

by Claure

Almost 40 on 200mg progesterone for close to a year with magnesium, d3 and k. Had abnormal pap recently and they want colposcopy—- now suddenly bleeding a ton this month and last and they say to stop progesterone because I’m too young for menopuase

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Mar 21, 2025
by: Joy

Hi Claure

You are in Peri-Menopause. Irregular bleeding/clotting is a common thing. You should be using Natpro Progesterone Cream every day going forward. Your cycle will soon become irregular as well making it difficult to use progesterone by following your cycle (luteal phase).

With all due respect to your doctor, he is a little misinformed. Peri-Menopause starts at around 35 when progesterone levels start to drop sharply and estrogen levels remain the same. Progesterone therapy is not only for menopause. Young and old, male and female benefit from progesterone. I see no reason why you should stop using progesterone in fact, you need it even more now.

I have had many pap tests with abnormal readings. It is a common thing and not anything sinister. It is always best to have these tests to rule out anything sinister.

Best wishes.

Mar 21, 2025
by: Anonymous

So would you recommend the colposcopy for abnormal pap? I was thinking maybe the progesterone just was making it show abnormal, and my insurance is awful so it’s going to cost a lot but I want to stay on progesterone despite the doctors recommendation to stop . I see improvement even if I’m still having issues so I’d rather keep the progesterone in my routine.

Mar 22, 2025
by: Joy

If your pap smear result is abnormal, I would certainly investigate. I suggest discussing this with your doctor to ascertain what was abnormal. Ask why the colposcopy is necessary. Pap smears are supposed to indicate what the abnormality is. Progesterone wouldn't cause this. All my abnormal pap smears cleared up since I started using progesterone.

Everyone is different, please discuss this with your doctor. He needs to be honest with you.

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