by W
(Miles City, Montana)
I have been having quite a bit of difficulty maintaining a pregnancy for the last 4+ years. I have 2 children, both who were conceived seemingly without difficulty. After we started trying for more I have had at least 5 miscarriages, and possibly more. We have both been tested for everything under the sun and feel like we have been nothing but cash cows for the 8 docs we have seen in the last 4 years. I have asked every single doctor to test my progesterone and they never would. They said it would just be easier to treat once I had a positive pregnancy test. Even though by then it is too late and for educated doctors in reproductive physiology they know next to nothing about when progesterone is important. I am animal scientist and would try to explain to them why their information is flawed and instead they would talk a blue streak and send me off to take yet another obscure test.
My previous and fabulous ob, had retired and moved away but after 4 years moved back and returned to practice. I went to see him right away and he was furious with the level of care I have received. We immediately determined that I did in fact have a luteal phase defect and let's test my progesterone. It's low, so he prescribed Crinone. But after I have been reading your site, I am concerned that I again did not start taking the Crinone at the right time. He said to take it 48 hours after ovulation. According to your information I should have started to take it 2 days before ovulation. Is this correct? I tend to ovulate early, on day 10 or 11 of my cycle. Should I use ovulation test strips to help determine when to start taking the progesterone supplement? Also if Crinone does not provide sufficient progesterone should I supplement with progesterone cream? I have tried ProGest and plan to order yours as well. Or quite possibly could Crinone be replaced entirely with the progesterone creams? The reason for this is Crinone is ridiculously expensive and hard for my pharmacy to get in and keep in stock. I can order something much faster and with greater trust. And if creams are a worthy replacement how many times a day and at what level? From the information it looks like it should be taken at least 2 to 4 times a day at 1 teaspoon at a time?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! We've been praying for answers for 4 years and as I get older I only lose more and more time. Thank you!
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