
Progesterone Cream Pecentage

by JQ

Just had a question regarding progesterone cream percentages. As mentioned on the site, Natpro is A 3.33% progesterone cream. As I await an order arrival, I intend on using a cream that is 85 grams per bottle and contains 20mg of bio identical progesterone per pump. (65 pumps total) Doing the math, I see it is less that 3%. Does this mean I will have to use more? A daily dose of 200 mg (Natpro) is what I aim for.
Please advise and thank you so much for your time and patience with all the questions.

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Jun 01, 2024
Progesterone Cream Pecentage
by: Joy


One full pump of Natpro delivers 50mg.  You will need 2 and a half pumps of the cream that you are using to get to 50mg. If it is not a 3% cream then I suggest 3 pumps twice a day giving you 100mg.

Hope your order of Natpro will arrives soon.

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