by Linda
(Sanford FL)
I really hope you can advise me what to do.
After being diagnosed with uterine fibroids and fibrocystic breasts I decided to see an alternative dr to figure out my hormone balance. I'm 42 and still have regular periods.
My progesterone was 31L with the ZRT saliva test and my estrogen within range. So we decided to do bio identical Hormone therapy. I'm on 3% cream day 14-27 1ml 1 x daily.
The first and second day were just awful. Within the hour I put it on I started feeling very dizzy. Fog head. Could barely stand on my feet. Bloated. And sleepy. Day 2 the same. And day 3 these symptoms didn't occur. Still I don't feel comfortable. Sleepless, irritable, bloating and I'm afraid it might work adverse on me which makes me worry the fibroids might increase as my fibrocystic breasts seem worse!
Can you tell me if I'm doing something wrong? Should I stop taking it? Do I need a lower dosage? I'm going back to my alternative dr. but I would like more than one opinion so I really hope you can send me a reply.
Thank you so much.
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