60 year old grandmother
by Lorane Burnside
(Ririe, Idaho )
I have "Factor V Leiden", and didn't find out I had it until about 3 years ago, when my only daughter got a blood clot in her leg. The Dr. said she had "Factor V Leiden" and was put on "Coumadin". The Dr. said it was a hereditary factor, and that she had to have gotten it from me or her father (you can get 1 or 2 genes). I went to a blood specialist and found out that I also have "Factor V Leiden", but that I have both genes.
In my early twenties, I had trouble getting pregnant. I had a total of six miscarriages, three D & C's, and a blood clot in my leg. Also Polysystic Ovarian Syndrome. I was in constant pain. My thyroid was low, and when the Dr. found out, put me on "Synthroid". I got pregnant within three months, and was able to carry my first child full term. I was then able to have children, and had a total of four boys and one girl, all healthy.
I spent most of the last three pregnancies on bed rest because of extreme pain in my uterus. I had a complete hysterectomy about twenty years ago. The Dr. found I had "Adnomyosis" of the lining of my uterus, lots of cysts on my ovaries, and my right ovary was very large.
The Dr. put me on "Premarin", which I was on for seventeen years. I started getting lumps on both legs from my ankles up through my calves. They were swollen and red, and my legs would swell. I had terrible pain. I began going to many doctors to get help. None seemed to know what was wrong with me. I felt generally ill all the time and had to wear compression stockings and take "Prednizone", and "Penicillin" for many years.
When I found out I had "Factor V Leiden", my blood specialist took me off of "Premarin", and put me on "Coumadin". The lumps were gone in two months and no more pain.
I now struggle with hot flashes, and depression. I don't have a lot of energy and I need to rest a lot. I have mood swings, lack of libido, vaginal dryness and I don't feel good most the time.
I can't take any hormones because of having "Factor V Leiden".
What I would like to know is, would it be okay to use hormone cream? I am afraid of hormones and don't want to go through what I've been through in the past. I do need relief of "Post Menopausal" symptoms and wondered if the "Progesterone Cream" would be okay or if there is anything else I can do to feel better.
I take "Zoloft", "Levothyroxin", and "Coumadin".