by Helen
(Cheraw, SC)
Hi, I have a question in reference to birth control pills and progesterone cream. My daughter is about to turn 21yrs old and is on birth control pills, Generess Fe, for her difficult and irregular periods. She has never had regular periods and has always had horrible pain (headaches, legs, back, abdomen, etc), mood swings, diarrhea and a multitude of distress when she does have a period. She was placed on birth control to help with all of this, but my question is, can she still use the progesterone cream while taking BCP's and if she can how, when and how much does she use? I was fortunate and did not have all these issues with my periods, but she has suffered miserably and has been told that she may not ever be able to have children. I would like to help her since I have recently educated myself in reference to progesterone therapy and the benefits of it. It is helping me greatly with menopause.
Thanks for any and all help you may be able to give!