by Karen McGinley
I had a total abdominal hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries and Fallopian tubes 4 weeks ago due to a very large fibroid size of a full term pregnancy. After 2 weeks i began to suffer from hot flushes which were unbearable and my skin dried out and is still like parchment paper. My doc prescribed me estrogen only pill i am now taking 2mg of estradiol hemihydrate per day. My sleeping pattern is erratic, i feel tired all the time and long for a full nights sleep, i am more tearful than usual (not normally this way at all ever, for no reason that is) and my skin is thinning by the day and very very dry and my wound site is taking ages to heal and i keep getting infections there. My doc said i do not need progesterone as i dont have a uterus or ovaries any more! I found this page through trawling the internet as i thought surely if my body had this hormone it was needed for more than just controlling the thickness of my uterus? I have heard stories about negative side effects of progesterone such as increased risks of breast cancer and other cancers. I am basically looking for advice before making any decisions. I scored 38 on the questionnaire for progesterone deficiency. Please help thanks karen
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