Can progesterone be my answer?
by K
I stumbled upon this site after researching Spironolactone, recommended to treat my acne and excess hair growth. Spironolactone mimics the progesterone found in birth control pills.
It has been my very educated guess that my issues with acne are due to an excess amount of the androgen hormones. My sister and mother suffer from cystic ovaries (not diagnosed PCOS). I have some of the tell tale signs including: acne, oily skin and hair, excess hair growth on my chin and upper lip, and a suspected intolerance to insulin. I am not over weight and I do get regular periods, albeit light.
Reading through this sight has helped me gain so much insight into a possible remedy (finally!) after so many years of suffering with acne, low self esteem caused by this, and an instinct that this was something hormonally related.
I took birth control for 7 years! Nausea and depression came along with this... I learned to live with it during the time and about 2 years ago decided that, no, it was not an option to live this way. I felt immensely better after coming off the pill but along came the acne, roaring back with a vengeance. I must say, even while on the pill, I still had acne... a much lighter version of what I have now.
I want to try out the "Energy Boost" supplements that you offer and am wondering if this may be a good start for me. As I mentioned before, I have a strong instinct that my hormones are somewhat out of whack.
I ran out yesterday (seeing as today is day 15 of my cycle) and purchased Emerita Pro-Gest, but I think I will hold out on it until my next cycle and until I gather up all the info needed to give myself the OK to move ahead with hormone therapy. I'm 24 years old and plan on having babies in the next 3-5 years. I guess I'm just afraid to play with hormones and need a push in the right direction.
Now a few questions:
1. Will the Energy Boost supplements be a good starting point for me?
2. Is there anything that can go wrong if I try progesterone?
3. How does progesterone cream and vitex (chaste berry) differ in the results it achieves?
4. I've read that it is safe to use during pregnancy, but I've also read that it can cause miscarriage like Vitex (which is recommended to stop during pregnancy). If I were to become pregnant would I have to discontinue use? Up or lower the amount?
5. What kind of doctor would I have to see if I want to get my hormone levels tested?
Thank you!