by Maria
Hey Wray, I first want to thank you for your knowledge, integrity and more importantly for wanting to share those with others. I am a 25 year old female who has had estrogen dominance for several years (self diagnosed). I have everything on the book including:
* fatigue
* water retention after ovulation (I still ovulate, as far as I know)
* mood swings
* thinned skin
* varicose veins
* hypoglycemia due to hyperactive insulin response
* painful and irregular periods (I get them every 40-45 days)
* thinning hair
* hirsutism
* and now weigh gain in both my mid section and hip area
My symptoms are not noticeable to others as I have very clear skin and none of the things I mentioned above are horrible... YET!
Also, I KNOW that these are due to estrogen dominance and not generalized aging because I am VERY aware of what's going on in my body. I have done blood serum tests and everything seems fine although no one has every checked my progesterone level (go figure).
My question to you is... Can I start progesterone therapy slowly i.e. a lower dose? I am soooo scared to start with the higher dose (100- 200 mg) as my body is usually very sensitive/reactive to any changes. Also, if I go organic with everything I eat and am conscious of the environmental xenoestorgen, do I need to do progesterone therapy forever? If so how do I decide on the dosage? What is a normal dosage for maintenance?
Thank you so much in advance.
Comments for 25 and suffering from estrogen dominance