by Nicky
(Richmond, P.E)
Hi Wray,
Update: Just went to the doctors to check my breasts. He said it's the worse case of fibro cystic breasts he's seen. Mammogram in August. I never had breast problems before Natpro. Since January, I have never been lower than 200 mg daily. Just increased today from 2 tsp to 2 1/2 tsp. I educated my doctor on bio-identicals. He's very open to me using as much as I want. However, it's expensive to use high amounts. Is there any deals for those who have to use high amounts? Have you ever heard of swollen lymph nodes from cystic breasts? Whenever I have reduced too quick my lymph nodes swell.I want to get the breasts back to normal. For severe cystic breasts how high should I go? This almost 6 months of breast problems.I am in perimenopause. No uterus from prolapse repair, ovaries still. Have done iodine, selenium, multivitamin, magnesium. Vit D. A whole cocktail of vitamins. Plus I am on trimipramine ( antidepressant)I can't afford all the vitamins for depression with such high amounts of progesterone. How long should I stay on one dose with breast cysts before increasing?
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