by del5del
During routine bloodwork at age 45 I was diagnosed hypothyroid and low Vit D. Taking T3 for last two years. I noticed hair thinning the last few years, so I started Rogaine a year ago, last May, with great results. Shedding stopped and over the course of 6 months hair thickened some. Because of results of a saliva test, I started a low dose of progesterone cream last October. I used progesterone for about 4-5 months. Good results...less anxiety, slept better, got compliments on my hair and skin (a first). For some reason I decided I was "cured" and quit the progesterone cream about 3 or so months ago. Within a month I suddenly had horrible anxiety and sleep problems. My OB gave me low dose Xanax to take at bedtime, which helped. THEN...a couple months ago, about 2-3 months after I stopped the progesterone cream. my hair got dry, skin seems oilier, and hair has started shedding like crazy! I have never experienced anything like this in my life. It's been awful! It took me until last week to realize that there was possibly a connection between stopping the prog cream and the anxiety onset and hair loss. So last week I started back on the progesterone cream, but I'm still shedding. Now I am in a total panic that the shedding won't ever stop and that I've damaged something with my thyroid or started some autoimmune issue. Is this shedding probably from stopping progesterone cream somewhat abruptly? What do I do? Will getting back on the progesterone cream help? Can't stop crying! Suggestions?
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