by Rachel
I am 40 years old and had a bilateral Oophorectomy 2 months ago. I still have a uterus. I Have the BRCA - faulty cancergene. I am trying to find out what on earth I should be taking. I am unable to get a doctors appt as the nhs in my area is failing badly, can't get an appt with a female doctor and when I do manage to get through to one on the phone they have no idea how to help me! I have finally been prescribed elleste duet conti 2mg but this was just given to me I a hurry without going through all he options side effects etc. Anyway to cut a long story short, the only way I have been able to work out what I should be taking is by Internet research. I have decided I would like to take the hormone patch.
Can I get a patch that delivers the equivalent of The hrt I am already taking? Can you get patches with both esyrogen and progesterone in? Or is it a separate est patch and separate progesterone? Also...what's the deal with testosterone? Do we get that too in uk nhs? I'm coping ok so far but feel so fuzzy headed, like I have no energy or intelligence left. Hope someone out there knows the answers. The nhs in Lancasthire certainly don't! It's been a real shame _ I've been given this operation and no aftercare. I've even hD days where I've regretted hAving the op regardlessofghe cancer risk as I've felt so unsupported. Many thanks for any help or info.
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