by Nicole T
(Spokane Washington USA)
Hello, I'm 31 and know I am progesterone deficient.
I have hypo thyroid (hasimotos too) and defective luteal. I don't experince so much cramps during 'lady week' but breast tenderness and a lot of fatigue and irritability, the mood swings pretty much all the time.
I decided to give Natpro a try because I think it's impressive. I have read all the articles on this website as well. So I started out with 100 mg but started feeling some more breast tenderness and up'd it to 200. Well that didn't feel like enough so I kept upping it in order to relieve symptoms.
From what I read and understand, use as much as it takes to relieve symptoms. So I'm about to start my period and I have more dense fiber in my breasts, some pain and a lump. I have gradually upped it to 900mg over a few weeks. It sounds like crazy amount but I feel a lot better. I'm thinking I was more estrogen dominant than I realized. I also feel like I should not stop using it through this first cycle, I think I need it for now continually.
Is what I am expirencing normal? Any advice or encouragement is welcome. Thanks
Comments for I'd like some advice about estrogen symptoms during progesterone usage.