Mid-Cycle pain lasts 2 weeks.
by Chesley
(Brooklyn, NY)
Dear Wray,
I am hoping you may have some insight! I feel at a loss. It started about 2 years ago. Summer '11, thought I was pregnant, had the classic symptoms, cramps and no period...well, the cramps got pretty severe and it actually ended up being a UTI. Went on Cipro, and continued cramping, thought I still had the UTI, but I didn't. Tests came back negative. I had an ultrasound and there was a lot of fluid but everything looked normal, no cysts, no fibroids. Ever since then, I experience horrible mid-cycle pain, lasts for 2 weeks, on and off. When i get my period, that is really when i experience relief. No cramps at all. But the two weeks prior to my period, are filled with horrible cramps, bloating, I feel lots of pressure in my pelvis (hard to explain) headaches, lower back aches....for 2 weeks, and for some reason emptying my bladder (during these 2 weeks) can bring on the cramps as well. Then my period, which is pain free. My OB suggested at the time to get on birth control pills, since this seemed to be linked to ovulation. But at the time, we were trying to get pregnant. I did end up getting pregnant, and during my pregnancy, I didn't have any of these pains, I had a healthy baby boy in Nov '12 -- he is 6 months old. And just now, I am starting to have these ovulation pains. that last, I wouldn't describe it as Middleschmertz, because it lasts for 2 weeks. I am exclusively breastfeeding. And want to continue. And the last 6 months have been pain free, but it just started up again! So frustrating! And really took a toll on my mental health. Do you think the mini-pill (POP) could help? I am 35. Both my mom and grandmother went through Menopause very early. 38, and 40. Any insight into this would be soooo wonderful and so appreciated. Thanks so much,
Chesley Thomas