Best way to come off Nuvaring?
by Alexandra
I am 37 years old and have been on birth control for 20 years. The last 10 years I have been on Nuvaring. I do not have any kids and do not plan on getting pregnant. I also have a very stressful job.
I went on birth control in the first place because my periods were extremely irregular. I would only get 4-5 per year and I had pretty bad acne.
I have tried to go off birth control many times and just feel horrible - extremely nauseous and unable to function. When I brought this up to my doctor, she keeps saying there is no risk in taking birth control and to just stay on it.
I have been married for 6 years and over this time I have noticed my libido going down hill as well. And then this past year, I have experienced something that I have never had to deal with - anxiety, panic attacks, chest tightness, mental fogginess, lack of motivation, sugar cravings, mood swings, heat intolerance, hair thinning. It has been a horrible year and I have tried everything to get it under control with no long term success. For example, I will read that Niacinamide will help for anxiety. So I would take it and it would work for a month or two and then the symptoms would return. So I would keep looking, trying things and this has been going on for over a year now.
Recently I stumbled upon your site and decided to have my hormones checked. I went to my doctor and she refused. She just wanted to prescribe me a anti-depressant and benzodiazepene. So I ordered a home test online and received my results. Both my Vitamin D and Pg/E2 levels are low. (Vitamin D: 28 ng/mL; Pg/E2 ratio is 16).
So today I ordered some NatPro cream and have started taking 5000IU’s of Vitamin D daily.
I would like to know once the cream comes in, how to come off Nuvaring since the regular protocol suggested on your site only refers to pills and not the ring. It sounds like I may have to do it cold turkey.
In addition, since my Pg/E2 level is extremely low, would a higher dose of progesterone be recommended 400-500mg/day instead of 100-200mg/day?
Thank you so much for the wealth of information you provide on this site and I'm hoping this is will provide me the relief I have been looking for all this time!
Thank you!