by Louise
(London, UK)
Hi Wray, further to my last post, I did take it upon myself to decrease the amount of Natpro used due to heart palpitations and shortness of breath, by quite a bit (I, in fact, halved the amount to around 100mg at first, then even further down to 40mg), but unfortunately, these side-effects are still in full-swing, and I cannot function at all, cannot sleep. I'm so worried by the 'angry' way my body's responding to the progesterone, that I feel there may be something else that's badly wrong, which I shall have to look into. I feel I have no option but to stop taking the Natpro.
I recently ordered two more creams from you (in anticipation of a whole course) but the package lays unopened. I would like to return them for a refund for which you guarantee on your website, no questions asked, and which I would like to take advantage of. It's so unfortunate because I really wanted it work out, but my symptoms feel too bad to continue. So sorry.
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