29 years old, and a mess after birth of my Son
by Tanya
I'm 29 years old and was diagnosed with a mild case of PCOS several years back. I got pregnant and gave birth to my Son in August of 2008 (c section). 4 months after my Son was born I was a complete disaster.
I was having massive heart papls, could not sleep, terrible anxiety and panic attacks. All my symptoms have gotten better, but not gone away, I have had all my hormones tested and they have come back normal, although I have all the symptoms of being estrogen dominant and lacking progesterone. I went to a specialist 3 months ago, and he agreed that I was lacking progesterone, he prescribed 10% bio identical progesterone cream and I started taking it. Within 3 days I was even worse that I had been after I had my Son. I was pumping so much adrenaline, and it felt as if someone was sitting on my chest, I could not focus or sleep, I was having heart papls. etc.. btw, I have all the symptoms of Adrenal fatigue as well, and the progesterone cream seemed to make things worse.
I had a miscarriage last year, and during the time I was pregnant I felt amazing and normal. (I'm assuming from all the progesterone produced during pregnancy) , but did it just cause bad reactions because I'm so estrogen dominant? should I just take much more until my symptoms go away? I'm just confused... please advise, thank you.