strong side effects taking progesterone during first pregnancy trimester
by Kathinka
(BCS, Mexico)
I am 34 years old. This is my second pregnancy, my first one ended in MC as it was a blighted ovum. I changed to a different Gyn after that and when I was about 6 weeks pregnant he prescribed me 300mg progesterone a day to be taken in 3 100mg dosis every 8 hours. He said it was simply to support the pregnancy, no tests were made as to my actual hormone levels. Two days into the treatment I started feeling exhausted, fatigued, bloated, nauseous, dizzy - craving salty food but not really enjoying any food, occasionally I had shivers and headaches. I called him he said it was probably the progesterone but that now I had to take it through the first trimester because stopping it could result in miscarriage. I am now three weeks on progesterone and I still feel horrible, none of the symptoms have eased off - question is- does this also have with the oestrogen levels, is there anything I can do to ease some of the symptoms, can I come off it slowly?