by Kathleen
(Atlanta, GA)
Can I take progesterone? I read that it can prevent cancer in your "Does progesterone cause cancer?" question but I HAD it and it was both est and prog positive. I had a hormone test done through ZRT labs and even though I am post menopausal and my estrogen levels are low I am still estrogen dominant. BUT years ago I used progesterone cream and the levels built to to basically thousands of times higher than normal as evidenced by a second saliva test. It took months to get it back down. Plus Dr. Mercola published articles at that time which said he no longer recommended progesterone creme for that reason - it was building up too much. I am not on chemo or tamoxifin or amomatase inhibitor but I can't sleep and I think its because my hormones are so off plus I have PTSD.
Comments for I had mastectomy for estrogen and progesterone positive breast cancer