by Ruth
(Charleston, SC)
I had the worst case of this despite using vaginal estrogen for years. I was put on systemic HRT for two years which helped, but I still had ring of fire at opening of vagina. So added vaginal estrogen. Result was extreme swelling and itching of vagina and vulvar area. I stopped the systemic HRT, which was bioidenticals. However now whenever I use vaginal estriol, I get extreme swelling and itching no matter how it is compounded. I have not tested positive for yeast. However, I am sure this is what it is. I have been on Diflucan numerous times. The problem is only getting worse. If I use nothing, I get vaginal inflammation and feel like my bottom is falling out. I am having my hormones tested through saliva now. I will try just the progesterone on vulva and slight amount in vagina. Any suggestions would be welcomed. I should know test results in a week.
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