hot flushes have returned, borderline hypertension and slow thyroid - help!
by Pauline
Hello Wray,
I can only join with the numerous others who have found your web site and the contents of your pages to be of great benefits to our lives. Since contacting you initially and staring using Natpro the quality of my life has improved significantly.
I am not sure whether to cover all my ‘ailments’ in one posting or to separate them. This time I will put it all out there and maybe in your reply, you can indicate if you prefer one long list of questions or smaller and shorter enquiries.
When I contacted you initially I was had recently started having hot flushes and other pre menopause symptoms. Since then I have used an average of one tube per month and with that, Natpro all but ceased all symptoms as well as increasing my energy levels and the quality of life in general.
Next week I will be one year without periods which I believe takes me into menopause stage.
During the past few weeks I have started having hot flushes again, I have increased the amount of Natpro, using almost a full tube in three weeks but the flushes continue to come more often and stronger. Plus I have been feeling weary and a little melancholy; I won’t say depressed because it is not that bad.
I was hoping you could offer some more advice, can I halt the flushes again with increased amounts of Natpro, if so, how much should I use?
My blood pressure is boarder line high; doctors have been trying to put me on medication for years. I monitor it closely and although I do get some high readings I also get some lower, the average is in the region of 190/56. I am hesitant to start medication because I am aware that the side effects, in my view, will cause me more problems going forward.
In January I had my annual check up of bloods etc; and as usual, the doctor once again wanted to give me BP medication.
I asked my doctor to do a Vitamin D test and although I argued with her she point blank refused to do it.
And so without the test, I started taking daily Vitamin D (with calcium).
However my blood pressure has not improved; it still fluctuates, maintaining the same average.
I can confirm that I do look after myself; I eat very well, no processed foods, no fizzy drinks or snacks. I cook fresh foods with olive oil fresh from our own organic trees and only add the smallest amounts of salt.
I even gave up chocolate three years ago when I finally worked out it had been giving me migraines for years! I do not drink alcohol or smoke and I swim regularly.
I would be considered overweight by medical standards but in reality I am fairly small for a menopausal woman.
I have managed to loose 5kgs but it has taken almost a year so far. I consider the fact that I haven’t put any weight on in the past year to already be a bonus!
I have a feeling in my case raised BP is genetic – so what can I do about that? I really do not want to take medication.
I have been having regular acupuncture for a year; it has helped with general well being, but not lowered my BP average.
And finally in my most recent round of blood tests, the doctor informed me my Thyroid is slowing down; last year the readings were T4 0.99 / THS 5.05. This years the readings are T4 0.88 / THS 6.41.
I really do appreciate your advice and simply having you and your web page to refer to has given me, as I am sure to many others, reassurance to manage my own health.
I look forward to hearing your response.
Thank you in advance. Pauline