

by Ce

Hello around 39….using 200mg progesterone cream for about 4-5 months but noticed extreme anxiety, sleep issues and almost like a panic attack feeling when it’s time to sleep. I also take 5000 vitamin d3…wondering if anything else would maybe help with the extreme anxiety lately —thank you!

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Jul 19, 2024
by: Joy

Hi Ce

I am so sorry that you are dealing with Anxiety. Progesterone, which is a calming hormone plus the correct nutrition will help you.

May I suggest that you increase the amount of Natpro, a 3% cream, that you are using to 300mg per day every day.  Stay on that amount for about a week and see how you feel.  If no improvement increase to 400mg.  You will need to experiment to see what works for you best. 

Please consider taking some of the calming nutrients mentioned on the anxiety page.  Increase your Vitamin D3 to 10 000iu;s per day. I have been taking this amount for over a year now and have noticed a huge difference.  Please do not forget to take the cofactors mentioned, especially magnesium and vitamin K2.  Vitamin D3 should not be taken without these cofactors. 

You are also in Peri-Menopause and a lot of anxiety etc start to take place  It can be a torrid time for some women, but with the correct use of progesterone and nutrients you will get through this.

Keep going and don't give up.

Jul 19, 2024
by: Joy

Hi Ce

I am so sorry that you are dealing with Anxiety. Progesterone, which is a calming hormone plus the correct nutrition will help you.

May I suggest that you increase the amount of Natpro, a 3% cream, that you are using to 300mg per day every day.  Stay on that amount for about a week and see how you feel.  If no improvement increase to 400mg.  You will need to experiment to see what works for you best. 

Please consider taking some of the calming nutrients mentioned on the anxiety page.  Increase your Vitamin D3 to 10 000iu;s per day. I have been taking this amount for over a year now and have noticed a huge difference.  Please do not forget to take the cofactors mentioned, especially magnesium and vitamin K2.  Vitamin D3 should not be taken without these cofactors. 

You are also in Peri-Menopause and a lot of anxiety etc start to take place  It can be a torrid time for some women, but with the correct use of progesterone and nutrients you will get through this.

Keep going and don't give up.

Jul 22, 2024
PMDD and Perimenopause
by: Anonymous

Hi, my FSH is 80 and I’m over 50 years old. This last year has brought immense stress and severe hot flashes and intrusive, looping thoughts. I went on a small amt of Estradiol (2.5) and 400mg of progesterone cream a day. Hot flashes calmed down. I had PMDD rage the other day, though, the day before my period. Don’t know what to do. Tried going without the estradiol for two nights and cried and had anxiety the next couple days. My limbic system is on overdrive. Please give me your thoughts. I don’t know what to take or not take. Concerned I’m making my anxiety worse.

Jul 23, 2024
Estrogen correction
by: Anonymous

Sorry, I meant on went on Estriol not estradiol.

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