
Treatment for Postpartum Anxiety/Depression/OCD

by Madison Frevak
(United States)

I have found this website after a deep dive into progesterone as treatment for postpartum mental health disorders and an so grateful for all the information and have promptly ordered my first tube of progesterone cream. I had my first child 4 months ago and immediately noticed something was wrong after having him. I felt immediately off and it slowly escalated until I had extreme anxiety and OCD intrusive thoughts. I was prescribed an antidepressant a week after he was born and after weeks of it not working was switched from pill to pill. I am currently still on an antidepressant as it’s not advised to come off so quickly but it is a goal of mine to get off as soon as I can. I am breastfeeding and had one period 2 months postpartum but have not had one since.

I was lucky enough to find a doctor in my area who prescribed me 200mg of bio identical progesterone capsules to be taken by mouth once daily for 7-10 days or until my symptoms are 80% reduced. I started this 2 weeks ago and decided to take it for 10 days. At 4 days in I had done my own research and learned that said capsules are far more easily absorbed by taking vaginally so I began taking them that way 4 days in. I immediately noticed improvement in mood and started seeing improvement in my anxiety as well. I am meeting with the doctor in two days to discuss continued treatment with progesterone, especially while breastfeeding because I know it suppresses progesterone production.

I am still experiencing quite a bit of anxiety and intrusive thoughts and I know this is not my normal, nor the way I want to continue my life. I would love any advice anyone has for me on what I should ask my doctor for, what I should do in terms of amount daily, other supplements to take. I believe my vitamin D is “normal” I currently take a prenatal, 5,000 ui Vitamin D daily, and iron.

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Mar 03, 2025
Treatment for Postpartum Anxiety/Depression/OCD
by: Joy

Hi Madison

I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering from postpartum depression, which affects some women after giving birth. I can never understand why antidepressants are prescribed every time without addressing an imbalance of the hormones. AD's are merely a band aid, they do not address the cause. Coming off certain AD's must be done slowly and with the aid of a good progesterone cream such as Natpro, a 3% cream. Even 200mg progesterone cream would not be enough to help with PND. 400mg would be more beneficial to start with. Please read the Pregnancy page. The late Dr Kittie Dalton was the queen of progesterone, pregnancy and PND. She used to administer around 2400mg progesterone for those who suffer from severe psychosis. The How to Use Progesterone Cream will also help you to understand the correct use of progesterone.

You were fortunate that your doctor acknowledged progesterone. Unfortunately, he has not advised on the correct way to use it. As you found out, oral progesterone is not the best Delivery Method as around 96% gets destroyed by the gut and liver. This would have made your symptoms even worse. Inserting the pills is more effective. A lot of women find that oral progesterone helps with their sleep, but they use progesterone cream as well.

Progesterone therapy is not a quick fix, it can take anything from 2-6 months before benefits are felt. Longer if symptoms are severe. One needs to experiment to see what works best.

Please read the Anxiety page and consider taking a few of those calming nutrients mentioned. I am pleased that you are taking Vitamin D3, but what does 'normal' mean regarding your D3 level? Level should be optimal as all times which is between 70-100ng/ml I do not recommend taking D3 without the Cofactors namely, magnesium, vitamin K2, zinc and boron.

Best wishes.

Mar 04, 2025
Response to Joy
by: Madison

Joy, thank you for your timely and thorough response. This website has provided me more information and hope than any other resource I have found. I find Dalton’s work to be fantastic and ordered her book about depression after childbirth a few days ago and am expecting it tomorrow. I can’t wait to read it. Thank you also for the vitamin recommendations, upon further reading on your site I discovered I am still considered very low in Vitamin D so will be taking 10,000ui from here on out. I tested at 35ng.

I have ordered the natpro cream for upkeep after I finish my treatment with my doctor. I actually just received the book by Dr Dalton as I write this and found that I should be taking either 400mg suppositories or 50mg-100mg progesterone daily. I am speaking with my doctor tomorrow and would like to know if there is anything further I ask should ask for? Would one go even higher than 100mg injections or 400mg suppositories if they were still experiencing symptoms?

Also, in reading the book Dr Dalton mentions that only suppositories or injectables are adequate methods of progesterone treatment, was such technology not developed yet or just a difference in opinion?

Thank you so much, I wish I could fully express how helpful this all is to me.

Mar 04, 2025
Reply to Joy
by: Joy

Hi Madison

Thank you for your kind words. I am delighted that you found Dr. Kittie Dalton's information helpful. She was a guru.

Gosh, 35ng/ml is low for vitamin D3. 10 000iu's is a good amount. You should feel great improvement once your level increases. Please do not forget the cofactors. One really shouldn't take D3 without the cofactors; otherwise, calcium will deposit in areas like the arteries and cause issues.

400mg suppositories or 50-100mg progesterone daily. That does not make sense at all. Nothing less than 100mg per day is needed, 50mg will aggravate your estrogen receptors making your depression even worse. For what you are dealing with right now, I agree with 400mg suppositories or cream. One full pump of Natpro delivers 50mg cream. Please don't forget that progesterone must be used no less than twice a day. Half the amount in the morning and the other half at night. It can also be used throughout the day as needed, just never less than twice a day. This will keep progesterone levels stable. Once you feel the benefits, the cream can be slowly reduced to a level that suits you. I do not believe that you require injections. Progesterone therapy is a daily commitment.

Dalton is referring to high amounts of progesterone i.e. 2400mg. One can't possibly use that amount in a cream form. Again, you do not need the injections, you are both psychotic.

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