desperate for an answer
by Emily
Im 21 years old and have been struggling for 3 years with low progesterone. I have been plagued by extreme mental and physical fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, panic attacks, feelings of loneliness, uselessness, hot flashes, depression.. the list goes on.
It has been a issue for me that has severely limited my life, distorted peoples view of me and made it impossible to have a relationship. One minute I will be rational and peaceful attending to my life tasks, the next I will be argumentative until war breaks out! .. Then I'll cry and feel like the worst person on Earth.
Often it's on schedule around the 17th day of my cycle. For a long time I feared I was crazy, and I still can't count on myself for normal planning of life events, making me a totally unreliable person. I miss intimacy, I lost someone I loved because one day I became this unpredictable, incapable personality changing emotional mess.. and I know anyone who gets close enough will see this too.
I limp along, trying to appear normal to the outside world but become more and more exhausted. I can't go after my dream career because i know every 3 weeks i'll become useless. I've lost all of my good friends and am too scared to let anyone else in as i know, again, I'm a total mess.
My biggest struggle is with the weight. I'm 5"10 and used to weigh 60kgs when i was happy and healthy .. now even though I eat the healthiest possible and exercise most days i weigh 75kgs. Basically i feel like my life is over. I can't do anything i want to do, achieve anything i want to achieve or build relationships with anyone.
I have been on 500mg Progesterone Troche which I split in half and dissolve under my tongue each night from days 7-28. I seem to cope until day 17 when i turn into a crazy person, hate myself, decide I'm so ridiculously tired of fighting to get better and wish I wasn't alive.
I'm desperate and need help. I just want my life back.