Early good results
by Dawna
Firstly, thank you for the work you have put into your website. I always appreciate the sharing of valuable information even if it doesn't result in financial gain. Just had a recent saliva hormone panel done by ZRT. I am low across the board, Estradiol less than 0.5, Progesterone 23, Ratio 46, Testosterone 15, DHEAS 1.5. I have also suffered from adrenal exhaustion the past 3 years but I'm delighted to learn after major lifestyle changes including herbal supplements & high-dose liposomal Vit C, 3 of 4 cortisol levels show to be in the low-normal range (noon is still low). Symptoms: multiple symptomatic fibroids with hysterectomy recommendation, severe insomnia, tiredness, slight depression, emotional, brain fog, apathy; basically a different personality.
After being declined by current GYN & Fam Practice MD for a bio-identical progesterone prescription, I ordered Life-Flo ProgestaCare & began dosing as Dr John Lee recommended, 20 mg/day, with no improvement. After reading your information on higher dosing I raised to 40 mg/a.m. & 60 mg/p.m. daily with some sleep improvement. Began spotting, having night flushes, increased urination at night, & daytime sleepiness. Increased to 60 mg/a.m. & 80 mg/p.m. & the night flushes are fewer, nighttime urination has decreased some, sleeping good some nights, increased energy during day, improved mood, & fibroid symptoms almost completely gone! I'm glad I pressed thru the symptoms.
Here are my questions: Should I continue to raise my dose? Is NatPro tacky on the skin like ProgestCare? Can I load NatPro in a syringe (like BHRT from pharmacy)? If so, can you make a recommendation for a syringe brand. Looked on Amazon & was overwhelmed. One of the things I like about ProgestaCare is the pump dispenser. I can't imagine measuring with a spoon. A syringe would solve that. One of the things I dislike about ProgestaCare is the amount I have to use--it's getting pricey & I'd like another option.
Thank you so much for your help.