Body Progesterone Production
by Andrea
Hi Wray,
I still haven't found the optimal dosage of Progesterone for me. After being euphoric the first two/three months when I started natpro and the quasi total disapeareance of my debilitating symptoms meanwhile this period, old symptoms like water retention, irregular periods, bloatiness, low libido,thinning of hair, depression and irritability came back. Fortunately much less than before.
So I am still struggling to find my dosage. t tried up to 1000, then 800, 500 and am now using 100-200 a day as it is the most suggested dosage on this site. As you mentioned, usually up to 200mg of progesterone id produced by the body in the final state of pregnancy. I read that the rest of the time and more so if not pregnant a womens body produces between 2 - 5 mg a day. So why is it recommended to take such larger doses? Would the natural quantity of 2-5 mg not be enough?
I develloped suddenly eczema, any idea if it is related to hormonal imblances? I read that often its due to low estrogen, so I am confused now, as I was sure I had estrogen dominance.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Take care,