by Pam Beauchamp
(Big Spring, Texas)
I finally have got my order for Natpro in. I don't know how long it will take to get here.
My story: I am 61 and had a total hysterectomy at age 27. I have been on HRT since then.
I went in search for balance and was placed on bio identical estrogen (Biest) testosterone, and oral progesterone. I continued to test extremely low for all three of the above. It did not work. I was again placed back on the Climara patch .05. It works, but I need progesterone. My Dr. can't seem to get me balanced. So here I am asking for help with balance.
How much Natpro should I use with the Climara .05?
I don't know my values exactly as they have only said, you have the hormones of a 90 year old.
I don't understand the chart that is provided for how much Natpro to use, and I see others don't know either. Please can I get some help with that too.
I see that Natpro can be a diuretic, and that does concern me with dehydration. It can happen to me very quickly since I am outside a lot.
Your help would be greatly appreciated. I hope to get an answer before my Natpro gets here. Also, can you tell me when the Vit. D cream will be available. Need to purchase more vit. D but would like to wait until I can get this one.
Thank you,
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