Problems adjusting to progesterone therapy...Help!!
by Pam...aka: "Pamapause"
(Oak Harbor, Ohio)
Dear Wray, I am having some problems adjusting to the progesterone cream getting in my system. This is my 2nd atempt at it. The first time I stopped after about 2 weeks because I could not stand the way I was feeling!!
I have been using it now for about 13 days...about 1/8 to 1/4 teas. 2 x day...(closer to 1/4). Here are a list of some of the many problems I am dealing with since using the cream which I'm assuming is because I have gone into extreme "estrogen dominence" goes...very moody, irritable, very touchy, annoyed easily, extreme difficulty with sleep, hot flashes are very different...(I get really woozy & light headed with the HF onset and my hands & feet get puffy and shins start aching/throbbing etc.), I'm getting more headaches, fluid retention, get stressed out over just about anything & everything, quite foggy headed, hard time getting out (agoraphobia), difficulty concentrating and/or staying focused, LAZY, sluggish, lowered heat tolerance, sore tender joints...etc. etc. etc.!! okay...hope that gives you a pretty good picture of how the progest cream is affecting me. I'm guessing that I have gone into "estrogen dominence" and that you will perhaps tell me just to hang in there and that it will all balance out...and of course that is what I am hoping for!!! But I really need some encouragement at this point and would appreciate your advice GREATLY!!! I'm still hoping for a "MIRACLE" and to be able to write "my success story"!! I hope to hear from you soon!!
On a different note...May I tell you something that I found very interesting??? goes...When I first started using the cream I told my husband that it felt like I was taking curiosity got the best of me and so I did a little research on how prozac affects your estrogen level...low and behold...prozac and most all other SSRI's do infact raise estrogen levels which is why many drs. are now prescribing anti-depressants for menapausal women!! Now that is very interesting to me!! Perhaps you already know about all this but just incase you didn't I thought you'd be interested. I am wondering if prozac and the other ssri's possibly keep you in a state of "estrogen dominence"....which would explain a lot of the side effects that never really go away (atleast for me) when on prozac...such as....weight gain, fluid retention, bad headaches etc.
Okay...I will close for now. I hope to hear from you soon for some encouragement about my dilemma with using the progesterone before mentioned. Thank You so very much!!! This is a great site and am so glad that I can come here and not feel like I'm alone!!! Take care,God Bless!!