37 y.o mom of five
by Julie
Hello Wray,
I would love to tell you my story and get your input on my situation. As I said I am 37 years old and a mother of five children ages 15,13,9,4 and 1 year. I have been married for 18 years and been pregnant for 57 months (3 miscarriages) and I have been breastfeeding for a total of 130 months and I am still feeding my most recent nursling up to 4 times a day and 4 times at night. I also have not really slept through the night in 15 years because of being pregnant or nursing ( with the exception of maybe a year or so). In addition to that I have always been from early childhood fearful and anxious ( I was adopted at 3 days old so I feel this is part of that).
Now that you have that bit of history I will tell you what brings me here. About 10 years ago I became pregnant for the 3rd time and feared something was not right ( it ended up being a blighted ovum and I miscarried at 13 weeks). During that time I had my first panic attack. This attack lasted a full 9 weeks with very little relief. Over the years since that time I have had problems with panic attacks but nothing that lasted so long and I seemed to be able to take magnesium to help me recover. After my first miscarriage in 2002 I went on to have two more children with very little problem.
My real issues started about 2 years ago when I turned 35. I was at that time nursing my 18 month old daughter and decided to become pregnant again only to miscarry right away within a weeks time of finding out. About 3 months later I became pregnant again and found out at 13 weeks that it was another blighted ovum ( like 8 years before). During the miscarriage I hemorrhaged and lost 4 pints of blood and had to have a transfusion. 3 months after this I became pregnant with my most recent baby who is now 15 months. 9 weeks into his pregnancy I had a subchorionic hemorrhage that kept me on bed rest for the first 1/2 of my pregnancy. I never really recovered my energy after that and suffered with extreme stress and fears for the life of my baby. The day he was born relief flooded me because I finally had my healthy boy in my arms. After his birth I was feeling better both physically and emotionally and I pushed myself very hard in all ways. My stress was high with five kids and also homeschooling. Still during all this time I would battle bouts of fear and paranoias.
This brings us to the present. About 6 month ago I woke up feeling like somebody had drugged me. This lasted about one week and during that time I also felt woozy, lightheaded and dizzy. The more I worried about it the more dizzy I got and the extreme fatigue would come and go a couple of times a week. As time when on everything just seemed to get worse. I started having a buzzy feeling in my feet and legs, headaches, weakness, fatigue, muscle weakness, not being able to think clearly, feeling confused and overwhelmed, trembling on the inside, and just a general feeling of wellness and lightheartedness and dizziness. I thought of going to the hospital more than once. At this point I had no idea what was wrong with me but I saw a well respected herbalist in our area who tested my salvia and urine which indicated very low blood sugar and that my adrenals were fatigued. She put me on a bunch of herbal stuff which did nothing but make me feel worse. No matter what I did I could not get a handle on this low blood sugar/dizzy feeling. I went to an ENT to make sure it was not my ears and was given a clean bill of health. During this time I also changed my diet to the Eat Right for your blood Type diet ( like the Paleo) but that also helped very little. I left the herbalist and cut way back on all my supplements and added salt to all my water. This helped me quite a bit but I still was not by any means normal. I would get these "crashed days" if I did too much and still was weak and dizzy/lightheaded with little energy most of the time. I also was dealing with joint and muscle aches and pain by this time.
After doing more research I realized that most of my problems seemed to be connected to adrenal fatigue ( or so I thought). I found a compounding pharmacy in my area and had a saliva test done on all 8 hormones by ZRT labs. My cortisol was a little low (3.5,1.1,.5,.4) but only about 1/10 of a point below what was considered low normal. My progesterone was 10 (75-270 being normal) and my Estradiol was .9, Testosterone 18, DHEAS 3.1. Under the care of the pharmacist I was put on some multivitamins( Standard Process) that did not agree with me and some DHEA ( 5mg a day). I was told to wean my baby( which I never have done) to correct the rest of my hormone issues. I kept right on feeling as horrid as I ever had. Then one day a lightbulb clicked on and I said to myself could my progesterone be the real problem and wondered if maybe I could get some progesterone cream to help my symptoms while I was waiting for my adrenals to heal. So this past Friday morning I went out and bought Pro-Gest cream and started taking 20mg that night. The same night I found your site and have been reading on it non stop. Yesterday I took about 90 mg split up over 3 times. Last night I slept and fell asleep with no problem for the first time in the whole 6 months since this started, after taking 50 mg right before bed. Night waking and not being able to get back to sleep has been another huge problem. Today my buzzing in my feet and legs has stopped( which it has not in 6 months) and my muscles seem to have regained energy and strength. My list of symptoms is so long and the level of debilitation and loss of quality of life I have experienced has really not been expressed in this letter. I have hardly been able to care for myself let alone be a mom to my five kids. The fear and depression and hopelessness has been too much for words at times. After finding your site and realizing low progesterone is most or all of my problem I finally have hope again. Please advise in dosages and also where to apply. I read an article by Mercola that says we should apply vaginally but find I lose a lot of cream that way unless I only do a small dose at at time. Do you think that there is any truth that the cream becomes ineffective when applied to the skin and gets stored in your fat cells like Mercola says? Thank you Wray for your help and willingness to listen. May God Bless you!