sooooo Confused! - By Sandy
by Sandy
Hello Wray,
I am so confused. I am 45yo, and last August, 2011 began the hallmark symptoms of PM with whacky cycles, shorter, lighter, then Heavy. I went to my Doctor, had hormone levels done, said I was on the " low side of normal", to get my cycles back to the 28 days I was used to, she put me on Ultra Low Dose BCP. I felt dreadful on them, and quit mid pack this past December, and that's when all the REAL trouble began. My withdrawl bleed did not come, and then on the 16th of December 2011, I began bleeding heavily, then stop, then Flooding with huge clots. I was weak and drained. I found your site, began Natural Progesterone Cream (480mg per ounce) and after a 3 week long period got the bleeding to stop. but now the confusion part. Since I KNOW that I am peri due to my symptoms and age, I have just started using it daily. About 100mg a day. Today it has been 9 days since the bleeding stopped, and I am having mucous and cramping like I am Ovulating! Is this possible? Would the daily use of Progesterone cream not prevent this? The last " bleed" I had the same type of mucous and then 3 days later began the nightmare.... I am just scared of the same thing happening and want to know if it's okay just to continue on? My other question is precisely how many tsp's do I need to get an effective dose? Still having the sore breasts, and ovarian cramping, and want this to stop if possible.... I know you say 1-200mg to be an effective staring range, but I am just confused on how to squirt enough out to make that amount... and then I would suppose to spread it out over several applications yes? Thank you for any insight you can provide. Bless you for having this site as a resource to those who want no more Drugs and chaos at this very stressful time of a woman's life. Blessings, Sandy