Post tubal ligation syndrome, please read this!!!!
by Tiffany
(Santa Maria, Ca)
My name is Tiffany, I am 35 years old and have always had very painful heavy periods. After having 3 children I was told they should get better,but needless to say they did not. 9 years after having my last child I had a uterine ablation and had my tubes tied,my ob said if the ablation didn't work I would have to have a hystorectomy due to my heavy bleeding. After I healed from my surgery things were going great for me, the ablation took and I had only light spotting every month..... But then a year later I started having some major problems which included panic attacks, weight gain of 50 lbs, extreme fatigue, loss of libido, hairloss, depression,problems with my adrenal glands and a whole other list of things. I did some research and found out there are a number of women just like me who have had this same problem since their surgery , apparently when they cut and burn your fallopian tubes the lose blood supply and do not function properly. I was not made aware of this problem nor are thousands of other women. I recently had a hormone profile done and found out my Pg/E2 ratio is 40 when optimal is 100-500, can you please tell me if I should be supplementing with progesterone and how much. I want to feel better instead of a complete disaster. Please ladies if you are where I have been with the heavy periods and your ob wants to do those sugeries please do your research, I wish I had!!!!!