Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance after cycling for 2+ mos. straight
by Caterina
Hello Wray,
I decided to take 125mg. of progesterone straight with no breaks for 2-3 months to achieve well being after my 3rd miscarriage at the end of May of this year. I did start to feel more like myself except around when I would be ovulating or right before my period and after around cycle day 4-7? I would feel some tiredness and dizziness, my two main concerns, but I keep taking that same amount through it all. I'm now wondering if I should have taken more through those times. So I'm continuing in to what would be my third month on this regimen but I notice an increase in tension headaches after my period which is unusual. I take Ibuprofen and a little coffee to get them to stop. I'm not a coffee drinker and know that coffee is estrogenic, but this seems to work wonders. I started to think that maybe I need to lower the progesterone a little to 100mg. because of the increase in headaches. I do so and after two days I started to bleed. I think lowering it may have caused this early period at only day 17 of this third cycle.
So I decide to go with it and resume my cycle since I've been feeling so good these last few months of continuous use. However, I'm on cycle day 5 with vertigo and miserable. I had started with some symptoms on day 3! What should I do? Do I go on another 2-3 mos. of continuous use? I'm worried about doing that since it stops my ovaries from producing hormones, which is my diagnoses two years ago. My ovaries don't produce enough progesterone in the luteal phase. What's worse is on my Infertility cycle day 3 testing, my estrogen was 155!. I wish now I would have had them test my prog. too, but even if it was in a normal range, I'm guessing the ratio would still be bad. So this would explain why on day 4 of this current cycle I'm having vertigo.
I'm taking 6000iu a day of vitamin D, and a great multi-vitamin. You suggested in another answer that taking Calcium d-glucarate for lowering excess estrogen. Should I try that? Also, for the last year and a half, I only eat gluten free, organic chicken & grass fed beef, as much organic and non GMO veggies and items as possible, R/O water, and absolutly no zenoestrogen chemicals are going on my body! I've cut out so much possible estrogen and yet I still stuggle with estrogen dominance. What more can I do? Please advise, Thanks