
Hair loss limp

by Jd

Hi there ok where to start ...

6 years ago I lost my mother, then became sick. I was told I had Hashimotos. My hair lost its curl and colour and went very thin and fell out.

On top of that I lost a lot of weight.

I went to a natropath who also found out I was anemic and I've had iron infusions plus I have vit b12 injections monthly as I have an intrinsic absorption issue.

I am gluten free and have dairy and egg issues also.

I now take bio-dentical hormones because I'm 51 but my hair has thinned again.

My progesterone is good but my eostrogen is low, my testosterone was high but now is ok.

I'm having hot flushes and my periods are irregular, my hair is now limp and lost its curl and lacking shine, also I have Graves but now my thyroid is slower again.

My adrenals are stressed, so a bit of a mess really.

Can you advise how I can get back on track with body, hair and mind as it's really depressing me?

Thank you I'm actually desperate to just feel normal again

Thank you

P.S. I have gained weight now too, which is a worry.

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Apr 15, 2017
Hair loss limp
by: Joy

Hi Jd

You are in Peri-Menopause, it can be a torrid time for most women. This is usually when all hell breaks loose with our hormones, we don't even recognise ourselves at times.

A good progesterone cream, free of chemicals and parabens, such as Natpro will benefit you greatly.

I suspect you landed up with anemia because you bleed heavily. The heavy bleeding protocol listed below will help you. It must be followed exactly as stated otherwise it will not work. In fact, if progesterone is not used correctly it will not work either.

Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominance pages.

The thyroid also takes a pounding at this time, are you taking iodine? Selenium levels need to be tested. If you are also deficient in the amino acid Tyrosine, it will also affect the thyroid. High testosterone levels cause acne and hair loss. I can't advise on your high or low comment about your hormones, what exactly are they? Or you can compare them to that stated on the Hormone Testing page.

Stress is a killer, it affects us all. It destroys progesterone, Vitamin D3, B vitamins and so much more. More of these need to be take during stressful times. Have you been tested for MTHFR as this could explain why you have problems absorbing B12? Please read the page on it listed below.

I feel that your electrolytes need to be balanced, it affects adrenals. How much good salt are you eating? I am not referring to table salt, that belongs in the trash can, I am referring to Pink Himalayan or Celtic sea salt.

Do you know what your Vitamin D3 level is? A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone and is connected to every single functioning cell in our bodies making it vital.

•Natpro Progesterone Cream - 400mg to 500mg/per day
•N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) - 2000mg/per day
•Taurine - 2000mg/per day
•Vitamin D3 - 5000iu's/per day more if Vitamin D3 level is low. Vitamin D3 actually helps to shrink fibroids
•Bioflavanoids - 1000mg/per day

Please read these pages and the references given:



Estrogen Dominance

How to use Progesterone Cream

Vitamin D3


Hair Loss


Hormone Testing


Apr 16, 2017
Hair loss
by: Lisa

Hi there!

I stuggled with the same type of issue.

I tried biotin, flax seed oil, I was told fish oil by my doctors, but I can't take that because it gives me migraine headaches.

I stumbled across Inositol. I initially started taking it for mood and it's antioxidant properties. I was amazed at what it did for my hair! It's longer than it has been in years and fuller I think than it's ever been.

I take 1,000 mg a day, and I buy it from Puritan's Pride. I just get their brand.

If you have health concerns, I would check with your doctor before taking it, but it really works, and faster and better than anything I've tried.

Best wishes to you!

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