Anxious and Confused
by Wendy
Dear Wray,
I have been reading your site for about 2 months now. I think I am double posting my message - my apologies! I am so impressed with your knowledge and kind helpful spirit. I am hoping you can guide me. I am 40 years old and 18 months postpartum. 4 months ago I had a major anxiety attack with panic and have been battling it ever since. I contacted my chiropractor who immediately diagnosed estrogen dominance. No surprise. My anxiety symptoms started when I weaned my daughter back in September at 13 months old. I am under enormous stresses that aren’t going away anytime soon. My Chiro tried some natural remedies for anxiety to no avail so I resorted to psychotherapy and valium of which I have been taking in low doses on and off since. I am now 8 days off of it and believe I am experiencing withdrawal. My phyche doc who prescribed the valium helped me taper, but does not believe I was on enough of it to have withdrawal. Also, through my Chiro doc I have been working to restore my hormone balance with an ovary glandular and Chaste Tree. My cycle is good, but my anxiety is still strong, especially now that I’m off the benzo. I am currently doing a saliva hormone test so we can fine tune my protocol, but I’m not sure I can make it through the next half of my cycle without going on an anti-depressant or on progesterone therapy, the former which I have been desperately trying to avoid, and the latter which will skew my test results. Everything I have read from you makes so much sense, except I am afraid that by using progesterone cream, I will be down-regulating my natural progesterone production. One of my biggest questions is if I follow your guideline of using Natpro, to restore my sanity, how do I get my natural hormone production back on-line? Secondly, with natural anti-depressants, why is it that you advise not to use tryptophyn or GABA when going off valium? Before I read that, I was I am trying 5-htp and GABA, along with taurine for my racing heart symptoms and l-theanine which has offered some relief from anxiety and panic. I have three doctors attempting to help me and they are all at odds. Self-diagnosing and self-medicating is lonely and scarey and often not very accurate. Thanks you for any help or guidance you can offer!