by Gen
(New jersey)
Hi Wray
I'm 50 years old. Have been using progesterone cream for about 25 years 2percent. I have many health issues thyroid low, candida allergies, skin issues stomach issues, depression, anxiety, bloating, breast cysts, ovarian cysts,fibroids hair loss, eye problems just to name a few. For the past few years started taking a different brand that suggested 60mg asnormal dose and felt a little better. Just recently the doc who has been treating me suggested using 90mg and I felt a little better. It was a lot of cream to use and they discontinued brand so I got some from the compounding pharmacy. I didn't realize it was 10 percent cream and I took 90mg and felt terrible. I lowered to 60 felt a little better. After that I got saliva test done from zrt it was about 7803pg/ml with a ratio of 5202. I decided to skip a month and now am 2days late for period! I feel like I need the progesterone and should not have discontinued just reduced.i don't know what to do I'm having bad pms symptoms. Yor website is so wonderful and been very reassuring to me. I never even knew what progesterone was for when my doc prescribed it to me. So my question is should I take it now or wait to see if I get my period. Thanks Wray for all your information!
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