by Lisa
For the past six years my body has been telling me I have a female problem. My doctors have suggested the pill and I have declined due to smoking. Two years ago I quit smoking and the good health I expected to follow was just the opposite. So Five months ago I got some answers but that really just open up the door to more questions. I have low thyroid and I am at an optimal dose right now. I still have my female issues. I had a large polyp removed recently and three months after that I was still having two periods a month for 7 days each with extreme PMS, clotting. My recent ultrasound shows cyst, one ovary is larger than the other, fibroids. I started taking vitex and that has helped my unstable periods go to once a month. PMS is not as bad but not something to be happy about either. I am 41 now and I believe I need to start using progesterone to help all this nastiness so in doing so do I stop the vitex? I have been told I am peri menopausal so does that mean I should use it all month long? What would be a recommended amount? I took the quiz and my score was high, 81 I think.
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