by Chloe
I have been taking Ona’s 20% 100mg x 2 daily. I’ve had lots of issues that have been on going since having the copper iud (now removed) when I had it removed my periods disappeared. I had an ultrasound scan that showed cysts, i used chaste berry which brought my periods back but still not ‘normal’. A couple of months ago I had another ultrasound which showed my myometrium appeared heterogenous and is on the thinner side measuring 4.8mm on day 12, I also had a 21 day progesterone and oestrogen blood test (P was 40 nmol/L & E was 643 pmol/L) I’ve used a calculator it my ratio is 7.72 so I’ve got oestrogen dominance. I’ve just finished my first cycle of Ona’s but now I’m not having a period on day 29 of my cycle. Plus I’ve had cramps all the time when using it and very painful intercourse. So my question is should I continue to use it? Should I cycle? Should I be taking more? My aim is to get pregnant (again) as I have a new partner. I just want to be a normal woman again.
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