by Kim
I recently had bloodwork done, not checking for hormones in particular, just my regular bloodwork from my doctor who is an MD but qualified as a holistic healthcare practitioner. I only see Estrogen, Total, Serum and Progesterone. Am I able to figure out my ratio from this? My total estrogen fell high and my progesterone was within the normal range (been using roughly 70mg of cream) for roughly 6 months. My mood swings have been awful lately, the biggest being lashing out at my kids which I hate and am usually a very patient person. My doctor is putting me on Vitex, any thoughts on that? I haven't received it yet but will I need to stop the cream in order to use this? I should have told him I was on it but forgot at the time because it's not a vitamin I take orally. Thank you for any hep in advance!
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