Hoping i have finally found the answer
by Laura
My story is a little long, but will try and keep it brief.....
After having my first daughter i then had to have my right ovary removed due to a very large cyst causing it to twist.
Recovered fine periods returned to normal and went on 3 years later to have my seond daughter at 22.
Again everything fine for a few years but then started to get very painful and heavy periods like when i was a teenager. was having pain in my left ovary, periods were still very regular. Had ultrasound, told i had pcos but nothing ever looked into. Pain continued had another ultrasound this time told womb lining was thick!!!! no mention of pcos!!!
The last few years i am now suffering with terrible anxiety, depression, heavy periods(but regular)hair loss, cysts in breasts, facial spots, fatigue, aches and pains..the list goes on and have seen a pattern in the severity of symptoms with my period!!!! i have tried everything and have now been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Everytime i tell my doctor that i feel it is hormone related she just keeps saying it wouldn't be that because of my age!!!!!
So i haven't had any tests done, but i know my own body and thought i would give progesterone cream a go.....I started 3 days ago and am applying 200mg a day,my symptoms have intensified alot, whichmust be the estrogen dominance!!!! I thought this was a good telling sign that all my symptoms have just intensified without any new ones,maybe meaning that they are estrogen dominance in the first place!!!! do you think this is the case?
I am due on next week but am still getting estrogen dominane symptoms so should i stop or continue through period? and lastly just wondered if having one ovary could have caused my hormone imbalance?
I am taking 2x1000 vit d tablets and didn't know if it is safe to take an increased dose.
fingers crossed the progesterone cream starts to work soon as these intensified symptoms are awful but i am determined not to give in
Wishing you all well and thanks for reading my story
Laura :-)