by Kat
(Denville, New Jersey)
Hi Wray, It has been a long time and I hope all is well with you. You've helped me several times approximately a year or two ago when I was having issues with regulating my period and when I was Oestrogen dominant too...thank you.
Here we go: I am 43 very healthy and physically fit. In the past 6 months I've had a sporadic cycle and was using the prog cream (from compound pharmacy twice per day, 10 days before my period) but to no avail nothing was working even though I was symptomatic. I went to oncologist/gynecologist to double check that everything was ok (which it was) and received my blood results which indicated TSH LH post menopausal - luteal phase and less then 0.5 progesterone - estradiol at 65. I went to endocrinologist after 4 months of no period to finally havine one and feeling awful and found out that I went from hypothyroid to hyperthyroid blood results showed no progesterone no estrogen. Lowered my dosage of thyroid medicine and 10 days before my period I used progesterone cream and had another period (lasted normal time and normal flow). Endo asked me to stop progesterone so we could get a true read on my bloodwork. 40 days later blood results showed that my body was not producing any progesterone at all and have low levels of estrogen too (bloodwork in July 2011). Received bloodwork (bloodwork end of August after period). My TSH and LH numbers are now indicative of ovarian failure very high and am being told they can be equated to post menopausal numbers.
Is this possible? I had another physician draw some more blood yesterday to check again and will get the results this Monday 9/19. The endocrinologist is talking about hormone replacement therapy and I'm scared to death as I have not heard good things but certainly do not want to start a rapid aging process at 43. Do I still use the progesterone cream? What do I do for estrogen replacement? Is there a cream for that?
I'm hoping you may have some insight to all of this craziness. Best wishes to you always.
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