The anti-inflammatory formula detailed below was not only specifically formulated to counter the acute inflammatory response, which is the body's normal reaction to a pathogen or wound, but also chronic inflammation which is the end result of long term oxidative stress.
Markers for inflammatory diseases are...
All these markers should be tested for.
The anti-inflammatory formula ingredients listed below in one way or another all play a role in helping to reduce inflammation. But unless oxidizing foods are eliminated from the diet and toxins from the environment are avoided, it will make little impact. In other words...
Many of the anti-inflammatory formula ingredients have other benefits, such as...
The anti-inflammatory formula has been superceded by the Energy Boost Formula which not only contains all the ingredients of the old anti-inflammatory formula but many additional ones that not only help with inflammatory conditions themselves but many other associated health issues.
For full details of the Energy Boost Formula please click here.