by Kay Vermeulen
(Durban South Africa)
Dear Wray, I get terrible headaches sometimes just before ovulation and then just before or just after a period. Are they hormone related? My gynaecologist, an expert in menopause suggests very strongly otherwise, that they are brought on by me after "feeding" them with too much sugary stuff.
Anything can set them off - pork, bananas, citrus fruit, the weather even. So I bought a tube of Natpro to try and alleviate the headaches. I put cream onto my forhead when the last headache started but it didn't have any effect. I also had very tender breasts but again nothing happened after applying the cream. I am actually in the peri-menopausal stage - my periods have become erratic, and heavier and I get period pain now - something I have never suffered with. My headaches are more intense. How much cream would be effective? Would using too much have an adverse effect and in fact how much is too much? What would you suggest I do to start off with? I think a measuring spoon in each box would be helpful. Thank you.
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