by Susan Hanley
(Tooting London Britian)
Hello ladies
I would like to input, to see if anyone can relate or explain. This is very complex- not even my consultant could help me. For years I've had a very sensitive stomach, I had a colonoscopy but nothing showed up. Eventually I was prescribed Itraconazole (sporanox) for 7 days, but when I had a grapefruit one morning I had a bad case of diarreah, and it felt as if I had no stomach left. Another thing is my cycle have shifted to 28 days from 30 & have accompanied by a whole host of symptoms before my period eg fuller breast, puffy eyeys, & water weight increases. Flatulence of 4 lbs! Now here is the mystery which I cannot solve- I was contracted to work a one off temporary night shift for 3 weeks between 10pm- 7am and all of a sudden, 2 weeks into the shift my symptoms had dissapeared. I mean all of them. No fuffy eyes no flatulence nothing. I could even eat wheat, which I could not before. Now that my shift has ended, within 5 days into my normal night sleeping pattern my symptoms returned. As I have said, this is s mystery to me. Has anyone ever experience this? Is there an answer or cure.
I have read the forum trying to find a solution but I have to go through them slowly.
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