by Olive
(Paris, France)
I found your website as I was searching for a gentle way to stop using birth control.
I've been on the pill for 10 years now, and although I'm lucky not to have experienced all the negative side-effects caused by this type of contraception, I feel it is high time I stopped using it altogether. I lead a healthy life - low-gluten diet/regular physical activity/lots of organic fresh veg+fruit, unprocessed proteins, etc, and I guess I just want to have my body back.
I am 29, and in a loving relationship, and I want to stay away from unnatural treatments in the years leading up to pregnancy (we would like to have kids some time between now and the next three-four years).
When I was 21 - some years ago now, I stopped the pill. I experienced bloating, abdominal cramps, vaginal dryness, terrible terrible acne, and I didn't get my period for 6 months. Needless to say, I went right back on the pill. I was 21, absolutely ignorant of anything concerning hormones, and my gynecologist gave me NO support whatsoever in trying to balance my hormones.
Today, I've decided I would like to stop taking the pill (I'm on Jazminelle - Yaz, I think, in the US). I'm just mortified at the idea of enduring another terrible acne breakout. It sounds so vain I know, but I've heard and read such awful stories.
Your website here contains such valuable information, and I feel that perhaps progesterone cream might help me as I come off birth control.
I really need help, as I have no idea who to turn to. I live in France - and before doing this online research I had no idea progesterone cream even existed. Do you think it might be helpful to use this cream once I stop using the bcp? If so - how should I use it? What if I don't get my period? Will this help control an eventual acne breakout?
Thanks for your time and concern,