by Maria
Hi every body and thanks for your website.
First of all I apologize for my bad English.
I have been suffering from endometriosis for 15 years and now I am 35 years old. I have had 5-laparoscopy surgery and my grade disease is 4(sever). Five month ago I heard about progesterone cream and its benefit so I started to take the Dr John Lee progesterone cream.
For three month I took 20 mg per day and I found that my hair is falling out, then I searched and find that the dosage is very low, so I increased the dose to 50 mg per day since 6 weeks ago and my last period was light and with a little pain.
I was very happy until I felt a pain in my bowel movement and during the day around my abdomen. Now I don’t know the reason is concerned about the progesterone cream or dosage.
What should i do?
I appreciate to help me.