Early periods
by Anne
(Louisville, CO)
Hi Wray, you have a great website! Thank you for sharing such needed information.
I'm 34, and I know I have excess estrogen due to getting two breast thermograms over the past year. Very high estrogen levels...
For the past two cycles, I've taken a little over 1/2 teaspoon of Natpro twice/day. I normally have 27 day cycles so I started the progesterone on the 14th day of my cycle the first month. I felt calmer almost immediately. However, my period came early--the 25th day--that month. I'd taken the progesterone the morning it started. It was not a pretty sight, i.e. terrible, dark mood and awful cramps.
So I started taking Natpro on the 12th day of the second month. Again, I felt great. But my period came even earlier this time, day 23, minus the PMS/dark mood. The cramps were still worse than usual, but not as bad as the first month.
Am I missing something here? Dosing myself wrong? (I should mention that I am a sleeping pill addict, and suffer from insomnia despite Lunesta, Ambien, etc. The sleep has gotten slightly better with the progesterone.) Thanks.