by Alexandria
(Ontario, Canada)
Dear Wray, I recently purchased NatPro but was only able to use it for a few days due to my cycle. I suspected a progesterone deficiency after my first miscarriage in December 2010 (a blighted ovum), when I just felt out of whack for several months after. I also have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and my doctors have been having a hard time optomizing my levels.
When I had a second miscarriage at 5 weeks in early July this year (I am now 35 years old), I went to a gynecologist who prescribed synthetic progesterone to be used only after a positive home pregnancy test. I am hopeful that using your cream will address some of the symptoms I have been experiencing, such as anxiety and digestion issues. Although I feel like I am a step ahead in that my gynecologist acknowledges the importance of progesterone in pregnancy, I wish he was more concerned about the impact of a deficiency on me, regardless of whether or not there is a pregnancy!
I am also concerned about using a synthetic form of the hormone. In terms of dosage of your cream, would you recommend using 1/4 teaspoon twice daily (for a total of a 1/2 teaspoon per day)? I am also taking folic acid, Omega 3 and a B complex, also recommended by my naturopath. I noticed in your recent response to KW, you had attached some resources on pregnancy and progesterone - I would be grateful to receive the same. Thank you very much in advance for your response and for your wonderful website.
(note from webmaster... sorry Alexandria but we don't publish email addresses as they attract spam. I am sure Wray will address your concerns right here before too long)