Never was regular, worse after childbirth...
by Asondra
(Pennsylvania, US)
Hello, I am a 32 year old female. I have had two successful pregnancies and no known miscarriages. I have never had a regular cycle but it has gotten much worse after pregnancy.
My mother has/had thyroid issues and has used progesterone cream for years. My older sister was diagnosed with PCOS. I do not have insurance so I have not been tested for any of these specific issues. Although I show signs of progesterone deficiency. I have always gained weight easily and not been able to lose it without working REALLY hard at it. I have also struggled to lose the pregnancy weight, even while nursing it didn't come off easily.
While pregnant I felt good, no morning sickness, great hair growth, I gained weight well (a little too well) and my babies were both just over 8lbs and full term. After birth (first c-section, second was all natural vaginal birth) I bled VERY heavy for the entire 6 weeks and was still bleeding some at my checkups but was told everything looks fine. I exclusively breastfed both babies BUT got my period back immediately. No break. Those periods were VERY erratic and long and heavy.
I am now almost 17 months postpartum and I just got done with a 21 day cycle that was VERY heavy with clots. I feel horrible most of the time and not like myself.
I have been reading a lot on this site and got NAC, vit D (10,000 dose cream) and a vit B complex. I also started a multivitamin. I also order the same cream that my mother uses, AllVia Progensa 20. I have not started using the cream because my period FINALLY stopped on it's own after about 21 days. I am now charting my temps to see if I can figure out my cycle (or if I am even ovulating). As a side note, my body temperature has always been about a degree lower than "normal".
I am wondering, with all these symptoms, should I continue on with just the vitamins and stuff for awhile to see if that helps or should I just jump into using the cream for a month or so and then try to establish a cycle?
Thanks so much for all your information here!