
No period after 14 days of progesterone

by Chloe

I have been taking Ona’s 20% 100mg x 2 daily. I’ve had lots of issues that have been on going since having the copper iud (now removed) when I had it removed my periods disappeared. I had an ultrasound scan that showed cysts, i used chaste berry which brought my periods back but still not ‘normal’. A couple of months ago I had another ultrasound which showed my myometrium appeared heterogenous and is on the thinner side measuring 4.8mm on day 12, I also had a 21 day progesterone and oestrogen blood test (P was 40 nmol/L & E was 643 pmol/L) I’ve used a calculator it my ratio is 7.72 so I’ve got oestrogen dominance. I’ve just finished my first cycle of Ona’s but now I’m not having a period on day 29 of my cycle. Plus I’ve had cramps all the time when using it and very painful intercourse. So my question is should I continue to use it? Should I cycle? Should I be taking more? My aim is to get pregnant (again) as I have a new partner. I just want to be a normal woman again.

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Mar 29, 2025
No period after 14 days of progesterone
by: Joy

Hi Chloe

Have you discussed this with Ona's makers? Usually between 100-200mg progesterone is recommended using a 3% organic cream such as Natpro. It takes between 2-6 months of the correct use of progesterone before one feels it's benefits.

The removal of the IUD would disrupt things a little. Things should soon settle down. Progesterone was the only thing that helped my cysts disappear; they have never returned. See the page on Ovarian Cysts. Chaste Berry or Vitex is slightly estrogenic. Your progesterone:estrogen ratio is 62:1. I am not sure where you got 7.72 from. The ratio should be around 600:1. See the Hormone Testing page.

I can't advise on Ona's cream, but if you want to conceive, you need to regular cycle as I am sure you know. All I can suggest is that you reduce the amount of progesterone so that it equates to that of Natpro, should you wish to continue using it. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream and Pregnancy pages.

Best of luck,

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