very irregular. How do I apply the cream if I'm not sure about …

Hi Wray, I have been using progesterone cream now for around 3 months and am pleased to report that since upping the dose have started to feel a little …

I turned 38 years old in May 2010. For quite a while now I have been feeling so tired, depressed, irritable, and can break down and cry every day! I also …

Is Natpro safe for hypo and hyper thyroid? 
Hi Wray, I am interested to try Natpro. I want to know are there any adverse effects for those with hypothyroidism and as well for those with hyperthyroidism? …

Crinone Suppositories vs. Natpro? 
Hi Wray. I was diagnosed with PCOS 20+ years ago and had all the classic symptoms, irregular periods, acne, facial hair, etc. I never suffered from obesity …

Now in 4th month of treatment but still getting breast pain 
Hi Wray, I am in the 4th month of treatment with the use of progesterone cream. I had increased the amount of progesterone cream from 1/8 teaspoon to 1/4 …

I just received the Natpro. I wanted to know if I am already taking bioidentical 1.5 estrogen and 50mg progesterone. My nipples have gotten sore... should …

I've been using this cream for a month (I was using another cream before this then it ran out). I ordered this, but unfortunately I had a break of about …

Endo and progesterone 
I recently had endometriosis, fibroids and adenomyosis cysts removed via laparascopy. I had a severe case of each of the above. It was a long surgery-6 …

Hair Loss and Progesterone 
I am 48 years old and perimenopausal. Since the birth of my third child 5 years ago, I have suffered from hair loss, anemia and erratic periods. 18 months …

Feel like going crazy 
For the past couple of years I have just felt off, stressed, tired. I am 44 years old and have taken good care of myself, eating organic, even went vegan …

28 and no period after miscarriage 
I'm almost 28 and have been off of the pill for almost a year now. When I came off of the pill, I got regular periods for about 3 months then the next …

Progesterone deficient at age 22 
It has been a grueling six months to say the least. I was on BCP since the age of 16 (I am 22 now). I was most recently on Yaz for nine months and I started …

What is wrong with me? Do I lack progesterone? PLEASE HELP! 
My story begins about 3 years ago at the age of 36. I started noticing that I was EXTREMELY fatigued and just wasn't feeling myself. My symptoms were: …

Irregular periods 
I am 29 years old and Rwandan by nationality. Since when I started menstruation periods at the age of 19 years I have irregular periods up to now. …

Progesterone and tubal ligation 
Hello Wray, I have been feeling very crummy for a few years, and went to my doctor for the first time in about 3 years only to have all of my labwork come …

I would like to know if the PCO formula can be used along with progesterone cream? I am on all the convential drugs for PCO. When would you advise …

Progesterone treatment 
I use progesterone cream and also tablets, I am trying both - I am very oestrogen dominant and have been prescribed prog. cream or tablets in a cycle - …

Can I use this? 
I have gone through the menopause and have been left with the hot flushes, anxiety attacks, asthma, depression, general irritation, and short temperedness, …

No period for 90 days-gluten & soy intolerant 
I am 20 years old and have had irregular periods since puberty. I have 6-8 periods a year. I am worried about going too long without a period, so I am …

How much is too much 
Dear Wray, I get terrible headaches sometimes just before ovulation and then just before or just after a period. Are they hormone related? My gynaecologist, …

Hormonally challenged? (It's a real problem) 
Dear Wray, I am a 62 year old man with a complex history. I have been treated for hyperthyroid with I-131 thyroid oblation and am on a lifetime maintenance …

Patient with PCO 
I am a homeopath and myself have been using progesterone therapy for 3 years now with amazing results. I have a patient with PCO she is on all the …

Oh how I wish I understood back when. I "developed"early. In my teens and twenties especially, I was excitable,depressed,etc. I had somewhat irregular …

Click here to write your own.

Progesterone Cream Directions for PCOS 
Dear Wray, I just purchased a progesterone cream from my health food store. You mention to use 150-250mg for PCOS from Day 14-28. This seems like alot …

Use of Soto-Pelle bio-identical hormones and progesterone 
I am 44 and I have a regular 25-day cycle. Blood tests show that I am not peri-menopausal. Blood tests also showed that I was very low in testosterone …

26 and 7 miscarriages 
Okay, long story... I started my period at a very young age, I was 10, it was regular until I was 13 and then I was put on birth control because I didn't …

Side affects from being off the birth control pill 
I've read lots about progesterone therapy on your website and have been recieving many emails about different situations with progesterone. I'll try to …

Do I have a defective luteal phase? 
Though I don't have any man right now to try to have a child I tried the whole of last year but faild to become pregnant. I'm surprised the way my …

I am 50 years old and have suffered with depression for many years. I have been on antidepressants that just numbed me. In May I started a treatment that …

Progesterone Advice 
Hi Wray! I stumbled upon your website recently while researching progesterone therapy. I'm 46 years old and have been having some of the typical progesterone …

Natpro and soya ingredient 
I'm a bit confused by the soya ingredient in Natpro, since soy is estrogenic. Why is this safe, if I've had a very estrogen receptive positive breast cancer? …

Have been using Natural Serenity Cream for 3 months 
Three years ago I had the hysterectomy but I still have the ovaries. Soon after my personality changed and I became very moody and irritable, tired all …

Weight gain and hormones 
Does progesterone make you gain weight? Since I've started on it I've gained weight, what can I do?

Breast Growth 
Hi Wray, you mentioned that only Estrogen helps to enlarge breasts. What Estrogen Cream do you suggest is safe to use with Natpro coz I don't want it to …

Saving Maddie 
I have a history of pre term deliveries. I am currently pregnant with my 4th child, but only have one living. I delivered my daughter Emily at 19 weeks. …

Natpro and soya ingredient 
Dear Wray, I can't find the site link to post questions. I hope this is correct. You answer someone's question (Aug 31, 2010) about yam based progesterone …

HRT after surgical menopause 
Hi Wray, I am now over two months post operative, after a subtotal hysterectomy taking my ovaries too. I had several very large fibroids and generally …

Possible side effect 
I'm really glad I found your site. I was Rx'd progesterone cream for 'pms' which I applied on day 15 till first day of menstrual cycle. But, 7 days later …

No changes or results 
I have been using the cream for three months now and have seen absolutely no changes or results whatsoever. How do I get my money back? I've thrown away …

Let the Madness Begin... 
Hi Wray, I have signed up to your newsletter... I was hoping I could get your thoughts on my progesterone game plan, is that cool? I am a breast cancer …

Hormone Imbalance 
Hi Wray, I'm 48 and have been having a very rough ride over the last few weeks. I still get my monthly period like clock work, but I started to get …

Estrogen dominance and lymphedema 
Can you tell me if lymphedema would have anything to do with estrogen dominance? I am a 58 year old menopausal woman. I recently found out that …

I have hormonal imbalance 
Hi Wray, I started on Natpro about a month ago because I'm certain I have hormonal imbalance. My periods seem to have disappeared (9 months and counting) …

Where are you? 
When is your forum going to start..i have been checking back for at least 2 months much less 2 weeks...and i see lots of questions but no …

Menopause and Hot Flashes 
I just started using the progesterone cream for about 3 weeks. I had been using another cream and noticed that my hot flashes were gone within a week. …

Heavy menstrual bleeding 
I am 36 years old with two children. I have been suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding and intermenstrual spotting for the last 4-5 years. An ultrasound …

Breast Growth 
I have been doing reasearch on how to get my breasts to grow bigger and I was wondering if this Natpro will help because I am tired of walking in public …

When will it start working? 
Hi Wray, i've been using Natpro for 3 weeks now. I am using a good teaspoon each day which I split for morning and night. I have had a hysterectomy and …

Click here to write your own.

Progesterone vs Progesterone and Estrogen 
Hi Wray, I am a 58 year old woman who went through menopause in 2000 and have now been menstrual free for almost 10 years. I opted not to take synthetic …

Natpro Side Effects 
Hi Wray, further to my last post, I did take it upon myself to decrease the amount of Natpro used due to heart palpitations and shortness of breath, by …

Can I take progesterone during pregnancy? 
Hi Wray, I am 6 weeks pregnant with my second child and am experiencing, among other things, sleeplessness. I wake up between 2-4 a.m. and can't get back …

Fed up with feeling this way!! 
Hi Wray, I'm a 30 year old mother of two, 1 and 3 years old. Since the birth of my youngest child, I've not returned to my normal self. After having …

Post menopause, could I need progesterone? 
I’m a 65 yr old female. My daughter is concerned that Progesterone may be my problem. She has received a lot of help here and even her doctor is starting …

I am confused, please help me 
I am a 45 year old woman and was on the Mirena coil for 2 years. During this time my periods lasted around 14 - 16 days albeit light & dischargy and more …

How much should I use? 
I really hope you can advise me what to do.  After being diagnosed with uterine fibroids and fibrocystic breasts I decided to see an alternative dr …

How can I cure my hairloss? 
I have just turned 30 and over the past year or 2 have been losing extreme amounts of hair. I have about one eighth of my hair left. It is baby fine and …

Progesterone delay period? 
I started using Natpro mid month after ovulation (although I did miscalculate and took one dose about a week before ovulation before I realised), I am …

Preterm Labor 
3 years ago I went into premature labor and had my son 8 weeks early. The doctors had no idea what caused this because I appeared to be perfectly healthy. …

Regarding amount of progesterone  
Hello my name is Alona, I am 38 yrs old and since I was 32 I have been experiencing all the horrible symptoms people describe, weight gain, sweats, miscarrige, …

Bio-identical progesterone cream 
I have been using a bio-identical progesterone cream which I rub on the skin, have been using this since beginning of May. I can't say that I feel …

I am 62 years old. Had my uterus removed 30 years ago and my ovaries 7 years ago. I take Estradiol 1 mg. on one night and 1/2 mg. every other night; 15 …

Fibroids inside the uterus 
Hi Wray, I am 50 years old. For a while now I had heavy periods, but mostly only during the first 3 days. I was used to it. But then at the end of last …

Best time to use 
I am 48 and for the last month I have had major hot flashes, night sweats and my period is over two weeks late. I am never late so this is really odd. …

What's the dosage for peri-menopause? 
Does anyone know what the correct dosage is for using progesterone cream during peri-menopause? The site states it should be used every day but doesn't …

2 periods in one month?! 
I'm recovering from adrenal fatigue, a pretty severe case of it. I've been using pregnelone, Standard Process, Vit. C and B complex, and tried licorice …

USP / Natural 
I just recently recieved my order of Natpro. I had been using Emerita ProGest for years and decide to give yours a try. I noticed that on your indgredients …

Felt like I was going mental 
Hi Wray, Am so glad I found your web site it has saved me. I am 42 years old with 2 girls. I had a hysterectomy (did not take ovaries) 3 years ago, due …

Hot flashes, migraines, acne, PMS 
I'm 28 and I started having very strong hot flashes a few months ago. When I looked up information online, I realized that I had been having the less …

Natpro and Tamoxifen 
Hi Wray. Been on Natpro for about a month and, to be honest, have not seen any improvements. I noted in one of your replies that Natpro activates the oestrogen …

I have lived with migraines for the past 20 years and have tried almost everything! Out of desperation to "cure" myself I came across your website …

African American woman 
I'm 52 years old and had a hysterectomy 9 years ago with only the uterus removed. I don't have any hot flashes or night sweats but I do have very very …

Estrogen Dominant or Progesterone Deficient? 
I am 38, have two children and normal weight. My normal periods are 7 days, 4 heavy, 3 light/spotting. I have always had cramping, lower back ache, and …

I've been following your site for a long time. I am 43, still menstruating (and used your cream about 2 years ago and found beneficial effects. I noticed …

Click here to write your own.

Family history of PCOS, Endo, Fibroids, miscarriage 
Hi Wray, My question is three-fold. My family including myself has a long history of 'female' related hormone problems. I have recently been diagnosed …

Hi Wray, This blog has been so helpful to me. I have self diagnosed myself so far, but have set up an apt with a Doc that specializes in hormone balance. …

Progesterone 1.6% or 3.2% ? 
Hi Wray, I have been advised by my Dr to take 1ml of 1.6% progesterone daily. From what I have been reading this amount seems to be rather low. I was …

Progesterone cream through pregnancy 
This is a query rather than a story. When using progesterone cream through pregnancy, I realise it should not be stopped, but are you at risk if you …

Hair loss for 4 years 
I have been experiencing hair loss for 4 years, I've been told it's hereditary. Menopause was the trigger, told me to use Regaine for a year. It had no …

Severe hot flashes 
Several years ago I was put on bio-identical Progesterone by my doctor for several symptoms related to peri-menopause: depression, weight gain, some hot …

2 miscarriages and progestrone level quite low 
I have had two miscarriages in the last 4 months and was wondering in the cream can help me?

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis 
Hello Wray, I am 39 years old female. Recently diaganosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Having weight gain, hair loss, bloating, depression etc. Last …

Chronic headaches 
Hello Wray, I had a hysterectomy in 1999. The next year I developed band like tightening headaches lasting 24/7. I still get these headaches today and …

Chronic headaches 
Hello Wray, I had a hysterectomy in 1999. The next year I developed band like tightening headaches lasting 24/7. I still get these headaches today and …

Using essential oils with progesterone 
Hi Wray, Is it OK to rub almond oil mixed with essential oils into the skin as a moisturiser after putting on the Natpro cream. Will this have any impact …

Progesterone for men 
Wray, I am wondering what the best approach is for men. My husband is on testosterone because he is 56 and seems to benefit from it. I have recently …

Been on progesterone for 4 months 
I have been using progesterone cream for about 4 months now. I follow the instructions and only apply it after day 14 of my cycle. I have noticed that …

Wild yam cream? 
I am 51 years old (oh my that sounds old when you type it out) and had a partial hysterectomy about 15 years ago. My dear friend pointed me in the right …

In Desperate Need of Help!! 
I am a 33 year old female in need of some relief. I was just diagnosed has having subclinical hyperthyroidism. TSH level being 0.001. So I thought maybe …

Progesterone Cream for Post Natal Depression 
I am 34 years old and I gave birth to my daughter 5.5years ago. I had slight depression during the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy but from there on I …

Can progesterone cause stomach upset? 
Good morning Wray, I have purchased a jar of progesterone cream at my local gnc store a couple weeks ago. I have been on a low dose of Premarin off and …

Mother, Doula, Granny-mid-wife 
I have nine children. I would like a coupon to minimize the initial cost of progesterone. I am coming off antidepressants, Ambien and Lortab. I have eight …

Hormonal Imbalance 
I suspect that I might be having hormonal imbalance issues; my hair has been thinning out significantly. I started researching on line about hormonal …

Oral Progesterone 
I was recently diagnosed as having estrogen dominance via the saliva test. My DC put me on oral progesterone (ProgonB), two tablets per night. How …

Menopause and phytoestrogens 
I am menopausal and have been using a progesterone cream for 8 weeks but am also taking a vitamin/menopause supplement in the form of tablets. This includes …

Estrogen dominance 
I'm about to order your product. However, I have a little reservation. I'm 53 and have always had estrogen dominance issues. I took birth control pills …

Stressful 3 years 
My last period was over two years ago and I am more or less through the night sweats, hot flushes without using HRT. I have had a stressful 3 years with …

Spotting after about 17 years 
I have not used any hormone therapy after menopause because of cancer family history and been fine. Had mild hot flashes that didn't last for many years, …

Progesterone Cream and Contraceptive Pills  
I'm very interested in using the Progesterone cream as I have a few of the symptoms. I'm 18 years old and on a contraceptive pill called Levlen. I …

Click here to write your own.

How to use progestrone 
I really did't understand the process as it did not come with instructions. I began using it about 8-10 days before ovulation cycle. Then I read to start …

Taking progesterone after surgery? 
I got Natro on the day I was rushed to the hospital for surgery, pelvic abscess and Pyosalpinges ( fallopian tubes removal). For the past year went …

Progesterone that is slow release 
Wray, I had written to my Doctor about what I am doing with the Natpro and told her I am taking it three times a day. I also told her I take the progesterone …

Don't know if I'm peri-menopausal or menopausal 
I am 52 years old. I had a partial hysterectomy 17 years ago, I still have my cervix and ovaries. Needles to say I have not had my period since then. …

Is progesterone cream helpful for men? 
Is your natural progesterone cream helpful for men with enlarged prostate and elevated PSA readings, assuming no prostate cancer?

Anxiety, Insomnia and Fatigue 
My anxiety just seems to be getting worse and worse since I've started on progesterone cream. My cream is compounded 45mg progesterone and .6mg testosterone. …

I am 43 and have been using Natpro for 4 months (4 cycles) without any noticable effect. I started using it for extreme tiredness/fatigue, no energy, insomnia, …

Menopause and Bio identical hormone therapy 
Hello, my name is Debbie and im going through the worst menopause, I can't sleep, I put weight on, I have night sweats and I'm very depressed. I went …

Using progesterone cream to stimulate ovulation 
Hi there Wray, I have just received my tube of Natpro and now I would like some help as to when I should use it. I have researched your website which is …

My biggest mistake was taking a Depo shot nearly nine years ago. Within a week I gained 10 lbs, began losing hair, and developed saucer-sized whelps …

Thyroid cyst 
This past winter I was diagnosed with a 3cm cyst/goiter of the thyroid. The biopsy was negative for malignancy and so I will be watched. The thyroid …

Out of control 
I have an 8 year old neice who is out of control. She has low focus levels but extremely high energy. From one minute to the next her attention strays …

I am 38 y.o., I did an embolization on 9 February, on 9 march I had the period. After this, I didn t have any bleeding until 27 April. On 27 April …

Can progesterone be my answer? 
I stumbled upon this site after researching Spironolactone, recommended to treat my acne and excess hair growth. Spironolactone mimics the progesterone …

Can Progesterone help me? 
Hi there... to whoever is reading this! Last month I turned 43 and would like to become pregnant with our second child. My back story: I had our daughter …

Trying to get pregnant 
At 17 I had my first miscarriage and was told "my body wasn't ready." 9 months later I found out again I was pregnant and miscarried again, again with …

Progesterone and IVF 
Hi Wray, I've been receiving your emails and I like a lot the approach for progesterone. I haven't ordered yet because I need a lot of reading before buying …

Severe hair loss after taking progesterone cream! 
My question is that after I started taking progesterone cream my hair began falling out a WHOLE lot and has continued now for going on a year. Is this …

Progesterone and Adenomyosis 
I have just been diagnosed with difue adenomyosis. Can natural progesterone help treat this condition?

When to start Natpro after pregnancy 
When can I start with Natpro again once my child is born? I used Natpro up until the birth of my son, but not since then. He is now almost 4 weeks old …

Progesterone & IVF 
My cycle is between 29 - 35 days. Is it better to follow the 28 days or 36 days to determine when to start using progesterone? Also, can this be used …

Ordering progesterone cream 
No story, I am looking at ordering your progesterone cream, but before I place the order, I need to know if your vit E in the cream is guaranteed to …

Tingling on face and scalp 
I had a low B12 count several months ago and had a few injections to increase the blood count. I was fine for about 3 months but then the tingling started …

Natural Progesterone Cream and Weight Gain 
Does the use of natural progesterone cream lead to weight gain? My wife used Pro-Gest for about one month but when she checked her weight, she discovered …

Menopause because of a Hysterectomy 
I was 41 when I had a hyst for a fibroid on my left ovary. I was not told that I had a choice to do Natural bio identical progesterone to shrink the fibroid. …

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Severe exhaustion upon waking 
I'm 20 years old and for about the past 1.5yrs now, I've had the same symptoms, getting worse over time; and now, I've just lost it and HAVE to fix this. …

Can I use the cream alongside the pill?  
I am 49 and am on Loestrin 20 to control my heavy periods and a few other symptoms. I saw my doctor today to ask about progesterone cream as an alternative …

Is it ok for me to take progesterone all month 
Hi Wray, I have been reading your suggestions and comments and was looking for your thoughts on my situation. I am now 37 years old. I was on oral BCP …

Diagnosed with PCO 
Hi Wray, 19 years ago I was diagnosed with PCO and prescibed the contraceptive pill to deal with emabarrassing hirsutism. 4 years ago I had reached 19 …

Does a vasectomy stop the body from getting progesterone?

Not sure when to start  
I'm 45 and not sure when my period should begin. I have had 2 months of just barely spotting. Can I just start using the progesterone and wait for …

Zoloft and Progesterone 
I am a 34 year old female. I started using Zoloft 6 months ago. It has helped with concentration and short-temperedness. The depression has subsided …

Daily amount of Natpro for menopausal woman 
Since there are 2,000 mg of cream in one tube and I want to use it twice a day every day because I am no longer having periods, I would divide 2,000mg …

Under a lot of stress 
Dear Wray, first I would like to thank you for all of this helpful information and great advice that you provide. Recently, I have been under a lot of …

Have tried, am nervous to try again 
Hi Wray, I've read a lot of info. on your website and do have a couple of questions, as some of the things you talk about differ a little bit from other …

Din number 
My daugher is a pharmacist in Canada and she wants to know how do I know, since I ordered your progesterone, that I am getting what is said is in each …

Progesterone and epilepsy 
A little background before my question: I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 16 (although had seizures since age 12/13). They tend to be catamenial in style …

PCOS and progesterone 
I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS after years of complaining about excess hair and acne. I was prescribed progesterone as the only resolution to …

Freaking out 
I have been off and on very small doses of Progesterone (bio-identical) RX from Dr. for about a year now, nothing consistent. I suffer from GAD and first …

Adrenal Fatigue 
I was wondering if this would also help adrenal fatigue?

PCOS & Natural Progesterone Dosage? 
Hello Wray, I have been diagnosed with PCOS and my doctor who specializes in BHRT, placed me on natural progesterone troches (taken under the tongue) at …

Chronic fatigue misery 
Hi Wray from the UK! After two decades of increasingly debilitating chronic fatigue misery I was, last October, diagnosed by an alternative doc with severe …

Men with Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis 
Hi Wray, my husband has been suffering with fibromyalgia for 8 years and osteo-arthritis for the past year, my research shows that they are often linked. …

Weight loss? 
Will progesterone therapy help with weight loss in menopause, not just as a diuretic, but because it balances estrogen dominance? Also, if used with …

Men and progesterone 
Good morning Wray, I just started using progesterone cream and have put my partner on it to. I am in perimenopause, therefore I understand that it is …

Progesterone and breast cancer 
I'm 62, have a history of miscarriages, heavy periods, hair in face, not very maternal, fibroids, hysterectomy and now breast cancer. I want to know …

Progesterone cream versus Climara Pro 
I found out about progesterone from a friend and did a Yahoo search and found this webside. I did the test and my result was 24. My symptoms range …

Can't Get Pregnant 
I'm writing this on behalf of my wife, who I think is progesterone deficient... the doctors (Gyn/Ob) whom we consulted earlier did agree on the fact that …

I am married now for eight years. I was diagnosed with fibroids in 2001. Had a myomectomy done in 2003. Got pregnant in January 2005 amd miscarried in …

Heavy and long periods 
I'm 45 years old and over the past year my periods have been more frequent and extended. I have now been bleeding for the past 10 weeks and since about …

Click here to write your own.

Weight gain, vaginal dryness 
I'm 43 and had heavy painful long periods 2 years back. Multiple fibroids too. After using progest cream & estrobalance, wobenzyme, qzmye digestive tablets …

Extreme menses 
Hi Wray, I am having extreme problems and don't know where to turn. I have had extreme menses the past 2 months. So much so that March I enterd the ER …

Birth Control and Progesterone Cream 
Wray, I have benefitted so much from progesterone cream. But my step daughter is on Depoprovera for birth control and cannot afford to get an IUD. The …

I'm really confused 
I'm 53 and I'm pretty sure menopause is underway. I was having a regular period until 4 months ago. One was very late, the next was pretty regular. …

I'm writing you because I feel like I am drowning. I am 30 and have been married for 7 years with a 3.5 year old and an 18 month old. I'm not sure …

About chronic fatigue syndrome 
I have chronic fatigue syndrome and over the years I find mostly my digestion is worse and tiredness and I find I'm reacting to most medications and all …

Breakthrough bleeding after using progesterone cream 
Can you answer my question? I started using the cream 12 days before my scheduled cycle. My cycle came on time and I felt great, no breast soreness, I …

First day with Natpro, spotting returns  
Hi Wray, I have just taken my first application of Natpro and spotting occured after 9 years without periods. I am close to 60 years and had fibriods …

Progesterone question 
How important is the time of day that you apply your progesteron cream? I suffer from insomnia, so I use it 3 hours before going to bed. Is that correct? …

24 and hormonally deficient, I think 
It all started with my excessive hair shedding last fall. I began to research all the possible causes of this shedding and noticed that it came after …

Well into menopause 
I have been using Natpro for six weeks and have been told after blood test results that I am well into menopause (count over100). Since using the cream …

Question about these medications 
I am a 24 year old and I am just sick and tired of this. I have been having my period since Dec 09 till now. I just saw my OB two weeks ago and I was …

Will this bring back periods? 
I'm currently on Prohelp moisture treatment cream (Better Health Naturally). Some of the ingredients beside micronized progesterone is extract of wild …

Progesterone question 
I'm applying my progesterone cream (now up to 7ml a day) at night around 9pm, but I don't normally go to bed until midnight or 1 am. When I go to bed I …

High serum oestradiol level 
I came off the pill just xmas 2008 (after 14 years on it). I did try to come off it 10 years ago but was advised to stay on it as I had no periods due …

Surgical menopause: what to do? 
I've gone into surgical menopause 2 weeks ago. I'm trying to find out what best to do. Your website emphasizes on the idea that estrogen levels are too …

Periods Returned 
Since I have begun using Natpro (3-4 weeks), my periods have returned - that's after 12 months of no periods at all. Is this a common response? However, …

On bc for 10 years, symptoms of hormone imbalance 
I am a 25 year old female, trying to understand why my body doesn't feel like my own anymore. I can only guess my symptoms are down to long term use of …

Acne after using Progesterone Cream 
I'm 42 and have never had the "typical" female issues until this past summer. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and began having mild hot flashes. …

Everyday Progesterone 
I was just wondering if it would be bad to continue to use the cream everyday? My menstrual cycles are so erratic that it is hard for me to know when I …

Progesterone deficient 
Hi Wray, with the way I am feeling I really believe I am progesterone deficient, but here in South Africa the doctors believe in HRT tablets to solve the …

Progesterone for men 
I am a 62 year old male with BPH as is typical these days. I understand by now that such problems are a result of living in an estrogenic world of pesticides, …

PMS, fibromyalgia and irregular period 
Im 27 years old and I have fibromyalgia. I daily suffer from lower back pain which gets much worse when I ovulate and 10 days before having my period. …

Not conceiving, not implanting 
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about a year now. I have had at least six months (not consecutive) that I will spot several days after …

High level of progesterone 
I am a 53 year old female. Just got results of a saliva test. My progesterone was over 2000, cortisol low. I have adrenal fatigue, high testosterone (27), …

Click here to write your own.

Progesterone cream and Micronor? 
My main problem since chilhood has been my weight. I have been put on so many unsuccessful diets from the age of 10 but no matter what I ate or how much …

Endometriosis and hysterectomy with complications 
Dear Wray, I desperately need some advice. I have just turned 40 and have suffered with endometriosis since I was 14. I had 3 miscarriages in early 20's, …

Total Hysterectomy, HELP! 
I am 38 years old and just had a total hysterectomy due to severe endometriosis. Within the last three months, there have been three surgeries, culiminating …

What about us guys? 
I'm a 62 year old male. Three years ago, after 10 years of fighting diabetes, a stroke, a heart attack and going from 187 pounds to 430 pounds I had bariatic …

From healthy to unhealthy 
I was always healthy until I started going into menopause, then I started to have allergys, always sneezing, seemed that I was allergic to everything. …

I have JME (epilepsy) I was free of seizures from ages 27-37. They have hit hard since my 3rd child at 38. I am on Lamictal. I am fine 75% of the month. …

Just started using Progesterone Cream 
Well today is the first day I started using the cream. I'm starting with 1/4 tsp twice a day hoping that it cures some of my problems. I'm 30 years …

Insomnia from Progesterone? 
I'm 39 and blood tests on 2 occasions showed lack of ovulation, though my cycles do arrive every month. Around September I suddenly started having severe …

I am 49 and have not menstruated for 12 months so I presume that I am menopausal! After completing your questionnaire regarding the need for progesterone, …

Progesterone stopped my blackouts 
Please correct me if I'm wrong... Is it due to the lack of progesterone that one gains weight during menopause? I'm 47 and gaining. When I was pregnant …

Menopause at 43 
I am 47 years old and started to experience menopause at the age of 43 naturally, although I was upset as I thought it was too early, always believed it …

How much cream to begin with? 
Hello Wray, I am 47 and experienced my first hot flash just as the year changed (and just after having ordered Natpro). That experience was so disorienting …

How to define luteal phase 
Hello! I am charting my BBT and I am on the fence as to whether I may have a luteal phase deficiency, or whether I'm normal. I have 11 days of high temperatures, …

Progesterone and older moms 
I am 46 and have had 3 miscarriages in the past 4 years. My doctor said if I get pregnant again he will immediately put me on progesterone. But won't …

Breast tenderness increasing 
I found this website as I have questions about taking Progesterone. I embarked on Bioidentical Hormone Therapy 6 months ago under a doctor's care. For …

I am a 38 year old female. I have been struggling with endometriosis since my twenties and have had a few laparoscopies to remove my endometriosis, which …

Falling apart 
I am 29 years old and I have questions about using progesterone. After the birth of my second child I have noticed a few changes in my body. My hair …

I have a question about Migraines and progesterone. I've bought the cream but am hesitant to use it as I'm scared it's going to trigger / increase my migraines, …

Coming off HRT 
It's not a story but I can't see where else to contact you! If you want to use it as a story, you're welcome to "Top & tail". My query is about a friend …

Need anwsers to my questions 
I am a 28 year old and I was very estrogen dominate. I am trying to get pregnant so last month I used natural progesterone after ovulation. Towards the …

So How About a Man with Adrenal Fatigue? 
The short answer is I don't know yet but it is looking good. I initally came to this page to try and find a way to ask a question on dosing. From the …

Progesterone cream and contraceptive implants 
Hi Wray, I'm 36 years old and until recently had a copper IUD inserted. I have also been using Natpro which has successfully managed the migraines I get …

Anti snoring Treatment involving Proseterone Therapy for men 
I am a male 70 years of age. My wife is disturbed with my snoring in the night hours. I had visited http://www.stopsnoring I find from reading …

Heavy periods with clotting 
Wray, I am 42 years old. In 2004, I had a tubal ligation after my son was born. Shortly afterward, my periods started getting very heavy with clotting. …

Will Natpro help me? 
Since March 2009 I have experienced "episodes" of constant nausea, sometimes with diarrhoea, sometimes not, generally upset stomach, no actual vomiting, …

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Vaginal itchiness 
I am a 32 year old female with 5 children. I have had itchiness in the vaginal area and anal area since May 2009 with no break in between except two weeks …

Progesterone Therapy 
I am an insulin-dependent diabetic and 48 years old. I have had severe night sweats, continual bloating, water retention and extreme fatigue, as well as …

Progesterone and soy milk 
I have recently began using progesterone cream. It seemed to work fine for the first few weeks, then I noticed it wasn't working as well. My problem is …

Progesterone confusion 
I have been taking HRT for the last 3 years with good results. The dose of Estrogen I take is very low and the Progesterone higher. I've been reading …

Gained 25 pounds  
I quit smoking after 35 years and started going through menopause all at the same time (a double whammy)! I thought the foggy brain and mood swings and …

I am on progesterone pills taken sublingual at bedtime. Finally I am able to sleep! My quest for help has been a struggle with anti depressants trying …

Returning Symptoms 
This is the first time I have ever posted anything private about myself, but I would like to connect with women who may have faced some similar problems. …

Inter-uterine fibroids 
Dear Wray, I hope you can help me - I am feeling very down at the moment. I am 45 years old and have three healthy children. My problems started …

Thyroid and low estrogen levels 
I am hypothyroid and have just been told I am entering perimenopausal stage. My estrogen levels are very low and my GP suggested HRT but I have refused …

Does progesterone cut out estrogen? 
I was on HRT for 9 years and then had to come off very quickly as I had nausea and giddiness. I had a Merani coil which gave me the synthetic hormone …

Oestrogen and thrush 
I am currently taking a natural form of HRT in a low doseage. Although my oestrogen levels are very low, an increase in the doseage causes an outbreak …

70 year old happily married retired secretary 
I've sent in my story already and so far, none of the contacts have my problem. Will progesterone cream help me to stop losing my hair? My husband …

Total hysterectomy due to fibroids 
Help! I am 51 and 9 years ago had a sub total hysterectomy due to fibroids. My ovaries were also removed as my mother had ovarian cancer at a similar age. …

Help - How do I get my libido back? 
I'm 52 - I had my uterus removed when I was 34. After reading one of your articles, I've been very fortunate not to have menopause early. When I was 50 …

Progesterone and length of menstrual cycle 
This past month I started progesterone therapy (for PMS symptoms) on day #15 until my period started. I would use 1/4 teaspoon (20 mg) of cream twice …

Retired secretary 
I'm going to be 71 in January. I had surgery on 10/02/08 for lumpectomy of a cancerous tumor in my breast. Next step was 36 radiation therapy sessions …

Experiencing hot flashes 
I am 50 years old and experiencing hot flashes. My last period was 9 months ago. I currently live in France and asked a Pharmacy for Progesterone cream …

Progesterone pill 
I have to admit that this is a scary time for me. I am 56 and started seeing a doctor who prescribed a progesterone pill (100 mg) for me to take. I read …

Progesterone cream causing polyps and fibroids? 
I have been using your progesterone cream for nearly 2 years and have found it very good and nearly all my PMS symptoms have gone apart from breast pain. …

Progesterone to avoid Miscarriage 
Dear Wray, I have been reading the many articles on your site with regard to using Progesterone in early pregnancy in order to avoid miscarriage. I …

Calcium supplements 
Hi Wray, you replied to my last query about having to take massive amounts of calcium supplements. You showed concern that I should also be taking vitamin …

When to use progesterone cream? 
I have a question. On your website you say that its best to use the Progesterone cream on the 14th day after your cycle begins correct? So around ovulation. …

I thought I was pregnant 
I started using progesterone and got my period. My last period, started August 14, 09 and my husband and I had intercourse Sept 4. I had not had a period …

Progesterone and vaginal flora 
Dear Wray, Wondering what you know about hormone levels and maintaining healthy vaginal flora? I experienced early menopause at age 43 - probably …

Am I hopeless? 
I have been taking bio-identical progestrone for the last 3 months and I am wondering if the natpro you suggest is bio-identical as well. If so, I may …

Click here to write your own.

I have catamenial epilepsy (seizures focusing on the week before and during ones cycle) and am concerned that my hormone levels may be preventing me from …

I welcome information on progesterone therapy. In my case, low progesterone levels and / or anovulatory cycles may be what is triggering my seizures. …

Help on quantities for hormone balance 
I need to know how much progesterone cream to use for a 51 year old depressed, tired, aching, irritable witch? Should l use it twice a day and for ever? …

Losing clumps of hair 
I am 45 years old and have been losing clumps of my hair for the last three years. I am very healthy, excersize and am not overweight. I took DHEA about …

Long story! 
I am now 43 and have 2 healthy boys. For about 10 years I have been getting bruises in my fingers before my period (just one of those things the Dr …

Progesterone for adjunct therapy for breast cancer 
Three years ago I had lobular breast cancer. I underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. From there I was put on Tamoxifen for 2 years then Arimidex …

Weight Gain 
By using progesterone cream does it help you lose weight? Hi Lisa. Progesterone can produce a direct and quick result if your weight gain was caused …

Need help 
I live in Australia I am 32 and have always had very painful periods so I went on the pill when I was 14 and was on it till I was 29. I stopped to have …

Nothing works for me 
I have been using natural progesterone cream for a year now for perimenopause help. Even though I have used higher doses and used the cream every day …

Looking for answers 
I have had dizziness, lightheadedness, balance problems and sometimes tachycardia since delivery (I am right after delivery too) of my daughter 23 years …

Estrogen dominance 
I am 39 years old and have virtually every symptom of 'estrogen dominance'. I am also taking an enormous level of calcium supplements (prescribed by my …

Ovarian cysts 
At the age of 48 my cycles became irregular. A cyst was found on my ovary secondary to the hormone shift. I was told it was because of my age that this …

I have just ordered your progesterone cream and look forward to trying it. I have tried HRT gel and put on weight so I stopped. I have gone back on Remifemin, …

Clomid and Progesterone 
I'm a 23 year old woman. My husband and I have been married for little over a year now and we started trying to conceive about 6 months ago. I was diagnosed …

Ectopic pregnancy 
I just found out that I may be having an Ectopic/Tubal pregnancy. I also have read this: "Taking hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone (such …

Fibroids an excessive bleeding 
I am a 43 year old woman who had a problem with fibroids and heavy bleeding. I've had the fibroids for many years but no symptoms. The bleeding started …

Testosterone and oestrogen 
I am on the pill, 41 years old and still having a period. My body has stoped producing testosterone and oestrogen. A pharmacist has suggested that I …

I am 56 years old and I had a hysterectomy, including the removal of my ovaries 10 years ago. I was placed on Premarin and 3 years ago was taken off the …

My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and have been for some time off and on. My doctor says that I have PCOS. I have been married for 3 years now …

Hormonal breakouts 
I was wondering if you can use progesterone cream once a day continuously or it is important to only use the 14 days before menstruation? I have breakouts …

When will new product be available 
I would very much like to try your product (Progesterone Cream named Natpro (I think that is the name :)) Could you please let me know when it will be …

No flax seed oil 
I just read a reply to "S" who has pco. You recommend progesterone (of course) and flax seed oil. I have menopause migraine, and get migraines very …

40 year old mother of two 
I would like to know what effect using the cream has on your skin. I have been using the cream for about a month and have quite a few red swollen bumps …

Hormonal acne 
I'm here as I'm on a quest to cure my acne. I'm 25 female and have had breakouts constantly on the lower part of face chin/mouth area. I am on the strictest …

htal hysterectomy at 38 
I had a total hysterectomy at 38, this was an emergency situation which had to be done. I am now 42 and my symptoms are: weight gain, short term memory …

Click here to write your own.

Some clarity on artificial progesterone 
The status of progesterone made from the Wild Yam has been a bit ambiguous. So, I put this little history of the development and early sources of artificial …

The Patch and Progesterone 
First I would like to thank you for all this information it has been very useful for me. It has answer many questions. However, I need your help! I …

60 year old grandmother 
I have "Factor V Leiden", and didn't find out I had it until about 3 years ago, when my only daughter got a blood clot in her leg. The Dr. said she had …

Anxiety attacks at night 
I'm 45, and live an organic natural life, as rustic and stress free as possible. For the past couple of years I've been having anxiety attacks at night, …

Elevated Prolactin 
I am aged 53 and have elevated prolactin which has shown up in my previous 3 blood tests over an 18 month period. I was advised by a gynaecologist to have …

End of the rope 
Insurmountable mount Everest and pigs can fly. That's how overwhelming my journey feels to me. I have gone from being the life of the party, good humoured, …

Progesterone & side effects 
I have just started on natural progesterone and have had a not so positive reaction. Firstly, I woke with a foggy head after a sleepless night and am now …

Total Hysterectomy 
I had a total hysterectomy about 16 years ago. I was immediately put on estrogen, nothing else. After playing around with different doses and different …

Sinus type symptoms 
I've been taking progesterone predominantly for monthly intense migraines. Since beginning the therapy, my migraines have relieved considerably, almost …

Progesterone deficiency and auto-immune arthritis 
I scored 22 on your Q. I've had chronic systemic sero-negative (type HLA B27) arthritis for a long time. After a childhood with no serious illneses, but …

A little help for some family and friends please 
I found your site while doing research to help my niece with some debilitating symptoms. She has a website chronicaling her attempt to get relief from …

Does progesterone cause breast weight gain? 
I have tried natural progesterone before and although it helped with hot flushes and tiredness it did start to add weight to my bust and I am now told …

Can you help me?  
Over the years I have tried a number of different products that "help" menopause symptoms. Most were useless. I ordered my first 3-pack of Natpro in …

Should I begin using progesterone cream? 
I am a 41-year-old woman with 2 children ages 9 and 11. I have always been and continue to be an active runner and try to eat healthy. I've used …

Can Progesterone cause early miscarriage?  
I am 29 years old and my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for the last six months. A homeopath told me about 6 years ago that he thought …

Should I follow my cycle or use every day? 
I am a 31-year-old woman with two young daughters, ages 3.5 years and 15 months. Over ten years ago, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia (chronic pain and …

Increased Hair Loss 
Does estrogen dominance cause increased hair loss? The use of Natpro has relieved the perimenopausal symptoms I was experiencing but now I am having hair …

When do I begin? 
I am 47 and have all of the symptoms - depression, sleep difficulty, foggy brain, bad memory, can't concentrate, feel angry/anxious, painful tender breasts, …

Can Menopause be reversed? 
I'm 50 years old and before my last period (last June) I was using Natpro to ease my heavy perimenopause symptoms. I had noticed that whenever I was using …

Over the last 2.5 years I have been telling my doctors that something is wrong with my female organs, I specifically asked my gyn if it was related to …

Progesterone Masking Miscarriage? 
I found out very early that I was pregnant because I have a very short post-ovulation time. The day before my fourth week, I started to bleed. I went to …

Absent Period 
I used the progesterone cream from day 14 to 28 as instructed. I will say that the first day was a little peculiar, I felt a lot of energy throughout …

Continuous bleeding 
I've had my "period" now for almost 2 months. I'm 49 years old, but my naturopath says I am not "officially" in menopause. My blood level of progesterone …

Your personal story could be my story 
I am 52 years old and have suffered from severe depression and going through menopause the last 12 years has been even worse. I have had one ovary all …

Can progesterone help with sleep disturbances? 
I am 30 years old and had my first child 17 months ago. I had a long, exhausting natural labor and delivery and ended up delivering an almost 10 lb. baby! …

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Milk supply and low progesterone 
I have four children and have breast fed them all. However, I have always felt that my milk supply is not very good and have heard this may be related …

Prolonged bleeding in perimenopause 
I am a healthy 49 year old in the permimenopausal stage (ok I have slight hashimotos which I take thyroxine for and my creatiine levels in my kidneys are …

Auto Immune Problem with Progesterone 
Apparently I have an auto immune problem meaning that when my body reaches a certain level of progesterone (my own progesterone + extraneous progesterone) …

I am 43 years old, and have recently been diagnosed with Adenomyosis (my uterus is enlarged by 2 and 1/2 the normal size), as well as a thickening of the …

Depression like no other 
I've been on every antidepressant in the book, and hospitalized several times, forced to take even more meds. I even had several holds placed against …

Bad depression 
I am a 74 female and have suffered from bad depression over the last five years. I've also put on about 15 kilos which I just cannot lose. I've just …

About the "Energy Boost" helping with IR 
I have one question about this product. It says something about it possibly causing an increase in testosterone. I am a woman so do I want this? (I don't …

Question about the "Energy Boost" helping with IR 
I have one question about this product. It says something about it possibly causing an increase in testosterone... I am a woman so do I want this? (I …

Dry nose 
I am 48 years old, in February I began experiencing a very dry nose that disrupted my life completely, I was unable to relax, sleep, or rest. I have been …

Progesterone, periods and PCO 
I am 29 years old and was diagnosed with PCO when I was 20. I came off the pill in 2000 for 9 months and didn't have a period, so I had blood tests and …

Hormone testing 
I have been on progesterone for a few years now but have recently had some hormone testing done. Progesterone was very low (120 ZRT Salivia test, 2nd …

Is my progesterone level too high? 
I have had my hormones tested by saliva test and my progesterone was listed as >1000. My naturopath has no problem with that number, but a warning came …

Progesterone information 
I would be interested in receiving further information about progesterone. Meanwhile, I wonder if you could answer a query. I've recently bought a pot …

Questions relating to Progesterone and breast growth 
I am a 21 year old girl and think I have Progesterone Deficiency. I came across your website and thought I should write to you so you could clear some …

Progesterone and cholesterol 
I have just ordered the progesterone cream for many reasons and I was also wondering was if the lack of progesterone is what caused me to have high cholesterol …

Does it help in improving skin? 
I'm 27 and do not have much of an issue with menstrual symptoms/irregularities etc. I'm actually looking for something which can improve my skin which …

Symptoms of menopause 
I would like to know the difference between your cream and the cream that was prescribed by my Dr. I am using it to counteract some of the symptoms of …

How Does progesterone compare to DIM? 
I am a 65 year old male. I'm using 0.5gm of testesterone cream twice daily, 100mg. of 7-keto DHEA, and 20mg. of cortisol. I have fatigue, low libido, and …

The pill and insulin resistance 
I was looking for more information on the pill and insulin resistance. One of your visitor's questions briefly addressed this and perhaps this is what …

Blood tests normal, but 
I have just read R's message and I have been experiencing all those symptoms plus a few more! Recently I saw my doctor as almost overnight my breasts doubled …

Problem with Progesterone??? 
I am 62 years old and take natural progesterone. It causes me to fall asleep easily, but I have very vivid dreams and noticed an increase in nightmares. …

Atopic Dermatitis 
I am a family medicine practitioner and into wellness and nutrition therapy as well as acupuncture. I was an asthmatic which I was able to heal with acupuncture. …

Progesterone - Wild Yam base, is it useful? 
I have recently had a saliva test done. The results were astounding. Progesterone was at 12, my charts for normal range is 50 - 250. I have started …

I have been on all naturally compounded progesterone for since the year 2000. I have been over 1 year with out a monthly. After I had my last monthly …

I have epilepsy which has been stable for most of my life. For the last 4-5 years as my hormones became unbalanced, it has become unstable. I read natural …

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