
Progesterone triggering herpes attacks

by Lynda


Thanks for this amazing site. I read on one of the front pages that you said that progesterone boosts the immne system . I was told by another progesterone researcher that progesterone reduces cortisol levels. This was in response to my query about why when I use natural progesterone ( a very pure one with no other ingredients other thsn organic olive or coconut oil) it frequently triggers a herpes brekouton my buttocks within a couple of days. When i go for a period without it, I get no breakouts (unless I am very highly stressed). I took this to mean that progesteronereduced immune response and thusallows the herpes virus to activate more easily. I have searched for research on this over the years, but found none. And yet, I know of other women who have this experience. I would value any knowledge or insight you have on this issue. Your dedication to your site is truly impressive. Thanks, Lynda

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Jul 04, 2013
Progesterone triggering herpes attacks
by: Wray

Hi Lynda Bless you for the kind words about the site. If you're using the coconut oil, you're only getting about 20 to 60mg/day, am I correct? I only know one brand that makes it. This to my mind is far too low, and will only stimulate oestrogen. This would account for the outbreaks, progesterone needs to be used in far larger amounts, from 100-200mg/day if mild symptoms are experienced. Much higher if symptoms are severe. Dr Stein points out "MPA is used instead of progesterone in mouse models of sexually transmitted diseases to increase infectibility because progesterone does not have this effect. According to one recent paper, MPA increases susceptibility to genital herpes (HSV-2) ten times more than does natural progesterone.", see here. This is the paper he's referring to. Dr Stein has studied progesterone for over 40 years in his endeavour to find a safe substance for Traumatic Brain Injury, which it is. Herpes lives all over our body, as you probably know, and preferentially in the vagina, it will only cause problems when the immune system is weak, Stress weakens it. In part because progesterone levels drop, so too does vitamin D, which is very protective for the skin too. Progesterone is protective against a number of organisms, for instance Trichophyton and Microsporum fungi, see here. It's also preventative against Candida too, whereas oestrogen stimulates it's growth, as this papers says "C. albicans infection is an oestrogen dependent disorder.", see here. There's evidence of low progesterone levels too, see here and here. Anther study found "Treatment of epithelial and stromal co-cultures with estradiol increased HSV-2 infection in endometrial ECs, but viral shedding decreased following treatment with progesterone", see here. Continued below

Jul 04, 2013
Progesterone triggering herpes attacks Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Lynda HSV-2 is short for herpes simplex virus, type 2. And ECs is short for genital epithelial cells. This is another study here. One thing I can say that since using progesterone I have never had an outbreak of any of the above. I've had shingles once, which is another herpes disorder, candida once, and cystitis twice. Progesterone also helps this last disorder. Incidentally progesterone in oil, or a gel, is not as effective as an emulsion or cream, see here. So not only are you not getting the full benefit of the progesterone, but the low level you are using will stimulate oestrogen, an excitatory, inflammatory hormone. If you feel you need progesterone, please consider switching to a cream, and using a high amount too. There's more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. You mention that you were "told by another progesterone researcher that progesterone reduces cortisol levels". This is correct, high cortisol occurs when we're stressed, progesterone is very calming so lessens the stress response. In part by reducing cortisol as it binds to the same receptor sites, in part by activating the GABA receptors. GABA is a very calming neurotransmitter. High cortisol suppresses the immune system, so it's not surprising when we are stressed we often come down with an infection. I found this article in searching for 'high cortisol and immune suppression', fascinating as it mentions outbreaks of herpes occurring, plus cortisol suppressing the immune system, "Some of the physiological changes that occur during stress, primarily cortisol secretion by the adrenal glands, have been shown to suppress a broad spectrum of both humoral and cellular immunological responses.", see here. Take care Wray

Mar 20, 2015
I agree
by: Anonymous

Yes, I encountered the same problem. There is something that I learned that can help. 30 years ago when I got herpes, my doctor told me to take the amino acid called l-lysine 2,000 mg in the morning with breakfast and 2,000 at night with dinner. I have done this and there have been very few out breaks until I had to take progesterone.

Now on the days I take a low dose of progesterone, I keep l-lysine with me. If I feel something trying to bother me, I take an extra 500 mg. That seems to stop it. 

Best to you!

Mar 20, 2015
Just found the replies :)
by: Lynda

Thank you both. I never found your reply before, so apologies for not thanking you earlier! I got a note this time saying someone had posted.

All very useful information. Interested that you too, Anonymous, feel that progesterone stimulates the herpes virus. Perhaps we're both using too little. I have now switched to Nat Pro, so will experiment with increasing it.

Jun 28, 2015
Herpes and Progesterone
by: Mandy

Thanks so much for the above comments. I have just started HRT and have had an Oestrogen and Testosterone bio-identical implant. I am taking Progesterone orally as apparently, unlike oestrogen and testosterone, progesterone has little impact on the liver if taken orally. I found that my body did not absorb the cream. I have just had a really bad breakout of herpes on my face and on my leg - I was on 50mg a day, started bleeding after 10 days, the doctor advised to stop the progesterone until the bleeding had stopped and then restart taking one 50mg tablet every second day. Then I had this massive herpes breakout. I was unfortunately travelling at the time and email contact was sporadic at best and have only just arrived home. He advised that he will order me 35mg tablets. In the mean time, the herpes on my face is extremely painful - have been putting Tea tree oil on it but it has not been helping to relieve the itchiness and pain. Any suggestions?

Jun 29, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hi Mandy,

sorry you're suffering. I don't think anyone has really focussed on the progesterone triggering herpes thing. I'm sure Wray may comment on the 'can't absorb the cream' and 'little effect on the liver,' but as afar as I know only about 10% of the oral forms of progesterone is actually bio-available, as most of it is metabolised/eliminated by the liver (called the 'first pass' effect). So, by my calculation (I may be wrong), you're actually only getting about 5 or 3.5 mg of progesterone. I think the absorption rate of transdermal/intravaginal creams/gels is around 50%.

As for the herpes, I now put lysine powder in my smoothie each day and also a neat trick to help the facial herpes (as soon as you notice the tingle) is to apply hydrogen peroxide and niaouli (a form of tee tree oil), several times a day on the first couple of days, plus up your Vit C, B6 and B5. and take oregano capsules if you can find them.

As prevention (apart from the lysine), a strange thing, that many people swear by, is Liquorice Balm ( applied daily - to anywhere where you tend to get outbreaks. that plus lysine keeps me outbreak free . .

Jul 01, 2015
by: Wray

Hi Ouch! You are quite right about the efficacy of the oral progesterone, it's the least effective Delivery system. "The liver and gut region removed a mean of 96 per cent of the progesterone entering these tissues", see here. And here, "What is common to all forms of oral replacement therapies, regardless of the hormone, is that about 10× physiological dosing is required to achieve a physiological level of the active hormone in whatever body fluid is used for testing. Most of the parent hormone administered (e.g., progesterone) is converted to inactive metabolites in the gut." So the normal physiological level is 20-40ng/ml, which would require 200-400mg/day progesterone. This is a short explanatory passage on the first pass effect. As the HRT was started at the same time as the progesterone, and knowing how adversely both those hormones affect us, it's more than likely they are the culprits. I gave much info to this woman here Thanks for the other tips you gave, I do know about lysine, but not the others, it's good to know! Take care Wray

Jul 01, 2015
by: Anonymous

Yes, I read that the vaginal cream was the most effective but my doctor seemed to think that the Progesterone tablets and cream were much of a muchness. Thanks for the advice re treating it symptomatically - I have a green smoothie in the morning so will add the powder to that. The doctor prescribed Adco-Acyclovir cream which has been very effective, but it is prescription cream so it will be nice to have other remedies to nip it in the bud. It's really quite confusing as I had bioidentical oestrogen and testosterone implants last year and felt absolutely brilliant on them. I then had a massive bleed and was prescribed 200mg of Progesterone a day which caused me to have (I didn't know what it was then) an ugly herpes breakout on my chin. As my hormone levels flattened out again, I had implants a month ago and took 50mg progesterone a day. I started bleeding 2 weeks later and was advised to stop the progesterone and start with 1x50mg tablet every second day when my period stopped. This I did, but then had this really bad herpes breakout - face, arm, chest and leg!!
Thanks for advice, will definitely try it out! Good luck to you too!

Nov 20, 2016
by: Anonymous

I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all HERPES patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for HERPES or any cure for HERPES. I saw people’s testimony on blog sites of how DR Aba prepare herbal cure and brought them back to life again. I had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my pains stop gradually and i had to leave without the HERPES DRUGS the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any pain. Delay in treatment leads to death.

From Webmaster: Sorry Anonymous, we do not publish email addresses or phone numbers for spam and security reasons.

Mar 06, 2017
Progesterone side effects
by: Cameron

Progesterone is a great product, and I am not advocating against its use in any form. It helped me regulate my hormones after my second child. When we need it we need it. As to the Herpes, Please tell me more, its so itchy (down there) and so unladylike to scratch... does the lysine help that much? I would love a real CURE but I doubt it exists.

Jul 25, 2017
by: St Jean

I recently started using this cream once a day and have had an outbreak on my bottom. I think that there is a connection as i take lysine but only 1000mg per day and garlic (Allicin) daily and have not had an outbreak for months.

The outbreak is mild but uncomfortable. I will now increase my cream use to see if this helps. Remarkably the progesterone cream has improved my memory and cognitive functioning almost immediately and I feel less tired.

Jul 25, 2017
Anecdotal Evidence
by: Lynda

Well, there's enough anecdotal evidence building in this thread to warrant someone taking an interest and actually studying this phenomenon I think!

The only 'explanation' I've had so far is that progesterone can lower cortisol levels and thus affect the immune system . . but I suspect there is more to the story of this progesterone/herpes outbreak link. . .

Jul 25, 2017
by: Joy

Hi St Jean

Please can you confirm what progesterone cream you are using and how much. Progesterone should be used no less than twice a day.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Jul 25, 2017
by: Lynda

Hi Joy,

Nat Pro :) 1 pump twice a day, sometimes 1/2 pump twice a day . . This isn't about Nat Pro particularly, but about natural progesterone in general . . some of our clients had/have the same experience with Progestelle too.


Jul 25, 2017
by: Joy

Hi Lynda

Many thanks for getting back to me. I find this very interesting especially if progesterone is the cause. I very much doubt it though, but rather an ingredient in the product/s.

I have been using Natpro for about 13/14 years now and it has never reacted on me at all. Perhaps it does with some people. Other than what Wray advised above, I can't offer any further explanation. I will forward this to our labs and departments concerned to see if they can add to this. Should I receive any info that may help you, I will certainly make contact with you again.

One pump twice a day (100mg) is the minimal amount that one should use if using Natpro. Progestelle would require a lot more.

Take care.

Jul 26, 2017
by: Lynda

Thanks Joy. I'm sure it's an individual thing (as most things are ;). But we have come across a big enough number of people (perhaps already suffering with herpes of one kind or another) now with this same reaction. Would love to see some studies on it.

Perhaps you could poll your clients!


Apr 06, 2019
yes! i had gerpes outbreak the folliwing morning!
by: faith

I bought bioidentical hormones to wean myself off prescription HRT. The morning after applying the Progesterone, Estriol and taking DIM, I had a terrible herpes outbreak. I was not stressed and have not had a herpes outbreak in a long time. This is the only change I made, so I researched and found this blog. I see I'm not the only person with this reaction.

I don't know whether to stop it all entirely. I try adding l-lysine. Can anyone direct me as to your experience? My doctor closed her practice and I don't want to start with another doctor. I want to get off these prescription meds.

May 20, 2021
progesterone can indeed stimulate herpes
by: Anonymous

Old thread, but maybe it will be useful for some. This study (
shows that progesterone administration "coincided with a 100-fold increase in susceptibility to genital HSV-2 compared to that of untreated mice."

May 21, 2021
progesterone can indeed stimulate herpes ...
by: Justine


Thank you for you input but again this is spreading misinformation.

The medical paper you have referenced refers to Depo-Provera which is not progesterone. I know it can be misleading, but Depo-Provera is a PROGESTIN not PROGESTERONE, it is "a well-known brand name for medroxyprogesterone acetate, a contraceptive injection that contains the hormone progestin."
Please see this video as it explains the difference between progestins and progesterone.

Jul 14, 2021
Natural progesterone and herpes
by: Anonymous

On taking a higher dose of natural progesterone capsule 200mg I got the biggest attack of hsv-2 since my first attack 30 years ago. Since menopause I have been on valaciclovir anti viral... for 10 years as my attacks have worsened with menopause. But not as bad as this last one.
Hormones definitely affect herpes attacks in my experience.

Sep 17, 2021
Natural progesterone and herpes
by: Viv

I agree with previous comment. Natural bioidentical micronised progesterone capsules 200mg bring on herpes attacks. 100mg is a bit better. But not sure about going off it because I need it to balance my estrogen cream.

Sep 19, 2021
Natural progesterone and herpes
by: Joy

Hi Viv

Please see my reply to Anonymous' post dated dated July 14. Many thanks.

Sep 20, 2021
Natural progesterone and Herpes
by: Joy

Hi there

Apologies for the delay in replying to your post dated July 14. I am not quite sure why we are only getting to see this now. A possible gremlin in the system perhaps?

Unfortunately all forms of oral progesterone is not the best Delivery Method as around 96% gets destroyed by the gut and liver. The amount taken would have aggravated the situation as well as estrogen receptors.

There is no need for me to explain further as Wray and Justine have explained perfectly about NATURAL progesterone and herpes.

Take care.

Mar 21, 2023
It’s true progesterone = herpes
by: LJ

I recently started taking 100 mg of progesterone during menopause… I was finally able to sleep for the first time in 6 months, everything was better, my mood , my skin. Unfortunately I also noticed that I was getting cold sores every few weeks. It was definitely the progesterone. Now I feel like I have to choose between sleeping and suffering through continuous break outs or back to insomnia… I would love some advise!!

Mar 22, 2023
It's true progesterone = herpes
by: Joy


I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this. I can't offer you any more advice other than what Wray has advice further down on this thread.

Are you using Natpro and have you checked to see if you have an allergy to any of the other ingredients used as progesterone can't possibly cause this.

All the best.

May 11, 2023
Exactly what happened to me
by: Anonymous

Omg. I'm not the only one. Horrible herpes outbreak on top of my bottom days after starting a cream. Then it dawned on me the 8 months I had no period I had no outbreaks. My dermatologist told me hormones definitely trigger it.

May 13, 2023
Progesterone 100% causes a herpes outbreak in my experience
by: Anonymous

So unbelievable that no studies have been done on this but when I first contracted HSV-1 (vaginal) a few years ago I was on Mirena (low dose constant progesterone) I had almost constant outbreaks that I couldn't control. I did lysine, Valtrex, many supplements.

I removed the Mirena and the outbreaks greatly improved but I would get one a month right before my period when progesterone levels were highest. Since starting peri-menopause I have had zero outbreaks and have stopped taking supplements. Just started taking oral Progesterone HRT and low and behold....getting symptoms again but only when taking Progesterone.

I have actually found two almost magic bullet treatments that are a little "out there" and very homeopathic but they stop the outbreak if I started at the first sign of itching or sharp shooting pain, the first is red light therapy, specificallly in the 680 nm and 800 nm range. you can find these on amazon. I treat my entire face, plus great for skin, mood etc. the second is Ozonated Olive Oil (also found on amazon-I use PureO3 brand). It's incredible. I actually use it for almost everything skin related now. Works better than anything else I've tried. Also use it nightly as anti aging skin cream and the results are eerily better than retin A and all the other things I regularly used.

I also do Ozone therapy (rectal and vaginal) at home. It's a lot more work and a little more expensive. Dave Asprey has a lot of info on it but it boosts the immune system and there's a vaginal delivery system that is quite literally a lifesaver. It's a ten minute treatment, you insert a wand into vagina and it blows ozone gas and it stops the outbreak cold. I really hope this helps someone. I have gone so far down the rabbit hole of research and being my own guinea pig but it absolutely works for me. :)

May 15, 2023
Progesterone 100% causes a herpes outbreak in my experience
by: Joy

I am not sure who advised you that the Mirena contains progesterone, it doesn't. It contains progestin which is synthetic. Interesting that a side effect of the Mirena is hives while not the same as herpes. It is most odd that you experienced an outbreak before your period. Our bodies make progesterone all the time. Pregnant mothers produce high amounts of progesterone. You could be one of the unlucky ones I guess.

I am so pleased that you have found something that works for you.

Take care.

May 15, 2023
Thanks re herpes reactions
by: Anonymous

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks so much for your post. Really helpful! I started this thread - almost 10 years ago no I see! I agree it's odd that no studioes have been done on this. There is obviously a subgroup of women who have this reaction to progesterone (perhaps even to their own natural progesterone I wonder?). Progestin is very different from the natural progesterone molecule as Joy says, but even on this small grouip there are a documented number of women with this reaction. Scale that up to the whole population and it seems worth a study imho.

Also as natural health practitioners, we often suggest NatPro to clients and we also hear of this typical reaction in some clients.

We have alot of red light devices here, going off to explore!

May 15, 2023
Thanks re herpes reactions
by: Anonymous

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks so much for your post. Really helpful! I started this thread - almost 10 years ago no I see! I agree it's odd that no studioes have been done on this. There is obviously a subgroup of women who have this reaction to progesterone (perhaps even to their own natural progesterone I wonder?). Progestin is very different from the natural progesterone molecule as Joy says, but even on this small grouip there are a documented number of women with this reaction. Scale that up to the whole population and it seems worth a study imho.

Also as natural health practitioners, we often suggest NatPro to clients and we also hear of this typical reaction in some clients.

We have alot of red light devices here, going off to explore!

Aug 05, 2023
Agree to Progesterone triggering a herpes outbreak
by: Anonymous

I agree 100% that "Progesterone 100% causes a herpes outbreak in my experience." That is my case too. I had an outbreak before my period when my natural progesterone was high. Now I am on BHRT. When I was on Estrodiol, I was fine. When progesterone was added, I got an outbreak. I reacted badly, especially when the oral progesterone goes up to 100mg a day. I don't get it if I take 50mg, but 50mg is too little to earn benefits such as better sleep, better digestion, and less hyperactive bladder.
Thank you for your recommendation. I have ordered all the remedies you mentioned. I hope they work for me.

Mar 05, 2024
Has anyone tried Virtex (chasyrberry)
by: Alex

so glad I found this thread. I have been suffering with constant outbreaks 10 days (on the dot!) be dore I bleed in my period. I've asked my GP to get hormones tested but they say hormones are all over the place and testing would not be useful.

I am going to go back and advocate for myself. my hormones being all over the place on that specific day is exactly why I need to get tested.

I have been looking into Vortex( chasteberry extract ) to balance my hormones. Has anyone had success repressing outbreaks / levelling their progesterone on this?

Mar 06, 2024
Has anyone tried Virtex (chasyrberry)
by: Joy

Hi Alex

I think you mean Vitex also known as Agnus castus.  It has been used for many problems which women suffer from, PMS, mastalgia, menstrual irregularities, fibrocystic breasts, reducing prolactin, increasing lactation and more, see here. It used to be used by monks to reduce sexual desire, hence it's name 'chasteberry'. It can also reduce prolactin levels, prolactin is an inflammatory hormone which can cause pain, see here. It can also cause luteal phase dysfunction, with subsequent problems in embryo implantation, see here. But because it has a mild estrogenic action, levels of 17 beta-oestradiol can increase. I am yet to read of anyone having success with vitex reducing estrogen. You might like to consider using a good quality progesterone cream such as Natpro which is a 3% cream. Natpro was formulated over 30 years and many other brands have appeared since then.

Not knowing your age, I suspect Peri-Menopause, your hormones will be all over the place as your doctor told you. However, how naive of your doctor not to test your hormones. Perhaps more research on hormones is needed by your doctor.  If your doctor does not want to test, you can always do this online either Birmingham Hospital or ZRT Labs. In order to work out a ratio, both progesterone and estrogen are needed.

If you do decide to try progesterone, please read How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominance pages.

Apr 01, 2024
Lysine to prevent breakouts
by: Lynda

Hi Alex,
There seesm to be a subgroup of women (I am one of them!) for whom progesterone (produced by the body or added as a natural topical addition) seems to provoke herpes breakouts.

As well as getting your hormones in balance you might try saupplementing with the amino acid lysine. It is non-toxic and has many other virtues, but seems to keep herpes breakouts at bay.

We had a client with very bad facial herpes constantly in and around her mouth as well as pain in the trigeminal nerve. Once on an adequate dose of lysine the outbreaks stopped and she's been clesr ever since.

Jan 22, 2025
Progesterone leading to heroes breakouts - me too!
by: D

This has happened to me as well. I’ve been dealing with this back when I was on birth control. It caused breakouts, and perimenopause, progesterone, cause breakouts, and now in menopause progesterone causes breakouts. There are studies on Rats. We need clinical trials on humans. More importantly, we need l-lysine does not work for me.

Feb 17, 2025
Progesterone cream better than pills??
by: Anonymous

Am i reading this correctly ...that you ladies going thru perimenopause may have better luck wirh the bioidentical progesterone cream instead of the pills..i havent had in outbreak in over 10+ years and now all of a sudden on week 5 of oral progesterone i am having an outbreak.. ive been taking acyclovir for years as soon as i found out amd since for supressive therapy and it has worked fine..ugh this sucks now what as if peri isnt bad ennough..i had my herpes under control until now

Feb 17, 2025
Progesterone cream better than pills??
by: Joy

Oral progesterone has likely caused the outbreak. All oral progesterone is not the best Delivery Method as around 96% gets destroyed by the gut and liver. I suspect that this has aggravated your estrogen receptors causing a flareup.

We all carry the herpes virus, it appears that something aggravates it. I suspect it's a hormonal issue. One post states that the Mirena coil was removed and her herpes cleared. Or a change in medication or facial product could trigger it. I encourage you to read all posts by Wray if you have not done so already. She has gone into this in detail. Progesterone has helped many with herpes, others not.

If you are taking the amino acid Arginine, I suggest you stop as it appears to aggravate things. A number of things can cause an outbreak.

Feb 17, 2025
Does progesterone cream work better than pill?
by: Anonymous

Hi ladies..I too am in perimeanopause..and havent had an out break in 10+ years ..been on bioidentical progesterone pills now staring week 5 and sure enough an outbreak came out of nowhere this sucks! Is the cream better? If so what brand and dose qas working for you? Was it ProVan I saw?

Feb 17, 2025
Cream better than pills?
by: Anonymous

Hi Anonymous,

Progesterone cream (of the right kind, with as few other ingredients as possible, like Nat Pro), delivers more progesterone per application than taking pills - as the pills pass through the liver and experience what is called the'first pass effect' which significantly reduces the bio-availability of the progesteron in the pill, meaning you have to take much more to get the same working amount as a topical application.

As for more or less herpes by pills or creams, I don't know. But it seems to be the same. Scroll further up for Herpes mgt/prevention protocols - much more effective than Acyclovir.. starting with the amino acid Lysine . .

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